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Keyword-based Web search is a widely used approach for locating information on the Web. However, Web users usually suffer from the difficulties of organizing and formulating appropriate input queries due to the lack of sufficient domain knowledge, which greatly affects the search performance. An effective tool to meet the information needs of a search engine user is to suggest Web queries that are topically related to their initial inquiry. Accurately computing query-to-query similarity scores is a key to improve the quality of these suggestions. Because of the short lengths of queries, traditional pseudo-relevance or implicit-relevance based approaches expand the expression of the queries for the similarity computation. They explicitly use a search engine as a complementary source and directly extract additional features (such as terms or URLs) from the top-listed or clicked search results. In this paper, we propose a novel approach by utilizing the hidden topic as an expandable feature. This has two steps. In the offline model-learning step, a hidden topic model is trained, and for each candidate query, its posterior distribution over the hidden topic space is determined to re-express the query instead of the lexical expression. In the online query suggestion step, after inferring the topic distribution for an input query in a similar way, we then calculate the similarity between candidate queries and the input query in terms of their corresponding topic distributions; and produce a suggestion list of candidate queries based on the similarity scores. Our experimental results on two real data sets show that the hidden topic based suggestion is much more efficient than the traditional term or URL based approach, and is effective in finding topically related queries for suggestion.  相似文献   

Abstract: Content analysis of search engine user queries is an important task, since successful exploitation of the content of queries can result in the design of efficient information retrieval algorithms for more efficient search engines. Identification of topic changes within a user search session is a key issue in content analysis of search engine user queries. This study proposes an artificial neural network application in the area of search engine research to automatically identify topic changes in a user session by using statistical characteristics of queries, such as time intervals and query reformulation patterns. Sample data logs from the FAST and Excite search engines are selected to train the neural network and then the neural network is used to identify topic changes in the data log. As a result, almost all the performance measures yielded favourable results.  相似文献   

刘登洪  徐贤 《计算机科学》2017,44(10):234-236, 258
随着网络的普及,网上检索成为了人们获取信息的主要方式。目前的搜索引擎相对独立,覆盖范围比较有限。相比之下,元搜索能够更好地满足用户的检索需求。当用户在元搜索提供的统一界面中输入一个查询时,元搜索会将处理后的用户请求发送给相关的成员搜索引擎。但是一个重要的问题是如何识别出潜在的搜索引擎以便更好地处理用户的请求。鉴于此提出了一种基于遗传算法的选择机制,该方法将各个成员搜索引擎的权重考虑在内。实验结果表明,该方法确实能够提高引擎选择中的效率和精度。  相似文献   

The exponential growth of information on the Web has introduced new challenges for building effective search engines. A major problem of web search is that search queries are usually short and ambiguous, and thus are insufficient for specifying the precise user needs. To alleviate this problem, some search engines suggest terms that are semantically related to the submitted queries so that users can choose from the suggestions the ones that reflect their information needs. In this paper, we introduce an effective approach that captures the user's conceptual preferences in order to provide personalized query suggestions. We achieve this goal with two new strategies. First, we develop online techniques that extract concepts from the web-snippets of the search result returned from a query and use the concepts to identify related queries for that query. Second, we propose a new two-phase personalized agglomerative clustering algorithm that is able to generate personalized query clusters. To the best of the authors' knowledge, no previous work has addressed personalization for query suggestions. To evaluate the effectiveness of our technique, a Google middleware was developed for collecting clickthrough data to conduct experimental evaluation. Experimental results show that our approach has better precision and recall than the existing query clustering methods.  相似文献   

Hundreds of millions of users each day submit queries to the Web search engine. The user queries are typically very short which makes query understanding a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for query representation and classification. By submitting the query to a web search engine, the query can be represented as a set of terms found on the web pages returned by search engine. In this way, each query can be considered as a point in high-dimensional space and standard classification algorithms such as regression can be applied. However, traditional regression is too flexible in situations with large numbers of highly correlated predictor variables. It may suffer from the overfitting problem. By using search click information, the semantic relationship between queries can be incorporated into the learning system as a regularizer. Specifically, from all the functions which minimize the empirical loss on the labeled queries, we select the one which best preserves the semantic relationship between queries. We present experimental evidence suggesting that the regularized regression algorithm is able to use search click information effectively for query classification.  相似文献   

