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为了对我军的管理信息系统进行客观的评价,设计一种基于平衡记分卡(Balanced Scorecard,BSC)的军事信息系统评价指标。通过分析BSC的原理和特点,参照传统平衡计分卡的4个要素,将军事信息系统平衡记分卡的4个视角重新定义为:效费比视角、用户满意度视角、内部管理视角、创新与发展视角,依据每个视角的侧重点明确视角的各层指标项,通过专家调查法分别确定视角和指标项的权重,最后通过德尔菲法(即专家意见打分法)得出评价结果。分析结果表明:该方法客观、公正地将所有的评价指标都进行了量化,使其对每一个军事信息系统都能够给出一个定量的评价。  相似文献   

软件工程技术发展思索   总被引:161,自引:17,他引:161       下载免费PDF全文
在4个方面对软件工程技术的发展进行一些思索:(1) 从事物发展规律的角度,揭示软件工程技术发展历程;(2) 从软件本质特征的角度,浅析虚拟机各抽象层次的构造;(3) 从软件开发的本质,提出了软件工程学科研究的内容,并研究了软件工业化生产模式;(4) 以Internet的出现为背景,探索了软件技术的发展趋势.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的快速发展及其在社会各领域的作用凸显,计算思维成为人们日益关注的热点。作为21世纪学生应具备的关键能力,计算思维成为信息技术教育的重要内容和主要方向。基于学科思想方法发展学生计算思维的教学,可以按照信息技术学科自身的逻辑体系组织课程内容,系统完整地展示信息技术学科领域中的知识系统和逻辑结构。这种完整的学科知识结构和严密的逻辑性,为计算思维教育提供了新的视角,有助于对学生信息素养进行连续和系统的培养,有助于学生全面、准确地了解信息科技的发展状况,也有助于信息技术学科思想的传承。  相似文献   

STEM教育是指科学、技术、工程学、数学教育,作为美国应对21世纪国际人才竞争的一项国家教育战略,正在成为国际教育界的热点研究问题。信息技术课程的学科发展需要在课程上有所变化,应该说,STEM教育重视技术教育与科学、工程、数学领域结合的视角为信息技术课程的变革提供了一些启示。本文中STEM的视角有三层含义:第一,技术(T)作为  相似文献   

针对人工智能教学过程中存在的课程内容繁杂、缺乏复杂问题的项目实践等问题,根据地方院校的特点,提出一种学科大概念视角下基于STEM项目的人工智能导论单元教学方法,从教学目标设计、内容设计、过程设计和评价及持续改进设计4个步骤出发,阐述学科大概念引导下培养学生解决真实复杂工程问题的能力培养过程。  相似文献   

步态识别具有对图像分辨率要求低、可远距离识别、无需受试者合作、难以隐藏或伪装等优势,在安防监控和调查取证等领域有着广阔的应用前景。然而在实际应用中,步态识别的性能常受到视角、着装、携物和遮挡等协变量的影响,其中视角变化最为普遍,并且会使行人的外观发生显著改变。因此,提高步态识别对视角的鲁棒性一直是该领域的研究热点。为了全面认识现有的跨视角步态识别方法,本文对相关研究工作进行了梳理和综述。首先,从基本概念、数据采集方式和发展历程等角度简要介绍了该领域的研究背景,在此基础上,整理并分析了基于视频的主流跨视角步态数据库;然后,从基于3维步态信息的识别方法、基于视角转换模型的识别方法、基于视角不变特征的识别方法和基于深度学习的识别方法 4个方面详细介绍了跨视角步态识别方法。最后,在CASIA-B(CASIA gait database, dataset B)、OU-ISIR LP(OU-ISIR gait database, large population dataset)和OU-MVLP(OU-ISIR gait database, multi-view large population ...  相似文献   

蓝调解码随着新课程、新教材中编程教学的推进与发展,一线教师越来越多地在计算思维培养模式、项目内容与过程设计等方面进行探索与创新,并小有成就,本期就让我们分享来自一线的最新编程教学研究成果。《普通高中信息技术课程标准(2017年版)》将计算思维定位为信息技术学科核心素养之一,笔者在之后也开展了基于信息技术学科核心素养视角的学生高阶思维培养的教学研究与实践。  相似文献   

