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何志勇  朱忠奎 《计算机应用》2011,31(12):3441-3445
语音增强的目标在于从含噪信号中提取纯净语音,纯净语音在某些环境下会被脉冲噪声所污染,但脉冲噪声的时域分布特征却给语音增强带来困难,使传统方法在脉冲噪声环境下难以取得满意效果。为在平稳脉冲噪声环境下进行语音增强,提出了一种新方法。该方法通过计算确定脉冲噪声样本的能量与含噪信号样本的能量之比最大的频段,利用该频段能量分布情况逐帧判别语音信号是否被脉冲噪声所污染。进一步地,该方法只在被脉冲噪声污染的帧应用卡尔曼滤波算法去噪,并改进了传统算法执行时的自回归(AR)模型参数估计过程。实验中,采用白色脉冲噪声以及有色脉冲噪声污染语音信号,并对低输入信噪比的信号进行语音增强,结果表明所提出的算法能显著地改善信噪比和抑制脉冲噪声。  相似文献   

利用深度卷积神经网络提高未知噪声下的语音增强性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了进一步提高基于深度学习的语音增强方法在未知噪声下的性能,本文从神经网络的结构出发展开研究.基于在时间与频率两个维度上,语音和噪声信号的局部特征都具有强相关性的特点,采用深度卷积神经网络(Deep convolutional neural network,DCNN)建模来表示含噪语音和纯净语音之间的复杂非线性关系.通过设计有效的训练特征和训练目标,并建立合理的网络结构,提出了基于深度卷积神经网络的语音增强方法.实验结果表明,在未知噪声条件下,本文方法相比基于深度神经网络(Deep neural network,DNN)的方法在语音质量和可懂度两种指标上都有明显提高.  相似文献   

深度神经网络(Deep neural networks,DNNs)依靠其良好的特征提取能力,在语音增强任务中得到了广泛应用。为进一步提高深度神经网络的语音增强效果,提出一种将深度神经网络和约束维纳滤波联合训练优化的新型网络结构。该网络首先对带噪语音幅度谱进行训练并分别得到纯净语音和噪声的幅度谱估计,然后利用语音和噪声的幅度谱估计计算得到一个约束维纳增益函数,最后利用约束维纳增益函数从带噪语音幅度谱中估计出增强语音幅度谱作为网络的训练输出。对不同信噪比下的20种噪声进行的仿真实验表明,无论噪声类型是否在网络的训练集中出现,本文方法都能够在有效去除噪声的同时保持较小的语音失真,增强效果明显优于DNN及NMF增强方法。  相似文献   

Speech coding algorithms that have been developed for clean speech are often used in a noisy environment. We describe maximum a posteriori (MAP) and minimum mean square error (MMSE) techniques to estimate the clean-speech short-term predictor (STP) parameters from noisy speech. The MAP and MMSE estimates are obtained using a likelihood function computed by means of the DFT or Kalman filtering and empirical probability distributions based on multidimensional histograms. The method is assessed in terms of the resulting root mean spectral distortion between the "clean" speech STP parameters and the STP parameters computed with the proposed method from noisy speech. The estimated parameters are also applied to obtain clean speech estimates by means of a Kalman filter. The quality of the estimated speech as compared to the "clean" speech is assessed by means of subjective tests, signal-to-noise ratio improvement, and the perceptual speech quality measurement method.  相似文献   

Speech recognizers achieve high recognition accuracy under quiet acoustic environments, but their performance degrades drastically when they are deployed in real environments, where the speech is degraded by additive ambient noise. This paper advocates a two phase approach for robust speech recognition in such environment. Firstly, a front end subband speech enhancement with adaptive noise estimation (ANE) approach is used to filter the noisy speech. The whole noisy speech spectrum is portioned into eighteen dissimilar subbands based on Bark scale and noise power from each subband is estimated by the ANE approach, which does not require the speech pause detection. Secondly, the filtered speech spectrum is processed by the non parametric frequency domain algorithm based on human perception along with the back end building a robust classifier to recognize the utterance. A suite of experiments is conducted to evaluate the performance of the speech recognizer in a variety of real environments, with and without the use of a front end speech enhancement stage. Recognition accuracy is evaluated at the word level, and at a wide range of signal to noise ratios for real world noises. Experimental evaluations show that the proposed algorithm attains good recognition performance when signal to noise ratio is lower than 5 dB.  相似文献   

