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在实际工程领域中存在着大量接触碰撞等非连续动力学问题,现有的解决柔性多体系统连续动力学过程的建模理论与方法,已经无法解决或无法很好解决这些问题.本文基于变拓扑思想,提出了附加接触约束的柔性多体系统碰撞动力学建模理论;通过设计柔性圆柱杆接触碰撞实验,验证了所提出附加约束接触碰撞模型的有效性;针对柔性多体系统全局动力学仿真面临时间和空间的多尺度问题,提出多变量的离散方法,从而提高了柔性多体系统非连续动力学的仿真效率.  相似文献   

多体系统动力学数值解法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王国平 《计算机仿真》2006,23(12):86-89
多体系统动力学研究的主要内容动力学建模与数值解法是多体系统动力学研究的主要内容之一。对多体系统动力学方程及其动力学数值解法的研究成果进行了较为全面的阐述。多体系统动力学及动力学方程进行了简单的归纳和总结,多体系统动力学数值求解,特别是刚柔耦合多体系统微分/代数方程的数值解法等研究热点进行了详细的阐述,并简要展望了多体系统动力学数值解法今后的发展趋势,为多体系统动力学计算机仿真奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文根据凯恩-休斯顿多体系统动力学理论,开发了一套计算机分析软件,重点描述了该软件的实现技术,最后给出了例题计算。  相似文献   

多体系统多点碰撞接触问题的数值求解方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
多体系统多点接触碰撞问题可以归结为一个将系统的动力学方程与并协性约束方程相结合的问题.针对这样一个含并协性条件的混合方程组,建立了基于 LCP 格式的包含碰撞/接触问题的多刚体系统动力学分析框架,提出了一种基于步长评价准则的变时间步长的数值求解策略,实现了无摩擦情况下多刚体系统多点接触碰撞问题的数值算法.最后给出了数值算例,验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

对热载荷作用下中心刚体与大变形薄板多体系统的动力学建模问题进行研究.基于Kirchhoff假设,从格林应变和曲率与绝对位移的非线性关系式出发,推导了非线性广义弹性力阵,用绝对节点坐标法建立了大变形矩形薄板的有限元离散的动力学变分方程.为了考虑刚体姿态运动、弹性变形和温度变化的相互耦合作用,推导了热流密度与绝对节点坐标之间的关系式.引入系统的运动学约束方程,建立了中心刚体-矩形板多体系统的考虑刚-柔-热耦合的热传导方程和带拉格朗日乘子的第一类拉格朗日动力学方程.为了有效地提高计算效率,将改进的中心差分法和广义-α法相结合,求解热传导方程和动力学方程,差分后的方程通过牛顿迭代法耦合求解.对刚-柔耦合和刚-柔-热三者耦合两种模型的仿真结果进行比较表明,刚体运动对温度梯度和热变形的影响显著.此外,本文建模方法考虑了几何非线性项,因此也考虑了热膨胀引起的轴向变形对横向变形的影响.  相似文献   

针对多体系统动力学微分-代数方程求解问题,研究基于萤火虫算法的求解方法.首先将广义坐标和广义速度进行Lagrange插值,结合Gauss数值积分方法,将微分-代数方程求解问题转化成求解最优化问题.然后用萤火虫算法对问题进行优化求解.最后,通过对平面双连杆机械臂的多体系统仿真实验,验证了萤火虫算法在求解动力学方程中既保持...  相似文献   

针对某微型雷达反射镜伺服系统,将影响微型雷达精度的关键部件设为柔性体,并根据实际要求添加约束和运动关系,利用MSC Adams和MSC Nastran软件对其进行多体动力学仿真,以研究正弦角位移运动函数和梯形角速度运动函数作用下电动机轴与译码器轴两端的滞后角度特性规律.研究表明,柔性体弹性振动的存在使第1电动机轴与第1译码器轴之间产生滞后现象;滞后角度的最大值与运动函数的周期和幅值均有关,并呈现非线性规律;在函数周期和幅值相同的情况下,梯形角速度运动函数所产生滞后角度的最大值明显小于正弦角位移运动函数;由于梯形角速度运动函数在加速段、匀速段和减速段频率不一致,因此会引发运动中的多谐波干扰和多模态振动等问题.  相似文献   

