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针对传统分布式数据流挖掘算法的通信开销较大、分类精度较低的问题,提出一种基于支持向量数据描述的分布式数据流挖掘算法。利用局部站点快速更新数据流信息,采用支持向量机算法学习元级数据并传递到中心站点。中心站点负责接收及合并元级数据,形成全局分类结果。实验结果表明,该算法能在降低局部站点和中心站点网络通信量的同时,获得较高精度的全局分类结果。  相似文献   

数据流挖掘可有效解决大容量流式数据的知识发现问题,并已得到广泛研究.数据流的一个典型的例子是传感器采集的流式数据.然而,随着传感器网络的应用普及,这些流式数据在很多情况下是分布式采集和管理的,这就必然导致分布式地挖掘数据流的需求.分布式数据流挖掘的最大障碍是由分布式而导致的挖掘质量或者效率问题.为适应分布式数据流的聚类挖掘,探讨了分布式数据流的挖掘模型,并且基于该模型设计了对应的概要数据结构和关键的挖掘算法,给出了算法的理论评估或者实验验证.实验说明,提出的模型和算法可以有效地减少数据通信代价,并且能保证较高的全局模式的聚类质量.  相似文献   

本文重点研究了数据流挖掘中存在概念漂移情形的连续属性处理算法。数据流是一种增量、在线、实时的数据模型。VFDT是数据流挖掘中数据呈稳态分布情形下最成功的算法之一;CVFDT是有效解决数据流挖掘中概念漂移问题的算法之一。基于CVFDT,本文提出了有效地解决数据流挖掘中存在概念漂移情形的连续属性处理问题的扩展哈希表算法HashCVFDT。该算法在属性值插入、查找和删除时具有哈希表的快速性,而在选取每个连续属性的最优化划分节点时解决了哈希表不能有序输出的缺点。  相似文献   

本文对基于分布式的演化数据流的连续异常检测问题进行了形式化描述,提出一种在滑动窗口中基于张量分解的异常检测算法--WSTA.该算法将各分布结点上的数据流作为全局数据流的子张量,通过分布结点与中心节点的通信,在分布结点的滑动窗口中自适应抽样生成概要数据结构矩阵.对该数据矩阵进行张量分解得到特征向量,然后采用基于距离的异常检测方法发现异常点.基于大量真实数据集的实验表明,此算法具有良好的适用性和可扩展性.  相似文献   

一种基于网格和密度的数据流聚类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在"数据流分析"这一数据挖掘的应用领域中,常规的算法显得很不适用.主要是因为这些算法的挖掘过程不能适应数据流的动态环境,其挖掘模型、挖掘结果不能满足实际应用中用户的需求.针对这一问题,本文提出了一种基于网格和密度的聚类方法,来有效地完成对数据流的分析任务.该方法打破传统聚类方法的束缚,把整个挖掘过程分为离线和在线两步,最终通过基于网格和密度的聚类方法实现数据流聚类.  相似文献   

动态数据流具有数据量大、变化快、随机存取代价高、详细数据难以存储等特点,挖掘动态数据流对计算能力与存储能力要求非常高。针对动态数据流的以上特点,设计了一种基于自助抽样的动态数据流贝叶斯分类算法,算法运用滑动窗口模型对动态数据流进行处理分析。该模型以每个窗口的数据为基本单位,对窗口内的数据进行处理分析;算法采用自助抽样技术对待分类数据中的属性进行裁剪和优化,解决了数据属性间的多重线性相关问题;算法结合贝叶斯算法的特点,采用动态增量存储树来解决动态样本数据流的存储问题,实现了无限动态数据流无信息失真的静态有限存储,解决了动态数据流挖掘最大的难题——数据存储;对优化的待分类数据使用all-贝叶斯分类器和k-贝叶斯分类器进行分类,结合数据流的特性对两个分类器进行实时更新。该算法有效克服了贝叶斯分类属性独立性的约束和传统贝叶斯只对静态数据分类的缺点,克服了动态数据流最大的难题——数据存储问题。通过实验测试证明,基于自助抽样的贝叶斯分类具有很高的时效性和精确性。  相似文献   

