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AADL模型的测试方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王庚  周兴社  张凡  董云卫 《计算机科学》2009,36(11):127-130
近几年来,MDA开发方式的应用使得如何保证模型质量成为研究的热点.以基于模型的测试为研究对象,研究了对AADL模型进行模型测试的方法,并提出了结合马尔可夫链对AADL模型进行测试的框架以及实施方法.最后,通过示例进一步说明了该方法.  相似文献   

宣杭  董云卫  孙博 《计算机科学》2013,40(Z11):82-85,104
随着嵌入式软件规模的日益庞大,任务关键系统的可信属性,如实时性、可靠性等,逐渐成为影响嵌入式系统质量和制约系统行为可信的重要因素。如何在系统设计早期及时发现系统可信属性的不足,在模型设计阶段进行体系结构调整、优化模型中软硬构件结构及属性规约,成为嵌入式软件分析方法研究的重点。为解决以上问题,提出了一种基于模型的嵌入式系统实时性测试方法,设计并实现了面向AADL模型的仿真测试引擎(AMSE)。仿真引擎基于SystemC和POSIX技术,通过任务封装、任务调度、时钟管理、中断管理和信号控制等实现模拟内核功能,可以动态执行AADL模型实例,从而对嵌入式系统的实时性开展模型测试。同时,以汽车控制系统为应用实例,基于AADL模型测试引擎AMSE进行了应用测试分析,获得了较好的测试结果。  相似文献   

为了缩短软件测试周期,本文把马尔可夫链模型运用于软件可靠性测试中,提出了这一技术进行软件可靠性测试的方法。在测试过程中使用了新的评判准则分析测试结果,通过实例证明了该评判准则的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   

安全关键系统的实现需要通过需求、设计、集成、验证和测试等多个阶段。近年来,模型驱动开发方法逐渐成为安全关键系统设计与开发的重要手段。由于还没有一个建模语言能够支持整个安全关键系统开发生命周期,因此选择集成使用2种广泛使用的标准语言:系统建模语言(SysML)和嵌入式实时系统体系结构分析与设计语言(AADL)。SysML和AADL提供了同一系统的2个不同视图,SysML模型为系统工程师提供了一个系统视图,AADL为架构设计师建立一个较低层次的设计视图,它结合了实现所有功能的硬件、操作系统和代码。提出一种SysML模型到AADL模型的自动转换方法。首先,定义SysML子集SubSysML,主要包括模块定义图(BDD)、内部模块图(IBD)、活动图(ACT)子集和从IBD和BDD扩展的AADL Profile;其次,定义SubSysML到AADL的转换规则并设计转换算法;然后,对生成的AADL初始模型进行精化;最后,使用EMF框架技术实现SubSysML到AADL的模型转换工具并通过雷达案例验证所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

随着嵌入式软件在安全关键领域广泛应用,系统可靠性随着其规模、复杂度和性能需求的不断提升而愈显重要。结构分析设计语言AADL是应用于嵌入式领域的体系结构建模、分析和验证的重要手段。由于AADL是一种半形式化模型,需要精确描述其语义才能进行定量分析。提出一种基于AADL的系统可靠性建模方法。首先,结合AADL模型和AADL错误模型附件,得到AADL可靠性模型;然后,提出一种模型转换方法,将AADL可靠性模型的基本元素和错误传播等特殊元素转换到交互式马尔科夫链模型IMC,进行可靠性定量分析;最后,结合法国空中交通控制系统的实例,证明该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

为增强统计测试的可行性、可测试性,降低建立使用模型的难度,通过研究作为工业标准的统一建模语言UML,提出了一种基于UML模型的统计测试方法。论文首先建立了基于UML模型的统计测试过程,然后结合扩展的UML模型和使用模型的形式化描述,给出了从UML模型导出使用模型的一种形式化算法,并以工控机器人软件为例说明了应用该方法的完整过程。  相似文献   

近年来,采用模型驱动(Model-Driven)尤其是形式化模型驱动的安全关键软件设计与开发方法逐渐受到重视,并被工业界认为是切实可行的重要手段.AADL(Architecture Analysis and Design Language)是一种广泛应用于安全关键领域的形式化建模语言标准.在安全关键软件系统开发与维护过程中,部分需求与设计信息往往遗留在源代码中,在对已有软件系统架构进行复用或重构的过程中,如何将这部分需求与设计信息从代码中构造到设计模型是一个重要问题.本文基于模型驱动逆向工程,提出一种从C代码到AADL模型的自动构造方法C2AADL.首先分析了源语言结构、行为和运行时性质,并根据分析结果提出了源代码结构、行为和运行时性质到AADL模型的转换规则,然后根据转换规则设计并实现了原型工具,最后基于雷达信息处理子系统案例验证本文所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

采用架构分析与设计语言(AADL)建立嵌入式系统的半形式化模型,实现从AADL模型到静态故障树(Static Fault Tree,SFT)模型的转换,并根据故障树定量分析法对系统可靠性进行分析。首先结合AADL错误模型附件建立可靠性模型;然后设计了从AADL模型到SFT模型的语义映射规则,并实现了将AADL模型中的基本元素转换为静态故障树中相对应的元素;最后结合飞机车轮刹车系统实例,使用文献中提出的方法对其进行可靠性分析,从而验证 所提方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

AADL模型可靠性分析评估工具   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
董云卫  王广仁  张凡  高磊 《软件学报》2011,22(6):1252-1266
主要针对AADL(architecture analysis and design language)嵌入式系统体系结构进行可靠性建模,实现AADL可靠性模型到广义随机Petri网(general stochastic Petri net,简称GSPN)可靠性计算模型的转换,并基于GSPN可靠性计算模型对嵌入式系统进行...  相似文献   

