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提出了一种新的支持移动Sink的多媒体传感器网络路由协议,该协议利用锚节点作为转发节点与移动Sink进行通信,避免多媒体传感器节点与Sink直接进行远距离通信,在多媒体传感器节点中采用改进的基于地理信息的路由协议建立路由路径.仿真实验表明:该协议不仅能支持移动Sink,而且能够有效降低节点能耗,延长网络寿命,提高数据传...  相似文献   

基于带状区域路由的无线传感器网络QoS协议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种基于带状区域路由的无线传感器网络QoS协议。根据网络传输路径的能耗模型分析,将路由的转发节点控制在以源节点与Sink节点连线的带状区域,有效降低了路径上的传输能耗。另外,在改进型QoS协议中,转发节点根据当前QoS约束动态重新建立新的带状区域宽度,使传输路径最大程度拟合源节点和Sink节点的连线,达到路径传输能耗最优。仿真实验表明,无线传感器网络QoS协议在满足网络QoS约束下,节省了网络能耗,延长了网络生存时间。  相似文献   

多跳路由协议是无线传感器网络中的关键技术之一,针对传统多跳传输协议在无线传感器网络的实际应用中存在部署过程过于复杂等问题,设计了一种灵活实用的基于Sink节点控制的无线传感器网络多跳传输协议(Sink Controlling Multi-hop Protocol,SCMP)。Sink节点通过发送命令信息实现对传感器节点的控制,并收集各个节点的路由信息从而获得全局路由,然后对传感器节点的数据传输进行进一步控制。在Sun SPOT平台上对SCMP进行了部署实验,结果表明,基于Sink节点控制的多跳传输协议更加方便灵活,在实际的无线传感器网络应用中具有一定的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

大规模无线传感器网络路由转发中主要存在节点负载不均衡,容易导致"热区"中节点过早死亡,从而大大降低传感器网络生存时间的问题.针对这一问题,本文提出一种新的路由协议ECFP,首先利用节点与Sink节点的最短跳数建立簇首竞争半径,根据簇首竞争半径选择剩余能量较高、链路质量较好的节点出任簇首,然后基于虚拟力模型进行非均匀分簇,最后簇首之间多跳将信息传输至Sink节点.实验结果表明本文提出的协议在能耗均衡性和网络生存时间方面都具有较好的性能.  相似文献   

在节点高速移动的Ad Hoc网络环境中,广播风暴对网络性能的影响尤为重要,且网络拓扑结构的频繁变化极易导致路由中断.传统的AODV路由协议在路由发现阶段直接使用广播转发RREQ(路由请求分组)机制,容易导致广播风暴降低网络性能;同时,协议选择跳数最少的路径作为路由,没有考虑到节点的快速移动导致路由频繁失效,因此无法适应节点高速移动的网络环境.针对上面存在的问题,提出一种对AODV进行改进的协议.该协议在路由发起过程中,基于局部邻居节点数量计算动态转发概率;选择路由时,利用跨层思想,结合网络节点移动速度提出链路权值,依据链路权值选择路由路径.NS2仿真结果表明:该改进协议提高了数据包的投递率,缩短了端到端的传输时延,能够更好地适应节点高速移动的网络环境.  相似文献   

利用超图理论进行建模,从传感器网络的传输层、网络层和MAC层分别进行分析,提出了一种无线传感器网络可靠通信协议RCBHGT,Sink节点发送泛洪,先建立超边路由,然后数据采集节点发送RREQ,建立超边内路由,利用超边内数据确认机制,保证了数据可靠稳定传输,仿真结果表明:在通信环境比较恶劣的情况下,RCBHGT能够使用较低的能耗,保证数据的可靠传输.  相似文献   

移动目标跟踪应用在能量效率、可靠性、实时性和可扩展性等方面对传感器网络路由协议提出了较高要求。提出了一种基于目标跟踪应用的路由协议GGSR(Geographical Greedy and Stateless Routing,GGSR)。GGSR协议由两部分算法组成:sink节点到移动目标区域的查询数据包路由协议和目标区域到sink节点的汇聚数据包路由协议。GGSR是一种完全分布式的按需路由协议,动态建立和路径维护。节点只需要维护自身状态信息,具有较好的可扩展性。协议采取基于地理信息的贪婪转发策略,通过减少通信跳数,缩短了数据包路由的时延。协议以节点能量和距离的综合函数作为转发代价,同时考虑节点不同状态下的能耗,对不活动的节点及时休眠,使得协议具有较高的能量效率。协议采取下游节点转发确认机制提高了协议的可靠性。仿真实验表明,算法能够满足目标跟踪应用对传感器网络路由协议的性能要求。  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络簇头节点负载不均衡的问题,提出一种基于负载均衡的簇间路由协议.该协议通过记录邻居簇头节点到Sink节点的最小跳数信息建立到Sink节点的多条路径,根据簇节点的剩余能量和负载选择合适的路径进行路由,从而实现了簇头节点间的负载均衡.仿真实验结果表明,该路由协议能有效地均衡网络负载和簇头节点能量消耗,减少数据传输延迟,延长网络生存时间.  相似文献   