刚柔耦合系统动力学研究进展   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16  
首先简要回顾了柔性多体系统动力学前期研究的3个阶段.针对传统零次近似模型的缺陷提出了新的建模理论,并在新的一次近似耦合模型的基础上,就“动力刚化”问题和刚柔耦合动力学问题中的离散化方法与实验等方面进行研究;研制了供理论研究和动力学现象揭示的实验平台.文中对所取得的研究成果进行介绍.文末对今后的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

为满足深空探测的需求,需要构建一种全新的哑铃型航天器.由于构型和质量分布的差异,传统"中心刚体+柔性附件"动力学模型将不再适用,因此必须针对该构型建立一种高效准确的动力学模型.本文基于小变形假设,利用浮动坐标法,采用多体系统动力学单向递推组集方法,建立了哑铃型航天器的刚-柔耦合动力学模型.该模型考虑了哑铃型航天器的轨道-姿态-变形之间的耦合效应,保留了全部变形高次耦合项.通过采用本文方法建立的"刚体-桁架-刚体"模型和已有的两种哑铃型航天器模型,对典型算例进行动力学仿真和比较.仿真结果表明,本文模型很好地反映了哑铃型航天器的刚-柔耦合动力学特性,末端物体的转动惯量将会影响系统的动力学响应,不能简单忽略.本研究将为哑铃型航天器的总体设计,特别是控制规律的设计,提供重要的技术支持.  相似文献   

机械多体系统动力学可视化仿真方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用低序体阵列描述多体系统拓扑构型,采用AutoDesk公司的MechanicalDeskTop(MDT)建立三维几何模型,使用AVI数字视频压缩对多体系统的运动过程进行可视化处理,实现多体系统动力学可视化仿真,采用面向对象的程序设计方法,开发了集成化的软件系统MDAS。该系统可者多体系统动力学计算机、数据处理和多体系统可视化仿真,最后,以带有太阳帆板的复杂卫星系统为例,对MDAS软件的合理性,有效性和正确性进行了分析验证。  相似文献   

This paper presents a task-level control methodology for the general class of holonomically constrained multibody systems. As a point of departure, the general formulation of constrained dynamical systems is reviewed with respect to multiplier and minimization approaches. Subsequently, the operational space framework is considered and the underlying symmetry between constrained dynamics and operational space control is discussed. Motivated by this symmetry, approaches for constrained task-level control are presented which cast the general formulation of constrained multibody systems into a task space setting using the operational space framework. This provides a means of exploiting task-level control structures, native to operational space control, within the context of constrained systems. This allows us to naturally synthesize dynamic compensation for a multibody system, that properly accounts for the system constraints while performing a control task. A set of examples illustrate this control implementation. Additionally, the inclusion of flexible bodies in this approach is addressed.  相似文献   

The paper describes the extension of the composite rigid body formalism for the flexible multibody systems. The extension has been done in such a way that all advantages of the formalism with respect to the coordinates of large motion of rigid bodies are extended to the flexible degrees of freedom, e.g. the same recursive treatment of both coordinates and no appearance of O(n 3) computational complexity terms due to the flexibility. This extension has been derived for both open loop and closed loop systems of flexible bodies. The comparison of the computational complexity of this formalism with other known approaches has shown that the described formalism of composite rigid body and the residual algorithm based on it are more efficient formalisms for small number of bodies in the chains and deformation modes than the usual recursive formalism of articulated body inertia.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the linearized stability analysis and system identification of flexible multibody systems. Two closely related stability analysis approaches are summarized. Next, these approaches are extended to provide robust system identification procedures that combine least squares techniques and Kalman filters. The singular value decomposition, a numerically stable mathematical tool, is used to improve the robustness of the algorithm. The proposed algorithm identifies a minimum order plant based on input-output data, and is applicable to both experimental measurements or numerically computed responses. The proposed approaches are computationally inexpensive and consist of purely post processing steps that can be used with any multi-physics computational multibody tool or with experimental data. Commemorative Contribution.  相似文献   

In this paper, a formulation for a spatial sliding joint is derived using absolute nodal coordinates and non-generalized coordinate and it allows a general multibody move along a very flexible cable. The large deformable motion of a spatial cable is presented using absolute nodal coordinate formulation, which is based on the finite element procedures and the general continuum mechanics theory to represent the elastic forces. And the nongeneralized coordinate, which is related to neither the inertia forces nor the external forces, is used to describe an arbitrary position along the centerline of a very flexible cable. Hereby, the non-generalized coordinate represents the arc-length parameter. The constraint equations for the sliding joint are expressed in terms of generalized coordinate and nongeneralized coordinate. In the constraint equations for the sliding joint, one constraint equation can be systematically eliminated. There are two independent Lagrange multipliers in the final system equations of motion associated with the sliding joint. The development of this sliding joint is important to analyze many mechanical systems such as pulley systems and pantograph-catenary systems for high speed-trains.  相似文献   