JavaScript has become one of the most widely used languages for Web development. Its dynamic and event-driven features make it challenging to ensure the correctness of Web applications written in JavaScript. A variety of dynamic analysis techniques have been proposed which are, however, limited in either coverage or scalability. In this paper, we propose a simple, yet effective, model-based automated testing approach to achieve a high code-coverage within the time budget via testing with longer event sequences. We implement our approach as an open-source tool LJS, and perform extensive experiments on 21 publicly available benchmarks. On average, LJS is able to achieve 86.5% line coverage in 10 minutes. Compared with JSDEP, a state-of-the-art breadth-first search based automated testing tool enriched with partial order reduction, the coverage of LJS is 11%–19% higher than that of JSDEP on real-world large Web applications. Our empirical findings support that proper longer test sequences can achieve a higher code coverage in JavaScript Web application testing.  相似文献   

AADL (architecture analysis and design language) concentrates on the modeling and analysis of application system architectures. It is quite popular for its simple syntax, powerful functionality and extensibility and has been widely applied in embedded systems for its advantage. However, it is not enough for AADL to model cyber-physical systems (CPS) mainly because it cannot be used to model the continuous dynamic behaviors. This paper proposes an approach to construct a new sublanguage of AADL called AADL+, to facilitate the modeling of not only the discrete and continuous behavior of CPS, but also interaction between cyber components and physical components. The syntax and semantics of the sublanguage are provided to describe the behaviors of the systems. What’s more, we develop a plug-in to OSATE (open-source AADL tool environment) for the modeling of CPS. And the plug-in supports syntax checking and simulation of the system model through linking with modelica. Finally, the AADL+ annex is successfully applied to model a lunar rover control system.  相似文献   


To enable effective and safe operations of autonomous robots in environments with unknowns and unpredictability, a key practical problem is how to test the functionality and assess the performance of real-time motion planning systems. This is a challenge because the underlying algorithms are real-time, sensing-based, and often non-deterministic. These systems’ performance depends on task environments, which can vary in countless ways. Existing testing techniques are designed heavily based on testers’ experience and hardly provide a good coverage of possible test scenarios. This paper introduces a systematic model-based testing (MBT) approach to evaluate the functionality and performance of a real-time adaptive motion planning (RAMP) system. The MBT approach uses the formal communicating extended finite state machine model to model RAMP’s concurrent components and leverage graph traversal algorithms to systematically generate behavioral test cases. First, component integration is considered by modeling the RAMP components and their interactions. Next, system-level testing is considered by modeling mobile obstacles of unpredictable motion behavior. The behavior models are leveraged to generate Abstract Behavioral Test Cases, which are transformed by test data into executable test cases. The test results demonstrate the effectiveness of applying the systematic MBT approach to the evaluation of real-time robotic systems.  相似文献   

人联网(IoP)系统的架构复杂且存在海量、实时变化的数据,使得基于IoP系统的可靠性分析变得十分困难,目前仍缺乏一种健全的基于IoP系统的可靠性建模及评估方法。提出一种新型的IoP系统可靠性评估方法,利用AADL及其附件语言对IoP系统进行可靠性建模,并基于该模型从定性角度评估系统故障的根本原因和风险。此外,结合Ocarina模型转换技术提出一种基于连续时间马尔科夫链(CTMC)的定量评估算法,将AADL可靠性模型转换为CTMC模型,实现对系统动态、实时等特性的评估。在此基础上,设计一个IoP系统通用模型,并以此为案例验证所提方法的可行性。实验结果表明,该方法不仅能对IoP系统建模,而且能自动、准确地对其进行可靠性分析,具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

New methods and techniques are needed to reduce the very costly integration and test effort (in terms of lead time, costs, resources) in the development of high-tech multi-disciplinary systems. To facilitate this effort reduction, we propose a method called model-based integration. This method allows to integrate formal executable models of system components that are not yet physically realized with available realizations of other components. The combination of models and realizations is then used for early analysis of the integrated system by means of validation, verification, and testing. This analysis enables early detection and prevention of problems that would otherwise occur during real integration, resulting in a significant reduction of effort invested in the the real integration and test phases. This paper illustrates how models of components, developed for model-based integration, can be used for automated model-based testing, which allows time-efficient determination of the conformance of component realizations with respect to their requirements. The combination of model-based integration and model-based testing is practically illustrated in a realistic industrial case study. Results obtained from this study encourage further research on model-based integration as a prominent method to reduce the integration and test effort.  相似文献   

AADL(Architecture Analysis&Design Language)语言是美国SAE(Society of AutomotiveEngineers)组织定义的一组满足航空电子综合化设计用的建模语言.它可以描述安全关键嵌入式实时系统功能和非功能性属性,非功能属性包括可靠性、安全性、可调度性等.通过对这些非功能属性进行分析,可以在设计阶段而不是实现阶段纠正系统设计缺陷,缩短系统开发周期和降低开发成本.总结了AADL语言对可调度性分析方面提供的支持,并分析比较了几种针对AADL模型的可调度性分析工具,在此分析和比较基础上,识别它们各自的优缺点,方便使用者根据需要选择合适的工具使用.  相似文献   

马春燕  董云卫  陆伟  朱晓燕 《计算机科学》2011,38(8):161-164,196
目前,AADL在任务关键和安全关键嵌入式领域有着良好的应用.如何在设计阶段对AADL模型进行仿真,并根据仿真结果迭代构造和精化设计模型,以尽早发现设计模型中存在的问题,保障设计模型的质量,进而减少系统开发的代价,是目前急需解决的技术挑战.SystemC是一种软硬件协同仿真的系统描述语言,由此提出了AADL软构件到Sys...  相似文献   

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