提出了一种利用具有传感器通信接口的移动终端设备(如手机、手提电脑、个人数字助理等)进行辅助数据获取的传感器网络数据收集协议。网络中固定汇聚节点与移动终端共存,全部传感器节点都维护到固定汇聚节点的路由,移动终端进入网络后定期向其附近小范围内的传感器节点扩散自己的存在信息,传感器节点向距自己跳数最小的汇聚节点或移动终端发送或转发数据包,移动终端和传感器节点之间通过应答和重传的机制来保证数据的可靠传输。仿真研究证明,该协议在延长网络生存时间的同时可以获得较高的数据传输成功率和较短的数据传输延迟,而且可靠性、灵活性、可扩展性较强。  相似文献   

由于传统的DSR路由协议在路由选择时采取向邻居节点全部转发路由信息的策略,在路由请求过多时,容易引起转发次数过多而导致一些节点能量不足,进而导致网络瘫痪,而且在进行最终路由选择时没有充分考虑整个链路的移动性,所以不一定是最佳路由。文中利用移动Ad Hoc网络节点的位置信息提出了一种对DSR路由协议进行改进的路由算法PBDSR。该算法利用通信节点的位置信息构建路由选择区域,取代了传统DSR协议贪婪转发机制,引用链路总体距离和移动性参数作为路由选择的权,可以选择出一种节能路由。仿真表明可以使网络的生存周期和稳定性得到较大改善。  相似文献   

A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a large collection of sensor nodes with limited power supply, constrained memory capacity, processing capability, and available bandwidth. The main problem in event gathering in wireless sensor networks is the formation of energy-holes or hot spots near the sink. Due to the restricted communication range and high network density, events forwarding in sensor networks is very challenging, and require multi-hop data forwarding. Improving network lifetime and network reliability are the main factors to consider in the research associated with WSN. In static wireless sensor networks, sensors nodes close to the sink node run out of energy much faster than nodes in other parts of the monitored area. The nodes near the sink are more likely to use up their energy because they have to forward all the traffic generated by the nodes farther away to the sink. The uneven energy consumption results in network partitioning and limit the network lifetime. To this end, we propose an on-demand and multipath routing algorithm that utilizes the behavior of real termites on hill building termed Termite-hill which support sink mobility. The main objective of our proposed algorithm is to efficiently relay all the traffic destined for the sink, and also balance the network energy. The performance of our proposed algorithm was tested on static, dynamic and mobile sink scenarios with varying speed, and compared with other state-of-the-art routing algorithms in WSN. The results of our extensive experiments on Routing Modeling Application Simulation Environment (RMASE) demonstrated that our proposed routing algorithm was able to balance the network traffic load, and prolong the network lifetime.  相似文献   

水下无线传感器网络路由是水下物联网重要组成部分,可靠高效节能是水下无线传感器网络路由最关心的问题;针对水下无线传感器网络节点路由中能量消耗不均衡和过多冗余转发增加能耗而导致水下无线传感器网络生存周期缩短的问题,提出一种可调节转发区域的水下传感器路由协议(ESAFDBR);ESAFDBR路由协议考虑了当前节点深度和剩余能量,还考虑节点两跳邻域内信息,以这种方式有效减少网络遇到空洞的可能性,平衡网络能量;此外,为抑制冗余节点参与转发,设计划分转发区域,并可根据节点密集程度自适应调整划分区域,有效地提高网络性能.  相似文献   

These days Internet of Things (IoT), which consists of smart objects such as sensor nodes is the most important technology for providing intelligent services. In the IoT ecosystem, wireless sensor networks deliver collected information from IoT devices to a server via sink nodes, and IoT services are provided by peer-to-peer (P2P) networking between the server and the IoT devices. Particularly, IoT applications with wide service area requires the mobile sink nodes to cover the service area. To employ mobile sink nodes, the network adopts delay-tolerant capability by which delay-tolerant nodes try to transmit data when they connect to the mobile sink node in the application service field. However, if the connection status between a IoT device and a mobile sink node is not good, the efficiency of data forwarding will be decreased. In addition, retransmission in bad connection cause high energy consumption for data transmission. Therefore, data forwarding in the delay-tolerant based services needs to take the connection status into account. The proposed method predicts the connection status using naïve Bayesian classifier and determines whether the delay tolerant node transmits data to the mobile sink node or not. Furthermore, the efficiency of the proposed method was validated through extensive computer simulations.  相似文献   

