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This work presents an evolutionary multi-agent system applied to the query optimization phase of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) in a non-distributed environment. The query optimization phase deals with a known problem called query join ordering, which has a direct impact on the performance of such systems. The proposed optimizer was programmed in the optimization core of the H2 Database Engine. The experimental section was designed according to a factorial design of fixed effects and the analysis based on the Permutations Test for an Analysis of Variance Design. The evaluation methodology is based on synthetic benchmarks and the tests are divided into three different experiments: calibration of the algorithm, validation with an exhaustive method and a general comparison with different database systems, namely Apache Derby, HSQLDB and PostgreSQL. The results show that the proposed evolutionary multi-agent system was able to generate solutions associated with lower cost plans and faster execution times in the majority of the cases.  相似文献   

In this paper, we re-examine the results of prior work on methods for computing ad hoc joins. We develop a detailed cost model for predicting join algorithm performance, and we use the model to develop cost formulas for the major ad hoc join methods found in the relational database literature. We show that various pieces of “common wisdom” about join algorithm performance fail to hold up when analyzed carefully, and we use our detailed cost model to derive op timal buffer allocation schemes for each of the join methods examined here. We show that optimizing their buffer allocations can lead to large performance improvements, e.g., as much as a 400% improvement in some cases. We also validate our cost model's predictions by measuring an actual implementation of each join algorithm considered. The results of this work should be directly useful to implementors of relational query optimizers and query processing systems. Edited by M. Adiba. Received May 1993 / Accepted April 1996  相似文献   

The sequential ordering problem is a version of the asymmetric travelling salesman problem where precedence constraints on vertices are imposed. A tour is feasible if these constraints are fulfilled, and the objective is to find a feasible solution with minimum cost.  相似文献   

In the past decade, advances in the speed of commodity CPUs have far out-paced advances in memory latency. Main-memory access is therefore increasingly a performance bottleneck for many computer applications, including database systems. In this article, we use a simple scan test to show the severe impact of this bottleneck. The insights gained are translated into guidelines for database architecture, in terms of both data structures and algorithms. We discuss how vertically fragmented data structures optimize cache performance on sequential data access. We then focus on equi-join, typically a random-access operation, and introduce radix algorithms for partitioned hash-join. The performance of these algorithms is quantified using a detailed analytical model that incorporates memory access cost. Experiments that validate this model were performed on the Monet database system. We obtained exact statistics on events such as TLB misses and L1 and L2 cache misses by using hardware performance counters found in modern CPUs. Using our cost model, we show how the carefully tuned memory access pattern of our radix algorithms makes them perform well, which is confirmed by experimental results. Received April 20, 2000 / Accepted June 23, 2000  相似文献   

Fast joins using join indices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two new algorithms, “Jive join” and “Slam join,” are proposed for computing the join of two relations using a join index. The algorithms are duals: Jive join range-partitions input relation tuple ids and then processes each partition, while Slam join forms ordered runs of input relation tuple ids and then merges the results. Both algorithms make a single sequential pass through each input relation, in addition to one pass through the join index and two passes through a temporary file, whose size is half that of the join index. Both algorithms require only that the number of blocks in main memory is of the order of the square root of the number of blocks in the smaller relation. By storing intermediate and final join results in a vertically partitioned fashion, our algorithms need to manipulate less data in memory at a given time than other algorithms. The algorithms are resistant to data skew and adaptive to memory fluctuations. Selection conditions can be incorporated into the algorithms. Using a detailed cost model, the algorithms are analyzed and compared with competing algorithms. For large input relations, our algorithms perform significantly better than Valduriez's algorithm, the TID join algorithm, and hash join algorithms. An experimental study is also conducted to validate the analytical results and to demonstrate the performance characteristics of each algorithm in practice. Received July 21, 1997 / Accepted June 8, 1998  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the design and implementation of OPT++, a tool for extensible database query optimization that uses an object-oriented design to simplify the task of implementing, extending, and modifying an optimizer. Building an optimizer using OPT++ makes it easy to extend the query algebra (to add new query algebra operators and physical implementation algorithms to the system), easy to change the search space, and also to change the search strategy. Furthermore, OPT++ comes equipped with a number of search strategies that are available for use by an optimizer-implementor. OPT++ considerably simplifies both, the task of implementing an optimizer for a new database system, and the task of evaluating alternative optimization techniques and strategies to decide what techniques are best suited for that database system. We present the results of a series of performance studies. These results validate our design and show that, in spite of its flexibility, OPT++ can be used to build efficient optimizers. Received October 1996 / Accepted January 1998  相似文献   

