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本文利用.NET技术,对程序与算法在线评判系统进行设计与实现.该系统主要完成对用户提交的代码进行语法错误检查;根据标准的输入输出测试数据,对程序的运行结果进行评判.  相似文献   

程序正确性的人工评判是一件费时费力的事情,可以考虑借助计算机来实现程序的自动评判。文中介绍了基于B/S模式的自动判题系统的设计。该系统基于JSP技术实现,可以对接收用户提交的程序,进行正确性的判断,并向用户反馈评判结果,同时记录用户的操作日志,并能够根据各类数据,对用户进行排名。  相似文献   

刘鑫标 《福建电脑》2010,26(11):151-152,146
基于Linux环境开发了OnlineJudge系统,即在线评判系统,主要应用于ACM/ICPC国际大学生程序设计竞赛中,同时还可以用于教学,能减轻教师低层次工重复性工作量,吸引学生主动学习、主动实验,从而切实提高学生的程序设计能力。文章主要分析了ACM在线评判系统的功能,阐述了系统的总体架构以及系统所使用的开发环境与技术,最后着重介绍了评判内核的设计与实现思路。  相似文献   

针对现有在线程序评判系统存在的判题效率和安全性问题,本文在分析多用户在线评判系统的功能需求基础上,提出了一种基于B/S架构采用Struts+Spring+Hibernate(SSH)组合框架的多用户在线程序评判系统,介绍了系统的程序评判原理及采用的安全机制。该系统不但可以用于ACM程序设计等比赛,而且可以为程序设计课程教学提供很好的辅助实验平台支持。  相似文献   

针对目前用户对在线程序评判系统选题目盲目问题,建立了ACM在线评测推荐系统模型。通过定义题目的难度系数及所属知识点类型,对用户所做题目运用web数据挖掘技术,进行归类挖掘,然后运用基本推荐策略将题目推荐给用户,通过此平台用户登录在线评判系统网站不再盲目选题。  相似文献   

鲁玲 《微计算机信息》2007,23(28):70-71,117
根据模糊综合评判的数学方法,将进气管中的空气压力和温度进行模糊化处理.并利用模糊综合评判方法得出增压系统状态的准确评判结果。采用NI公司的虚拟仪器开发工具,开发了柴油机增压系统综合状态评估系统,以实现柴油机增压系统的运行状态监测与预测评估。它对保障船舶的安全航行有着重大意义。  相似文献   

在线程序评判系统主要应用于大学生程序设计竞赛和算法、数据结构等课程的实验教学.本系统基于B/S和C/S模式结合的架构,通过调用服务端的编译工具,实时的评判用户通过浏览器或客户端提交的源代码的正确性.  相似文献   

介绍了建立在AutoCAD平台上的工程图学智能评判系统的架构,分析了智能评判的原理、方式及算法,并开发了一套基于AutoCAD的工程图学智能评判系统。系统能对AutoCAD图形中的直线、圆、圆弧、文本等进行评判。  相似文献   

批改学生交来的上机实习程序,是教师们普遍成到头痛的事情。他们迫切地需要一种程序质量自动评判工具。软件度量学的发展,为解决这一问题提供了条件。本系统通过计算程序的控制流复杂度和数据流复杂度,向教师提供了一个评判PASCAL程序质量的客观依据。  相似文献   

雷电风险判断大多通过历史数据进行雷电评估,容易导致评估的结果存在主观性较强、评估结果科学性差问题,为此提出基于模糊综合评判的雷电风险自动评估系统,通过评估原则挑选风险评估阈值,规定分量处理风险,依靠所提供条件给予评估标准,同时挑选最优项,使用模糊综合评判法确定最优项评判对象的因素论域与评判等级论域,组建隶属函数评判标准的模糊权向量,依靠最大隶属度原则,给出评判对象的综合评判结果。实例证明设计系统,能够较为客观地证明方法的实用性,能将评判误差降至最低。  相似文献   

Applying Plan Recognition Algorithms To Program Understanding   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Program understanding is often viewed as the task of extracting plans and design goals from program source. As such, it is natural to try to apply standard AI plan recognition techniques to the program understanding problem. Yet program understanding researchers have quietly, but consistently, avoided the use of these plan recognition algorithms. This paper shows that treating program understanding as plan recognition is too simplistic and that traditional AI search algorithms for plan recognition are not suitable, as is, for program understanding. In particular, we show (1) that the program understanding task differs significantly from the typical general plan recognition task along several key dimensions, (2) that the program understanding task has particular properties that make it particularly amenable to constraint satisfaction techniques, and (3) that augmenting AI plan recognition algorithms with these techniques can lead to effective solutions for the program understanding problem.  相似文献   

