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群决策中两类三端点区间数判断矩阵的集结方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究群决策过程中三端点区间数互反判断矩阵和三端点区间数互补判断矩阵的集结. 采用OWA(Ordered weighted averaging) 方法将决策者的偏好信息集结为两个三端点区间数判断矩阵. 基于三端点区间数判断矩阵的完全一致性概念, 建立三端点区间数判断矩阵的权重求解模型. 根据群决策背景下专家群最大一致的目标, 建立求解专家群体偏好权重的模型. 在第二阶段建立群偏好权重分布范围估计模型, 最后通过可能度方法以排定各方案的最终优劣顺序.  相似文献   

群决策中两类不确定偏好信息的集结方法研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
朱建军 《控制与决策》2006,21(8):889-892
研究区间数互反判断矩阵和区间数互补判断矩阵的集结,采用UOWA算子将决策者的偏好信息集结为区间数互反判断矩阵和互补判断矩阵两种形式,结合决策者给出的允许偏差,定义群满意度隶属函数,建立求解群偏好一致程度最大化的权重模型.为解决模型存在多组最优解问题,在第2阶段建立群偏好权重分布范围估计模型,研究模型所具有的性质,最后通过区间数比较的可能度方法排定各方案的最终优劣顺序。  相似文献   

研究区间数判断矩阵的满意一致性和方案的排序.首先,给出区间数判断矩阵满意一致性的一种新的定义;然后,利用区间数判断矩阵的0-1型中心值排列矩阵是否为标准0-1型排列矩阵来判断区间数判断矩阵是否为满意一致性矩阵,若具有满意一致性,则可以直接从0-1型中心值排列矩阵中得出方案的优劣顺序,此种方法适用于对存在等价方案的区间数判断矩阵满意一致性的判定;最后给出两个例子说明了该方法的合理性和可行性.  相似文献   

针对决策过程中区间数更适合表达决策者对候选方案的偏好程度,基于区间数判断矩阵,综合考虑决策者个体权重,扩展“和积法”,应用“相对熵”的概念,提出了一种加权个体方案权重集结的群体决策方法.该方法将中间结果转化为实数型再进行集结,避免了决策者判断信息的丢失.最后,通过算例说明了该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

针对基于方案对比较的不完全模糊偏好信息的方案优选群决策问题,通过引入模糊偏好关系中的可加一致性概念,提出了一种估算评估专家缺失的偏好信息的迭代估算方法。该方法仅仅依赖专家在可加一致性基础上提供的信息,而不用考虑其他专家的信息,因而估算出来的偏好信息能够与专家原始偏好信息保持良好的一致性,从而提高了估算结果的可信度。最后给出了一个算例。  相似文献   

区间粗糙数判断矩阵具有在不确定判断中保留部分确定判断的双重特性,然而目前对其研究相对较少,特别是对其一致性的相关研究。为此该文提出了区间粗糙数互补判断矩阵的完全一致性和强一致性的概念以及判断其是否具有完全一致性和强一致性的相关定理。通过算例讨论了内外一致性对于整体一致性的影响,并给出区间粗糙数判断矩阵的完全一致性和强一致性的关系,为区间粗糙数判断矩阵的应用提供一致性理论基础作出相应探讨。  相似文献   

基于连续有序加权几何(C-OWG)算子提出了连续区间直觉乘法有序加权几何(C-IVIMOWG)算子。而后,基于C-IVIMOWG算子提出新的区间直觉乘法数序关系判断准则。为了集结区间直觉乘法数组,提出了加权连续区间直觉乘法有序加权几何(WC-IVIMOWG)算子,研究了其基本性质,并提出了基于WC-IVIMOWG算子与兼容测度的群决策方法。最后,通过实例分析来说明WC-IVIMOWG算子应用于群决策中的有效性和适用性。  相似文献   

