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An important problem in agent verification is a lack of proper understanding of the relation between agent programs on the one hand and agent logics on the other. Understanding this relation would help to establish that an agent programming language is both conceptually well-founded and well-behaved, as well as yield a way to reason about agent programs by means of agent logics. As a step toward bridging this gap, we study several issues that need to be resolved in order to establish a precise mathematical relation between a modal agent logic and an agent programming language specified by means of an operational semantics. In this paper, we present an agent programming theory that provides both an agent programming language as well as a corresponding agent verification logic to verify agent programs. The theory is developed in stages to show, first, how a modal semantics can be grounded in a state-based semantics, and, second, how denotational semantics can be used to define the mathematical relation connecting the logic and agent programming language. Additionally, it is shown how to integrate declarative goals and add precompiled plans to the programming theory. In particular, we discuss the use of the concept of higher-order goals in our theory. Other issues such as a complete axiomatization and the complexity of decision procedures for the verification logic are not the focus of this paper and remain for future investigation. Part of this research was carried out while the first author was affiliated with the Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information, Radboud University Nijmegen.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role of emotions in artificial agent design and implementation. The syntax and semantics of a simplified version of a logic‐based agent‐oriented programming language is presented. This programming language facilitates the implementation of artificial agents with emotions. Four types of emotions are distinguished: happiness, sadness, anger, and fear. These emotions are defined relative to agent's goals and plans. The emotions result from the agent's deliberation process and influence the deliberation process. The semantics of each emotion type is incorporated in the transition semantics of the presented agent‐oriented programming language. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We study the problem of guaranteeing correct execution semantics in parallel implementations of logic programming languages in presence of built-in constructs that are sensitive to order of execution. The declarative semantics of logic programming languages permit execution of various goals in any arbitrary order (including in parallel). However, goals corresponding to extra-logical built-in constructs should respect the sequential order of execution to ensure correct semantics. Ensuring this correctness in presence of such built-in constructs, while efficiently exploiting maximum parallelism, is a difficult problem. In this paper, we propose a formalization of this problem in terms of operations on dynamic trees. This abstraction enables us to: (i) show that existing schemes to handle order-sensitive computations used in current parallel systems are sub-optimal; (ii) develop a novel, optimal scheme to handle order-sensitive goals that requires only a constant time overhead per operation. While we present our results in the context of logic programming, they will apply equally well to most parallel non-deterministic systems. Received: 20 April 1998 / 3 April 2000  相似文献   

In a previous paper (Blair et al. 2001), the authors showed that the mechanism underlying Logic Programming can be extended to handle the situation where the atoms are interpreted as subsets of a given space X. The view of a logic program as a one-step consequence operator along with the concepts of supported and stable model can be transferred to such situations. In this paper, we show that we can further extend this paradigm by creating a new one-step consequence operator by composing the old one-step consequence operator with a monotonic idempotent operator (miop) in the space of all subsets of X, 2 X . We call this extension set based logic programming. We show that such a set based formalism for logic programming naturally supports a variety of options. For example, if the underlying space has a topology, one can insist that the new one-step consequence operator always produces a closed set or always produces an open set. The flexibility inherent in the semantics of set based logic programs is due to both the range of natural choices available for specifying the semantics of negation, as well as the role of monotonic idempotent operators (miops) as parameters in the semantics. This leads to a natural type of polymorphism for logic programming, i.e. the same logic program can produce a variety of outcomes depending on the miop associated with the semantics. We develop a general framework for set based programming involving miops. Among the applications, we obtain integer-based representations of real continuous functions as stable models of a set based logic program.   相似文献   