Query processing and optimization in Oracle Rdb   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper contains an overview of the technology used in the query processing and optimization component of Oracle Rdb, a relational database management system originally developed by Digital Equipment Corporation and now under development by Oracle Corporation. Oracle Rdb is a production system that supports the most demanding database applications, runs on multiple platforms and in a variety of environments. Edited by C. Mohan / Received August 1994 / Acceped August 1995  相似文献   

Summary. This paper formulates necessary and sufficient conditions on the information required for enforcing causal ordering in a distributed system with asynchronous communication. The paper then presents an algorithm for enforcing causal message ordering. The algorithm allows a process to multicast to arbitrary and dynamically changing process groups. We show that the algorithm is optimal in the space complexity of the overhead of control information in both messages and message logs. The algorithm achieves optimality by transmitting the bare minimum causal dependency information specified by the necessity conditions, and using an encoding scheme to represent and transmit this information. We show that, in general, the space complexity of causal 0message ordering in an asynchronous system is , where is the number of nodes in the system. Although the upper bound on space complexity of the overhead of control information in the algorithm is , the overhead is likely to be much smaller on the average, and is always the least possible. Received: January 1996 / Accepted: February 1998  相似文献   

In query-intensive database application areas, like decision support and data mining, systems that use vertical fragmentation have a significant performance advantage. In order to support relational or object oriented applications on top of such a fragmented data model, a flexible yet powerful intermediate language is needed. This problem has been successfully tackled in Monet, a modern extensible database kernel developed by our group. We focus on the design choices made in the Monet interpreter language (MIL), its algebraic query language, and outline how its concept of tactical optimization enhances and simplifies the optimization of complex queries. Finally, we summarize the experience gained in Monet by creating a highly efficient implementation of MIL. Received November 10, 1998 / Accepted March 22, 1999  相似文献   

Summary. The Probabilistic I/O Automaton model of [31] is used as the basis for a formal presentation and proof of the randomized consensus algorithm of Aspnes and Herlihy. The algorithm guarantees termination within expected polynomial time. The Aspnes-Herlihy algorithm is a rather complex algorithm. Processes move through a succession of asynchronous rounds, attempting to agree at each round. At each round, the agreement attempt involves a distributed random walk. The algorithm is hard to analyze because of its use of nontrivial results of probability theory (specifically, random walk theory which is based on infinitely many coin flips rather than on finitely many coin flips), because of its complex setting, including asynchrony and both nondeterministic and probabilistic choice, and because of the interplay among several different sub-protocols. We formalize the Aspnes-Herlihy algorithm using probabilistic I/O automata. In doing so, we decompose it formally into three subprotocols: one to carry out the agreement attempts, one to conduct the random walks, and one to implement a shared counter needed by the random walks. Properties of all three subprotocols are proved separately, and combined using general results about automaton composition. It turns out that most of the work involves proving non-probabilistic properties (invariants, simulation mappings, non-probabilistic progress properties, etc.). The probabilistic reasoning is isolated to a few small sections of the proof. The task of carrying out this proof has led us to develop several general proof techniques for probabilistic I/O automata. These include ways to combine expectations for different complexity measures, to compose expected complexity properties, to convert probabilistic claims to deterministic claims, to use abstraction mappings to prove probabilistic properties, and to apply random walk theory in a distributed computational setting. We apply all of these techniques to analyze the expected complexity of the algorithm. Received: February 1999 / Accepted: March 2000  相似文献   

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