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超立方体上基于缓冲机制的无死锁路径算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周建强  姚学军  谢立 《软件学报》1995,6(4):240-247
本文研究了超立方体上基于单缓冲和双缓冲技术的无死锁受限条件,提出了相应的无死锁路径算法.性能分析表明,路径算法的效率和算法的自适应能力及算法的复杂性相关.  相似文献   

星形图上无死锁的路径算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
星形图具有许多良好的拓扑性质,是一种有可能替代传统的超立方体的并行计算互联网络的模型。在本文中,作者针对在星形图这样一种高度规则的网络中,可能产生死锁的问题,对星形图上无死锁的路径算法进行了研究。首先利用星形图中匹配基的性质,给出了从Sn(B)到Sk的正规映射的定义,然后提出了星形图上的两个无死锁受限条件,最后证明了一个满足无死锁受限条件的路径算法。作者还提出了星形图上路径算法的最小无死锁受限条件  相似文献   

Efe提出的交叉立方体(crossed cube)是超立方体(hypercube)的一种变型.交叉立方体的某些性质优于超立方体,比如其直径几乎是超立方体的一半.首先证明n(n≥3)维交叉立方体网络不存在无死锁的最短路径路由算法,然后利用虚通道技术将一条物理通道分成三条逻辑通道,并在此基础上提出一种基于虫洞路由的最短路径路由算法,其时间复杂度为O(n).理论证明了算法是无死锁的.  相似文献   

针对超立方体结构的多处理机系统出现故障的问题,对容错超立方体网络的局部连通性进行了研究。根据局部连通性的特点定义了相邻节点集合类的概念,提出并证明了求解两类相邻节点集合的公式。给出了满足任意子连通性条件的超立方体网络的自适应容错路由算法。该算法是分布式和基于局部信息的,可以预防死锁。仿真实验的结果表明算法是高效的,且构建的路径长度接近于最优路径长度。  相似文献   

基于超立方体的优良的拓扑性质,提出了一个应用于超立方体网络的容错路由算法.该容错路由算法是基于局部信息的,因为路由算法在路由过程中,只需要知道其邻节点的信息,而无须知道其他节点的出错情况.对于给定的源节点和目的节点,路由算法均能够找到一条最优容错路径,并且可以预防死锁.模拟实验结果表明,路由算法所构造的路由路径长度接近于两个节点之间的最优路径长度.  相似文献   

故障超立方体网络中的路由算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对超立方体结构的多处理机系统中存在故障的情况,提出了一个应用于超立方体网络的容错路由算法。该容错路由算法是基于局部信息的,只需要知道邻节点的状态,而无需知道整个网络的运行情况。对于给定的源节点和目的节点,路由算法均能够找到一条最优通路,并且可以预防死锁。模拟实验结果表明,路由算法所构造的路径长度接近于两个节点之间的最优路径长度。  相似文献   

星形图上最小无死锁受限条件及无死锁路径算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文学  林亚平  王雷 《计算机工程》2006,32(1):142-144
针对是形图中台能产生死锁的问题,对星形图上无无线锁的路径算法进行了研究,得到了星形图上的两类最小无死锁受限条件,并给出了一个满足该两类最小无死锁受限条件的无死锁路径算法。同时还证明了文献中提出的两个死锁受限条件分别只是该文所提出的两类最小无死锁受限条件的一个特例。  相似文献   

局部扭曲立方体是一种新提出来用于并行计算的互联网络。经研究发现,局部扭曲立方体中已有最小路由算法存在着死锁。因此,在原有算法的基础上,提出了一种新的无死锁路由算法并给出了无死锁证明。利用将物理通道分成两条虚拟通道进而形成两个不相交的虚拟网络,将不同的点对之间的路由限定在某一个虚拟网络中,从而有效地避免了死锁的产生。同时,利用一个局部扭曲立方体可由两个低维子立文体和2-扭曲立方体构成这一性质,在局部的低维子立方体和2-扭曲立方体中均采用自适应路由,从而提高了算法的自适应性。在此基础上提出了一种多播路由算法。  相似文献   

宋莹  刘方爱 《计算机工程》2004,30(23):71-73
基于局部k-子立方体连通性的概念,提出了在局部k-子立方连通的超立方体中的,“播路由算法该算法是分布的、基于局部信息的,在容错性上有了很大的提高,能在线性时间内构造超立方体H1中接近最优的路径。  相似文献   

