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随着获取设备的发展,大尺度、高分辫率数字图像已逐步进入人们的生活,大尺度图像的梯度域编辑显得更为重要,求解大规模未知数的泊松方程是大尺度图像梯度域编辑的关键。传统多重网格算法的迭代、约束和插值操作单独进行,内存和外存间通讯量大,算法效率低,为此提出了一种面向大尺度图像梯度域编辑的并行多重网格求解泊松方程的算法。该算法利用多重网格的迭代、约束和插值过程的内存数据访问局部性和更新相关性,构造滑动工作窗口,使迭代、约束和插值操作并行运行,提高了多重网格算法求解泊松方程的计算效率。全景图拼接实验表明,所提算法的运行效率高于超松弛迭代、高斯塞德尔迭代和传统多重网格算法。  相似文献   

Cahn-Hilliard(CH)方程是相场模型中的一个基本的非线性方程,通常使用数值方法进行分析。在对CH方程进行数值离散后会得到一个非线性的方程组,全逼近格式(Full Approximation Storage, FAS)是求解这类非线性方程组的一个高效多重网格迭代格式。目前众多的求解CH方程主要关注数值格式的收敛性,而没有论证求解器的可靠性。文中给出了求解CH方程离散得到的非线性方程组的多重网格算法的收敛性证明,从理论上保证了计算过程的可靠性。针对CH方程的时间二阶全离散差分数值格式,利用快速子空间下降(Fast Subspace Descent, FASD)框架给出其FAS格式多重网格求解器的收敛常数估计。为了完成这一目标,首先将原本的差分问题转化为完全等价的有限元问题,再论证有限元问题来自一个凸泛函能量形式的极小化,然后验证能量形式及空间分解满足FASD框架假设,最终得到原多重网格算法的收敛系数估计。结果显示,在非线性情形下,CH方程中的参数ε对网格尺度添加了限制,太小的参数会导致数值计算过程不收敛。最后通过数值实验验证了收敛系数与方程参数及网格尺度的依赖关系。  相似文献   

针对传统串行迭代法求解大波数Helmholtz方程存在效率低下且受限于单机内存的问题,提出了一种基于消息传递接口(Message Passing Interface,MPI) 的并行预条件迭代法。该算法利用复移位拉普拉斯算子对Helmholtz方程进行预条件处理,联合稳定双共轭梯度法和基于矩阵的多重网格法来求解预条件方程离散后的大规模线性系统,在Linux集群系统上基于 MPI环境实现了求解算法的并行计算,重点解决了多重网格的并行划分、信息传递和多重网格组件的构建问题。数值实验表明,对于大波数问题,提出的算法具有良好的并行加速比,相较于串行算法极大地提高了计算效率。  相似文献   

提出通过Adomian分解法求解任意波数的三维Helmholtz方程。通过Adomian分解法可以把三维Helmholtz微分方程转换成递归代数公式,并进一步把其边界条件转换成适用符号计算的简单代数公式。利用边界条件可以很容易得到方程的解析解表达式。Adomian分解法的主要特点在于计算简单快速,并且不需要进行线性化或离散化。最后通过数值计算以验证Adomian分解法求解任意波数下三维Helmholtz方程的有效性。数值计算结果表明:Adomian分解法的计算结果非常接近精确解,并且该方法在大波数情况下还具有良好的收敛性。  相似文献   

在均匀介质中,对软表面障碍、时间调和声波散射问题归结为Helmholtz方程的Dirichlet外问题.应用无网格方法求解Helmholtz方程的Dirichlet外问题,并给出了一个数值例子,与Nystrom方法进行了对比,表明该方法是较精确的.  相似文献   

应用位势理论把Helmholtz方程内问题转化为含有Cauchy奇性的第二类积分方程的求解问题.并利用Nystom方法求得数值结果,试验结果表明了此方法的简单与有效性.  相似文献   

研究了三维对流扩散方程基于有限差分法的多重网格算法。差分格式采用一般网格步长下的二阶中心差分格式和四阶紧致差分格式,建立了与两种格式相适应的部分半粗化的多重网格算法,构造了相应的限制算子和插值算子,并与传统的等距网格下的完全粗化的多重网格算法进行了比较。数值研究结果表明,对于各向异性问题,一般网格步长下的部分半粗化多重网格算法比等距网格下的完全粗化多重网格算法具有个更高的精度和更好的收敛效率。  相似文献   

用联合紧致差分格式(CCD)离散Helmholtz方程,具有6阶精度.然而对于得到的线性方程组,我们仍需一种高效求解方法.本文针对二维的Helmholtz方程CCD离散所得的线性方程组给出高效的数值方法.数值例子表明所提出的方法是有效的.  相似文献   

在[1]中第170页指出,对于变分方法导出的一类高度非线性的守恒型网格生成方程,采用通常的Picard迭代方法无法正确求解.本文构造了一种新的Picard迭代求解方法,数值结果表明这一方法较好地解决了此类方程的求解问题.  相似文献   

