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针对笔输入能力弱和触摸输入精度低的问题,提出笔式交互与触摸交互的融合策略,并设计了笔+触摸输入技术.首先定性考察笔输入和触摸输入的特性和优劣势,提出2种笔+触摸输入的融合策略;其次基于融合策略设计3种笔+触摸输入技术以及用于参照对比的单笔和单触摸输入技术;再通过3个实验比较这些输入技术的性能.实验结果表明,与单笔或单触摸相比,在颜色改变的直线轨迹任务中,笔+单指触摸、笔+多指触摸和笔+触摸手势的性能分别提升至少90.909%,80.165%和148.209%;在颜色和粗细均改变的圆形轨迹任务中,笔+触摸和笔+手势的任务完成时间比单笔分别减少16.552%和19.705%,而错误率不存在显著差异;在颜色和粗细均改变的绘画任务中,笔+单指触摸、笔+多指触摸和笔+触摸手势的综合指标分别为5.933, 3.333和4.700.最后给出面向笔+触摸输入的交互设计建议、应用场景和改进思路,对笔和触摸的混合输入与界面设计具有指导意义.  相似文献   

详细介绍了三维模型轮廓线技术及其检测算法,并深入分析了轮廓线技术在三维草图绘制中的作用;然后设计并实现了一个三维草图绘制系统。该系统提供了用笔绘制三维模型的交互环境,通过轮廓线将三维模型与二维交互手势联系起来,使用户可以自由灵活地操纵和控制三维模型,获得自然、高效的交互体验。  相似文献   

基于笔式交互的农产品信息采集系统的研究与设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在传统的农产品信息采集与发布过程中用户通常只能使用人工采集,之后二次录入计算机的方式,造成了资源的浪费;采用基于WIMP交互范式的界面软件分散了用户的注意力,给用户带来认知负担。针对此问题,本文基于笔式交互技术中的PGIS交互范式,结合笔式电子表单技术设计并实现农产品信息采集与发布系统。该系统有效地结合了笔交互自然、高效的特点和计算机强大的处理能力,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

以虚拟家居设计系统为应用目标,以笔式交互在虚拟家居设计系统中的应用为主要研究内容,将基于笔交互的自由勾画技术和概念设计过程中的草图设计技术相结合,并利用已有的手势识别技术,系统研究了虚拟家居系统中笔式交互的交互任务、交互过程模型和交互技术,具体包括:建立了手势知识库,研究了虚拟家居系统中从草图绘制到三维漫游过程中的约束求解技术等,为笔式交互在家居设计系统中应用提供了参考原型。基于笔交互的虚拟家居设计展示系统已经投入应用,并取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

自然交互是指用户可以用自己熟悉的日常技能与计算机进行交互。中国有大量的音乐爱好者使用简谱,但是针对简谱编辑的编辑软件却相对较少,并且现有软件的交互方式不够自然,降低了用户对软件的使用效率。他们需要一种更自然、更方便使用的简谱编辑软件。该文介绍了一个基于笔式输入的简谱编辑器原型系统的设计和实现。基于对现有软件、简谱特性和可利用的新技术的综合分析,设计并实现了这个原型系统。对此原型系统进行了非正式的用户实验之后,对结果进行了分析,并提出了修改的方案。  相似文献   

设计并实现了一个基于笔式交互的几何教学白板系统原型,该系统允许用户以笔代替鼠标在界面上批注勾画,草绘输入图元,手势编辑界面元素,并支持动态几何。为提高真实感和交互效率,系统中引进了线消隐和笔画规整技术,这也是同类系统少有的。对系统的框架和关键技术进行了讨论,最后给出了系统可用性评估,实验显示系统能够达到理想效果,有较高的实用性。  相似文献   

UPIM:以用户为中心的笔式交互系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔式用户界面是Post-WIMP界面的一种重要形态,有自然、易学、易用等潜在性优点,但是在开发笔式交互系统时,以应用为中心的设计方法无法保证笔式用户界面继续拥有这些优点.为此,首先分析了软件设计的交流模型,在此基础上提出了一种以用户为中心的笔式交互系统的设计方法,并结合科学跳水训练管理系统对该方法进行了详细描述.从实际应用系统的评估结果来看,该设计方法在提高笔式交互系统的可用性方面非常有效.  相似文献   

