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死锁处理是分布式系统中的关键问题,其中处理死锁最主要的手段为死锁检测。在评价死锁检测算法性能时伪死锁率被视为一项重要指标,故降低伪死锁率对提高算法性能有着促进作用,而目前大多数算法改进对伪死锁率关注较少。本文阐述了伪死锁研究的意义,并对若干种死锁检测算法的伪死锁率进行研究和模拟实验,认为现有的死锁算法可分为两类:环内检测和环无关检测。并分别通过减少冗余消息和本地死锁解决两种改进方法来降低目前算法的伪死锁率,最终实验表明算法性能获得较大提高。  相似文献   

The Message‐Passing Interface (MPI) is commonly used to write parallel programs for distributed memory parallel computers. MPI‐CHECK is a tool developed to aid in the debugging of MPI programs that are written in free or fixed format Fortran 90 and Fortran 77. This paper presents the methods used in MPI‐CHECK 2.0 to detect many situations where actual and potential deadlocks occur when using blocking and non‐blocking point‐to‐point routines as well as when using collective routines. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对现有动态死锁规避方法存在能力有限、被动盲目、开销较大和影响目标程序正确性等问题,提出一种基于未来锁集的动静结合死锁规避方案Flider.基本思想是,对于一个加锁操作,若其未来锁集中的所有锁都是空闲的,则执行该加锁操作不会导致死锁.一个加锁操作的未来锁集包括当前要加锁的锁和从该加锁操作到与之相对应的解锁操作过程中遇到的所有加锁操作所要加的锁.通过静态分析,计算锁效应信息并插桩到相应的加锁操作和函数调用操作前后.通过动态分析,劫持加锁操作,根据其锁效应信息为之计算未来锁集,只有当未来锁集中的所有锁都未被锁定才执行该加锁操作,否则等待.测评实验和对比实验表明Flider能智能主动地规避多种类型死锁,开销较小,扩展性好,不影响程序正确性.  相似文献   

死锁的处理长期以来一直是分布式系统的研究重点,已有许多成熟算法.随着网络技术的发展,越来越多的客户和资源可在网络中自由移动,这种可移动性使得传统算法面临了新的挑战.在这种新的应用背景下,本文结合移动Agent技术,提出了一种分布式系统死锁检测和解除算法:Agent Guard.该算法使用一个移动Agent,使其遵循一定的路线算法在各个站点间移动来收集资源请求和分配信息并进行分析,从而发现并解除死锁.模拟实验证明,A-gent Guard算法能取得较短的死锁持续时间,较小的伪死锁率,且网络的通信复杂度也有降低.  相似文献   

死锁是并发程序中常见的错误之一,且由于并发程序运行的不确定性使得死锁难以检测。针对该问题,通过对C多线程程序死锁的分析,提出了一种基于SUIF2的静态死锁检测方法,设计了基于SUIF2的C多线程程序静态死锁检测的框架结构和锁集分析算法。最后通过一个实例说明了该检测方法的有效性。  相似文献   

本文提供了一种检测操作系统中死锁的方法.该方法包含三个步骤:(1)通过检测进程加锁与解锁是否匹配来获得锁的持有者;(2)从异常进程中筛选出锁的等待者;(3)通过检查锁的持有者与等待者是否会形成循环等待图来判定死锁.通过实验发现,该方法对系统性能的影响小于l%,而且不需要修改内核源码和源程序.  相似文献   

信标的受控性是检测柔性制造系统(flexible manufacturing system,FMS)Petri网模型是否存在死锁的关键因素.对于普通Petri网,在任何可达标识下所有信标不被清空是检测网系统非死锁的充分条件.然而,该条件对于建模能力更强的一般Petri网并不适用,max可控性条件由此产生.研究证明,该条件对于一般Petri网的死锁检测过于严格了.虽然其后有很多研究者通过改进max可控性条件以求给出条件更宽松的一般Petri网非死锁的充分条件,但大部分的研究成果都仅仅局限于一种顺序资源共享分配系统Petri网模型S4PR(systems of sequential systems with shared resources)网.因此,本文在max可控性条件的基础上提出了新的名为max#可控的信标可控性条件,并在此条件的基础上实现了基于混合整数规划(mixed integer programming,MIP)的死锁检测方法.与现有研究成果相比,max#可控性条件更宽松,可适用于更多类型的一般网,为解决大规模柔性制造系统中死锁监督控制器的结构复杂性问题提供了有力的理论支撑.  相似文献   

静态检测MPI程序同步通信死锁比较困难,通常需要建立程序模型。顺序模型是其他所有复杂模型的基础。通过一种映射方法将顺序模型转化为字符串集合,将死锁检测问题转化为等价的多队列字符串匹配问题,从而设计并实现了一种MPI同步通信顺序模型的静态死锁检测算法。该算法的性能优于通常的环检测方法,并能适应动态消息流。  相似文献   

In this paper, the existence of unknown input observers for networks of interconnected second-order linear time invariant systems is studied. Two classes of distributed control systems of large practical relevance are considered. It is proved that for these systems, one can construct a bank of unknown input observers, and use them to detect and isolate faults in the network. The result presents a distributed implementation. In particular, by exploiting the system structure, this work provides further insight into the design of UIO for networked systems. Moreover, the importance of certain network measurements is shown. Infeasibility results with respect to available measurements and faults are also provided, as well as methods to remove faulty agents from the network. Applications to power networks and robotic formations are presented. It is shown how the developed methodology apply to a power network described by the swing equation with a faulty bus. For a multi-robot system, it is illustrated how a faulty robot can be detected and removed.  相似文献   

The message passing interface (MPI) has become a de facto standard for programming models of highperformance computing, but its rich and flexible interface semantics makes the program easy to generate communication deadlock, which seriously affects the usability of the system. However, the existing detection tools for MPI communication deadlock are not scalable enough to adapt to the continuous expansion of system scale. In this context, we propose a framework for MPI runtime communication deadlock detection, namely MPI-RCDD, which contains three kinds of main mechanisms. Firstly, MPI-RCDD has a message logging protocol that is associated with deadlock detection to ensure that the communication messages required for deadlock analysis are not lost. Secondly, it uses the asynchronous processing thread provided by the MPI to implement the transfer of dependencies between processes, so that multiple processes can participate in deadlock detection simultaneously, thus alleviating the performance bottleneck problem of centralized analysis. In addition, it uses an AND⊕OR model based algorithm named AODA to perform deadlock analysis work. The AODA algorithm combines the advantages of both timeout-based and dependency-based deadlock analysis approaches, and allows the processes in the timeout state to search for a deadlock circle or knot in the process of dependency transfer. Further, the AODA algorithm cannot lead to false positives and can represent the source of the deadlock accurately. The experimental results on typical MPI communication deadlock benchmarks such as Umpire Test Suit demonstrate the capability of MPIRCDD. Additionally, the experiments on the NPB benchmarks obtain the satisfying performance cost, which show that the MPI-RCDD has strong scalability.  相似文献   

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