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工控系统DCS操作站选择   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
对丁控系统中DCS操作站的选择进行研究,发现采用UNIX平台的DCS操作站在使用维护中存在缺点。对DCS操作站的使用现状进行了调查分析,并将采用UNIX平台的DCS操作站与采用WindowsNT(2000)平台的DCS操作站进行了对比,发现采用WindowsNT(2000)平台的DCS操作站。能够解决系统安全性与稳定性方面的问题,并给出了具体的改进措施。实践证明:采用WindowsNT(2000)平台的DCS操作站具有成本低、开放性强的优势,是今后DCS操作站的发展方向。  相似文献   

以辽河油田汽驱工业过程为对象,设计开发了一套优化监控系统。该系统由操作站、工程师站构建的小型局域网组成,建立了湿蒸汽干度的软测量模型,实现了指标变量的在线检测,并采用遗传算法进行优化计算,实现了对整个汽驱过程的优化操作指导。系统具有良好的人机界面,同时具有较好的可靠性和稳定性,系统各部分之间的数据通讯是基于OPC接口进行的。目前该监控系统已成功运行于辽河油田的注气3站和5站。  相似文献   

陈皓  吴重光 《计算机仿真》2004,21(11):223-227
石油化工的故障诊断方法是当前研究的热点问题。系统仿真技术在故障诊断系统中发挥了特殊的作用,所以建立用于故障诊断的仿真试验平台是必要的。该文提出了该仿真试验平台的结构及技术要求,说明了开发用于故障诊断试验的DCS仿真操作站软件的需要。重点论述了在Windows平台下开发DCS仿真操作站软件的方法,包括操作站软件的总体结构分析,使用统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)对软件进行建模,以及面向对象的程序设计方法。应用该方法实现的操作站软件具有良好的性能。该仿真操作站软件已经应用于工业过程控制故障诊断方面的研究。  相似文献   

还记得《Geek》曾经介绍过的Segway吗?就是那个需要你站在上面驾驭的双轮电动车,虽说这玩意儿现在还没普及,不过日本人已经觉得站着操作那东西实在是太累了,  相似文献   

一台平板和轻巧的单电相机无疑是当下旅行生活中必备之物,再加上每人一部的智能手机,这就组成了新的减负“旅行三件套”。XPS10正是这样一款平板,它为打破工作、生活的界限而来,这要如何做到?集成了XPS系列的精致做工和品牌基因,搭载最新的Windows RT操作系统,同时还标配扩展坞站,简化输入操作…一体验更全面的产品和更长的续航时间。  相似文献   

新型布袋除尘控制系统的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了基于工业以太网设计的新型布袋除尘器控制系统,该系统采用了自上而下的三层工业网络结构和自动化站一工程师站一操作员站的系统模式;同时为各子系统的控制对象设计了满足控制工艺要求的先进控制策略,使得系统具有更好的实用性和可靠性,提升了系统的可控性和先进性。通过实际运行证明,该系统达到了节约成本,降低粉尘排放浓度的控制目的。  相似文献   

文中分析研究了新型集散控制系统CS-3000操作站的监视与控制功能。对其安全性、硬件、软件和长时间趋势存储等功能进行了研究。新型集散控制系统操作站具有WindowsNT操作系统。可提供DDE和OPC软件包.为工厂网络提供直接数据服务。操作站显示方式有全屏模式和窗口模式。能够使用Visua lBasic或Visual C ,为用户创建自己的程序。由于使用了PC机.新型操作站具有较高的性能价格比。  相似文献   

四、显示功能的发展系统的过程连接口箱与遍布工厂的过程传感器和终控元件相连。并对进出的讯号进行调节、检查和控制。由数据公路携带的信息经通道传递到局部控制网络,接口和通道将数据进行转换以便与其它的源数据相一致。为了实现对数据的集中监视和操作,TDC2000配备了操作站(B)和管理站(S)i TDC3000配备了增强型操作站(EOS)和万能操作站(us)。它们都是以微处理机为基础、与数字通讯及CRT 显示技术相结合的人机接口。过程或工厂的控制取决于过程参数的即时识别。采用一种按“例外情况进行操作”的监视技术可方便地解决这一任务。这种监视方法突出显示那些偏离了正常操作的控制回路或过程装置。TDC 系列采用棒图偏差表示法有助于监视多个回路,以PV 数值精确表示其  相似文献   