田绍槐  陆应平  张大方 《软件学报》2007,18(7):1818-1830
在网络可靠性研究中,设计较好的容错路由策略、尽可能多地记录系统中最优通路信息,一直是一项重要的研究工作.超立方体系统的容错路由算法分为可回溯算法和无回溯算法.一般说来,可回溯算法的优点是容错能力强:只要消息的源节点和目的节点有通路,该算法就能够找到把消息传递到目的地的路径;其缺点是在很多情况下传递路径不能按实际存在的最短路径传递.其代表是深度优先搜索(DFS)算法.无回溯算法是近几年人们比较关注的算法.该算法通过记录各邻接节点的故障信息,给路由算法以启发信息,使消息尽可能按实际存在的最短路径传递.这些算法的共同缺点是只能计算出Hamming距离不超过n的路由.在n维超立方体系统连通图中,如果系统存在大量的故障,不少节点对之间的最短路径大于n,因此,这些算法的容错能力差.提出了一个实例说明采用上述算法将遗失60%的路由信息.另外,由于超立方体的结构严格,实际中的真正超立方体系统不多.事实上,不少的网络系统可转换为具有大量错误节点和错误边的超立方体系统.因此,研究能适应具有大量错误节点和错误边的超立方体系统的容错路由算法是一个很有实际价值的工作.研究探讨了:(1) 定义广义超立方体系统;(2) 在超立方体系统中提出了节点通路向量(NPV)概念及其计算规则;(3) 提出了中转点技术,使得求NPV的计算复杂度降低到O(n);(4) 提出了基于NPV的广义超立方体系统最佳容错路由算法(OFTRS),该算法是一种分布式的和基于相邻节点信息的算法.由于NPV记录了超立方体系统全部最优通路和次最优通路的信息,在具有大量故障的情况下,它不会遗漏任何一条最优通路和次最优通路信息,从而实现了高效的容错路由.在这一点上,它优于其他算法.  相似文献   

江松  郑世荣 《计算机学报》1997,20(3):223-229
如何获得死锁而且通信性能良好的选路算法始终是人们十分关心的问题。本文提出了纯分流点的概念并证明了选路算法无死锁的充要条件,从理论上解决了死锁关系问题,为死锁的判定,消除和设计无死锁的算法提供了有力的依据。  相似文献   

Several recent studies have shown that adaptive routing algorithms based on deadlock recovery have superior performance characteristics than those based on deadlock avoidance. Most of these studies, however, have relied on software simulation due to the lack of analytical modelling tools. In an effort towards filling this gap, this paper presents a new analytical model of compressionless routing in wormhole-routed hypercubes. This routing algorithm exploits the tight coupling between wormhole routers for flow control to detect and recover from potential deadlock situations. The advantages of compressionless routing include deadlock-free adaptive routing with no extra virtual channels, simple router design, and order-preserving message transmission. The proposed analytical model computes message latency by determining the message transmission time, blocking delay at each router, multiplexing delay at each network channel, and waiting time in the source before entering the network. The validity of the model is demonstrated by comparing analytical results with those obtained through simulation experiments.  相似文献   

This paper develops the theoretical background for the design of deadlock-free adaptive routing algorithms for virtual cut-through and store-and-forward switching. This theory is valid for networks using either central buffers or edge buffers. Some basic definitions and three theorems are proposed, developing conditions to verify that an adaptive algorithm is deadlock-free, even when there are cyclic dependencies between routing resources. Moreover, we propose a necessary and sufficient condition for deadlock-free routing. Also, a design methodology is proposed. It supplies fully adaptive, minimal and non-minimal routing algorithms, guaranteeing that they are deadlock-free. The theory proposed in this paper extends the necessary and sufficient condition for wormhole switching previously proposed by us. The resulting routing algorithms are more flexible than the ones for wormhole switching. Also, the design methodology is much easier to apply because it automatically supplies deadlock-free routing algorithms  相似文献   

This paper presents a general methodology for generating deadlock-free routing algorithms for irregular networks. Constructing a spanning tree on the given network, assigning directions to the network channels, creating deadlock-free zones, and specifying a logical sequence of the produced deadlock-free zones are the four fundamental steps that the proposed methodology takes to generate deadlock-free and connected routing algorithms. By applying the proposed methodology with two known labeling methods we have generated six irregular routing algorithms: three of them are novel routing algorithms and three of them (the Up/Down, Left/Right, and L-turn routing algorithms) have already been proposed in the literature. Extensive simulation experiments have been performed considering various network topologies, different network sizes (considering different network nodes and network channels), various message lengths, a variety of spanning tree roots, and a wide range of message (traffic) generation rates. Simulation results show that the six routing algorithms can be divided into three pairs. Routing members of each pair show similar behavior in terms of message latencies and saturation generation rates. However, it is worth noting that for a given topology the performance of the six routing algorithms may be totally different and it mainly depends on the network topology.  相似文献   

