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许多人在接触家用电器的金属外壳时。曾遇到过有“麻电”的感觉。严重时甚至有刺痛的感觉。“麻电”是一种危险的征兆。轻则引起使用者精神紧张。重则危及使用者的生命安全.发生触电伤亡事故。因此。当发生“麻电”现象时。必须暂停使用。找出“麻电”的原因。及时排除电器的故障。同时也应采取必要的技术措施避免“麻电”现象的再次产生。  相似文献   

Windows Server 2008是微软服务器家族的最新力作。拥有很多令人期待的新功能。但它的开发过程并不像微软以前的操作系统那样频频延期。问题多多。本文作者专访了Windows Server 2008的项目经理。带您走入这个复杂系统的开发过程的幕后。了解鲜为人知的开发内幕。  相似文献   

中国的广阔土地,养育了十三亿中国人民;中国的博大胸怀。包容了56个民族的繁衍生息。他们的生活方式,民间习俗。为中国的历史文化增添了很多值得收藏、研究的东西。在这个篇目里。我们将为您——讲述中国各民族的民俗与民风。轶闻趣事。以及传统工艺品。使您能在阅读的过程中了解中国各民族的情况。从而更加了解中国这个历史悠久。文化灿烂的国家。  相似文献   

小猪 《网络与信息》2010,24(4):24-24
随着社会的发展和商业文明的进步.商业已经迈入电子2.0的时代。很多手工式的单据已经被淘汰。更多的是应用到打印。而说到打印。用户就会想到一个成本的问题,纸张是打印成本中比重较大的一部分。随着全球纸浆价格上升,纸张价格也在飙升。使得企业打印成本偏高。选择合适的纸张.降低打印过程中纸张的消耗。是提高效率节省开支的最好方法。今天,小编先从打印纸的分类开始。给大家分享选购经验。  相似文献   

2004年,数据存储(主要指个人应用领域)有三大热点:第一就是DVD刻录速度和规格的提升完善与价格的迅速降低。在年初。8倍速的DVD刻录机还是凤毛t角。价格也高高在上,至于16倍速的产品。给人的感觉更是遥遥无期的事情。但是在光存储领域。DVD刻录机的发展速度和规律超出了过去的规则。2004年9月多款16倍速产品集中上市。并且上市价格大多在千元以下。明显低于上半年8倍速产品的平均价格。进入10月份。  相似文献   

关于我,ibuick 我是一名技术作者。程序员。2010年初,我离开了工作两年的路透,开始自己的Soho生活。其实也没有什么特别的原因,只是觉得。天天方格子里的生活与自己的想象中的背道而驰。而且,我不喜欢被条条框框所约束。三年以来。我出版过三本书。编写过不少软件,也做过杂志的专栏作者.总体说来对于现况还是非常满意。毕竟,这是属于自己啦一条路,一条无拘无束,可以自由撇欢儿的路。  相似文献   

寇卫东 《程序员》2009,(8):10-10
SOA与IT规范化我们先看一看SOA对IT规范化的意义。为此,我们需要搞清楚规范化的意义。"规范化"就是要建立标准。有了标准,大家可以效仿、遵行。我们以中国文化的规范化为例,说明规范化的重要性。  相似文献   

有关新款便携相机的报道一个接着一个准时在PMA期间出现。现在,精彩纷呈的2008年新趋势已经呈现在我们面前:显示屏:液晶屏尺寸的增长仍在继续。2.5英寸已经落伍了。在PMA上,甚至3.5英寸都已经出现在了机身外壳上。唯一的缺点是:分辨率依然止步于23万像素。因此,3英寸以上的尺寸就会影响播放图像的质量。不过,松下Lumix DMC-TZ5在正确的方向上走出了一步。这里,46万像素第一次在3.0英寸的液晶屏上产生出细致的图像浏览效果。  相似文献   

极速P60可遥控摄像头具备了不错的显示效果和采音性能。在驱动的支持下。能实现便捷而丰富的功能。遥控器的加入使得摄像头的可扩展性大大加强。在将来还有很宽阔的应用天地。推荐笔记本用户和家庭用户购买使用。  相似文献   

一年一度的3.15马上就要到了。每年这个时候。电台、电视台中总会不间断地播放各种打假信息。其实。除了现实版的骗术之外。随着互联网的发展。各种各样的网络骗术也时常出现在我们身边。那么下面。笔者就给您列举几个最常见的网络骗术吧。  相似文献   

