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夏传良 《计算机应用》2005,25(5):1042-1044
B-shell是UNIX系统的不同shell版本中最重要的一种。B-shell作为独立程序设计语言与一般高级程序设计语言相比存在一些不足,比如B-shell没有提供类似数组等集成数据类型、字符串处理能力较弱、数值计算能力不强、没有格式化输出手段等,不便于数值数据和字符数据的处理。针对这些问题,利用B-shell自身的功能和相应技术对B-shell在类数组类型、字符串处理、数值计算能力和格式化输出等方面进行功能扩展,通过对UNIX系统中B-shell的功能扩展,使B-shell具有类似高级程序设计语言的功能,可提高相应软件的开发效率。  相似文献   

C是个强有力的程序设计语言。它所提供的各种特点有助于写出简单明了、有效且易于维护的程序。 C语言原是贝尔实验室Dennis Ritchie为DEC PDP11机写UNIX操作系统而创立的。UNIX系统本身、C编译程序及大部分UNIX系统下的实用程序都是用C写的。因此,C的设计思想是基于面向机器的,具有许多机器语言的特点,比如有许多地址操作和位操作,可直接使用机器寄存器,可进行存贮分配等,但作为一个高级语言,又具有高级语言的特点,如具有很丰富的高级数据类型和高级程序结构。  相似文献   

值(无论什么类型的值)的格式化输出对任何程序语言(或编程平台)而言都是非常重要的。早期的格式化输入/输出都是语言定义的一部分(如Fortran、Pascal等),功能有限又不灵活。C语言通过程序库(1ibrary)定义了scanf0/prinff0输入/输出函数族,利用格式控制符(如d,CU,x等等)为各种数据类型提供了多种格式化输入,输出手段,功能强大又相当灵活。  相似文献   

本文通过对C语言字符串的应用,解决了高级程序设计语言处理数据存储空间的问题,实现了高级语言数据类型无法完成的,多位整数、高精度减法、除法计算,并对其实现算法进行了简要的分析和介绍。  相似文献   

本文对UNIX系统上C语言和SVS FORTRAN语言的编译特点作了简单的介绍。分析了C函数和FORTRAN外部过程在参数传送方式、传送次序以及各种数据类型兼容性等方面的差别。在UNIX(MC68000)上具体实现了FORTRAN对C函数的调用。  相似文献   

用C语言实现超长整数的加减乘除四则运算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对 C语言链表、字符串的应用 ,解决了高级程序设计语言处理数据存储空间的问题 ,实现了高级语言数据类型无法完成的超长整数、高精度加减乘除四则运算 ,并对其实现算法进行了简要的分析和介绍  相似文献   

三维图是观测和分析数据最直观和最有效的手段之一。但是,现有的计算机高级语言对于三维图的输出能力相对较弱,而更多的数据采集与测试系统需要输出三维图形,为了解决这一问题,发挥高级语言的编程灵活性和MATLAB语言的强大计算和图形输出能力,提出了一种新的三维图输出方法。该方法用VB将采集数据构成二维数组,通过VB与MATLAB接口实现数据的传递,并在VB中直接调用MATLAB语句实现三维图的绘制与输出。该方法编程简便易行,对大多数的应用系统有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

基于VB与MATLAB接口实现三维图输出技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现有的计算机高级语言对于三维图的输出能力相对较弱,而更多的数据采集与测试系统需要输出三维图形,发挥高级语言的编程灵活性和MATLAB语言的强大计算和图形输出功能,提出了一种新的三维图输出方法。该方法用VB将采集数据构成二维数组,通过VB与MATLAB接口实现数据的传递,并在VB中直接调用MATLAB语句实现三维图的绘制与输出。  相似文献   

本文主要讲述了如何实现SZF波浪方向浮标接收机与上位机之间的数据通信,用方便的高级计算机语言代替汇编语言来实现波浪数据的处理.应用VC++语言实现SZF波浪方向浮标接收机数据的回放和格式化输出,并给出了一种软件设计方案.  相似文献   

李杰  韩建敏 《福建电脑》2006,(1):109-110
本文主要对高级程序设计语言和硬件描述语言VHDL的数据类型进行比较分析,总结规律,探讨两种语言数据类型之间的特点。  相似文献   

The ability to solve various constraints is a principal factor of automatic constraint solvers. Most object-oriented languages treat a character string as a primitive data type which is manipulated by string library functions. Most constraint solvers have limitations on their input constraints, such as strong restrictions on the expressiveness of constraints or lack of the ability to solve hybrid constraints. These limitations hinder applying automated constraint solvers on program analysis techniques for programs containing strings and string manipulation functions. We propose an approach to automatically solve program constraints involving strings and string manipulation functions. Based on the character array model, we design a constraint language which contains primitive operations to precisely describe the constraints of commonly used string manipulation functions. The translated string constraints together with numeric constraints are then solved by a two-phase test generation procedure: firstly, a partial solution is obtained to satisfy the arithmetic constraints of the position variables, and the solution is utilized to simplify the string constraints into pure character array constraints; secondly, the pure array constraints are solved by an off-the-shelf array-specific theory based constraint solver. We integrate the approach into an automated testing tool to support the generation of string test cases, and then perform experiments. The results of the experiments prove that the integration of the proposed approach promotes the testing coverage of the existing testing tool, and the integrated tool has an advantage of handling specific string manipulation functions compared with an existing string solver.  相似文献   