DCS仿真培训系统中操作员站的实现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
提出了一种在Windows平台下仿真培训系统操作员站功能的实现方法,应用该方法实现操作员站功能简单,精炼,采用这种方法开发的系统齐鲁石化公司氯碱厂氯乙烯装置的操作培训中得到了应用,并取发好的效果。  相似文献   

TDC3000集散控制系统训练仿真器软件开发环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
集散控制系统TDC3000训练仿真器软件开发环境是一个规模较大的软件包,本文就其操作站和主机的平台以及站间通讯的实现作了详细地介绍。  相似文献   

Semantic publishing is the use of Web and Semantic Web technologies to enhance the meaning of a published journal article, to facilitate its automated discovery, to enable its linking to semantically related articles, to provide access to data within the article in actionable form, and to facilitate integration of data between articles. Recently, semantic publishing has opened the possibility of a major step forward in the digital publishing world. For this to succeed, new semantic models and visualization tools are required to fully meet the specific needs of authors and publishers. In this article, we introduce the principles and architectures of two new ontologies central to the task of semantic publishing: FaBiO, the FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology, an ontology for recording and publishing bibliographic records of scholarly endeavours on the Semantic Web, and CiTO, the Citation Typing Ontology, an ontology for the characterization of bibliographic citations both factually and rhetorically. We present those two models step by step, in order to emphasise their features and to stress their advantages relative to other pre-existing information models. Finally, we review the uptake of FaBiO and CiTO within the academic and publishing communities.  相似文献   

随着科学技术不断发展与进步,计算机硬件所需要的技术要求越来越高,因此,我们应该对其出现的故障进行及时分析,并且还要在分析的基础上提高维护水平。从现有的计算机来看,类型比较多样,有笔记本、商务本、超极本、电脑主机一体机等等,不同的计算机需要采用不同的维护方式,否则很容易导致故障频发。另一方面,我们要对计算机硬件故障进行详细的分析,找出故障的根源,一举解决问题,否则很有可能会让计算机遭到更大的损坏。计算机硬件故障分析与维护是一整套连贯性的检修工作,需要互相配合才能取得更好的结果。  相似文献   

在激烈的市场竞争中,无论是国际还是国内的企业,都把提高广告设计水平作为提升竞争力的一种手段,广告设计创新显得越来越迫切。本文试图从互动角度来探讨广告设计创意,目的有两个:一个是拓宽广告设计理论的研究空间,预测互动创意作为一种广告设计创新途径的未来发展和可能;第二个目的是为广告设计实践总结和归纳新的思考和创作方法,以拓宽设计实践者的创意思维空间,丰富表现语言。本文通过研究国内外最新的广告设计成功案例,探讨了广告设计之互动创意的途径和方法,期望能对相关设计领域的研究和实践提供参考价值。  相似文献   

胡向东  徐慧芬  张力 《软件学报》2015,26(8):2020-2040
基于无线传感网的物联网感知层传统的“全网”、“周期性”重新成簇的簇维护模式因超范围过度维护,存在维护成本高、能量浪费严重、服务全面中断、响应不及时等缺点.局域按需簇维护方法(local and on-demand maintenance of clusters,简称LDMC)将簇维护操作控制在簇受损的时间和空间范围内,通过设置触发源、预处理和维护动作分别解决簇维护启动、簇维护方式和簇维护范围问题,不仅能够克服簇更新周期确定的困难,而且可在节点失效和新节点加入时对网络拓扑和路由变化及时进行响应,减小突发事件对网络功能的影响,改善网络的稳定性并降低其维护开销.基于NS2仿真平台,分别从能量消耗、数据传输、负载平衡和突发事件响应等角度对该方法进行了测试对比,仿真结果表明,该方法能够明显减少簇维护的能量消耗、延长网络生存时间,并增加传输数据包的 总量.  相似文献   