Agent Programming in 3APL   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
An intriguing and relatively new metaphor in the programming community is that of an intelligent agent. The idea is to view programs as intelligent agents acting on our behalf. By using the metaphor of intelligent agents the programmer views programs as entities which have a mental state consisting of beliefs and goals. The computational behaviour of an agent is explained in terms of the decisions the agent makes on the basis of its mental state. It is assumed that this way of looking at programs may enhance the design and development of complex computational systems.To support this new style of programming, we propose the agent programming language 3APL. 3APL has a clear and formally defined semantics. The operational semantics of the language is defined by means of transition systems. 3APL is a combination of imperative and logic programming. From imperative programming the language inherits the full range of regular programming constructs, including recursive procedures, and a notion of state-based computation. States of agents, however, are belief or knowledge bases, which are different from the usual variable assignments of imperative programming. From logic programming, the language inherits the proof as computation model as a basic means of computation for querying the belief base of an agent. These features are well-understood and provide a solid basis for a structured agent programming language. Moreover, on top of that 3APL agents use so-called practical reasoning rules which extend the familiar recursive rules of imperative programming in several ways. Practical reasoning rules can be used to monitor and revise the goals of an agent, and provide an agent with reflective capabilities.Applying the metaphor of intelligent agents means taking a design stance. From this perspective, a program is taken as an entity with a mental state, which acts pro-actively and reactively, and has reflective capabilities. We illustrate how the metaphor of intelligent agents is supported by the programming language. We also discuss the design of control structures for rule-based agent languages. A control structure provides a solution to the problem of which goals and which rules an agent should select. We provide a concrete and intuitive ordering on the practical reasoning rules on which such a selection mechanism can be based. The ordering is based on the metaphor of intelligent agents. Furthermore, we provide a language with a formal semantics for programming control structures. The main idea is not to integrate this language into the agent language itself, but to provide the facilities for programming control structures at a meta level. The operational semantics is accordingly specified at the meta level, by means of a meta transition system.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an agent language that combines agent functionality with a state transition theory and model-theoretic semantics. The language is based on abductive logic programming (ALP), but employs a simplified state-free syntax, with an operational semantics that uses destructive updates to manipulate a database, which represents the current state of the environment. The language builds upon the ALP combination of logic programs, to represent an agent??s beliefs, and integrity constraints, to represent the agent??s goals. Logic programs are used to define macro-actions, intensional predicates, and plans to reduce goals to sub-goals including actions. Integrity constraints are used to represent reactive rules, which are triggered by the current state of the database and recent agent actions and external events. The execution of actions and the assimilation of observations generate a sequence of database states. In the case of the successful solution of all goals, this sequence, taken as a whole, determines a model that makes the agent??s goals and beliefs all true.  相似文献   

We propose a new framework for the syntax and semantics of Weak Hereditarily Harrop logic programming with constraints, based on resolution over τ-categories: finite product categories with canonical structure.

Constraint information is directly built-in to the notion of signature via categorical syntax. Many-sorted equational are a special case of the formalism which combines features of uniform logic programming languages (moduels and hypothetical implication) with those of constraint logic programming. Using the cannoical structure supplied by τ-categories, we define a diagrammatic generalization of formulas, goals, programs and resolution proofs up to equality (rather than just up to isomorphism).

We extend the Kowalski-van Emden fixed point interpretation, a cornerstone of declarative semantics, to an operational, non-ground, categorical semantics based on indexing over sorts and programs.

We also introduce a topos-theoretic declarative semantics and show soundness and completeness of resolution proofs and of a sequent calculus over the categorical signature. We conclude with a discussion of semantic perspectives on uniform logic programming.  相似文献   

Extended logic programming augments conventional logic programming with both default and explicit negation. Several semantics for extended logic programs have been proposed that extend the well-founded semantics for logic programs with default negation (called normal programs). We show that two of these extended semantics are intractable; both Dung's grounded argumentation semantics and the well-founded semantics of Alferes et al. are NP-hard. Nevertheless, we also show that these two semantics have a common core, a more restricted form of the grounded semantics, which is tractable and can be computed iteratively in quadratic time. Moreover, this semantics is a representative of a rich class of tractable semantics based on a notion of iterative belief revision.  相似文献   