  • 1 UNIX is a trademark of Bell Laboratories.
  • operating system provides an especially congenial programming environment, in which it is not only possible, but actually natural, to write programs quickly and well. Several characteristics of the UNIX system contribute to this desirable state of affairs. Files have no type or internal structure, so data produced by one program can be used by another without impediment. The basic system interface for input and output provides homogeneous treatment of files, I/O devices and programs, so programs need not care where their data comes from or goes to. The command interpreter makes it convenient to connect programs, by arranging for all data communication. Complex procedures are created not by writing large programs from scratch, but by interconnecting relatively small components. These programs are small and concentrate on single functions, and therefore are easy to build, understand, describe, and maintain. They form a high level toolkit whose existence causes programmers to view their work as the use and creation of tools, a viewpoint that encourages growth in place of reinvention. Tools interact in a limited number of ways, but can be used in many different combinations. Thus, an addition to the toolkit tends to improve the programming power of the user faster than it increases the complexity of interconnection and maintenance. Finally, tools are connected at a very high level by a powerful command language interpreter. The error-prone and expensive process of program writing can often be avoided in favor of program-using. In this paper we will present a variety of examples to illustrate this methodology, focusing on those aspects of the system and supporting software which make it possible.  相似文献   

    Mark Woodman 《Software》1986,16(7):605-626
    The formatted syntax notation has been developed for the specification of formatted programming languages. This paper describes how a formatted syntax may be constructed for the purpose of prettyprinting an existing free-format language. Those aspects of the system of particular relevance to free-format languages are emphasized and their use explained. Also, a number of deficiencies in the defining metasyntax and formatting symbol repertoire are discussed. Practical enhancements and further areas of research are suggested. The programming language Modula-2 is used for illustration, and a formatted syntax for it is given.  相似文献   

    本文较详细地介绍了UNIX环境下C语言的联机帮助系统chelp的设计与实现。该系统由一个辅助的shell程序和联机帮助系统自身构成。前者的作用在于加速系统的开发,使得在增删及修正帮助信息时系统的更新得以自动完成,后者包括各类帮助信息的正文,涉及ANSIC与UNIXC标准库函数的用法以及可被程序员任意剪裁的示例程序。  相似文献   

    C语言由于具有其它程序设计语言无法比拟的优点,因此成为当今世界上应用广泛、最具影响的程序设计语言之一。目前国内很多高校的工科专业都将C语言作为一门重要的基础课程纳入教学大纲中。该文针对C语言的功能和特点进行分析,提出从多个方面采用恰当的教学方法,帮助学生解决编程难的问题。  相似文献   

    Keith E. Gorlen 《Software》1987,17(12):899-922
    The Object-Oriented Program Support (OOPS) class library is a portable collection of classes similar to those of Smalltalk-80 that has been developed using the C++ programming language under the UNIX operating system. The OOPS library includes generally useful data types, such as String, Date and Time, and most of the Smalltalk-80 collection classes such as OrderedCtn (indexed arrays), LinkedList (singly linked lists), Set (hash tables), and Dictionary (associative arrays). Arbitrarily complex data structures comprised of OOPS and user-defined objects can be stored on disk files or moved between UNIX processes by means of an object I/O facility. The classes Process, Scheduler, Semaphore and SharedQueue provide multiprogramming with coroutines. This paper gives a brief introduction to object-oriented programming and how it is supported by the C+ + programming language. An overview of the OOPS library is also presented, followed by a programming example. The implementation details of two of the class library's more interesting features, object I/O and processes, are described. The paper concludes with a discussion of the differences between the OOPS library and Smalltalk-80 and some observations based on our programming experience with C++ and OOPS.  相似文献   

    Concurrent C是一种支持并发程序设计的语言,它是C语言的一个超集。本文讨论Concurrent C语言在运行XENIX或UNIX操作系统的单处理机上的实现。  相似文献   

    李广元  唐稚松 《软件学报》2000,11(3):285-292
    指针是一种重要的数据类型,使用指针能使程序更加有效和优美.可是指针却以不易驾御而闻名,至今在时序逻辑语言中未见到对它的形式化工作.XYZ/E既是一个时序逻辑系统也是一个程序设计语言,它能表示普通高级语言中几乎所有的重要机制.本文主要讨论在时序逻辑语言XYZ/E中指针的形式化表示问题以及在结构化XYZ/SE程序中指针的验证问题.  相似文献   

    为使Fortran与VB混合计算工程中的接口容纳更丰富的数据类型,研究了以OLE变体类型为载体的字符串数据的传递.在阐述了OLE变体类型结构的基础上,利用CVF对Unicode字符串的支持,成功实施了单一字符串的传递;基于对VB变体安全数组参数的本质认识,并通过挖掘CVF语言扩展功能,解决了字符串数组的传递;通过将含字符串自定义类型转换成变体数组,给出了含字符串自定义类型数组的传递方式.实例结果表明了各种传递方法的可行性.  相似文献   

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