Oblivious permutation routing in binary d-cubes has been well studied in the literature. In a permutation routing, each node initially contains a packet with a destination such that all the 2d destinations are distinct. Kaklamanis et al. (Math. Syst. Theory 24 (1991) 223–232) used the decomposability of hypercubes into Hamiltonian circuits to give an asymptotically optimal routing algorithm. The notion of “destination graph” was first introduced by Borodin and Hopcroft to derive lower bounds on routing algorithms. This idea was recently used by Grammatikakis et al. (Proceedings of the Advancement in Parallel Computing, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1993) to construct many–one routing algorithms for the binary 2-cube and 3-cube. In the present paper, further theoretical development is made along this line. It is then applied to obtain algorithms for binary d-cubes with d up to 12, which compare favorably with the above-mentioned “Hamiltonian circuit” algorithm. Some results on t-nary cubes with t3 are also obtained.  相似文献   

A unicast-based fault-tolerant multicasting method is proposed for hypercubes, which can still work well when the system contains enough faults. A multicast message may be unable to reach a destination if Hamming distance between the destination and the multicast source is large enough. A multicast message fails if any one of the destinations is unreachable from the source. An effective destination ordering scheme of the destinations is proposed for one-port systems first, it is extended to all-port systems for unicast-based fault-tolerant multicasting. Unreachable destinations from the source based on the local safety information are forwarded to a reachable destination, where the multicast message can be routed reliably. Destination ordering is completed based on Hamming distance. A multiple round p-cube routing scheme is presented for a deadlock-free fault-tolerant routing for each unicast step in hypercubes, where the same virtual channel is used for each round of p-cube routing. Sufficient simulation results are presented by comparing with the previous methods.  相似文献   

Multicast communication services, in which the same message is delivered from a source node to an arbitrary number of destination nodes, are being provided in new-generation multicomputers. Broadcast is a special case of multicast in which a message is delivered to all nodes in the network. The nCUBE-2, a wormhole-routed hypercube multicomputer, provides hardware support for broadcast and a restricted form of multicast in which the destinations form a subcube. However, the broadcast routing algorithm adopted in the nCUBE-2 is not deadlock-free. In this paper, four multicast wormhole routing strategies for 2-D mesh multicomputers are proposed and studied. All of the algorithms are shown to be deadlock-free. These are the first deadlock-free multicast wormhole routing algorithms ever proposed. A simulation study has been conducted that compares the performance of these multicast algorithms under dynamic network traffic conditions in a 2-D mesh. The results indicate that a dual-path routing algorithm offers performance advantages over tree-based, multipath, and fixed-path algorithms  相似文献   

A theory for the design of deadlock-free adaptive routing algorithms for wormhole networks, proposed by the author (1991, 1993), supplies sufficient conditions for an adaptive routing algorithm to be deadlock-free, even when there are cyclic dependencies between channels. Also, two design methodologies were proposed. Multicast communication refers to the delivery of the same message from one source node to an arbitrary number of destination nodes. A tree-like routing scheme is not suitable for hardware-supported multicast in wormhole networks because it produces many headers for each message, drastically increasing the probability of a message being blocked. A path-based multicast routing model was proposed by Lin and Ni (1991) for multicomputers with 2D-mesh and hypercube topologies. In this model, messages are not replicated at intermediate nodes. This paper develops the theoretical background for the design of deadlock-free adaptive multicast routing algorithms. This theory is valid for wormhole networks using the path-based routing model. It is also valid when messages with a single destination and multiple destinations are mixed together. The new channel dependencies produced by messages with several destinations are studied. Also, two theorems are proposed, developing conditions to verify that an adaptive multicast routing algorithm is deadlock-free, even when there are cyclic dependencies between channels. As an example, the multicast routing algorithms of Lin and Ni are extended, so that they can take advantage of the alternative paths offered by the network  相似文献   

Deadlock avoidance is a key issue in wormhole networks. A first approach by W.J. Dally and C.L. Seitz (1987) consists of removing the cyclic dependencies between channels. Many deterministic and adaptive routing algorithms have been proposed based on that approach. Although the absence of cyclic dependencies is a necessary and sufficient condition for deadlock-free deterministic routing, it is only a sufficient condition for deadlock-free adaptive routing. A more powerful approach by J. Duato (1991) only requires the absence of cyclic dependencies on a connected channel subset. The remaining channels can be used in almost any way. In this paper, we show that the previously mentioned approach is also a sufficient condition. Moreover, we propose a necessary and sufficient condition for deadlock-free adaptive routing. This condition is the key for the design of fully adaptive routing algorithms with minimum restrictions, An example shows the application of the new theory  相似文献   

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