杨显飞  张健沛  杨静  初妍 《计算机应用》2010,30(11):2949-2951
传统的离群点挖掘算法无法有效挖掘数据流中的离群点。针对数据流的无限输入和动态变化等特点,提出一种新的基于距离的数据流离群点挖掘算法。通过Hoeffding定理及独立同分布中心极限定理,对数据流概率分布变化进行动态检测,利用检测结果自适应调整滑动窗口大小对数据流离群点进行挖掘。实验结果表明,该算法在人工数据集和真实数据集KDD-CUP99中可以对数据流中的离群点进行有效挖掘。  相似文献   

为以较低的误报率和较高的检测率对攻击和恶意行为进行实时检测,基于Spark框架和位置敏感哈希算法,提出一种分布式数据流聚类方法DSCLS ,能够处理实时数据流,可根据数据流速进行横向分布式扩展。基于DSCLS分布式聚类算法,建立网络入侵检测系统,能够高速实时分析数据流,聚类相关模式,实时检测已知攻击和入侵,能够对未知的新型攻击进行检测。理论分析和实验结果表明,与主流的数据流聚类算法D‐Stream相比, DSCLS方法能够有效提高检测率并降低误报率,在时间性能和可扩展性方面更有优势。  相似文献   

网络信息技术的高速发展产生了新的数据模型,即数据流模型,并且越来越多的领域出现了对数据流实时处理的需求,庞大且高速的数据以及应用场景的实时性需求均推进了数据流挖掘技术的发展。首先介绍了常见的数据流模型;然后根据数据流模型的特点总结数据流挖掘的支撑技术;最后,分析了分布式数据流挖掘的重要性和有效性,给出了算法并行化的数学模型,并介绍了几种具有代表性的分布式数据流处理系统。  相似文献   

张啸剑  孟小峰 《软件学报》2016,27(2):381-393
基于差分隐私保护模型,已经存在多种静态数据集上的直方图发布方法,而目前着重考虑数据流环境下的直方图发布方法却很少.由于数据流本身潜在的复杂性,直接利用现有的满足差分隐私的直方图发布方法处理数据流存在着很多不足,例如发布直方图的可用性低、发布误差大等.基于此,提出了一种基于滑动窗分割的流式直方图发布方法SHP(streaming histogram publication).该方法通过连续分割每个滑动窗中的桶计数,使其构成不同的分组.根据不同的范围计数查询敏感性,提出了3种拉普拉斯噪音添加机制以实现差分隐私保护,分别是滑动窗机制、时间点机制以及自适应抽样机制.在自适应抽样机制中,SHP算法基于当前的滑动窗,依赖于一种自适应抽样方法对下一时刻的计数进行预测,若预测值与真实值的差异小于给定的阈值则发布预测值,否则发布噪音值.该抽样方法可以有效地节省整体的隐私预算.在真实数据集上对SHP算法的可用性进行度量,结果显示,基于抽样的SHP算法的可用性高于另外两种方式.  相似文献   

洪月华 《计算机科学》2013,40(2):58-60,94
研究无线传感器网络中数据流频繁项集挖掘问题。针对集中式的静态数据流频繁项集挖掘方法不能在传感器网络中直接使用这一特点,提出基于传感器网络的分布式数据流的频繁项集挖掘算法FIMVS。该算法基于FPtree快速挖掘出传感器节点上单一数据流的局部频繁项集,然后通过路由将其在无线传感器网络里逐层上传合并,在Sink节点上汇聚后,采用自顶向下的高效剪枝策略挖掘出全局频繁项集。实验结果表明,该算法能有效地大幅度减少候选项集,降低无线传感器网络中的通信量,并有较高的时间和空间效率。  相似文献   