基于语言判断矩阵的专家群体判断一致性分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
陈侠  樊治平  陈岩 《控制与决策》2006,21(8):879-884
针对群决策中基于语言判断矩阵的专家群体判断一致性问题,提出了一种分析方法.首先给出有关语言判断矩阵,导出矩阵和相客性的若干定义,得出了语言判断矩阵具有完全一致性或满意一致性的充要条件,其相应的导出矩阵也具有同样的结论;然后通过定义有关专家群体判断各个方案以及专家群体判断的一致性指标,给出了专家群体判断一致性的判别方法及专家群体判断不一致的调整方法;最后通过一个算例说明了所提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is to present a consistency model for interval multiplicative preference relation (IMPR). To measure the consistency level for IMPR, a referenced consistent IMPR of a given IMPR is defined, which has the minimum logarithmic distance from the given IMPR. Based on the referenced consistent IMPR, the consistency level of an IMPR can be measured and an IMPR with unacceptable consistency can be adjusted by a proposed algorithm such that the revised IMPR is of acceptable consistency. A consistency model for group decision making (GDM) problems with IMPRs is proposed to obtain the collective IMPR with highest consistency level. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the validity of the proposed approaches in decision making.  相似文献   

The consistency measure is a vital basis for group decision making (GDM) based on fuzzy preference relations, and includes two subproblems: individual consistency and consensus consistency. This paper proposes linear optimization models for solving some issues on consistency of fuzzy preference relations, such as individual consistency construction, consensus model and management of incomplete fuzzy preference relations. Our proposal optimally preserves original preference information in constructing individual consistency and reaching consensus (in Manhattan distance sense), and maximizes the consistency level of fuzzy preference relations in calculating the missing values of incomplete fuzzy preference relations. Linear optimization models can be solved in very little computational time using readily available softwares. Therefore, the results in this paper are also of simplicity and convenience for the application of consistent fuzzy preference relations in GDM problems.  相似文献   

In group decision making (GDM) with multiplicative preference relations (also known as pairwise comparison matrices in the Analytical Hierarchy Process), to come to a meaningful and reliable solution, it is preferable to consider individual consistency and group consensus in the decision process. This paper provides a decision support model to aid the group consensus process while keeping an acceptable individual consistency for each decision maker. The concept of an individual consistency index and a group consensus index is introduced based on the Hadamard product of two matrices. Two algorithms are presented in the designed support model. The first algorithm is utilized to convert an unacceptable preference relation to an acceptable one. The second algorithm is designed to assist the group in achieving a predefined consensus level. The main characteristics of our model are that: (1) it is independent of the prioritization method used in the consensus process; (2) it ensures that each individual multiplicative preference relation is of acceptable consistency when the predefined consensus level is achieved. Finally, some numerical examples are given to verify the effectiveness of our model.  相似文献   

Similarity analysis and preference information aggregation are two important issues for consensus building in group decision making with preference relations. Pairwise ratings in an interval reciprocal preference relation (IRPR) are usually regarded as interval-valued And-like representable cross ratios (i.e., interval-valued cross ratios for short) from the multiplicative perspective. In this paper, a ratio-based formula is introduced to measure similarity between a pair of interval-valued cross ratios, and its desirable properties are provided. We put forward ratio-based similarity measurements for IRPRs. An induced interval-valued cross ratio ordered weighted geometric (IIVCROWG) operator with interval additive reciprocity is developed to aggregate interval-valued cross ratio information, and some properties of the IIVCROWG operator are presented. The paper devises an importance degree induced IRPR ordered weighted geometric operator to fuse individual IRPRs into a group IRPR, and discusses the derivation of its associated weights. By employing ratio-based similarity measurements and IIVCROWG-based aggregation operators, a soft consensus model including a generation mechanism of feedback recommendation rules is further proposed to solve group decision making problems with IRPRs. Three numerical examples are examined to illustrate the applicability and effectiveness of the developed models.  相似文献   

