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为解决Linux系统中带有LVM(Logical Volume Manager)逻辑卷管理机制被误删除的逻辑卷不能恢复问题,该文提出一种在Windows下恢复被删除逻辑卷[4]的方法。该方法通过对Linux硬盘分区上相关信息和LVM存储机制特征分析获取LVM的元数据信息,在Windows系统中构建一个虚拟的逻辑卷分区,并将从元数据区获取到的存储信息地址和虚拟卷中的存储地址对应起来,从而达到恢复逻辑卷效果。  相似文献   

近年来,随着大数据业务的使用,系统在运行时会产生大量的数据信息与日志文件并保存在磁盘中。由于在系统规划初期,对系统分区大小规划预期不足,很难合理规划磁盘空间,造成后期系统运行中经常出现系统分区磁盘不足的问题。当发生此类告警时,通常的分区很难动态调整大小,通常采用暂停业务,更换磁盘,数据备份与恢复的方式,该方式操作困难,程序复杂,有数据丢失的风险。在Linux系统里使用LVM(逻辑卷)技术,支持在线空间扩容,可以在用户无感知的情况下扩展系统分区容量,达到合理利用磁盘空间的目的。本文介绍了LVM技术,并在Linux系统里将分区做成逻辑卷,达到合理利用磁盘空间的目的。  相似文献   

AIX逻辑卷管理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详细地介绍了IBM公司的UNIX实现版本AIX的逻辑卷管理技术及其注意事项。  相似文献   

硬盘基本分区和逻辑分区的控制机制,介绍了被CIH病毒破坏硬盘的主分区表和逻辑分区表的手工恢复办法。  相似文献   

我的电脑在没有任何操作的情况下硬盘还一直在读写,使用键盘鼠标后情况消失.请问何故?最近想组建磁盘阵列.但对于其中的技术还不太了解,请问Raid 0、1、5和5E有何区别?为何我的DDR内存用EVEREST软件查看显示为256VB PC2100 DDR SDRAM?我的金钻九代80GB硬盘,一直使用正常,用SFDisk检测硬盘.却发现除了已知的主分区和逻辑分区以外还有一个分区,类型为Pri/Log.文件系统为Free.容量为7.2MB.状态为未格式化,请问这是“磁头着陆区”吗?  相似文献   

李艺 《电脑学习》1999,(1):37-37
TheWayofDeletingNTFSPartitioninDOSLiYiWindowsNT操作系统是Microsoft公司近年推出的十分优秀的计算机工作平台。WindowsNT支持的文件系统包括:FAT(文件分配表,主要用于DOS操作系统);HPFS(高性能文件系统,主要用于OS/2操作系统);CDFS(CD文件系统,主要用于CDROM文件);NTFS(NT文件系统,WindowsNT特有)。其中NTFS文件系统是WindoweNT操作系统独有的文件管理系统。它具有很好的安全性和可压缩性,是唯一提供局部安全性的文件系统。当计算机从任何其他操作系统启动时,不能使用N.,-W分区。在o石…  相似文献   

希宇 《电脑爱好者》2003,(22):84-84
有时候硬盘存在逻辑坏道,而这些坏道用Fdisk.Format等命令均无法修复,看上去很像物理坏道。此时,可用软盘启动计算机.在纯DOS环境下运行DM程序依次选择“Advanced options→Maintenance options→Zero filling”,进入清零,清零过程较慢.请大家耐心等待。清零后重新启动计算机.完成分区格式化(也可以用DM接着完成上述操作)。逻辑坏道就修复完成了。  相似文献   

用于网络存储系统的存储空间动态分配方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种在网络存储系统中动态分配存储空间的方法,可以在保持用户视图的逻辑空间大小不变的情况下,按需分配用户实际所用存储空间。与传统基于逻辑卷管理器的动态分配方法相比,该方法无须修改文件系统元数据,具有更好的可扩展性,已应用于TransCom系统中。实践表明,它实现简单、开销较小,可满足实际使用需求。  相似文献   

网络文件系统(NFS,NetworkFileSystem)是一种将远程主机上的分区(目录)经网络挂载到本地系统的一种机制,通过对网络文件系统的支持,用户可以在本地系统上像操作本地分区一样来对远程主机的共享分区(目录)进行操作。  相似文献   

硬盘分区是针对一个硬盘进行操作的,它可以分为:主分区,扩展分区,逻辑发区。其中主分区可以是1-3个,扩展分区可以有0-1个,逻辑分区则没有的限制。  相似文献   

基于动态制造资源的产品工艺分工规划研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对制造企业联盟的产品工艺分工问题,研究并开发了基于动态制造资源的网络化产品工艺分工规划系统。论文阐述了工艺分工的设计方法,提出了逻辑制造单元、逻辑加工路线等新概念,并对产品工艺分工系统的体系结构与功能组成、基于动态制造资源的零件与逻辑制造单元建模方法、基于知识的逻辑加工路线设计及可执行加工路线生成方法进行了详细讨论。  相似文献   

数据复制系统的状态机的研究与设计*   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在所有的容灾系统中,为了保证数据的可靠性和高可用性,数据复制是实现容灾的关键技术。数据复制系统最基本的要求是要做到确保系统处于正确的状态。目前开发了一个基于Linux的逻辑卷管理器(LVM)的远程数据复制系统——逻辑卷复制器(LVR)。在该系统中,设计并实现了一个状态机来控制系统的状态转换。主要讨论了这个状态机的工作方式以及它是如何保证系统运行在正确的状态下的。  相似文献   

