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场景就是某个系统未来状况的详细描述。运用传统方法构造系统的未来场景集合后,往往难以给出有关这些场景可信度的度量。文章运用不精确概率来表示场景集的可信度,进而利用场景驱动力在期望π(ω)上的博弈现象来进行场景的选择。  相似文献   

信息技术的飞速发展促使未来空战由机械化向信息化、智能化、多平台集成化转化和发展.本文针对未来多平台航空电子体系架构下的航电系统可信度评估与仿真验证问题,建立多平台航电系统可信度度量方法,提出集成“系统可靠性”和“任务支撑度”的多平台航电系统可信度度量指标体系架构.在此基础上,提出基于专家打分和模糊层次分析法的多平台航空电子可信度值计算方法,以对未来空战的多模态作战任务进行综合分析和量化判断.仿真实验结果表明,本文提出的多平台航电系统可信度度量方案可以根据各子平台、子系统的状态、综合评估整个多平台系统的信任度.  相似文献   

针对现有多执行体裁决算法和调度算法主要将执行体受攻击的次数作为可信度的参考依据,难以区分每次攻击行为的恶意程度,也难以应对执行体输出为数值且允许存在误差的应用场景的问题,以电力系统状态估计异常检测作为应用场景,提出根据归一化的执行体输出差异距离调整其可信度的裁决算法,以及基于运行时长、可信度和切换开销等构造收益函数的调度算法。仿真实验结果表明,相比同等权重的裁决算法和随机切换的调度算法,所提算法在系统执行开销基本相同的情况下,可以将系统平均失效率降低43.8%,能够有效地提升工业网络防护设备的防御能力。  相似文献   

论述主、被动立体显示的基本原理,提出虚拟现实中的交互式立体显示系统的架构设计和运用方法.重点阐述基于PC机与专业双屏显卡阵列的大场景立体显示系统的构成要素及原理,并指出与之对应的虚拟场景生成方法,为交互式仿真系统中实现立体显示特别是沙盘立体显示系统给出了解决方案,最后分析比较大场景主、被动立体显示方式优劣及未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

根据国内外仿真可信度及仿真系统的校核、验证与确认(VerificationValidationandAccreditation,VV&A)的研究现状,探讨了仿真可信度评估理论,重点研究了仿真可信度的概念和性质,仿真系统可信度评估的原则以及仿真可信度与仿真系统的校核、验证与确认(VV&A)之间的关系。同时,该文还运用一个简单的例子就仿真系统可信度评估与仿真系统的校核、验证与确认(VV&A)之间的关系作了一个简单、明确的阐述,使大家对仿真系统可信度评估与仿真系统的校核、验证与确认(VV&A)有一个更加清楚的认识。  相似文献   

针对“人在回路”和“硬件在回路”仿真系统规模大,实体多的特点,提出一种基于二级模糊综合评价法的仿真系统可信度评估方法;运用层次分析法对飞机虚拟维修训练系统不同层级的仿真模型的可信度进行分析,从而建立一种基于二级层次模型的复杂仿真训练系统的可信度指标体系;运用模糊综合评价方法与专家评价法相结合的可信度评估量化方法,实现了对虚拟仿真训练系统的量化计算;在此基础上,利用典型实例对该方法进行了实验验证,证明该方法对可重用复杂仿真系统实现精确地量化评估;并根据实验结果分析了仿真系统的改进方向,对其提高仿真效果和实训能力具有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

研究航电优化控制系统,针对目前综合航电火控系统提高研发质量的要求,在研究中大多只选取单个静态点数据来计算可信度值,不能较好体现系统可信度全貌的现状,采用了综合航电任务机仿真系统的评估方法.根据 VV&A 思想给出了综合航电任务机仿真系统可信度评估流程,从功能角度划分了可信度研究层次,建立了研究模型,并综合运用相似理论和模糊数学方法,提出了新的可信度计算公式,应用最小二乘法对动态变化数据进行拟合得到可信度值变化曲线.用改进方法对任务机连续计算投放点(CCRP)水平轰炸模型进行了仿真评估.结果表明,改进方法指挥战斗效果好,为任务机仿真系统可信度研究提供了一种较好的途径.  相似文献   

随着经济和社会的快速发展,环境大气污染尤其是雾霾和有毒气体对人体的危害越来越大,于是对环境信息如PM2.5、温湿度、各种气体浓度等的监控要求愈来愈高.因此,研发和设计一种功能多样、可靠性高、便携性好的环境监测数据采集系统具有十分重要的意义.本文运用传感器及嵌入式技术设计了一种新型便携式综合环境监测数据采集系统.实验结果和误差分析表明该数据采集系统可实现实时数据采集和显示功能并保证系统数据的可信度,也可应用于空气质量监测、室内环境监测、煤气、天然气及有毒气体监测等场景.  相似文献   

综合运用嵌入式、三维建模、虚拟现实等技术,提出一个软硬件结合的虚拟现实交互系统典型案例,实现虚拟场景与现实环境的实时交互控制。通过3DMAX和Unity3D软件设计虚拟现实交互场景,采用Arduino核心板搭建场景的控制模块,运用光敏电阻和湿度传感器实时获取环境信息并注入虚拟场景中,实现虚拟现实交互系统。  相似文献   