Mining frequent itemsets over data streams has attracted much research attention in recent years. In the past, we had developed a hash-based approach for mining frequent itemsets over a single data stream. In this paper, we extend that approach to mine global frequent itemsets from a collection of data streams distributed at distinct remote sites. To speed up the mining process, we make the first attempt to address a new problem on continuously maintaining a global synopsis for the union of all the distributed streams. The mining results therefore can be yielded on demand by directly processing the maintained global synopsis. Instead of collecting and processing all the data in a central server, which may waste the computation resources of remote sites, distributed computations over the data streams are performed. A distributed computation framework is proposed in this paper, including two communication strategies and one merging operation. These communication strategies are designed according to an accuracy guarantee of the mining results, determining when and what the remote sites should transmit to the central server (named coordinator). On the other hand, the merging operation is exploited to merge the information received from the remote sites into the global synopsis maintained at the coordinator. By the strategies and operation, the goal of continuously maintaining the global synopsis can be achieved. Rooted in the continuously maintained global synopsis, we propose a mining algorithm for finding global frequent itemsets. Moreover, the correctness guarantees of the communication strategies and merging operation, and the accuracy guarantee analysis of the mining algorithm are provided. Finally, a series of experiments on synthetic datasets and a real dataset are performed to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the distributed computation framework.  相似文献   

Data intensive large-scale distributed systems like peer-to-peer (P2P) networks are finding large number of applications for social networking, file sharing networks, etc. Global data mining in such P2P environments may be very costly due to the high scale and the asynchronous nature of the P2P networks. The cost further increases in the distributed data stream scenario where peers receive continuous sequence of transactions rapidly. In this paper, we develop an efficient local algorithm, P2P-FISM, for discovering of the network-wide recent frequent itemsets. The algorithm works in a completely asynchronous manner, imposes low communication overhead, a necessity for scalability, transparently tolerates network topology changes, and quickly adapts to changes in the data stream. The paper demonstrates experimental results to corroborate the theoretical claims.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the distributed stream processing of window-based multi-way join queries considering the semijoin as a key join operator. In distributed stream processing, data streams arriving at remote sites need to be shipped to the processing site for query execution. This typically introduces high communication overhead. Our observation is that semijoin, effective in reducing communication overhead in distributed database query processing, can be also effective in distributed stream query processing. The challenge, however, lies in the streaming nature of the tuples, as it requires continuous and incremental processing of an unbounded sequence of tuples instead of one-time processing of a set of stored tuples. This paper describes our comprehensive work done to address the challenge. Specifically, we first propose a distributed stream join processing model that handles the issue of network delays introduced from the shipment of data streams, and allows for efficient batch processing. Then, based on the model, we propose join algorithms in a multi-way join case: first, one-way join algorithms for different combinations of join placement and join method and, then, multi-way join algorithms assuming linear join ordering. Regarding the join method, two distributed join methods are introduced: (1) simple join, in which full tuples are forwarded to the query processing site and (2) semijoin-based join, in which partial tuples are forwarded. A semijoin-based join can be executed with different possible semijoin strategies which incur different communication overheads. We present a complete set of join algorithms considering all possible semijoin strategies, and propose an optimization algorithm. The join algorithms are executed continuously in an incremental manner as tuples arrive, and never ship tuples redundantly. The optimization algorithm constructs an efficient multi-way join plan by using a greedy heuristic which adds to the plan one stream with the minimum join execution cost in each step. Through extensive experiments, we conduct comparative studies of the performance among the proposed one-way join algorithms and the efficiency of the generated plan between the optimization algorithm based on the greedy heuristic and the exhaustive search, respectively.  相似文献   

Sliding window-based frequent pattern mining over data streams   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Finding frequent patterns in a continuous stream of transactions is critical for many applications such as retail market data analysis, network monitoring, web usage mining, and stock market prediction. Even though numerous frequent pattern mining algorithms have been developed over the past decade, new solutions for handling stream data are still required due to the continuous, unbounded, and ordered sequence of data elements generated at a rapid rate in a data stream. Therefore, extracting frequent patterns from more recent data can enhance the analysis of stream data. In this paper, we propose an efficient technique to discover the complete set of recent frequent patterns from a high-speed data stream over a sliding window. We develop a Compact Pattern Stream tree (CPS-tree) to capture the recent stream data content and efficiently remove the obsolete, old stream data content. We also introduce the concept of dynamic tree restructuring in our CPS-tree to produce a highly compact frequency-descending tree structure at runtime. The complete set of recent frequent patterns is obtained from the CPS-tree of the current window using an FP-growth mining technique. Extensive experimental analyses show that our CPS-tree is highly efficient in terms of memory and time complexity when finding recent frequent patterns from a high-speed data stream.  相似文献   