Mobile wireless sensor network (MWSN) is a wireless ad hoc network that consists of a very large number of tiny sensor nodes communicating with each other in which sensor nodes are either equipped with motors for active mobility or attached to mobile objects for passive mobility. A real-time routing protocol for MWSN is an exciting area of research because messages in the network are delivered according to their end-to-end deadlines (packet lifetime) while sensor nodes are mobile. This paper proposes an enhanced real-time with load distribution (ERTLD) routing protocol for MWSN which is based on our previous routing protocol RTLD. ERTLD utilized corona mechanism and optimal forwarding metrics to forward the data packet in MWSN. It computes the optimal forwarding node based on RSSI, remaining battery level of sensor nodes and packet delay over one-hop. ERTLD ensures high packet delivery ratio and experiences minimum end-to-end delay in WSN and MWSN compared to baseline routing protocol. In this paper we consider a highly dynamic wireless sensor network system in which the sensor nodes and the base station (sink) are mobile. ERTLD has been successfully studied and verified through simulation experiment.  相似文献   

肖融  陈文龙  孙波 《软件学报》2014,25(8):1729-1742
在IPv6 物联网中,RPL 路由模型已得到广泛的认可.然而对于规模较大的多跳网络结构,RPL 面临着部分转发节点路由容量较大的问题.而且物联子网中扁平化的地址结构使得这一问题更为突出.设计了支持IPv6 地址自动分配的轻量级树型转发模型TFAD(tree forwarding model with address automatically distributed),将物联子网中的节点构造成一棵层次转发树,树节点的IPv6 地址在子树范围内高度聚合.各节点只需存储与其子节点数相当的转发项,即可完成TFAD 模型的数据转发.此外,设计了TFAD 模型的备份父节点机制,当网络出现故障时能够以子树为单位进行网络拓扑重构,实现物联子网的快速路由恢复.实验验证了TFAD 模型的高效路由存储性能以及快速的路由学习能力和故障后路由恢复能力.  相似文献   

We study on the forwarding of quality contextual information in mobile sensor networks (MSNs). Mobile nodes form ad-hoc distributed processing networks that produce accessible and quality-stamped information about the surrounding environment. Due to the dynamic network topology of such networks the context quality indicators seen by the nodes vary over time. A node delays the context forwarding decision until context of better quality is attained. Moreover, nodes have limited resources, thus, they have to balance between energy conservation and quality of context. We propose a time-optimized, distributed decision making model for forwarding context in a MSN based on the theory of optimal stopping. We compare our findings with certain context forwarding schemes found in the literature and pinpoint the advantages of the proposed model.  相似文献   

在许多基于传感器网络技术的物联网应用中,用户需要快速的查询响应,比如智能交通物联网应用中,行驶在路上的司机即时查询附近的空停车位信息.如何为此类物联网设计一种符合传感器网络特性(如能量有效等)的快速数据转发方案是一项重要的挑战性工作.已有的传感器网络实时数据转发协议大都因未解决好转发断路带来的额外开销、孤立节点处理耗时、难以适应网络拓扑动态变化等关键性问题而未取得理想的实时性效果.为此,该文提出一种新的基于查询的快速数据转发方案,利用查询消息为每个传感器节点建立最快速的数据转发路径(有向无环图),此外文中给出的综合路径代价模型可以均衡网络能量和减少网络拥塞延时,最后设计了贪婪的分布式数据转发算法及其改进算法,并用仿真实验验证了该方案的有效性和高效性.  相似文献   

Sleep and wake-up scheduling of sensor nodes is an efficient solution to prolong the network lifetime. However, existing scheduling algorithms may significantly decrease the number of active nodes so that the network may be intermittently connected. In such networks, traditional geographic routing protocols are inappropriate to obtain low latency routes due to route discovery and data forwarding latency. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-candidate selection (MCS) scheme for greedy routing that makes the best effort to find minimum latency routes in the sensor networks. In MCS, each source node sends an RREQ to a list of first wake-up forwarder candidates and selects a route with minimum estimated delivery latency based on their replies. The route found by MCS may be longer than that of distance-based greedy forwarding (DGF) (Finn, 1987). Hence, we introduce a latency-adaptive distance-based multi-candidate selection scheme for greedy forwarding to find routes with a small number of hops and acceptable delivery latency. Probabilistic analysis and simulation results demonstrate that MCS increases the routing performance significantly compared with DGF and ODML (Su et al., 2008) in terms of delivery latency.  相似文献   

针对移动社会网络中节点移动形成的成簇特性和节点参与活动表现的周期特点,提出了一种基于活动的消息机会转发算法(activity-based message opportunistic forwarding,简称AMOF).算法思想是:当消息携带节点与目的节点存在相同活动时,选择消息交付概率高的中继节点转发消息;当消息携带节点与目的节点不存在相同活动时,选择消息间接交付概率高的链路来转发消息.仿真结果表明,与经典路由算法(如Epidemic,PRoPHET,CMOT和CMTS)比较,所提出的路由算法不仅能够提高消息的传输成功率,还能有效地降低传输时延和网络负载.  相似文献   

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