We propose a new framework called ACL for concurrent computation based on linear logic. ACL is a kind oflinear logic programming framework, where its operational semantics is described in terms ofproof construction in linear logic. We also give a model-theoretic semantics based onphase semantics, a model of linear logic. Our framework well captures concurrent computation based on asynchronous communication. It will, therefore, provide us with a new insight into other models of asynchronous concurrent computation from alogical point of view. We also expect ACL to become a formal framework for analysis, synthesis and transformation of concurrent programs by the use of techniques for traditional logic programming. ACL's attractive features for concurrent programming paradigms are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop the notion of fuzzy unification and incorporate it into a novel fuzzy argumentation framework for extended logic programming. We make the following contributions: The argumentation framework is defined by a declarative bottom-up fixpoint semantics and an equivalent goal-directed top-down proofprocedure for extended logic programming. Our framework allows one to represent positive and explicitly negative knowledge, as well as uncertainty. Both concepts are used in agent communication languages such as KQML and FIPA ACL. One source of uncertainty in open systems stems from mismatches in parameter and predicate names and missing parameters. To this end, we conservatively extend classical unification and develop fuzzy unification based on normalised edit distance over trees.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a new semantics of logic programming and deductive databases. Thepossible model semantics is introduced as a declarative semantics of disjunctive logic programs. The possible model semantics is an alternative theoretical framework to the classical minimal model semantics and provides a flexible inference mechanism for inferring negation in disjunctive logic programs. We also present a proof procedure for the possible model semantics and show that the possible model semantics has an advantage from the computational complexity point of view.This is a revised and extended version of the paper [36] which was presented at the Tenth International Conference on Logic Programming, Budapest, 21–25 June 1993.  相似文献   

Although modularisation is basic to modern computing, it has been little studied for logic-based programming. We treat modularisation for equational logic programming using the institution of category-based equational logic in three different ways: (1) to provide a generic satisfaction condition for equational logics; (2) to give a category-based semantics for queries and their solutions; and (3) as an abstract definition of compilation from one (equational) logic programming language to another. Regarding (2), we study soundness and completeness for equational logic programming queries and their solutions. This can be understood as ordinary soundness and completeness in a suitable “non-logical” institution. Soundness holds for all module imports, but completeness only holds for conservative module imports. Category-based equational signatures are seen as modules, and morphisms of such signatures as module imports. Regarding (3), completeness corresponds to compiler correctness. The results of this research applies to languages based on a wide class of equational logic systems, including Horn clause logic, with or without equality; all variants of order and many sorted equational logic, including working modulo a set of axioms; constraint logic programming over arbitrary user-defined data types; and any combination of the above. Most importantly, due to the abstraction level, this research gives the possibility to have semantics and to study modularisation for equational logic programming developed over non-conventional structures. Received April 15, 1994/April 12, 1995  相似文献   

Recent research in nonmonotonic logic programming has focused on certain types of program equivalence, which we refer to here as hyperequivalence, that are relevant for program optimization and modular programming. So far, most results concern hyperequivalence relative to the stable-model semantics. However, other semantics for logic programs are also of interest, especially the semantics of supported models which, when properly generalized, is closely related to the autoepistemic logic of Moore. In this paper, we consider a family of hyperequivalence relations for programs based on the semantics of supported and supported minimal models. We characterize these relations in model-theoretic terms. We use the characterizations to derive complexity results concerning testing whether two programs are hyperequivalent relative to supported and supported minimal models.  相似文献   

The notion of forgetting, also known as variable elimination, has been investigated extensively in the context of classical logic, but less so in (nonmonotonic) logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning. The few approaches that exist are based on syntactic modifications of a program at hand. In this paper, we establish a declarative theory of forgetting for disjunctive logic programs under answer set semantics that is fully based on semantic grounds. The suitability of this theory is justified by a number of desirable properties. In particular, one of our results shows that our notion of forgetting can be entirely captured by classical forgetting. We present several algorithms for computing a representation of the result of forgetting, and provide a characterization of the computational complexity of reasoning from a logic program under forgetting. As applications of our approach, we present a fairly general framework for resolving conflicts in inconsistent knowledge bases that are represented by disjunctive logic programs, and we show how the semantics of inheritance logic programs and update logic programs from the literature can be characterized through forgetting. The basic idea of the conflict resolution framework is to weaken the preferences of each agent by forgetting certain knowledge that causes inconsistency. In particular, we show how to use the notion of forgetting to provide an elegant solution for preference elicitation in disjunctive logic programming.  相似文献   

This paper shows how rewriting logic semantics (RLS) can be used as a computational logic framework for operational semantic definitions of programming languages. Several operational semantics styles are addressed: big-step and small-step structural operational semantics (SOS), modular SOS, reduction semantics with evaluation contexts, and continuation-based semantics. Each of these language definitional styles can be faithfully captured as an RLS theory, in the sense that there is a one-to-one correspondence between computational steps in the original language definition and computational steps in the corresponding RLS theory. A major goal of this paper is to show that RLS does not force or pre-impose any given language definitional style, and that its flexibility and ease of use makes RLS an appealing framework for exploring new definitional styles.  相似文献   