We present some basic concepts of a modelling environment for data integration in business analytics. Main emphasis is on defining a process model for the different activities occurring in connection with data integration, which allow later on assessment of the quality of the data. The model is based on combination of knowledge and techniques from statistical metadata management and from workflow processes. The modelling concepts are presented in a problem oriented formulation. The approach is embedded into an open model framework which aims for a modelling platform for all kinds of models useful in business applications.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure dose of spinal load when different pacing methods were applied to lifting work and to develop methodology for such measurements. The compressive load on the spine computed by a dynamic biomechanical model and the electromyographic activity of back muscles were used for describing the spinal load. Five men and five women worked in a laboratory on two days lifting a box up and down for 30 min on both days, on one day force-paced (4 lifts/min), and on the other self-paced in random order. The weight of the box was rated by the subjects to be acceptable for the work done. The lift rate of our female subjects was higher and that of the male subjects lower in self-paced than in force-paced work. There were no significant differences in peak lumbosacral compressions nor in the amplitude distributions of electromyography between the two pacing methods. The biomechanically-calculated compressive forces on the spine were lower (about 2·7 kN for the men and 2·3 kN for women) than the biomechanical recommendations for safe lifting, but the EMG activity showed quite high peaks so that for 1% of work time the activity was on women above 60% and on men above 40% of the activity during maximum isometric voluntary test contraction.  相似文献   

The development and application of a geometrically based uniformity criterion is presented for film uniformity control in a radial-flow epitaxy reactor system. In this multi-wafer reactor system, individual wafers rotate on a rotating susceptor in a planetary motion to reduce the effects of reactant depletion on deposition uniformity. The uniformity criterion developed for this system gives an unambiguous criterion for minimizing non-uniformity of any film property and gives physical insight into the reactor operating conditions that most influence uniformity. The uniformity criterion is used to demonstrate run-to-run uniformity control capabilities on a commercial system for SiC CVD.  相似文献   

Ferrous chloride has a variety of applications such as a reducing flocculation agent in waste-water treatment, especially for wastes containing chromate, in the laboratory synthesis of iron complexes and it is employed as a reducing agent in many organic syntheses. The device used for experiment was fabricated on the silicon wafer as support for two electrodes in a SU8 polymer microchannel with an inlet, for the injection of aqueous solution of ferrous chloride, and two outlets, for the two by-products of separated solutions. The various parameters of the device were measured by White Light Interferometer (WLI) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The magnetic field created by applying different types of potential between two electrodes determined ferrous chloride to separate in ferrous oxide and chlorine (in gaseous form). If a protein is added in this solution we have the possibility to immobilize the protein on the iron particles and on the channel area. The electrical results were collected using a semiconductor system analyzer Keithley and were examined subsequently. The Fe complexes deposited on the electrodes were characterized by XRD analyses.  相似文献   

Electrodeposition is a complex partially observed mass-transfer process driven by several surface reactions without exact model. In this article, the process uncertainties are described by a finite number of Wiener processes in a stochastic model applied in the filtering and control problems. These problems are solved as a boundary observation-control problem based on a finite diffusion model with uncertainties in the domain interior and on the boundaries. A mixed boundary problem is considered on an interval with the Dirichlet data on one end (bulk solution) and Neumann data on the other end (cathode surface). The concentration of oxidising species in the domain interior is unattainable for observations but the flux on the boundary (electric current) can be measured with a limited accuracy (sensor error). The total flux for the main and side reactions is controlled by the current density on the cathode surface. The disturbing effect of the side reactions is modelled as a noise. The concentration of species is stabilised at the desired level near to the cathode surface with a relatively simple feedback control. The concentration on the boundary and in the domain is estimated as a conditionally Gaussian process in the course of filtering. The estimated conditional mean of concentration is solved from a stochastic partial differential equation in dependence on the covariance kernel. A relatively good quality of estimation and control is demonstrated in the process of simulation in the realistic conditions for a copper deposition process.  相似文献   

In this paper a novel method for simulating unsteady incompressible viscous flow over a moving boundary is described. The numerical model is based on a 2D Navier–Stokes incompressible flow in artificial compressibility formulation with Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian approach for moving grid and dual time stepping approach for time accurate discretization. A higher order unstructured finite volume scheme, based on a Harten Lax and van Leer with Contact (HLLC) type Riemann solver for convective fluxes, developed for steady incompressible flow in artificial compressibility formulation by Mandal and Iyer (AIAA paper 2009-3541), is extended to solve unsteady flows over moving boundary. Viscous fluxes are discretized in a central differencing manner based on Coirier’s diamond path. An algorithm based on interpolation with radial basis functions is used for grid movements. The present numerical scheme is validated for an unsteady channel flow with a moving indentation. The present numerical results are found to agree well with experimental results reported in literature.  相似文献   