通过分析当前笔式应用开发的技术、方法和环境,对跨设备笔式操作平台的体系结构和构建原理进行研究,并结合当前农村信息服务的实际应用,提出基于笔式操作平台的适合农村信息服务的应用系统开发思路。  相似文献   

周明骏  徐礼爽  田丰  戴国忠 《软件学报》2008,19(10):2780-2788
笔式用户界面是一种重要的Post-WIMP(window icon menu pointer)界面,它给用户提供了自然的交互方式.然而,当前的笔式用户界面工具箱大多是面向单用户任务的,不能很好地支持协作应用场景.通过对笔式交互特征和协作环境功能需求的分析,设计并实现了一个工具箱CoPen Toolkit,用于支持协作笔式用户界面的开发.它提供了灵活的架构和可扩展的组件,支持笔迹描述、事件处理和网络协作等功能.基于CoPen Toolkit,构造了多个原型系统,实践表明,它能够很好地支持协作笔式用户界面的开发.  相似文献   

自适应笔式用户界面开发的概念框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一个指导自适应笔式用户界面开发的概念框架CFAPUI(a conceptual framework for developing adaptive pen-based user interface).该框架详细描述了自适应笔式用户界面的软件体系结构,阐述了自适应笔式用户界面的软件体系结构中的各组成模块及其相互间的关系.同时,在体系结构的基础上提出自适应笔式用户界面开发时的具体过程步骤和方法,并通过一个笔式表单应用来说明该开发框架在指导自适应笔式用户界面开发中的具体应用.  相似文献   

Pen-based user interfaces which leverage the affordances of the pen provide users with more flexibility and natural interaction.However,it is difficult to construct usable pen-based user interfaces because of the lack of support for their development.Toolkit-level support has been exploited to solve this problem,but this approach makes it hard to gain platform independence,easy maintenance and easy extension.In this paper a context-aware infrastructure is created,called WEAVER,to provide pen interaction services for both novel pen-based applcations and legacy GUI-based applications.WEAVER aims to support the pen as another standard interactive device along with the keyboard and mouse and present a high-level access interface to pen input.It emplolys application context to tailor its sevice to different applications.By modeling the application context and egistering the relevant action adapters,WEAVER can offer servicxes,such as gesture recognition,continuous handwriting and other fundamental ink manipulations,to appropriate applications.One of the distinct features of WEAVER is that off-the-shelf GUI-based software packages can be easily enhanced with pen interaction without modifying the existing code.In this paper,the architecture and components of WEAVER are described.In addition ,examples and feedbacks of its use are presented.  相似文献   

针对现有杀毒方式系统开销大,占有网络带宽大,以及没有对未知程序的实时监测等缺点,通过对先前工作进行改进,提出了针对虚拟桌面框架的一种新型虚拟桌面杀毒模型,支持用户主动扫毒和程序启动过程的被动杀毒。特权虚拟机执行病毒检测和可信列表的管理,并将每个普通虚拟机中的文件签名传输到其他虚拟机;客户端分析待检测文件的签名和特性,优化网络传输的字节数,并在程序加载时实时查杀病毒。实验结果表明,该模型能够实时查杀病毒,减少系统开销和网络带宽的占用。  相似文献   

In typical human–computer interaction, users convey their intentions through traditional input devices (e.g. keyboards, mice, joysticks) coupled with standard graphical user interface elements. Recently, pen-based interaction has emerged as a more intuitive alternative to these traditional means. However, existing pen-based systems are limited by the fact that they rely heavily on auxiliary mode switching mechanisms during interaction (e.g. hard or soft modifier keys, buttons, menus). In this paper, we describe how eye gaze movements that naturally occur during pen-based interaction can be used to reduce dependency on explicit mode selection mechanisms in pen-based systems. In particular, we show that a range of virtual manipulation commands, that would otherwise require auxiliary mode switching elements, can be issued with an 88% success rate with the aid of users׳ natural eye gaze behavior during pen-only interaction.  相似文献   