The rising demand and cost of software have prompted researchers to investigate factors associated with program changes in software systems. Numerous program complexity measures and statistical techniques have been used to study the effects of program complexity on program changes. The effects of programming methodology on the relationship of complexity to program changes were measured in this study. The results suggest that the relationship of length and structure complexity characteristics to program changes is consistent for different programming methodologies, while the relationship of program changes and characteristics that relate to the use of data and procedure names is not consistent for different programming methodologies.  相似文献   

摘要:在当今的各种程序中,很多人认为只存在两种程序,即善意程序和恶意程序,但对程序属性研究之后,发现还存在第三种属性的程序,该程序部分具有恶意性,部分具有善意性,第三种属性程序是由本文首次提出。本文提出解决问题的思路是:首先采用恶意权值计算公式对程序进行计算,判断该程序是善意程序还是恶意程序,并且分析了程序的权值是否发生了变化。如果是某个程序的权值发生了变化,那么此时善意程序被病毒感染的可能性很大,被病毒感染的程序在一定时候就能够体现出一定的恶意性,因此经过对病毒、被病毒感染的程序和善意程序三种不同属性程序分析之后,最后使用MMTD算法对三种属性的程序进行了分类:该程序是恶意程序,善意程序还是部分恶意部分善意的程序。  相似文献   

FC-normal and extended stratified logic program   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper investigates the consistency property of FC-normal logic program and presents an equivalent deciding condition whether a logic program P is an FC-normal program. The deciding condition describes the characterizations of FC-normal program. By the Petri-net presentation of a logic program, the characterizations of stratification of FC-normal program are investigated. The stratification of FC-normal program motivates us to introduce a new kind of stratification, extended stratification, over logic program. It is shown that an extended (locally) stratified logic program is an FC-normal program. Thus, an extended (locally) stratified logic program has at least one stable model. Finally, we have presented algorithms about computation of consistency property and a few equivalent deciding methods of the finite FC-normal program.  相似文献   

为嵌入式产品E-Book开发USB接口,达到E-Book与PC机的正常通信,软件开发需包含USB固件程序设计、USB设备驱动程序设计和USB通信应用程序设计.文章在USB固件程序和设备驱动程序已基本开发完毕的前提下.分别从USB上层通信程序和它与USB设备驱动程序之间的I/O接口两个模块的设计,进一步对USB通信程序进行了研究和较详细的阐述.特别编写了E-Book与PC机通过USB接口进行批量数据传输的采样测试程序,给出了实际传输速率与USB理论值之间的误差分析.  相似文献   

A theory of fault-based testing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A theory of fault-based program testing is defined and explained. Testing is fault-based when it seeks to demonstrate that prescribed faults are not in a program. It is assumed that a program can only be incorrect in a limited fashion specified by associating alternate expressions with program expressions. Classes of alternate expressions can be infinite. Substituting an alternate expression for a program expression yields an alternate program that is potentially correct. The goal of fault-based testing is to produce a test set that differentiates the program from each of its alternates. A particular form of fault-based testing based on symbolic execution is presented. In symbolic testing, the output from the system is an expression in terms of the input and the symbolic alternative. Equating this with the output from the original program yields a propagation equation whose solutions determine those alternatives which are not differentiated by this test. Since an alternative set can be infinite, it is possible that no finite test differentiates the program from all its alternates. Circumstances are described as to when this can be decided  相似文献   

Comparing behaviors of program versions has become an important task in software maintenance and regression testing. Black-box program outputs have been used to characterize program behaviors and they are compared over program versions in traditional regression testing. Program spectra have recently been proposed to characterize a program's behavior inside the black box. Comparing program spectra of program versions offers insights into the internal behavioral differences between versions. In this paper, we present a new class of program spectra, value spectra, that enriches the existing program spectra family. We compare the value spectra of a program's old version and new version to detect internal behavioral deviations in the new version. We use a deviation-propagation call tree to present the deviation details. Based on the deviation-propagation call tree, we propose two heuristics to locate deviation roots, which are program locations that trigger the behavioral deviations. We also use path spectra (previously proposed program spectra) to approximate the program states in value spectra. We then similarly compare path spectra to detect behavioral deviations and locate deviation roots in the new version. We have conducted an experiment on eight C programs to evaluate our spectra-comparison approach. The results show that both value-spectra-comparison and path-spectra-comparison approaches can effectively expose program behavioral differences between program versions even when their program outputs are the same, and our value-spectra-comparison approach reports deviation roots with high accuracy for most programs.  相似文献   

利用编译代码分析技术,提出一种适用于面向对象程序语言的程序理解与描述算法。该算法对面向对象程序源代码进行分析,获取程序相关知识信息,再对获取的信息进行抽象、推理及演绎,用可视化的形式表达程序细节,由此实现函数级算法结构的程序理解。测试结果证明,该算法能准确理解并清楚表达面向对象语言的结构信息。  相似文献   

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