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倪云竹  吕光宏  蒲宇  冯雯 《计算机应用》2003,23(11):76-78,93
Internet电子邮件访问协议(IMAP)Ver.4是目前在Internet上广泛使用的电子邮件协议之一,文中所设计的IMAP4电子邮件客户软件实现了该协议,用于接收存放于IMAP4邮件服务器上的电子邮件。整个设计过程都是在面向对象思想的指导下进行,所实现的IMAP4电子邮件客户软件具有界面简洁,使用方便等特点。  相似文献   

YongZi 《大众软件》2008,(22):66-67
IMAP,英文全称Intemet Message Access Protocol(互联网邮件访问协议),和PoP协议一样,它也是一种邮件获取协议,我们可通过这种协议从邮件服务器上获取邮件的信息、下载邮件等。但与PoP不同的是,IMAP是“双向”的,换句话说,你在电子邮件客户端或移动设备进行的操作,都可自动同步到服务器上,并可通过客户端直接对服务器上的邮件进行操作。同时,IMAP可以只下载邮件的主题,只有当你真正需要时,才会下载邮件的所有内容。  相似文献   

1.什么是“IMAP”??我在设置Netscape的一些参数时,发现有一项是“IMAP”,什么是“IMAP”?该如何设置?它和“POP3”有什么区别?IMAP是Internet Message AccessProtocol的缩写,中文名是网际消息访问协议。正如POP3是POP协议的第3个版本一样,IMAP4是TMAP协议的第4个版本,它提供了同POP3一样方便的邮件下载服务,而且在邮箱访问上有更加强大的功能。  相似文献   

Q1Foxmail中如何设置IMAP问:Gmail邮箱已经支持IMAP协议,我想在Foxmail中改用此协议收取邮件,但将接收服务器设置为imap.gmail.com后还是不能收取邮件。如何设置才行?(读者双双邮件提问)  相似文献   

高祥 《计算机与网络》2000,(19):22-22,20
上过网的人一定都用过电子邮件,大概谁都有过这样的感受.在Web页里直接收取邮件,既麻烦而且速度又慢,用Outlook和Foxmail收信效率就大大提高而且不必担心邮箱“挤满”,可是涉及到0utlook和F0xmail就不能不提到POP3、SMTP)和IMAP的设置,POP3和IMAP是接收邮件服务器的协议,SMTP简单邮件传输协议用于传送邮件,在这里让我们仔细了解一下POP3和IMAP,请看:  相似文献   

前不久QQ邮箱开通了IMAP服务(Internet Message Access Protocol,互联网邮件访问协议),我们可以更轻松自如地在邮件客户端自由收发邮件。  相似文献   

IMAP全称是Internet Message Accers Protocol,意为Internet信息存取协议。它是一种访问电子邮件或访问邮件服务器上公告板信息的方法,也就是说它允许客户机邮件程序象访问本地信息一样,访问远程信息。华盛顿大学的站点上提供了多种IMAP的相关信息,访问者可以在该站点上找到有关  相似文献   

飞雪散花 《电脑迷》2008,(20):64-65
如果现在你仍然习惯于用POP3协议来收取邮件,那说明你落伍了。因为我们有更好的协议相助,它就是我们本文所要介绍的IMAP协议。  相似文献   

贝叶斯过滤算法和费舍尔过滤算法均是利用统计学知识对于垃圾邮件进行过滤的算法,有着良好的过滤效果。该文设计将某一词组(单词)出现概率使用加权计算的方法,改善了朴素贝叶斯算法和朴素费舍尔的邮件过滤算法对于出现较少的单词误判情况,使系统对于垃圾邮件判断的准确率上升。设计可以使用个性化的垃圾邮件过滤方案,支持使用邮件下载协议(POP3、IMAP协议)从邮件服务器下载邮件,以及使用邮件解析协议(MIME协议)对于邮件进行解析,支持邮件发送协议(SMTP协议)帮助用户发送邮件。  相似文献   

让邮件客户端接纳IMAP服务。 问:最近Gmail邮箱推出了IMAP服务,我该如何设置才能让邮件客户端接收到以此方式传递的邮件?  相似文献   

The network environment considered in this paper exists in commercial and military products such as Autonomous Aircraft and Vehicles. In these products sensors and processors are utilized for control, diagnosis, repair and communication. We refer to such networks as embedded networks and present a bus protocol suitable for these networks. Two modes of operation have been defined for the proposed protocol (IMAP). Normal mode is defined as that in which token passing is done in a random order and the token remains within a cluster of active stations. The other mode of operation is called the interrupt mode. In this mode, token bus operation is carried out and the token is passed through every station. Performance in terms of channel utilization and delay characteristics of IMAP is compared to the token bus and CSMA/CD performance. The performance models are developed by obtaining time-distance diagrams of token bus and IMAP. It is observed that IMAP has better performance characteristics than the conventional token bus and CSMA/CD.  相似文献   

李阳  李青  张霞 《计算机应用》2017,37(4):954-959
针对缺少会话信息的离散序列报文,提出一种基于离散序列报文的协议格式(SPMbFSC)特征自动提取算法。SPMbFSC在对离散序列报文进行聚类的基础上,通过改进的频繁模式挖掘算法提取出协议关键字,进一步对协议关键字进行选择,筛选出协议格式特征。仿真结果表明,SPMbFSC在以单个报文为颗粒度的识别中对FTP、HTTP等六种协议的识别率均能达到95%以上,在以会话为颗粒度的识别中识别率可达90%。同等实验条件下性能优于自适应特征(AdapSig)提取方法。实验结果表明SPMbFSC不依赖会话数据的完整性,更符合实际应用中由于接收条件限制导致会话信息不完整的情形。  相似文献   