One of the useful tools offered by existing web search engines is query suggestion (QS), which assists users in formulating keyword queries by suggesting keywords that are unfamiliar to users, offering alternative queries that deviate from the original ones, and even correcting spelling errors. The design goal of QS is to enrich the web search experience of users and avoid the frustrating process of choosing controlled keywords to specify their special information needs, which releases their burden on creating web queries. Unfortunately, the algorithms or design methodologies of the QS module developed by Google, the most popular web search engine these days, is not made publicly available, which means that they cannot be duplicated by software developers to build the tool for specifically-design software systems for enterprise search, desktop search, or vertical search, to name a few. Keyword suggested by Yahoo! and Bing, another two well-known web search engines, however, are mostly popular currently-searched words, which might not meet the specific information needs of the users. These problems can be solved by WebQS, our proposed web QS approach, which provides the same mechanism offered by Google, Yahoo!, and Bing to support users in formulating keyword queries that improve the precision and recall of search results. WebQS relies on frequency of occurrence, keyword similarity measures, and modification patterns of queries in user query logs, which capture information on millions of searches conducted by millions of users, to suggest useful queries/query keywords during the user query construction process and achieve the design goal of QS. Experimental results show that WebQS performs as well as Yahoo! and Bing in terms of effectiveness and efficiency and is comparable to Google in terms of query suggestion time.  相似文献   

识别搜索引擎用户的查询意图在信息检索领域是备受关注的研究内容。文中提出一种融合多类特征识别Web查询意图的方法。将Web查询意图识别作为一个分类问题,并从不同类型的资源包括查询文本、搜索引擎返回内容及Web查询日志中抽取出有效的分类特征。在人工标注的真实Web查询语料上采用文中方法进行查询意图识别实验,实验结果显示文中采用的各类特征对于提高查询意图识别的效果皆有一定帮助,综合使用这些特征进行查询意图识别,88。5%的测试查询获得准确的意图识别结果。  相似文献   

网络上的专业搜索引擎数量众多,普通用户在选择时往往无所适从。文章提出了一个自动的查询导向系统,可以将用户查询自动导向到合适的专业搜索引擎,解决了这个矛盾。  相似文献   

Search engine users often encounter the difficulty of phrasing the precise query that could lead to satisfactory search results. Query recommendation is considered an effective assistant in enhancing keyword-based queries in search engines and Web search software. In this paper, we present a Query-URL Bipartite based query reCommendation approach, called QUBiC. It utilizes the connectivity of a query-URL bipartite graph to recommend related queries and can significantly improve the accuracy and effectiveness of personalized query recommendation systems comparing with the conventional pairwise similarity based approach. The main contribution of the QUBiC approach is its three-phase framework for personalized query recommendations. The first phase is the preparation of queries and their search results returned by a search engine, which generates a historical query-URL bipartite collection. The second phase is the discovery of similar queries by extracting a query affinity graph from the bipartite graph, instead of operating on the original bipartite graph directly using biclique-based approach or graph clustering. The query affinity graph consists of only queries as its vertices and its edges are weighted according to a query-URL vector based similarity (dissimilarity) measure. The third phase is the ranking of similar queries. We devise a novel rank mechanism for ordering the related queries based on the merging distances of a hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC). By utilizing the query affinity graph and the HAC-based ranking, we are able to capture the propagation of similarity from query to query by inducing an implicit topical relatedness between queries. Furthermore, the flexibility of the HAC strategy makes it possible for users to interactively participate in the query recommendation process, and helps to bridge the gap between the determinacy of actual similarity values and the indeterminacy of users’ information needs, allowing the lists of related queries to be changed from user to user and query to query, thus adaptively recommending related queries on demand. Our experimental evaluation results show that the QUBiC approach is highly efficient and more effective compared to the conventional query recommendation systems, yielding about 13.3 % as the most improvement in terms of precision.  相似文献   

Query expansion by mining user logs   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Queries to search engines on the Web are usually short. They do not provide sufficient information for an effective selection of relevant documents. Previous research has proposed the utilization of query expansion to deal with this problem. However, expansion terms are usually determined on term co-occurrences within documents. In this study, we propose a new method for query expansion based on user interactions recorded in user logs. The central idea is to extract correlations between query terms and document terms by analyzing user logs. These correlations are then used to select high-quality expansion terms for new queries. Compared to previous query expansion methods, ours takes advantage of the user judgments implied in user logs. The experimental results show that the log-based query expansion method can produce much better results than both the classical search method and the other query expansion methods.  相似文献   