One of the main consequences of the extended enterprise is the emergence of new forms of relationships between the customer and the supplier in order to ensure the quality of service of the object throughout the life cycle. Innovative communication and co-operation methods are needed to support these new relationships. The combination of modern information processing and communication tools, commonly referred to as tele-service, offers the technical support required to access remote information. Indeed, it is easier to transfer information and knowledge to different actors than to move an actor to the site. However, even if this technical support is necessary for information communication, it is insufficient to develop a co-operation-based working situation that involves many self-motivated customers and suppliers sharing a common goal. This synergy is an emergent property of the system as a whole, and it is not expected to be obtained as a simple sum of its components. For example, a challenging problem in the field of product manufacturing is to assist the operator in its decision-making, when the system functioning is degraded, to preserve the system under service at maximum (anticipation of the failure) while remaining it in a space of allowed operation (to avoid consequences of an error in judgement). That means an evolution from tele-service to e-work and e-maintenance in particular where the assistance to operator results from collaboration of maintenance processes and experts. Consequently, this paper examines some issues and challenges involved in the evolution from the tele-maintenance of an industrial platform to the e-maintenance, and then proposes a multi-agent system-based collaboration as a solution to implement the e-maintenance experiments.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the non-metallic phases in equilibrium with liquid steel is very important to the design and control of the results of steelmaking operations, in particular deoxidation, desulfurization and inclusion shape control. Thus, through the control of steel and slag composition it is possible, for instance, to tailor non-metallic inclusions to achieve maximum deformability, to avoid nozzle clogging in continuous casting and to optimize the use of deoxidants. However, the solution of this type of problems requires adequate thermodynamic models and corresponding databases both for the metal phase and for the slag.

Close interaction with the steelmaking shop makes it possible a) to evaluate the calculation needs for solving these problems, b) apply the selected models and databases to these questions and c) have a feedback with respect to how adequate the solution is to the actual problem.

In this work the current models used for these applications are briefly reviewed, their limitations highlighted and the results of their applications both to laboratory and to plant data are presented and compared.  相似文献   

低碳建筑是营造可持续发展未来的关键。本文通过对低碳建筑的全面分析以及对全球知名的设计实例的分析,探讨适应低碳经济时代的建筑发展的方向、目标,指出低碳建设和设计要走向集约型、走向自然、走向效率设计、走向适应性设计、走向循环设计、走向智能化设的发展途径,以及低碳建筑未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

In the face of multiple challenges and opportunities, in a turbulent business environment, chief executives are seeking to create more flexible and adaptable organizations. Increasingly these are taking the form of networks, with electronic links forwards to customers, backwards to suppliers and sideways to business partners. These networks are becoming global, bringing together all those who wish to contribute a proportion of their time to a particular mission. The staff of the network organization need to be supported by a communications network that is itself flexible and adaptable, and able to facilitate multifunctional, multi-location and multi-national team working. In the main the major constraints concern people, their skills and attitudes, and the management of technology, rather than the technology itself. IT professionals, and particularly IT directors, are sought who are able to facilitate change. IT directors require directional qualities which are distinct from those demanded of managers. They need a broad, strategic awareness and perspective concerning the requirements for responsive organizations, with continuing processes for adaptation and learning to meet the changing needs of customers.  相似文献   

随着职业学校课程教学改革的深入开展,教师在教育教学过程中怎么教、教什么;采取什么样的教学策略,需要教师研究与思考的。以网络技术和信息技术为核心的信息技术已成为拓展人类能力的创造性工具,需要把各种技术手段恰当地融合到课程中,本文针对信息技术与网络技术课程的融合需要进行教学策略的改变、教学内容及内容的呈现形式改变、学生的学习方式改变加以阐述,以各种形式、多种手段帮助学生学习,进一步调动学生的学习积极性。  相似文献   

In recent years, the Perimeter of Operational Security has extended to meet the expectations of both the internal business, and that of clients, and outsourced expectations. A further emergence has been seen in areas like mobile computing, which empower workers and executives alike to not only work from outside the perimeter of control, but to also communicate through it, and these circumstances, and strivers in operational connectivity, and working practices have imposed some significant challenges for the business in order to deploy and support a security policies end-to-end.Further impacting factors are growing in areas like Spyware, Adaware, and this linked to challenges that exist to support Patching and Fixing dictate that the approach to operational security, especially outside of the perimeter, is essential to have a mirrored set of logical controls deployed if security is to be realised to at all end-points.  相似文献   

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