对作大范围运动柔性机械臂系统,进行斜碰撞动力学分析.基于柔性多体系统刚柔耦合动力学理论,计入耦合变形项,全面考虑大范围刚体运动与弹性小变形运动的耦合,建立系统连续动力学方程.引入斜碰撞力学模型,将法向和切向碰撞力以广义力的形式加入动力学方程中,对系统进行斜碰撞动力学建模分析.法向碰撞模型选取基于连续接触力法的非线性弹簧阻尼模型,切向碰撞模型选取一种修正Coulomb摩擦模型,对切向摩擦力进行统一描述.给出接触、分离判据,实现不同状态的动力学模型转换与求解.对斜碰撞全局动力学进行了仿真验证,分析了柔性机械臂全局过程的动力学特性变化以及碰撞对大范围运动和小变形运动的作用,并对比了不同碰撞方向对大范围运动、变形、机械能、碰撞力等动力学参数的影响.  相似文献   

In this work, a two-step approach for model reduction in flexible multibody dynamics is proposed. This technique is a combination of the Krylov-subspace method and a Gramian matrix based reduction approach that is particularly suited if a small reduced-order model of a system charged with many force-inputs has to be generated. The proposed methodology can be implemented efficiently using sparse matrix techniques and is therefore applicable to large-scale systems too. By a numerical example, it is demonstrated that the suggested two-step approach has very good approximation capabilities in the time as well as in the frequency domain and can help to reduce the computation time of a numerical simulation significantly.  相似文献   

Multibody systems generally contain solids with appreciable deformations and which decisively influence the dynamics of the system. These solids have to be modeled by means of special formulations for flexible solids. At the same time, other solids are of such a high stiffness that they may be considered rigid, which simplifies their modeling. For these reasons, for a rigid-flexible multibody system, two types of formulations coexist in the equations of the system. Among the different possibilities provided in the literature on the material, the formulation in natural coordinates and the formulation in absolute nodal coordinates are utilized in this paper to model the rigid and flexible solids, respectively. This paper contains a mixed formulation based on the possibility of sharing coordinates between a rigid solid and a flexible solid. The global mass matrix of the system is shown to be constant and, in addition, many of the constraint equations obtained upon utilizing these formulations are linear and can be eliminated.  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for improving dynamic solutions that are obtained from the dynamic simulation of flexible multibody systems. The mode-acceleration concept in linear structural dynamics is utilized in the proposed method for improving accuracy in the postprocessing stage. A theoretical explanation is made on why the proposed method improves the dynamic solutions in the context of the mode-acceleration method. A mode-acceleration equation for each flexible body is defined and the load term in the right hand side of the equation is represented as a combination of space-dependent and time-dependent terms so that efficient computation of dynamic solutions can be achieved. The load term is obtained from dynamic simulation of a flexible multibody system and a finite element method is used to compute dynamic solutions by quasi-static analyses. Numerical examples show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

An important issue in the field of flexible multibody dynamics is the reduction of the flexible body's degrees of freedom. For this purpose, often modal reduction through projection onto a subspace spanned by some dominant eigenvectors is used. However, as in this method the dynamical boundary conditions are not taken into account, a large number of eigenmodes is required to obtain a good approximation and also the selection of the dominant modes can be quite difficult. Therefore, the authors propose an approach based on accounting for the flexible body as an input-output system in the frequency domain. The reduced order model is generated by imposing a set of interpolation conditions concerning the values and derivatives of the system's transfer function in a predefined frequency range. This procedure is known as moment-matching and can be realised through projection onto so-called Krylov-subspaces. As this technique allows the incorporation of the frequency content and the spatial distribution of the loads, in the chosen frequency range more accurate reduced order models can be obtained compared to other model reduction techniques available in structural mechanics. The calculation of the Krylov-subspaces can be implemented very efficiently, using the Arnoldi or Lanczos procedure in connection with sparse matrix techniques. The capability of the proposed technique is demonstrated by means of a numerical example.  相似文献   

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