随着各种虚拟化产品的不断出现,虚拟化技术已经成为计算机技术发展的趋势.本文就桌面虚拟化技术的结构、功能效果方面做了说明,高职院校可以通过引入桌面虚拟化方案来提升数据安全、简化管理和节能减排,及时满足灵活的教学模式,保证了教学的顺利开展.  相似文献   

陈鑫  徐义臻  郭禾  于玉龙  罗劼  王宇新 《计算机应用》2015,35(11):3059-3062
私有桌面云被广泛应用在集中计算、集中管理、远程办公等场景中.现有的私有桌面云多基于OpenStack云操作系统搭建,然而,该操作系统在使用时会出现虚拟机开启时间过长导致用户等待的问题,无法满足某些应用的高实时性要求.对此,使用模板镜像策略和网络连接存储策略作为云存储层解决方案,提出一种虚拟机可瞬时开启(ISVM)的私有桌面云架构.ISVM桌面云架构包括云管理层、云存储层、云服务层.经过测试和分析发现,ISVM私有桌面云架构的虚拟机开启时间约为OpenStack云平台虚拟机开启时间的1/100,达到了毫秒数量级,能够满足应用的实时性要求.  相似文献   

针对传统分布式虚拟环境仿真的不足,将网格计算技术引入到分布式虚拟环境仿真中。提出了基于网格的分布式虚拟环境仿真分层体系结构。该体系结构自底向上依次为网格节点、高性能通信系统、数据存储系统、计算系统、资源管理系统、仿真应用系统,并通过网格门户提供统一的仿真应用系统入口。建立了一个基于该体系结构的原型系统并进行了仿真测试。仿真结果表明所提出的体系结构设计满足虚拟环境仿真实时性、稳定性和可靠性的要求。  相似文献   

侯文慧  王俊峰 《计算机应用》2018,38(5):1463-1469
针对目前云桌面协议存在的因分块机制引起协议视频播放画面不流畅、带宽占用高等问题,在独立计算环境简单协议(SPICE)的基础上提出了一种视频区域侦测算法(VRDA)。首先在云桌面协议播放视频的过程中侦测识别视频播放区域,然后截取视频播放区域的图像为一块完整的视频帧进行处理,最后使用动态图像专家组视频压缩标准(MPEG4)视频压缩算法替换原压缩效率不高的运动静止图像压缩技术(MJPEG)压缩解压视频帧;同时,提出帧期望与实际显示时间差(DAETD)指标作为实验评价指标,来验证改进后SPICE的视频播放流畅度,并测试带宽占用情况。实验表明,所提算法有效提高了视频流畅度,减少了网络带宽占用。  相似文献   

With the development of computer software and hardware in the past few years, it has been possible to produce effective training virtual environments on everyday personal computers with little expert training required for users or designers. However, the development of the equipment that enables this has brought little coinciding research on what features to include when designing these environments. Despite these increased advances in PC capabilities for desktop virtual environments (VEs), there are still limitations on the number of objects that can be programmed to be interactive, usually due to restrictions on programming time and cost. As a result, it is often left to the programmer to decide which of the objects included to increase the realism of the environment will be interactive and which aesthetic. The work presented in this paper is an experiment that aims to establish a guide for environment designers to aid effective environment interaction development by identifying key elements in a VE design.
Eleanor MarshallEmail:

The virtual reality (VR) system has become popular in the last two decades and is being applied increasingly to navigation studies. This study developed a panorama manifestation (PM) VR system, with six monitors forming a circular display and an interactive chair equipped with rotation sensors and operating knobs. The advantages of the PM system include a large circular display, a body-centred design, body engagement and a low set-up cost. Based on navigation experimental tasks, this system's usability was compared with that of a typical desktop (DT) system. The results showed that participants using the PM system had a significantly higher success rate and required less completion time than participants using the DT system, indicating that the PM system outperforms the DT system in terms of effectiveness and efficiency in some navigation tasks, and also suggesting that the PM system may require lower spatial cognition workload in the navigation tasks. However, the participants’ subjective evaluations of task difficulty (TD) failed to reach significance although the PM group did report a lower mean value for TD. Additionally, in the PM system, the participants’ spatial ability was more predictive to their navigation performance than that in the DT system, indicating that the PM system offered greater usability for some spatial experiments and could provide more support for participants’ navigation tasks.  相似文献   

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