The proliferation of sensor technology, especially in the context of embedded systems, has brought forward novel types of applications that make use of streams of continuously generated sensor data. Many applications like telemonitoring in healthcare or roadside traffic monitoring and control particularly require data stream management (DSM) to be provided in a distributed, yet reliable way. This is even more important when DSM applications are deployed in a failure-prone distributed setting including resource-limited mobile devices, for instance in applications which aim at remotely monitoring mobile patients. In this paper, we introduce a model for distributed and reliable DSM. The contribution of this paper is threefold. First, in analogy to the SQL isolation levels, we define levels of reliability and describe necessary consistency constraints for distributed DSM that specify the tolerated loss, delay, or re-ordering of data stream elements, respectively. Second, we use this model to design and analyze an algorithm for reliable distributed DSM, namely efficient coordinated operator checkpointing (ECOC). We show that ECOC provides lossless and delay-limited reliable data stream management and thus can be used in critical application domains such as healthcare, where the loss of data stream elements cannot be tolerated. Third, we present detailed performance evaluations of the ECOC algorithm running on mobile, resource-limited devices. In particular, we can show that ECOC provides a high level of reliability while, at the same time, featuring good performance characteristics with moderate resource consumption.  相似文献   

Competition among today’s industrial companies is very high. Therefore, system availability plays an important role and is a critical point for most companies. Detecting failures at an early stage or foreseeing them before they occur is crucial for machinery availability. Data analysis is the most common method for machine health condition monitoring. In this paper we propose a fault-detection system based on data stream prediction, data stream mining, and data stream management system (DSMS). Companies that are able to predict and avoid the occurrence of failures have an advantage over their competitors. The literature has shown that data prediction can also reduce the consumption of communication resources in distributed data stream processing.  相似文献   

A data stream is a massive and unbounded sequence of data elements that are continuously generated at a fast speed. Compared with traditional approaches, data mining in data streams is more challenging since several extra requirements need to be satisfied. In this paper, we propose a mining algorithm for finding frequent itemsets over the transactional data stream. Unlike most of existing algorithms, our method works based on the theory of Approximate Inclusion–Exclusion. Without incrementally maintaining the overall synopsis of the stream, we can approximate the itemsets’ counts according to certain kept information and the counts bounding technique. Some additional techniques are designed and integrated into the algorithm for performance improvement. Besides, the performance of the proposed algorithm is tested and analyzed through a series of experiments.  相似文献   

分布式流体系结构扩展了分布式环境下的流计算模型,可在互联网上为大数据计算应用提供高效低成本的运行环境。互联网中较长的通信开销制约了计算性能。提出了一种数据流Eager传输的性能优化技术,以挖掘计算与通信之间的并行性,隐藏通信延迟。在分布式流体系结构原型系统中实现了该技术。实验结果表明,应用程序采用该优化技术之后的平均时间开销减少了19.58%,表明该优化技术能够显著提高应用的性能,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于核密度估计的分布数据流离群点检测   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
基于数据流数据的挖掘算法研究受到了越来越多的重视.针对分布式数据流环境,提出基于核密度估计的分布数据流离群点检测算法.算法将各分布节点上的数据流作为全局数据流的子集,通过分布节点与中心节点的通信,维护基于全局数据流的分布密度估计.各分布节点基于该估计对其上的分布数据流进行离群点检测,从而得到基于全局数据流的离群点集合.对节点之间的交互以及离群点检测算法的细节进行了讨论.通过实验验证了算法的适用性和有效性.  相似文献   

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