基于感知掩蔽深度神经网络的单通道语音增强方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文将心理声学掩蔽特性应用于基于深度神经网络(Deep neural network,DNN)的单通道语音增强任务中,提出了一种具有感知掩蔽特性的DNN结构.首先,提出的DNN对带噪语音幅度谱特征进行训练并分别得到纯净语音和噪声的幅度谱估计.其次,利用估计的纯净语音幅度谱计算噪声掩蔽阈值.然后,将噪声掩蔽阈值和估计的噪声幅度谱联合计算得到一个感知增益函数.最后,利用感知增益函数从带噪语音幅度谱中估计出增强语音幅度谱.在TIMIT数据库上,对不同信噪比下的20种噪声进行的仿真实验表明,无论噪声类型是否在语音的训练集中出现,所提出的感知掩蔽DNN都能够在有效去除噪声的同时保持较小的语音失真,增强效果明显优于常见的DNN增强方法以及NMF(Nonnegative matrix factorization)增强方法.  相似文献   

针对多噪声环境下的语音识别问题,提出了将环境噪声作为语音识别上下文考虑的层级语音识别模型。该模型由含噪语音分类模型和特定噪声环境下的声学模型两层组成,通过含噪语音分类模型降低训练数据与测试数据的差异,消除了特征空间研究对噪声稳定性的限制,并且克服了传统多类型训练在某些噪声环境下识别准确率低的弊端,又通过深度神经网络(DNN)进行声学模型建模,进一步增强声学模型分辨噪声的能力,从而提高模型空间语音识别的噪声鲁棒性。实验中将所提模型与多类型训练得到的基准模型进行对比,结果显示所提层级语音识别模型较该基准模型的词错率(WER)相对降低了20.3%,表明该层级语音识别模型有利于增强语音识别的噪声鲁棒性。  相似文献   

含噪语音实时迭代维纳滤波   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对传统去噪方法在强背景噪声情况下,提取声音信号的能力变弱甚至失效与对不同噪声环境适应性差,提出了迭代维纳滤波声音信号特征提取方法。给出了语音噪声频谱与功率谱信噪比迭代更新机制与具体实施方案。实验仿真表明,该算法能有效地去噪滤波,显著地提高语音识别系统性能,且在不同的噪声环境和信噪比条件下具有鲁棒性。该算法计算代价小,简单易实现,适用于嵌入式语音识别系统。  相似文献   

针对传统去噪方法在强背景噪声情况下,提取声音信号的能力变弱甚至失效与对不同噪声环境适应性差,提出了一种动态FRFT滤波声音信号语音增强方法。给出了不同语音噪声环境下FRFT最优聚散度的更新机制与具体实施方案。用TIMIT标准语音库与Noisex-92噪声库搭配,实验仿真表明,该算法能有效地去噪滤波,显著地提高语音识别系统性能,且在不同的噪声环境和信噪比条件下具有鲁棒性。算法计算代价小,简单易实现。  相似文献   

提出了一种将基于深度神经网络(Deep Neural Network,DNN)特征映射的回归分析模型应用到身份认证矢量(identity vector,i-vector)/概率线性判别分析(Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis,PLDA)说话人系统模型中的方法。DNN通过拟合含噪语音和纯净语音i-vector之间的非线性函数关系,得到纯净语音i-vector的近似表征,达到降低噪声对系统性能影响的目的。在TIMIT数据集上的实验验证了该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel front-end speech parameterization technique for automatic speech recognition (ASR) that is less sensitive towards ambient noise and pitch variations. First, using variational mode decomposition (VMD), we break up the short-time magnitude spectrum obtained by discrete Fourier transform into several components. In order to suppress the ill-effects of noise and pitch variations, the spectrum is then sufficiently smoothed. The desired spectral smoothing is achieved by discarding the higher-order variational mode functions and reconstructing the spectrum using the first-two modes only. As a result, the smoothed spectrum closely resembles the spectral envelope. Next, the Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) are extracted using the VMD-based smoothed spectra. The proposed front-end acoustic features are observed to be more robust towards ambient noise and pitch variations than the conventional MFCC features as demonstrated by the experimental evaluations presented in this study. For this purpose, we developed an ASR system using speech data from adult speakers collected under relatively clean recording conditions. State-of-the-art acoustic modeling techniques based on deep neural networks (DNN) and long short-term memory recurrent neural networks (LSTM-RNN) were employed. The ASR systems were then evaluated under noisy test conditions for assessing the noise robustness of the proposed features. To assess robustness towards pitch variations, experimental evaluations were performed on another test set consisting of speech data from child speakers. Transcribing children's speech helps in simulating an ASR task where pitch differences between training and test data are significantly large. The signal domain analyses as well as the experimental evaluations presented in this paper support our claims.  相似文献   