李晓飞  陈香兰  刘杰  李曦 《计算机科学》2015,42(Z11):454-459
目前学术界对时间可预测性尚无统一定义,而时间可预测系统研究也主要集中在体系结构层和编程语言层。根据目前认可度较高的时间可预测性定义,提出对时间可预测性系统进行粒度划分,并基于执行流服务体操作系统模型提出满足LET模型的服务粒度时间可预测操作系统T-Minicore。之后通过理论分析证明了改进的通信方式具有时间可预测性,最后通过实验证明运行在该操作系统上的应用具有时间可预测性特性。  相似文献   

In a broad sense, logic is the field of formal languages for knowledge and truth that have a formal semantics. It tends to be difficult to give a narrower definition because very different kinds of logics exist. One of the most fundamental contrasts is between the different methods of assigning semantics. Here two classes can be distinguished: model theoretical semantics based on a foundation of mathematics such as set theory, and proof theoretical semantics based on an inference system possibly formulated within a type theory.Logical frameworks have been developed to cope with the variety of available logics unifying the underlying ontological notions and providing a meta-theory to reason abstractly about logics. While these have been very successful, they have so far focused on either model or proof theoretical semantics. We contribute to a unified framework by showing how the type/proof theoretical Edinburgh Logical Framework (LF) can be applied to the representation of model theoretical logics.We give a comprehensive formal representation of first-order logic, covering both its proof and its model theoretical semantics as well as its soundness in LF. For the model theory, we have to represent the mathematical foundation itself in LF, and we provide two solutions for that. Firstly, we give a meta-language that is strong enough to represent the model theory while being simple enough to be treated as a fragment of untyped set theory. Secondly, we represent Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory and show how it subsumes our meta-language. Specific models are represented as LF morphisms.All representations are given in and mechanically verified by the Twelf implementation of LF. Moreover, we use the Twelf module system to treat all connectives and quantifiers independently. Thus, individual connectives are available for reuse when representing other logics, and we obtain the first version of a feature library from which logics can be pieced together.Our results and methods are not restricted to first-order logic and scale to a wide variety of logical systems, thus demonstrating the feasibility of comprehensively formalizing large scale representation theorems in a logical framework.  相似文献   

Windows环境下的逻辑调色板及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全面剖析了Windows操作系统处理色彩的关键“部件”-逻辑调色板的结构。简要说明了Windows操作系统提供的逻辑调色板操纵函数。  相似文献   

Using typed lambda calculus to implement formal systems on a machine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much research has been devoted in building computer systems for checking proofs or for developing interactively correct proofs in specific logical systems. However, implementing a proof environment for a specific logical system is both complex and time-consuming, this-together with the proliferation of logics-suggests that a uniform and reliable alternative is desirable. One such alternative is the Edinburgh Logical Framework (LF), developed in the late eighties at the LFCS (Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science). The LF is a logic-independent tool which, given a specification for a logical system, synthesizes a proof editor and checker for that system. Its specification language is based on a general theory of logics, which enables one to capture uniformities and idiosyncrasies of a large class of logics without sacrificing generality for tractability. Peculiarities (such as side conditions on rule application, variable occurrence or formula formation) are expressed at the level of the specification. In this paper we are going to provide a broad illustration of its applicability and discuss to what extent it is successful. The analysis (of the formal presentation) of a system carried out through encoding often illuminates the system itself. This paper will also deal with this phenomenon.  相似文献   

A widely used technique to integrate decision procedures (DPs) with other systems is to have the DPs emit proofs of the formulas they report valid. One problem that arises is debugging the proof-producing code; it is very easy in standard programming languages to write code which produces an incorrect proof. This paper demonstrates how proof-producing DPs may be implemented in a programming language, called Rogue-Sigma-Pi (RSP), whose type system ensures that proofs are manipulated correctly. RSP combines the Rogue rewriting language and the Edinburgh Logical Framework (LF). Type-correct RSP programs are partially correct: essentially, any putative LF proof object produced by a type-correct RSP program is guaranteed to type check in LF. The paper describes a simple proof-producing combination of propositional satisfiability checking and congruence closure implemented in RSP.  相似文献   

The General System Logical Theory (GSLT) is obtained by combining Resconi's logical theory of systems with Jessel's theory of secondary sources. In the present paper we give a first account of GSLT, of its foundation, its main features, and most obvious applications. GSLT is defined by its aims and concretized by a new specific concept, that of an Elementary Logical System (ELS). ELS may be connected with Lie algebras. The systems formerly dealt with by Resconi's and Jessel's separate theories are identified as particular ELS. Subsequently are built up various networks of ELS, leading thus to natural and powerful extensions of the classical feedback theory. Finally GSLT is applied to three very different topics: wave propagations (or any physical nature), Riemann geometries and chemical controls, showing thus its versatility and usefulness.  相似文献   

基于物理隔离系统的安全文件传输   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着电子政务的发展和建设,其中的网络安全问题越来越得到人们的重视。文件传输作为网络中最重要的应用之一,它的安全性问题更为突出。该文介绍了一种基于物理隔离的网络安全信息交换技术,在采用该技术的安全隔离交换系统SGAP中,设计并实现了一个安全的文件传输系统。该系统基于先进的物理隔离技术,大大提高了文件传输的安全性。基于SGAP系统的文件传输系统将在电子政务的建设和发展中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

提出一种基于统一建模语言(UML),用"4+1"的视图模型来描述一个具体系统的体系结构。这种方法包括逻辑视图、教程视图、开发视图和物理视图四种视图,以及场景。通过对一个实例系统的描述,表明这是一个有效而且实用的方法,这种方法涵括了不同的干系人(或者成为"客户")从不同角度所关心的主要的系统结构。  相似文献   

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