For practical group decision making problems, decision makers tend to provide heterogeneous uncertain preference relations due to the uncertainty of the decision environment and the difference of cultures and education backgrounds. Sometimes, decision makers may not have an in-depth knowledge of the problem to be solved and provide incomplete preference relations. In this paper, we focus on group decision making (GDM) problems with heterogeneous incomplete uncertain preference relations, including uncertain multiplicative preference relations, uncertain fuzzy preference relations, uncertain linguistic preference relations and intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations. To deal with such GDM problems, a decision analysis method is proposed. Based on the multiplicative consistency of uncertain preference relations, a bi-objective optimization model which aims to maximize both the group consensus and the individual consistency of each decision maker is established. By solving the optimization model, the priority weights of alternatives can be obtained. Finally, some illustrative examples are used to show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate group decision making problems with multiple types of linguistic preference relations. The paper has two parts with similar structures. In the first part, we transform the uncertain additive linguistic preference relations into the expected additive linguistic preference relations, and present a procedure for group decision making based on multiple types of additive linguistic preference relations. By using the deviation measures between additive linguistic preference relations, we give some straightforward formulas to determine the weights of decision makers, and propose a method to reach consensus among the individual preferences and the group’s opinion. In the second part, we extend the above results to group decision making based on multiple types of multiplicative linguistic preference relations, and finally, a practical example is given to illustrate the application of the results.  相似文献   

With respect to multi-criteria group decision making (MCGDM) problems under trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy environment, a new MCGDM method is investigated. The proposed method can effectively avoid the failure caused by the use of inconsistent decision information and provides a decision-making idea for the case of “the truth be held in minority”. It consists of three interrelated modules: weight determining mechanism, group consistency analysis, and ranking and selection procedure. For the first module, distance measures, expected values and arithmetic averaging operator for trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy numbers are used to determine the weight values of criteria and decision makers. For the second module, a consistency analysis and correction procedure based on trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy weighted averaging operator and OWA operator is developed to reduce the influence of conflicting opinions prior to the ranking process. For the third module, a trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS is used for ranking and selection. Then a procedure for the proposed MCGDM method is developed. Finally, a numerical example further illustrates the practicality and efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

We develop a new compatibility for the uncertain additive linguistic preference relations and study its properties which are very suitable to deal with group decision making (GDM) problems involving uncertain additive linguistic preference relations. Based on the linguistic continuous ordered weighted averaging (LCOWA) operator, we present some concepts of the compatibility degree and compatibility index for the two uncertain additive linguistic preference relations. Then, we study some desirable properties including the property that the synthetic uncertain linguistic preference relation is of acceptable compatibility under the condition that uncertain additive linguistic preference relations given by experts are all of acceptable compatibility with the ideal uncertain linguistic preference relation, which provides a theoretic basis for the application of the uncertain additive linguistic preference relations in GDM. In order to determine the weights of experts, we construct an optimal model based on the criterion of minimizing the compatibility index in GDM. Finally, we propose a new approach based on the compatibility index and the expected additive linguistic preference relation to GDM and develop an application of the optimal weights approach compared with the equal weights approach where we analyze a GDM regarding the evaluation of schools in a university.  相似文献   

Decision making is an essential activity in manufacturing systems when designing production lines, scheduling, etc. Many decision making problems are characterized by multiple conflicting criteria and a large number of alternatives. For these complex decision making problems, it is rational to involve a group of decision makers (DM) for considering different aspects of the problem. This paper proposes an approach for supporting the decision making group to reduce disagreement in the group and obtain a common solution. The proposed approach allows the DMs to specify a region of acceptance, known as indifference zone, in the objective space as preference inputs. This makes the proposed approach applicable to problems with a large number of alternatives. The use of indifference zone concept captures the uncertain nature of preference articulation. Moreover, the indifference zone is shown beneficial in reducing the difficulty of reaching a group common solution. The properties of the proposed method are investigated analytically and with numerical experiments. Finally, the usefulness of the proposed method is shown by tackling a real-world packaging line configuration problem with a large alternative set.  相似文献   

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