支持IMAP4的电子邮件程序的设计与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于IMAP4协议在很多方面优于POP3,越来越多的邮件服务器软件开始支持IMAP4。文章在分析了目前Internet电子邮件发送和接收的原理以及相应网络协议的基础上,设计并实现了一个支持IMAP4协议的电子邮件客户程序。  相似文献   

We propose an Interactive Message Authentication Protocol (IMAP) using two channels; an insecure broadband channel and an authenticated narrow-band channel. We consider the problem in the context of ad hoc networks, where it is assumed that there is neither a secret key shared among the two parties, nor a public-key infrastructure in place. The security of our IMAP is based on the existence of Interactive-Collision Resistant (ICR) hash functions, a new notion of hash function security. Our IMAP is based on the computational assumption that ICR hash functions exist. It performs better than message authentication protocols that are based on computational assumptions. That is, while achieving the same level of security, the amount of information sent over the authenticated channel in our IMAP is smaller than the most secure IMAP and Non-interactive Message Authentication Protocol (NIMAP) in the literature. In other words, if we send the same amount of information over the authenticated channel, we can allow much stronger adversaries compared to the existing protocols in the literature. Moreover, our IMAP benefits from a simple structure and works under fewer security assumptions compared to other IMAPs in the literature. The efficient and easy-to-use structure of our IMAP makes it very practical in real world ad hoc network scenarios.  相似文献   

Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Agent Platform   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents IMAP, a hybrid agent platform composed of several cooperating intelligent agents and mobile agents. IMAP is implemented in Java and Prolog. Java is used to implement the framework of the system, and in particular for supporting the communication between agents and mobility of agent, while Prolog is used to implement both adduction and derivation mechanisms. IMAP intends to independently employ the underlying derivation/adduction and mobility mechanism. In IMAP, intelligent agent and mobile agent can not only fully exploit individual virtue, but also cooperate to perform a task under a uniform platform. Intelligent agents in IMAP are equipped with hypothetical reasoning capabilities, performed by means of adduction: if the knowledge available to an agent is insufficient to solve a query, the agent could adduce new hypotheses. Each intelligent agent can accept queries from mobile agents by means of the interface module, each query is passed to the reasoning module of intelligent agent which performs a derivation and adduction in order to get an answer for mobile agent. IMAP also provides mobile agents a flexible and efficient coordination mechanism and a reliable migration mechanism, and supports persistence of agent state and agent security. Mobile agent's coordination mechanism exploits the advantages of the XML language and Linda-like coordination. This programmable Linda-like coordination mechanism suits the mobility and openness of the Internet application, XML standard for Internet data representation may guarantee a high-degree of interoperability between heterogeneous environments. The design and implementation key technologies of IMAP are described in this paper. An Internet based auction application example shows the suitability and the effectiveness of the IMAP, and its performance evaluation is also made. Finally, some conclusions and remarks are given.  相似文献   

朱健  卢秉亮  王盛明  甄雷 《微处理机》2008,29(1):100-103
Internet的电子邮件服务系统采用SMTP、POP、IMAP等应用协议。文章以SMTP协议为研究对象,在Visual C 6.0编程环境下应用SMTP协议,通过套接字发送SMTP命令,接收并处理邮件服务器的反馈信息,从而在客户端实现对电子邮件的发送。文章详细讨论了SMTP协议的命令、应答、会话流程、邮件格式化的实现以及在发送SMTP和接收SMTP之间的会话及应答过程。软件采用面向对象,消息驱动及多线程等新技术实现系统中的功能。  相似文献   

I-office系统是一个基于Internet的协同办公系统。邮件服务是I-office中的一个基础服务,它为用户和I-office中其它子系统提供邮件服务,包括收发邮件、通讯录维护等。通过独立的组织结构子系统实现联系人组的维护,通过I-office统一身份认证系统实现身份认证和身份漫游I。-office邮件服务支持任何遵循IMAP和SMTP协议的邮件服务器,并可以同用户个人办公系统中的邮件系统进行数据同步,协同工作。  相似文献   

This paper describes a real-time vision system (RVS) architecture and performance and its use of an integrated memory array processor (IMAP) prototype. This prototype integrates eight 8-bit processors and a 144-kbit SRAM on a single chip. The RVS was developed with 64 IMAP prototypes connected in series in a 512 processor-system configuration. A host workstation can access the memory on the IMAP prototypes directly through a random access port. Images are inputted and outputted at high speed through serial access ports. The RVS performance is shown in real-time road-image processing and in a neural network simulation, as well as in low-level image processing algorithms, such as filtering, histograms, discrete cosine transform (DCT), and rotation. The RVS image processing is shown to be much faster than the video rate.  相似文献   

基于BREW平台支持IMAP4的智能手机邮件客户端的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了实现支持IMAP4协议的移动邮件客户端在智能手机上的应用,在VC++6.0环境下,采用了高通推出的专门为无线设备设计的BREW平台。提出了原子流程的概念,以降低程序间的耦合度,提高代码复用率。经在仿真环境下测试实验,实现了与Internet上多台常用邮件服务器的交互,并且运行稳定,可作为智能手机的一个组件应用于3G网络。  相似文献   

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