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基于相对核和精确度的灰数排序新方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究区间灰数的排序方法, 分析已有排序方法的特点和优劣. 为了更好地切合实际问题, 考虑到灰数的取值论域, 基于信息保留原则建立了普通区间灰数到标准灰数的投影法则; 依据投影得到的标准灰数提出了相对核和精确度的概念, 在此基础上给出了灰数的排序方法, 克服了已有排序方法的不足, 且使相同灰数的排序区分度在不同的应用背景下有不同的体现, 有助于决策者进行分析. 最后, 通过算例验证了所提出方法的可行性和优越性.  相似文献   

The measurement and management of positional accuracy and positional uncertainty is especially problematic in historical cartography and Historical GIS applications, for at least two reasons: first, historical sources, and especially historical maps, generally carry a higher degree of positional inaccuracy and uncertainty compared to contemporary geographic databases; second, it is always difficult and often impossible to reliably measure the positional accuracy and positional uncertainty of the spatial attribute of historical data. As an added complication, the terms “inaccuracy” and “uncertainty” are often used as synonyms in the literature, with relatively little attention given to issues of uncertainty.In this article we propose a methodology for detecting the positional inaccuracy and positional uncertainty of measurements of urban change using historical maps at a very high spatial resolution (the building). A widely accepted and routinely employed method for detecting urban change, and spatial change in general, consists in overlaying two or more maps created at different dates, but the technique can lead to the formation of spurious changes—typically, sliver polygons—that are the product of misclassification error or map misalignment rather than actual modifications in land cover. In this paper we develop an algorithm to detect such spurious changes. More in general, we extend the discussion to examine the effects of positional uncertainty and positional inaccuracy in feature change detection analysis. The case-study is the city of Milan, Italy.  相似文献   

Closely related to the safety and stability of power grids, stability analysis has long been a core topic in the electric industry. Conventional approaches employ computational simulation to make the quantitative judgement of the grid stability under distinctive conditions. The lack of in-depth data analysis tools has led to the difficulty in analytical tasks such as situation-aware analysis, instability reasoning and pattern recognition. To facilitate visual exploration and reasoning on the simulation data, we introduce WaveLines, a visual analysis approach which supports the supervisory control of multivariate simulation time series of power grids. We design and implement an interactive system that supports a set of analytical tasks proposed by domain experts and experienced operators. Experiments have been conducted with domain experts to illustrate the usability and effectiveness of WaveLines.  相似文献   

在实际应用中,辨识方法的辨识精度和辨识效率一直是人们关注的指标,也是人们选择辨识方法的主要依据。针对多种闭环子空间辨识方法的辨识精度和辨识效率问题的研究,首先归纳和总结了基于正交分解和基于正交投影闭环子空间辨识方法的理论和实现;然后扩展提出了基于正交分解的闭环子空间辨识方法 ORT_POMOESP、ORT_N4SID和基于正交投影的闭环子空间辨识方法 CSOPIM_W2;最后考虑系统输入输出测量噪声,针对过程噪声为白噪声和有色噪声两种情况下,通过仿真算例以数值分析的形式,对比研究了多种闭环子空间辨识方法的辨识精度和辨识效率。该研究不仅对子空间辨识方法应用于实际工业过程的建模具有实际的参考价值,而且对实际工程应用中闭环子空间辨识算法的选用具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

可视化Java类装载器的分析与实现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在总结程序设计可视化特点的基础上,提出提供开发过程中各种动态视图的可视化软件开发环境(vSDE).鉴于装载器是Java编译器和虚拟机中的交叉模块,选取可视化Java类装载器(VJL)作为VSDE的预研.VJL提供在启动装载阶段和解析阶段中,一组装载相关类型的装载过程以及涉及信息的动态视图.VJL中的线程通信的模式以及通用图形模块的思想,可以应用于VSDE后续模块的开发.最后给出运行实例,演示VJL在不同阶段所提供的动态视图.  相似文献   

树皮厚度能够预测病虫危害、林木生长和遗传变异,是一个极其重要的参数.在对树皮厚度的自动测量技术进行研究的基础上,设计了一套“容栅式”树皮厚度测量仪.通过对马占相思、非洲楝、面包树的树皮厚度测量试验,得到相应的标准偏差、变异系数,且效率提高了17 ~19倍.研究结果表明,该电子树皮测量仪具有精密度高、稳定性好、效率高的特点,其将在我国生态仪器中树皮厚度测量领域起着开拓作用.  相似文献   

The paper considers the synthesis of signal classification systems using the theory of perturbation of pseudoreverse and projection matrices and proposes an algorithm to select (filter) separable subsets on a finite point set from R n . Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 4, pp. 124–134, July–August 2009.  相似文献   

NBA game is one of the world’s most exciting sports. Multiple datasets for a NBA game are available, e.g., play-by-play data, shot-position data, twitter and videos. Existing methods for visualizing game data commonly focus on the composition of multi-variate information of a game process. In this paper, we introduce a new parametric modeling approach, Performance Histogram Curve (PHC), that locally and adaptively encodes the game progression with game-related features derived from the play-by-play data. By transforming a PHC into the two-dimensional space with a two-phase projection technique, we create a unique 2D line representation. The 2D representation and auxiliary views abstracts the progress of a game and the performance of each team along the timeline. Our integrated system favor browsing a single play, analyzing game performance, and comparing multiple games. We conducted two case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.  相似文献   

朴素贝叶斯分类以统计学理论为基础,所以具有一定的精确度,但它没有考虑属性间是否相互独立以及空缺值。信息增益(IG,Information Gain)是有效的特征选择方法,它提供了在分类系统中,某个属性能否在分类时带来有用信息。属性间的相关性分析可以说明在分析时是否要把它们都考虑进去,通过这样的分析可以去除不必要的信息。把信息增益和属性相关性相结合,可以改进朴素贝叶斯分类的局限性,从而在精度上对其进行改进。  相似文献   

本文针对国内大中型城市特服系统设计中的缺陷,提出设计中的新方法:采用远程查号的方法,与电信信息中心大型SYBASE关系数据库远程联网;  相似文献   

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