Semantic Web search is a new application of recent advances in information retrieval (IR), natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and other fields. The Powerset group in Microsoft develops a semantic search engine that aims to answer queries not only by matching keywords, but by actually matching meaning in queries to meaning in Web documents. Compared to typical keyword search, semantic search can pose additional engineering challenges for the back-end and infrastructure designs. Of these, the main challenge addressed in this paper is how to lower query latencies to acceptable, interactive levels. Index-based semantic search requires more data processing, such as numerous synonyms, hypernyms, multiple linguistic readings, and other semantic information, both on queries and in the index. In addition, some of the algorithms can be super-linear, such as matching co-references across a document. Consequently, many semantic queries can run significantly slower than the same keyword query. Users, however, have grown to expect Web search engines to provide near-instantaneous results, and a slow search engine could be deemed unusable even if it provides highly relevant results. It is therefore imperative for any search engine to meet its users’ interactivity expectations, or risk losing them. Our approach to tackle this challenge is to exploit data parallelism in slow search queries to reduce their latency in multi-core systems. Although all search engines are designed to exploit parallelism, at the single-node level this usually translates to throughput-oriented task parallelism. This paper focuses on the engineering of two latency-oriented approaches (coarse- and fine-grained) and compares them to the task-parallel approach. We use Powerset’s deployed search engine to evaluate the various factors that affect parallel performance: workload, overhead, load balancing, and resource contention. We also discuss heuristics to selectively control the degree of parallelism and consequent overhead on a query-by-query level. Our experimental results show that using fine-grained parallelism with these dynamic heuristics can significantly reduce query latencies compared to fixed, coarse-granularity parallelization schemes. Although these results were obtained on, and optimized for, Powerset’s semantic search, they can be readily generalized to a wide class of inverted-index search engines.  相似文献   

搜索引擎性能评估是信息检索界一个重要课题.长查询具有较为丰富的信息内容,能更加准确地描述用户的信息需求.在此基础上文中提出长查询用户满意度分析的整体框架,定义用户满意度的概念,并在用户日志中提取相关用户行为特征,应用决策树和SVM两种分类算法评测用户满意度.在大规模商业搜索引擎日志上完成的实验结果证明了这套评价体系的有效性.结果表明,用户对于查询满意和不满意的分类准确率分别达到86%和70%.  相似文献   

信息检索的效果很大程度上取决于用户能否输入恰当的查询来描述自身信息需求。很多查询通常简短而模糊,甚至包含噪音。查询推荐技术可以帮助用户提炼查询、准确描述信息需求。为了获得高质量的查询推荐,在大规模“查询-链接”二部图上采用随机漫步方法产生候选集合。利用摘要点击信息对候选列表进行重排序,使得体现用户意图的查询排在比较高的位置。最终采用基于学习的算法对推荐查询中可能存在的噪声进行过滤。基于真实用户行为数据的实验表明该方法取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

The general public is increasingly using search engines to seek information on risks and threats. Based on a search log from a large search engine, spanning three months, this study explores user patterns of query submission and subsequent clicks in sessions, for two important risk related topics, healthcare and information security, and compares them to other randomly sampled sessions. We investigate two session-level metrics reflecting users' interactivity with a search engine: session length and query click rate. Drawing from information foraging theory, we find that session length can be characterized well by the Inverse Gaussian distribution. Among three types of sessions on different topics (healthcare, information security, and other randomly sampled sessions), we find that healthcare sessions have the most queries and the highest query click rate, and information security sessions have the lowest query click rate. In addition, sessions initiated by the users with greater search engine activity level tend to have more queries and higher query click rates. Among three types of sessions, search engine activity level shows the strongest effect on query click rate for information security sessions and weakest for healthcare sessions. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of the study.  相似文献   