正路甬祥教授曾指出:在中国科学发展中,学科交叉与交叉科学显得相对滞后.在较长时期里,自然科学、社会科学、人文科学等之间存在着不可逾越的鸿沟,而科学发展、社会进步、经济发展等却都需要各门类科学、各门学科之间交叉、渗透和融合.学科交叉是学术思想的交融,实质上,是交叉思维方式的综合、系统辩证思维的体现.自然界现象复杂、多样,仅从一种视角研究事物,必然具有很大的局限性,不可能揭  相似文献   

针对智能科学与技术专业的先进性和学科交叉性的特点,提出打破单个课程的局限,将最新的智能理论与应用技术相结合,建立智能科学与技术应用技术课程群以适应信息学科发展;从教学内容、课程群知识点、课程体系和考核体系4方面阐述课程群建设内容,介绍具体的建设手段与措施。  相似文献   

二十一世纪现代化社会发展对英语教学提出了新的要求,本文以建构主义理论为指导,在其先进科学的视角下探讨多媒体信息技术与中职英语学科的有机整合,使得中职英语学习与教学达到更高水平.  相似文献   

在分析BLP模型和RBAC模型及其相关衍生模型的基础上,提出一种改进的模型。改进模型主要有4个重要特点:(1)实施完整性控制,保证信息流上写安全性;(2)限定可信主体,赋予其余主体有限特权;(3)实施RBAC模型,分配角色和权限;(4)引入审计机制,提供策略监控。实验结果表明,改进后的模型在完善安全性的同时提高了实用性。  相似文献   

经验和分析表明,仿真技术已成为 CIMS 设计、分析、运行和鉴定的有力工具.另一方面,CIMS 中仿真技术的应用对仿真技术的发展也提出了新的挑战,从而必将进一步推动仿真技术自身的发展和完善.本文主要包括以下几部分内容:(1)概述面向 CIMS 的仿真建模方法学:包括常用的面向进程和事件的建模、Petri 网、Petri 网与知识基组合方法及面向对象建模方法等;(2)对仿真语言面向 CIMS 的发展提出了若干建议;(3)将并发工程概念引入仿真领域,提出一种并发仿真工程环境新建议;(4)讨论了知识系统与仿真技术的结合,给出了作者开发的 FMS 专家系统实例,并进一步讨论了其应用现状及存在的问题;(5)阐述了仿真优化技术在 CIMS 仿真中的作用以及有待解决的问题;(6)讨论了 CIMS 中的嵌入式仿真技术.  相似文献   

In this paper, we revisit the problem of robust diagnosability of Discrete-Event Systems (DES), and present a comparative analysis between the following notions of robust diagnosability existing in the literature: (i) diagnosability of DES subject to permanent sensor failures, assuming that sensors may fail only before the first occurrence of the events they are supposed to record; (ii) diagnosability of DES subject to permanent sensor failures, assuming that sensors may fail at any time; (iii) diagnosability of DES against intermittent loss of observations; (iv) diagnosability of partially observed DES; (v) generalized robust diagnosability. We show that all of the robust diagnosability definitions are particular cases of the generalized robust diagnosability by presenting transformation mechanisms for each one of the analyzed robust diagnosability notions so as to convert it into an equivalent generalized robust diagnosability problem. We also compare the use of projections and masks in the context of language diagnosability and show that there is no loss of generality in using projections in place of masks by presenting a map that transforms the language diagnosability problem with observation mask into an equivalent one with projection.  相似文献   

针对经济院校硕士研究生培养的实际问题,为探索信息安全学科的创新和发展,提出了经济信息安全学科的体系框架和办学理念,并对这一新的教学体系制定了相应的培养计划.多年的实践证明,其办学理念已得到社会的认同,但这个新兴专业方向还有待于进一步发展和完善.  相似文献   

Our aim in this paper is to develop a new approach for solving the H optimal control problem where the feedback arrangement takes the form of a linear fractional transformation. The paper is in two parts. In Part 1, a basic kind of model-matching problem is considered: given rational matrices M(s) and N(s), the H -norm of an error function defined as E(s)=M(s) – N(s)Q(s) is minimized (or bounded) subject to E(s) and Q(s) being stable. Closed-form state-space characterizations are obtained for both E(s) and Q(s). The results established here will be used in Part 2 of the paper (Hung 1989) to solve the H optimal control problem.  相似文献   