Kalman filtering is a powerful technique for the estimation of a signal observed in noise that can be used to enhance speech observed in the presence of acoustic background noise. In a speech communication system, the speech signal is typically buffered for a period of 10-40 ms and, therefore, the use of either a causal or a noncausal filter is possible. We show that the causal Kalman algorithm is in conflict with the basic properties of human perception and address the problem of improving its perceptual quality. We discuss two approaches to improve perceptual performance. The first is based on a new method that combines the causal Kalman algorithm with pre- and postfiltering to introduce perceptual shaping of the residual noise. The second is based on the conventional Kalman smoother. We show that a short lag removes the conflict resulting from the causality constraint and we quantify the minimum lag required for this purpose. The results of our objective and subjective evaluations confirm that both approaches significantly outperform the conventional causal implementation. Of the two approaches, the Kalman smoother performs better if the signal statistics are precisely known, if this is not the case the perceptually weighted Kalman filter performs better.  相似文献   

在连续语音识别系统中,针对复杂环境(包括说话人及环境噪声的多变性)造成训练数据与测试数据不匹配导致语音识别率低下的问题,提出一种基于自适应深度神经网络的语音识别算法。结合改进正则化自适应准则及特征空间的自适应深度神经网络提高数据匹配度;采用融合说话人身份向量i-vector及噪声感知训练克服说话人及环境噪声变化导致的问题,并改进传统深度神经网络输出层的分类函数,以保证类内紧凑、类间分离的特性。通过在TIMIT英文语音数据集和微软中文语音数据集上叠加多种背景噪声进行测试,实验结果表明,相较于目前流行的GMM-HMM和传统DNN语音声学模型,所提算法的识别词错误率分别下降了5.151%和3.113%,在一定程度上提升了模型的泛化性能和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

In this work, a first approach to a robust phoneme recognition task by means of a biologically inspired feature extraction method is presented. The proposed technique provides an approximation to the speech signal representation at the auditory cortical level. It is based on an optimal dictionary of atoms, estimated from auditory spectrograms, and the Matching Pursuit algorithm to approximate the cortical activations. This provides a sparse coding with intrinsic noise robustness, which can be therefore exploited when using the system in adverse environments. The recognition task consisted in the classification of a set of 5 easily confused English phonemes, in both clean and noisy conditions. Multilayer perceptrons were trained as classifiers and the performance was compared to other classic and robust parameterizations: the auditory spectrogram, a probabilistic optimum filtering on Mel frequency cepstral coefficients and the perceptual linear prediction coefficients. Results showed a significant improvement in the recognition rate of clean and noisy phonemes by the cortical representation over these other parameterizations.  相似文献   

