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2011年12月6日至7日,由中国勘察设计协会工程智能设计分会、北京《智能建筑与城市信息》杂志社联合举办的“2011年度第六届中国市场智能建筑品牌评选颁奖盛典暨中国建筑智能化新技术与产品在智慧城市中应用高峰论坛”成功举办。研华科技继2010年后,再度荣膺“2011年度中国市场十大楼宇自控产品品牌”。  相似文献   

如果你正打算购买一个智能移动终端,例如智能手机或平板电脑,你一定会在i OS、Android和Windows 8三大移动系统之间有所衡量。按照人们的常识和成见,i OS性能流畅、贵气十足,Android开放性高、更为平民化,而Windows 8则在商务领域仍有优势。但是,我们现在的焦点并不是选购个性化的智能移动终端,而是考虑哪个移动系统更适合"智造"应用,哪个移动系统在运行"智造"应用时更为顺畅、稳定和安全。问题不同,答案是否不同呢?  相似文献   

如果你正打算购买一个智能移动终端,例如智能手机或平板电脑,你一定会在i OS、Android和Windows 8三大移动系统之间有所衡量。按照人们的常识和成见,i OS性能流畅、贵气十足,Android开放性高、更为平民化,而Windows 8则在商务领域仍有优势。但是,我们现在的焦点并不是选购个性化的智能移动终端,而是考虑哪个移动系统更适合"智造"应用,哪个移动系统在运行"智造"应用时更为顺畅、稳定和安全。问题不同,答案是否不同呢?  相似文献   


The year 2001 has been an adventure all right: stock market dives, missed revenue and earnings targets, shocking and tragic acts of physical terrorism, massive layoffs. The playing field in the technical infrastructure and security marketplace was leveled — a scorched earth policy swept away both profits and people on most corporate balance sheets. Nothing positive to promote out of that, except one thing: business reality. And if I do see a silver lining in the cloudy quarters ahead, I think it will be more security-aware corporate spending and more efficient use of technology and people. There is no room for excess in today's economy but progress must continue in the area of security.  相似文献   

随着无线网络技术的迅速发展,移动即时通信已经成为电信行业的主要应用之一.XMPP是一种以XML为基础的开放式主流即时通信协议.针对XMPP协议在移动设备上高功耗、高带宽问题,通过研究XMPP核心标准,结合最新的XMPP扩展协议,指出了引起这些问题的原因并给出相应的解决方案.在功耗方面,提出一种兼顾传输安全性和功耗的安全体系结构SAX;在带宽方面,提出了实体能力算法、节过滤和拦截算法,用于减少XMPP实体间通信所需的XML流.最后在Android系统上进行功耗和带宽测试,测试结果表明,解决方案有效地降低了功耗并节约了带宽.  相似文献   

李祺 《微处理机》2012,33(6):23-29
为解决边界网关处的瓶颈造成网络流量不公平竞争,QoS得不到保障的问题,提出了一种新的基于Netfilter的流控机制Smart Token Bucket Filter(STBF)。在传统令牌桶算法基础上,改进了令牌更新算法和数据转发逻辑及缓存队列管理策略,并通过闭环负反馈回路自动调整令牌桶内部参数,在对流量进行精确整形的同时实现了带宽保障。实验证明,相比传统HTB算法,STBF整形精确,平稳,具有更高的平均吞吐量和更小的时延,带宽保障功能效果明显,具有较高实用价值。  相似文献   

为解决将数据传回服务器端计算时带来的延迟问题,需将神经网络结构进行调整后部署在边缘计算设备上,但当前对边缘设备性能功耗的测量不够全面.为分析和评测边缘计算设备EDGE TPU计算板的性能与功耗,采用神经网络模型和Roofline模型测量其性能,利用外置功耗测量设备测量其功耗计算性能功耗比.实验结果表明,EDGE TPU...  相似文献   

This article answers 50 key questions that every software maintenance manager should ask to improve the software maintenance process. Issues include the feasibility and applicability of software reuse and the development of maintainable software as well as the improvement of existing software and achieving programmer and software productivity. An overview of software tools that aid in maintaining code is also provided.  相似文献   


This article answers 50 key questions that every software maintenance manager should ask to improve the software maintenance process. Issues include the feasibility and applicability of software reuse and the development of maintainable software as well as the improvement of existing software and achieving programmer and software productivity. An overview of software tools that aid in maintaining code is also provided.  相似文献   

介绍了一种采用切比雪夫逼近算法估计滤波器的系统传输函数、按照频率乘积法基于FPGA实现窄带FIR数字滤波器的方法。通过分析设计指标中对纹波和阻带衰减的要求,确定了以切比雪夫逼近算法作为理论基础,采用MATLAB数学工具实现该算法;采用VHDL硬件描述语言描述了频率乘积法的RTL级实现结构,并通过了硬件电路测试满足了设计的要求。通过本论文论证了切比雪夫逼近法在FIR滤波器基于FPGA设计可行性。  相似文献   

The bandwidth minimization problem has a long history and a number of practical applications. In this paper we introduce a natural extension of bandwidth to partially ordered layouts. We consider this extension from three main viewpoints: graph searching, tree decompositions, and elimination orderings. The three graph parameters pathwidth, profile, and bandwidth related to linear layouts can be defined by variants of graph searching using a standard fugitive. Switching to an inert fugitive, the two former parameters are extended to treewidth and fill-in, and our first viewpoint considers the analogous tree-like extension that arises from the bandwidth variant. Bandwidth also has a definition in terms of ordered path decompositions, and our second viewpoint extends this in a natural way to ordered tree decompositions. In showing that both extensions are equivalent we employ the third viewpoint of elimination trees, as used in the field of sparse matrix computations. We call the resulting parameter the treespan of a graph and prove some of its combinatorial and algorithmic properties.  相似文献   

The bandwidth minimization problem has a long history and a number of practical applications. In this paper we introduce a natural extension of bandwidth to partially ordered layouts. We consider this extension from three main viewpoints: graph searching, tree decompositions, and elimination orderings. The three graph parameters pathwidth, profile, and bandwidth related to linear layouts can be defined by variants of graph searching using a standard fugitive. Switching to an inert fugitive, the two former parameters are extended to treewidth and fill-in, and our first viewpoint considers the analogous tree-like extension that arises from the bandwidth variant. Bandwidth also has a definition in terms of ordered path decompositions, and our second viewpoint extends this in a natural way to ordered tree decompositions. In showing that both extensions are equivalent we employ the third viewpoint of elimination trees, as used in the field of sparse matrix computations. We call the resulting parameter the treespan of a graph and prove some of its combinatorial and algorithmic properties.  相似文献   

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