Story-Telling(ST)是一种训练儿童语言表达能力的重要教育活动,随着新型交互技术的不断发展,大量工作致力于将这些新型交互技术融入ST场景之中,涌现出一系列ST系统原型以及商业应用.文中围绕近十年来关于ST应用技术的研究,重点讨论了ST技术的应用需求以及ST系统中交互技术的运用,并以应用场景作为划分介绍了典型的ST系统.文中针对已有系统中存在的几个突出问题,提出了一套基于场景树设计工具的儿童讲述故事应用设计方法,并对这套设计方法的创新点和贡献做出了讨论.最后对ST这一领域的未来发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

Rich-media scenarios for discovering requirements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zachos  K. Maiden  N. Tosar  A. 《Software, IEEE》2005,22(5):89-97
Walking through scenarios is an effective technique for discovering requirements, but scenarios can differ widely in their abstraction levels and representation forms. Some requirements analysts use scenarios that describe a system's external visible behavior. Others use live sequence charts to model a system's dynamic behavior. Requirements analysts also use scenarios for everything from explaining a current system to walking through a future system's behavior to discover its requirements. However, determining the right form of scenarios for different requirements tasks remains an open question -one we're investigating with ART-SCENE. ART-SCENE is an Internet-based environment for generating and walking through text scenarios. The ART-SCENE tool supports rich media scenarios in requirement discovery. These scenarios help stakeholders recognize events that a system will have to handle.  相似文献   

Often system developers follow Unified Modeling Language (UML) activity diagrams to depict all possible flows of controls commonly known as scenarios of use cases. Hence, an activity diagram is treated as a useful design artifact to identify all possible scenarios and then check faults in scenarios of a use case. However, identification of all possible scenarios and then testing with activity diagrams is a challenging task because several control flow constructs and their nested combinations make path identification difficult. In this paper, we address this problem and propose an approach to identify all scenarios from activity diagrams and use them to test use cases. The proposed approach is based on the classification of control constructs followed by a transformation approach which takes into account any combination of nested structures and transforms an activity diagram into a model called Intermediate Testable Model (ITM). We use ITM to generate test scenarios. With our approach it is possible to generate more scenarios than the existing work. Further, the proposed approach can be directly carried out using design models without any addition of testability information unlike the existing approaches.  相似文献   

情形实例驱动的软件需求模型自动生成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对使用情形的分析来进行需求获取和需求分析可以使软件需求分析的工作较为系统和有序。由于每一个情形实例都只从特定的使用者的角度,根据所需达到的特定使用目的,针对特定的使用条件,来描述一个复杂系统中的一个局部,与对整个复杂系统的需求进行分析和描述相比,在特定情形实例下对软件需求进行分析与描述较简单。然而,如何保证情形实例描述之间的一致性,如何从情形实例的描述获得整个软件系统的需求定义则是以情形实例分  相似文献   

This paper describes light-weight formal techniques based on Message Sequence Charts (MSCs) for capturing and validating early requirements and design. Our focus is on ease of use in specifying, simulating and validating scenarios, and checking their desired properties efficiently. We discuss how the formalism of High Level Message Sequence Charts (HMSCs or MSC'96), can be used to capture scenarios in use cases, thus enabling the use of tools for analysing them. We then present two formal semantics for HMSCs – an intuitive linear time semantics based on runs, and an operational semantics in terms of a labelled transition system. Next we present a way of describing desired properties of use case scenarios using templates, for validating scenarios with respect to informal requirements. The correctness properties of a collection of MSCs can then be established by efficient algorithms for finding paths in a directed graph representing the precedence relation on the events of the MSCs. We have implemented the operational semantics and the verification algorithms in the form of a simulation and verification tool for analysing scenarios.  相似文献   

Managing a catchment for drinking water supply with a high proportion of agricultural land use is a difficult task if one has to maintain a reasonable balance between water quality demand and consequent restrictions for the farming industry. In this paper, we present a neural net-based method for finding good approximations to solutions of this problem. This method is capable of ‘inverting’ a hydrological model to identify land use scenarios that match best the leaching criteria defined for establishing a certain water quality level in the stream. The method not only allows simulation land use scenarios like hydrologic models do, but can search systematically for land use scenarios that fulfill specified criteria without worrying about the complexity of combinatorial optimisation.  相似文献   

一种基于UML的集成测试线索的生成方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在总结生成集成测试线索研究现状的基础上提出了一种有效解决组合爆炸并且生成测试线索少的集成测试线索生成方法,并根据此方法实现了一个集成测试线索生成工具.该方法根据被测系统集成测试线索具有层次的特点,首先利用例间顺序依赖关系活动图(UCSDAD)提取系统用例间的测试线索,然后通过描述用例交互信息的协作图得到系统中每个用例的测试线索,最后将得到的系统用例间测试线索中的用例替换为相应的用例测试线索,从而可以生成系统集成测试线索.  相似文献   

We describe the future technology workshop (FTW), a method whereby people with everyday knowledge or experience in a specific area of technology use (such as using digital cameras) envision and design the interactions between current and future technology and activity. Through a series of structured workshop sessions, participants collaborate to envisage future activities related to technology design; build models of the contexts of use for future technologies; act out scenarios of use for their models; re-conceive their scenarios in relation to present-day technologies; list problems with implementing the scenarios; explore the gap between current and future technology and activity; and end by listing requirements for future technology. The method has been used successfully with children and adults to explore new technology–activity systems, including interacting with digital photographs and informal science learning.  相似文献   

情景案例教学法是近年来出现的一种新型的教学方法。本文通过利用情景案例进行《高级办公应用》教学的实践过程,论述了情景案例教学的意义、教学实施过程以及在案例实施中如何提高学生综合运用基本知识分析和解决实际问题的能力。  相似文献   

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