In this paper, a set of features derived by filtering and spectral peak extraction in autocorrelation domain are proposed. We focus on the effect of the additive noise on speech recognition. Assuming that the channel characteristics and additive noises are stationary, these new features improve the robustness of speech recognition in noisy conditions. In this approach, initially, the autocorrelation sequence of a speech signal frame is computed. Filtering of the autocorrelation of speech signal is carried out in the second step, and then, the short-time power spectrum of speech is obtained from the speech signal through the fast Fourier transform. The power spectrum peaks are then calculated by differentiating the power spectrum with respect to frequency. The magnitudes of these peaks are then projected onto the mel-scale and pass the filter bank. Finally, a set of cepstral coefficients are derived from the outputs of the filter bank. The effectiveness of the new features for speech recognition in noisy conditions will be shown in this paper through a number of speech recognition experiments.A task of multi-speaker isolated-word recognition and another one of multi-speaker continuous speech recognition with various artificially added noises such as factory, babble, car and F16 were used in these experiments. Also, a set of experiments were carried out on Aurora 2 task. Experimental results show significant improvements under noisy conditions in comparison to the results obtained using traditional feature extraction methods. We have also reported the results obtained by applying cepstral mean normalization on the methods to get robust features against both additive noise and channel distortion.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a noise robust technique for automatic speech recognition which exploits hidden Markov modeling of stereo speech features from clean and noisy channels. The HMM trained this way, referred to as stereo HMM, has in each state a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) with a joint distribution of both clean and noisy speech features. Given the noisy speech input, the stereo HMM gives rise to a two-pass compensation and decoding process where MMSE denoising based on N-best hypotheses is first performed and followed by decoding the denoised speech in a reduced search space on lattice. Compared to the feature space GMM-based denoising approaches, the stereo HMM is advantageous as it has finer-grained noise compensation and makes use of information of the whole noisy feature sequence for the prediction of each individual clean feature. Experiments on large vocabulary spontaneous speech from speech-to-speech translation applications show that the proposed technique yields superior performance than its feature space counterpart in noisy conditions while still maintaining decent performance in clean conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multi-environment model adaptation method based on vector Taylor series (VTS) for robust speech recognition. In the training phase, the clean speech is contaminated with noise at different signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) levels to produce several types of noisy training speech and each type is used to obtain a noisy hidden Markov model (HMM) set. In the recognition phase, the HMM set which best matches the testing environment is selected, and further adjusted to reduce the environmental mismatch by the VTS-based model adaptation method. In the proposed method, the VTS approximation based on noisy training speech is given and the testing noise parameters are estimated from the noisy testing speech using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. The experimental results indicate that the proposed multi-environment model adaptation method can significantly improve the performance of speech recognizers and outperforms the traditional model adaptation method and the linear regression-based multi-environment method.  相似文献   

一种改进的维纳滤波语音增强算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种改进的语音增强算法,该算法以基于先验信噪比估计的维纳滤波法为基础。首先通过计算无声段的统计平均得到初始噪声功率谱;其次,计算语音段间带噪语音功率谱,并平滑处理初始噪声功率谱和带噪语音功率谱,更新了噪声功率谱;最后,考虑了某频率点处噪声急剧增大的情况,通过计算带噪语音功率谱与噪声功率谱的比值,自适应地调整噪声功率谱。将该算法与其他基于短时谱估计的语音增强算法进行了对比实验,实验结果表明:该算法能有效地减少残留噪声和语音畸变,提高语音可懂度。  相似文献   

针对语音编码的音质评价算法性能已十分明确,但对于面罩语音不一定适用。讨论了语音质量评价算法对空气语音与面罩语音在不同噪声环境下的适用性。采用主观意见得分和三种客观评价测度对多种信噪比的带噪语音和增强语音进行评价,包括分段信噪比、改进的巴克谱失真(MBSD)和语音感知质量评价(PESQ),根据与主观评价的一致性判断客观评价方法的适用性。增强算法采用维纳滤波法和对数谱最小均方误差法(LSA-MMSE),噪声采用粉红噪声、海浪噪声。仿真结果表明,语音质量评价算法的适用性与语音类型、信噪比、背景噪声、增强算法种类有关。粉红噪声环境下,PESQ不适合评价经维纳滤波增强的空气语音;MBSD算法只适用于评价经LSA-MMSE增强的面罩语音。海浪噪声环境下,PESQ适用于评价面罩语音,MBSD不适合评价面罩语音。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of speech recognition in reverberant multisource noise conditions using distant binaural microphones. Our scheme employs a two-stage fragment decoding approach inspired by Bregman's account of auditory scene analysis, in which innate primitive grouping ‘rules’ are balanced by the role of learnt schema-driven processes. First, the acoustic mixture is split into local time-frequency fragments of individual sound sources using signal-level primitive grouping cues. Second, statistical models are employed to select fragments belonging to the sound source of interest, and the hypothesis-driven stage simultaneously searches for the most probable speech/background segmentation and the corresponding acoustic model state sequence. The paper reports recent advances in combining adaptive noise floor modelling and binaural localisation cues within this framework. By integrating signal-level grouping cues with acoustic models of the target sound source in a probabilistic framework, the system is able to simultaneously separate and recognise the sound of interest from the mixture, and derive significant recognition performance benefits from different grouping cue estimates despite their inherent unreliability in noisy conditions. Finally, the paper will show that missing data imputation can be applied via fragment decoding to allow reconstruction of a clean spectrogram that can be further processed and used as input to conventional ASR systems. The best performing system achieves an average keyword recognition accuracy of 85.83% on the PASCAL CHiME Challenge task.  相似文献   

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