A Knowledge-Based Approach to Effective Document Retrieval   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a knowledge-based approach to effective document retrieval. This approach is based on a dual document model that consists of a document type hierarchy and a folder organization. A predicate-based document query language is proposed to enable users to precisely and accurately specify the search criteria and their knowledge about the documents to be retrieved. A guided search tool is developed as an intelligent natural language oriented user interface to assist users formulating queries. Supported by an intelligent question generator, an inference engine, a question base, and a predicate-based query composer, the guided search collects the most important information known to the user to retrieve the documents that satisfy users' particular interests. A knowledge-based query processing and search engine is devised as the core component in this approach. Algorithms are developed for the search engine to effectively and efficiently retrieve the documents that match the query.  相似文献   

Characterizing user’s intent and behaviour while using a retrieval information tool (e.g. a search engine) is a key question on web research, as it hold the keys to know how the users interact, what they are expecting and how we can provide them information in the most beneficial way. Previous research has focused on identifying the average characteristics of user interactions. This paper proposes a stratified method for analyzing query logs that groups queries and sessions according to their hit frequency and analyzes the characteristics of each group in order to find how representative the average values are. Findings show that behaviours typically associated with the average user do not fit in most of the aforementioned groups.  相似文献   

基于知识的网页检索工具   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着因特网在全球范围的广泛使用,越来越多的人们借助于因特网从事科研和商务活动,而网页检索工具成了人们必不可少的软件工具.然而,目前流行的检索工具大多基于关键字查询,常常出现信息过载或有用信息丢失等现象.造成这一原因主要有两方面:用户提交的查询不能很好地表达他的目的;查询的结果没有建立有效的索引机制,引导人们快速找到有用信息。为此我们提出一种基于知识的网页检索工具(KWSE),它是在已有的检索工具的  相似文献   

查询歧义作为查询分类的子问题在信息检索领域已经得到了很多的关注,现有的研究主要是对查询内容上的歧义进行分类,而忽略了用户查询需求形式上的歧义。该文针对查询需求歧义问题进行了研究,提出了相应的查询需求分类模型。该文利用网页目录构建用户需求形式分类体系及站点列表,在大规模商业搜索引擎日志上进行用户点击覆盖检测,从而得到对查询需求形式的描述。该文的贡献在于提供了一种实际可行的查询需求分类方法,搜索引擎可以根据用户需求的区别调整排序方式,从而改善搜索性能。  相似文献   

A common task of Web users is querying structured information from Web pages. For realizing this interesting scenario we propose a novel query processor for systematically discovering instances of semantic relations in Web search results and joining these relation instances into complex result tuples with conjunctive queries. Our query processor transforms a structured user query into keyword queries that are submitted to a search engine, forwards search results to a relation extractor, and then combines relations into complex result tuples. The processor automatically learns discriminative and effective keywords for different types of semantic relations. Thereby, our query processor leverages the index of a search engine to query potentially billions of pages. Unfortunately, relation extractors may fail to return a relation for a result tuple. Moreover, user defined data sources may not return at least k complete result tuples. Therefore we propose an adaptive routing model based on information theory for retrieving missing attributes of incomplete result tuples. The model determines the most promising next incomplete tuple and attribute type for returning any-k complete result tuples at any point during the query execution process. We report a thorough experimental evaluation over multiple relation extractors. Our query processor returns complete result tuples while processing only very few Web pages.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a two-level P2P caching strategy for Web search queries. The design is suitable for a fully distributed service platform based on managed peer boxes (set-top-box or DSL/cable modem) located at the edge of the network, where both boxes and access bandwidth to those boxes are controlled and managed by an ISP provider. Our solution significantly reduces user query traffic going outside of the ISP provider to get query results from the respective Web search engine. Web users are usually very reactive to worldwide events which cause highly dynamic query traffic patterns leading to load imbalance across peers. Our solution contains a strategy to quickly ease imbalance on peers and spread communication flow among participating peers. Each peer maintains a local result cache used to keep the answers for queries originated in the peer itself and queries for which the peer is responsible for by contacting the Web search engine on-demand. When query traffic is predominantly routed to a few responsible peers our strategy replicates the role of “being responsible for” to neighboring peers so that they can absorb query traffic. This is a fairly slow and adaptive process that we call mid-term load balancing. To achieve a short-term fair distribution of queries we introduce a location cache in each peer which keeps pointers to peers that have already requested the same queries in the recent past. This lets these peers share their query answers with newly requesting peers. This process is fast as these popular queries are usually cached in the first DHT hop of a requesting peer which quickly tends to redistribute load among more and more peers.  相似文献   

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