The problem of minimizing the L-norm of some stable rational matrix E(s) subject to two basic types of matrix interpolation constraints is considered: given anti-stable rational matrices N¯(s) and M¯(s), the interpolating matrix £(s) is required to satisfy either the condition N¯(s)E(s) = M¯(s) or the condition that N¯(s)E(s) has an unstable projection equal to M¯(s). These two kinds of constraints are directly related to model-matching problems arising from H optimal control. Specific conditions on N¯(s) and M¯(s) for the interpolation problems to be well-posed are discussed and closed-form characterizations for both optimal and suboptimal solutions in E(s) are provided. The analysis is based on a state-space setting and the results are suitable for computational purposes.  相似文献   

Effective technology integration for teaching subject matter requires knowledge not just of content, technology and pedagogy, but also of their relationship to each other. Building on Schulman’s [Schulman, L. S. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: foundations for a new reform. Harvard Educational Review, 57(1), 1–22] concept of pedagogical content knowledge, we introduce a framework for conceptualizing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge—TPCK [Mishra, P., Koehler, M.J., (in press). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: A new framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record]. We report the results of a semester-long investigation of the development of TPCK during a faculty development design seminar, whereby faculty members worked together with masters students to develop online courses. Quantitative discourse analysis of 15 weeks of field notes for two of the design teams show participants moved from considering technology, pedagogy and content as being independent constructs towards a richer conception that emphasized connections among the three knowledge bases. Our analyses suggests that developing TPCK is a multigenerational process, involving the development of deeper understandings of the complex web of relationships between content, pedagogy and technology and the contexts in which they function. Pedagogic, pragmatic, theoretical, and methodological contributions are discussed.  相似文献   

本文主要研究新产品开发中的调查问题,在原有新产品开发的市场调查基础上,引入设计调查的概念,定义了能够有效引导新产品设计思维的设计调查概念。该设计调查概念的定义有助于提高新产品开发的创新性和成功率,有助于提高新产品开发的深度并极大的促进新产品开发水平的提升。  相似文献   

It is often the case that after a scheduling problem has been solved some small changes occur that make the solution of the original problem not valid. Solving the new problem from scratch can result in a schedule that is very different from the original schedule. In applications such as a university course timetable or flight scheduling, one would be interested in a solution that requires minimal changes for the users. The present paper considers the minimal perturbation problem. It is motivated by scenarios in which a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is subject to changes. In particular, the case where some of the constraints are changed after a solution was obtained. The goal is to find a solution to the changed problem that is as similar as possible (e.g. includes minimal perturbations) to the previous solution. Previous studies proposed a formal model for this problem (Barták et al. 2004), a best first search algorithm (Ross et al. 2000), complexity bounds (Hebrard et al. 2005), and branch and bound based algorithms (Barták et al. 2004; Hebrard et al. 2005). The present paper proposes a new approach for solving the minimal perturbation problem. The proposed method interleaves constraint optimization and constraint satisfaction techniques. Our experimental results demonstrate the advantage of the proposed algorithm over former algorithms. Experiments were performed both on random CSPs and on random instances of the Meeting Scheduling Problem.  相似文献   

符祖峰  许道云 《软件学报》2020,31(4):1113-1123
研究具有正则结构的SAT问题是否是NP完全问题,具有重要的理论价值.(k,s)-CNF公式类和正则(k,s)-CNF公式类已被证明存在一个临界函数f(k),使得当s≤f(k)时,所有实例都可满足;当s≥f(k)+1时,对应的SAT问题是NP完全问题.研究具有更强正则约束的d-正则(k,s)-SAT问题,其要求实例中每个变元的正负出现次数之差不超过给定的自然数d.通过设计一种多项式时间的归约方法,证明d-正则(k,s)-SAT问题存在一个临界函数f(k,d),使得当s≤f(k,d)时,所有实例都可满足;当s≥f(k,d)+1时,d-正则(k,s)-SAT问题是NP完全问题.这种多项式时间的归约变换方法通过添加新的变元和新的子句,可以更改公式的子句约束密度,并约束每个变元正负出现次数的差值.这进一步说明,只用子句约束密度不足以刻画CNF公式结构的特点,对临界函数f(k,d)的研究有助于在更强正则约束条件下构造难解实例.  相似文献   

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