Many persons over 60 years of age have unique problems sitting on chairs. These problems which are caused by decreased mobility, strength or disease suggest that the chairs should be selected carefully with some scientific basis that incorporates the varying demands of the elderly community. Identification of the proper chair for a particular individual, especially if it has to be low cost and nonmotorized, is a difficult job for institutions, elderly themselves, their families and the furniture industry. Keeping in view these problems a prediction model is developed using established statistical methods to predict comfort of sitting of a particular individual sitting in a particular chair. The study is based on experimental data collected on 18 male and female subjects over the age of 64. The equation uses chair type, body fat %, i.e. above average fat etc., body size, i.e. lean etc., and gender as inputs. The equation was tested on new female and male elderly subjects sitting on two new chairs. The model holds out excellent on the validation despite a low coefficient of determination value obtained for the equation. The paper not only presents a comfort prediction model but also shows a new direction for elderly seating research by employing statistical methods and elderly variables which do not appear in the published literature on elderly seating in the manner presented in this paper. This model will have wide applications especially for practioners (e.g., human factors engineers, occupational therapists, product developers) who need such information in a hurry. This approach also has heuristic value for the researcher in providing guidelines for the testing of other critical variables that may impact on the use of a chair or of other pieces of equipment.  相似文献   

A methodology for clustering stresses on a groundwater system based on similarity of hydrologic response produced by the stress is presented. The method is relevant to the computationally efficient calculation of response matrixes for use in groundwater management and other applications. The procedure is presented for the case in which the impact of pumping withdrawals on streamflow is of interest. The method uses cluster analysis on multiple, transient responses and a simplified response matrix for the modeled system. It is demonstrated on a field scale hypothetical management problem applied to a portion of the Republican River basin in the High Plains Aquifer of the United States with a multi-decadal planning horizon that maximizes well withdrawal while requiring that minimum streamflows be maintained. For this case, the clustering approach both reduces the computational requirement and helps to produce response coefficients with meaningful precision. The effectiveness of the model reduction is tested by comparing the optimal solutions produced by a full scale formulation and two reduced size formulations.  相似文献   

The MISCAN simulation program for the evaluation of screening for disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The computer program MISCAN is developed for use in evaluation of mass screening for disease. The program uses Monte Carlo simulation. It produces output on the results of screening projects and on the effects of screening on morbidity and mortality on the individual and population level. The calculations are based on models of the natural history of the disease and of the impact of screening on the natural history. The approach is such that considerable flexibility exists in specifying the structure of the model and its parameters. The program consists of two parts. The DISEASE part can be used for simulating the epidemiology of the disease when no screening is taking place; it requires input on the population and on the disease process. The SCREENING part is to be used in combination with the DISEASE part. It is intended for simulation of the results and effects of a screening project. It requires input on the properties of the screening tests, the consequences of early detection by screening, and the policy (ages and intervals between screens) of the project. MISCAN can be used for finding model assumptions regarding the disease process and the impact of screening that give a good explanation of the observed results of a screening project. Such an analysis proceeds in two steps. First, MISCAN is used to calculate simulated results of the project, based on specific assumptions. Next, these results are tested against the observed results, in order to assess the acceptability of the assumptions. MISCAN can also be used for optimization of the screening policy by simulating the cost and benefit components of a large number of different screening policies.  相似文献   

This is the first phase of an ergonomics study of sustainability in a rail organisation, particularly environmental sustainability. The main emphasis has been on the use of a qualitative approach to carry out in-depth consultation with those in influential and policy setting roles in the organisation, collecting and analysing perceptions on sustainability policy and related business processes. The study identified factors affecting implementation of policy on sustainability and these have been developed to produce a list of requirements for implementing the policy. The findings are valuable in understanding the range of attitudes, aspirations and perceived constraints, from the perspective of those in senior roles in the company, and development of a sustainability strategy for a rail infrastructure owner. There is need for wider consultation, both within the organisation and externally, to validate and refine the understanding of barriers to the implementation of the policy. The role of ergonomics in supporting the work on sustainability is discussed.

Practitioner Summary: The study collects in-depth views from senior managers on the challenges of implementing a policy on sustainability in a rail organisation. Outputs include a list of factors affecting implementation of policy and requirements for better implementation of policy in this area. Potential contributions of ergonomics to sustainability in organisational contexts are discussed.  相似文献   

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