Executable structural operational semantics in Maude   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes in detail how to bridge the gap between theory and practice when implementing in Maude structural operational semantics described in rewriting logic, where transitions become rewrites and inference rules become conditional rewrite rules with rewrites in the conditions, as made possible by the new features in Maude 2. We validate this technique using it in several case studies: a functional language Fpl (evaluation and computation semantics), an imperative language WhileL (evaluation and computation semantics), Kahn’s functional language Mini-ML (evaluation or natural semantics), Milner’s CCS (with strong and weak transitions), and Full LOTOS (including ACT ONE data type specifications). In addition, on top of CCS we develop an implementation of the Hennessy–Milner modal logic for describing local capabilities of processes, and for LOTOS we build an entire tool where Full LOTOS specifications can be entered and executed (without user knowledge of the underlying implementation of the semantics). We also compare this method based on transitions as rewrites with another one based on transitions as judgements.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the relationship between commitment and obligation from a logical viewpoint. The principle of commitment implying obligation is proven in a specific logic of action preference which is a generalization of Meyer's dynamic deontic logic. In the proposed formalism, an agent's commitment to goals is considered as a special kind of action which can change one's deontic preference andone's obligation to take some action is based on the preference and the effects of the action. In this logic, it is shown that an agent has the obligation to take any action which is necessary for achieving as many committed goals as possible. The semantics of our logic is based on the possible world models for the dynamic logic of actions. A binary preference relation between possible worlds is associated with the model. Then the preference between actions are determined by comparing that of their consequences. According to the semantics, while the preference will influence the agent's choice of action, commitment is a kind of action that will change the agent's preference. Thus we can show how obligations arise from commitments via updating of deontic preference. The integrated semantics make it possible to express and reason about the mutual relationship among these mental attitudes in a common logic. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary This paper is about the Floyd-Hoare Principle which says that the semantics of a programming language can be formally specified by axioms and rules of inference for proving the correctness of programs written in the language. We study the simple language WP of while-programs and Hoare's system for partial correctness and we calculate the relational semantics of WP as this is determined by Hoare's logic. This calculation is possible by using relational semantics to build a completeness theorem for the logic. The resulting semantics AX we call the axiomatic relational semantics for WP. This AX is not the conventional semantics for WP: it need not be effectively computable or deterministic, for example. A large number of elegant properties of AX are proved and the Floyd-Hoare Principle is reconsidered.  相似文献   

Agent systems based on the Belief, Desire and Intention model of Rao and Georgeff have been used for a number of successful applications. However, it is often difficult to learn how to apply such systems, due to the complexity of both the semantics of the system and the computational model. In addition, there is a gap between the semantics and the concepts that are presented to the programmer. In this paper we address these issues by re-casting the foundations of such systems into a logic programming framework. In particular we show how the integration of backward- and forward-chaining techniques for linear logic provides a natural starting point for this investigation. We discuss how the integrated system provides for the interaction between the proactive and reactive parts of the system, and we discuss several aspects of this interaction. In particular, one perhaps surprising outcome is that goals and plans may be thought of as declarative and procedural aspects of the same concept. We also discuss the language design issues for such a system, and particularly the way in which the potential choices for rule evaluation in a forward-chaining manner is crucial to the behaviour of the system.  相似文献   

Blair et al. (2001) developed an extension of logic programming called set based logic programming. In the theory of set based logic programming the atoms represent subsets of a fixed universe X and one is allowed to compose the one-step consequence operator with a monotonic idempotent operator O so as to ensure that the analogue of stable models in the theory are always closed under O. Marek et al. (1992, Ann Pure Appl Logic 96:231–276 1999) developed a generalization of Reiter’s normal default theories that can be applied to both default theories and logic programs which is based on an underlying consistency property. In this paper, we show how to extend the normal logic programming paradigm of Marek, Nerode, and Remmel to set based logic programming. We also show how one can obtain a new semantics for set based logic programming based on a consistency property.  相似文献   

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