利用位势理论把Helmholtz方程外问题转化为第二类积分方程的求解问题.在处理积分算子核时,采用了一种新的裂解方式,再利用Nystrom方法求解数值结果.最后针对该方法给出数值实例,以表明此方法的有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper, to solve a broad class of complex symmetric linear systems, we recast the complex system in a real formulation and apply the generalized successive overrelaxation (GSOR) iterative method to the equivalent real system. We then investigate its convergence properties and determine its optimal iteration parameter as well as its corresponding optimal convergence factor. In addition, the resulting GSOR preconditioner is used to precondition Krylov subspace methods such as the generalized minimal residual method for solving the real equivalent formulation of the system. Finally, we give some numerical experiments to validate the theoretical results and compare the performance of the GSOR method with the modified Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting iteration.  相似文献   

The eigenvalue of the three-dimensional Helmholtz equation is determined efficiently by extending the previously developed method for the two-dimensional problem. Boundary integral equation is formulated in the realm of the multiple reciprocity method, using higher order fundamental solutions for the Laplace equation; yielding polynomial coefficient matrices in terms of unknown wavenumber (eigenvalue). The Newton iteration method with the help of LU decomposition is employed to search eigenvalue, which can reduce the computational task significantly.  相似文献   

In this paper, an application of homotopy perturbation method (HPM) is applied to solve the kindly of multidimensional partial differential equation such as Helmholtz equation. Comparisons are made between the Adomians decomposition method and HPM. The results reveal that the HPM is very effective and simple and gives the exact solution.  相似文献   

In this paper, a Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation is considered. It is known that such a problem is severely ill-posed, i.e. the solution does not depend continuously on the given Cauchy data. We propose a quasi-reversibility regularization method to solve it. Convergence estimates are established under two different a priori assumptions for an exact solution. Numerical results obtained by two different schemes show that our proposed methods work well.  相似文献   

This paper presents the numerical solution, by the Galerkin and Least Squares Finite Element Methods, of the three-dimensional Poisson and Helmholtz equations, representing heat diffusion in solids. For the two applications proposed, the analytical solutions found in the literature review were used to compare with the numerical solutions. The analysis of results was made from the L2 norm (average error throughout the domain) and L norm (maximum error in the entire domain). The results of the two applications (Poisson and Helmholtz equations) are presented and discussed for testing of the efficiency of the methods.  相似文献   

Two state‐of‐the‐art parallel software packages for the direct solution of sparse linear systems based on LU‐decomposition, MUMPS and SuperLU_DIST have been tested as black‐box solvers on problems derived from finite difference discretizations of the Helmholtz equation. The target architecture has been Linux clusters, for which no consistent set of tests of the algorithms implemented in these packages has been published. The investigation consists of series of memory and time scalability checks and has focused on examining the applicability of the algorithms when processing very large sparse matrices on Linux cluster platforms. Special emphasis has been put on monitoring the behaviour of the packages when the equation systems need to be solved for multiple right‐hand sides, which is the case, for instance, when modelling a seismic survey. The outcome of the tests points at poor efficiency of the tested algorithms during application of the LU‐factors in the solution phase on this type of architecture, where the communication acts as an impasse. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究水波位移法中势能的正定性问题.将水的不可压缩条件用于重力势能,得到具有正定性的势能;通过数值算例比较水波正定势能和非正定势能对计算结果的影响.由数值实验结果可知:对于非正定势能,数值离散后容易出现负的特征值,而取正定势能时则不会.负的特征值意味着数值发散,结果不符合物理实际,应当避免.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the solutions of very large symmetric semipositive definite (singular) linear systems involved in the problem of optimal surface parameterizations using inverse curvature mapping. Two approaches are presented that transform the singular linear systems into two kinds of symmetric positive definite linear systems, so that the famous Conjugate Gradient (CG) method can be used for solving them. Numerical experiments are run on two practical large problems to illustrate that the CG algorithm works very efficiently.  相似文献   

The inverse scattering problem for sound-soft obstacles is considered for both smooth and piecewise smooth surfaces in 3D. The nonlinear and ill-posed integral equation of the first kind is solved by the nonlinear Landweber method. It is an iterative regularization scheme to obtain approximations for the unknown boundary of the obstacle. It is stable with respect to noise and essentially no extra work is required to incorporate several incident waves. So far, it has only been applied to the two dimensional case. Two different integral equations are presented to obtain far-field data. Furthermore, the domain derivative and its adjoint are characterized. The integral equations of the second kind are approximated by a boundary element collocation method. The two-grid method is used to solve the large and dense linear systems. Numerical examples are illustrated to show that both smooth and piecewise smooth obstacles can be reconstructed with this method, where the latter case has not yet been reported.  相似文献   

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