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MOOC的发展为高等教育课程改革带来了一场革命,翻转课堂作为一种新的课堂教学模式冲击着传统的课堂教学方式。文章分析MOOC和翻转课堂带来的教学模式的转变,探讨如何将MOOC和翻转课堂教学模式的理念融入"计算机网络原理"精品课程的建设,梳理课程知识体系,进行多样化的课程设计,制作课程视频和微课,开发课程辅助教学系统,等等;提出以教师重点知识引导与学生自主学习相结合的教学模式,旨在培养学生创新能力以适应互联网时代大学教育转型改革的趋势。  相似文献   

如何有效提高士官教学授课质量已经成为广大教员普遍关注的问题。针对士官学习的特点和计算机基础课程教学现状,应用任务驱动教学方法,突出网络教学软件在提高士官计算机课程教学质量中的优势及价值,通过调查分析,最终验证了新型的教学策略能够较好地提升士官计算机基础课程的教学效率。  相似文献   

《大学计算机基础》课程是军队院校的公共基础必修课,在传统教学过程中,存在学员自主学习能力不够、学习能力发展不均衡、师生交流互动比较少、课程知识点多,各章节之间联系不紧密,学员难以系统掌握课程等问题。针对以上问题,引入MOOC课程,以提高军队院校《大学计算机基础》课程的教学质量。阐述了《大学计算机基础》MOOC课程的建设条件、建设过程和实施方法。  相似文献   

针对当前国内研究生课程存在的"本课化"现象,以MOOC环境为背景,开展研究生课程教学模式改革研究。具体包括:(1)分析研究生课程的"本课化"现象,探索基于MOOC资源采用混合教学模式解决这些问题的必要性和可行性。(2)基于MOOC资源的研究生课程翻转课堂等混合教学模式实施方法及学习评价方式研究。(3)混合教学模式中研究生终身学习、自主学习和多样化学习能力培养研究。通过实践得出基于MOOC翻转课堂教学模式在协作能力、实践动手能力等方面具有促进作用。  相似文献   

为满足不同层次学生对Java程序设计课程的学习需求,根据学生层次、专业方向、培养目标、办学定位等情况,提出将MOOC特点与Java程序设计课程建设相结合,通过课程定位、课程内容建设及组织建设,方便学生自主学习和知识构建,同时能够为其他编程语言实践课程的MOOC建设提供新的思路。  相似文献   

MOOC作为一种崭新的在线教学模式,引起了国内外各界的高度关注。分析了MOOC的教学模式和社科类军队院校计算机基础教学的现状,在借鉴MOOC的设计形式、交流形式和组织形式的基础上,充分利用MOOC课程资源,引导学员自主学习,试图在社科类军队院校计算机基础教学中做出一些有益的尝试和探索。  相似文献   

"互联网+教育"已成为中国教育变革的主要方向,而充分利用MOOC+FCM平台改善教学模式、提高教学质量是当今教育体系的重点。本文基于MOOC+FCM教学模式研究现状,利用自建MOOC+FCM的高职计算机基础课堂教学实践平台,运用LASSI量表测量了MOOC+FCM模式下高职学生在开学时和学习一段时间后的计算机基础课程自主学习能力、协作能力及其变化;同时,基于实证研究方法分析MOOC+FCM在培养学生创新能力和协作能力等方面的教育价值,进一步研究MOOC+FCM教学活动中计算机基础课程的适用性。最后,基于MOOC+FCM教学实践中出现的问题,总结了MOOC+FCM教学流程、教学活动的有效组织方法和控制策略,为今后MOOC+FCM教学设计和管理提供参考。  相似文献   

在“互联网+”的环境下,大规模在线课程改变了学习者的学习方式,因此传统教学模式发生了新的需求变化。文章阐述了大规模在线开放课程(Massive Open Online Courses,MOOC)+小规模限制性在线课程(Small Private Online Course,SPOC)教学模式的内涵和优势,通过分析高校计算机基础课程的教学现状,将MOOC+SPOC的混合教学模式和线下教学有效融合,提升了学生自主学习能力,为计算机基础课程教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

MOOC引发了在线教育的革命。计算机组成与体系结构课程是软件学院的一门专业基础课,在传统的教学过程中,存在着难以形成整机概念、学生学习积极性不高、对课程重要性认识不足、师生互动不够频繁这些教学问题。本文通过分析MOOC课程的特点,引入MOOC课程来解决上述问题。论文阐述了计算机组成与体系结构MOOC课程的建设过程、实施方法和实施效果。最后,总结了该类课程的建设经验。  相似文献   

近年来,大型开放式课程(massive open online courses,简称MOOC)备受各国教育界关注,此种教育方式可使每个人"活到老,学到老"自主学习终身受教育成为现实。讨论了以《电气控制与PLC应用》课程为背景,基于ThinkPHP的MOOC远程教学系统的设计方案;讨论了该远程教学系统的需求分析、总体结构设计、系统设计与实现及系统调试等问题。该系统已在上海某大学的远程课程中得到了教学应用,对远程教育和自主学习起到了积极的推动作用,验证了该系统方案的可行性。  相似文献   

针对任职士官群体在能力素质、知识需求和学习目标上存在的巨大差异,在借鉴"阿米巴"商业经营模式的基础上,结合士官任职教育的特点,提出一种适合任职士官计算机实践教学的"阿米巴"教学实践法,以激发学员自主学习取代传统的教员全程控制模式,引导学员积极主动学习、自主实践提高,该方法能够有效激发学员的学习热情,实践效果令人满意,为进一步推动军队院校计算机教学改革、促进教学质量效益全面提升提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

Join a Meetup Group” (face-to-face study group) has been propagated by Coursera to build rapport and provide mutual support among MOOC learners; however, studies remain scant regarding its effectiveness and sustainability. This interpretive case study documents our facilitation process, key influential factors, as well as student perceived gains in a six-week MOOC study group. Data sources include discussion recordings, end-of-course interviews, goal setting sheets, weekly reflection journals, and researchers' observation notes. Results showed that, cognitively, participants broadened their perspective of thinking, raised cultural awareness, and shared many learning strategies. Affectively, they established a strong sense of community and gained motivation for learning. Participants also increased action tendencies toward trying out Coursera functions, new courses, and learning strategies, and they became more cognizant of the benefits and procedures of the MOOC study group. Our findings suggest that, with proper design and facilitation, face-to-face study group would be a practicable and effective approach to leverage MOOC students' motivation, engagement, and deeper learning. Implications are discussed in terms of potential gains, challenges, key influential factors, as well as future design and implementation of MOOC study groups.  相似文献   

随着"互联网+"时代的到来,高校的学生学习、教师教学发生了新的变化,尤其是新兴在线课程MOOC备受社会各界重视。本文以《数据结构与算法》课程为例,主要介绍了军队院校对MOOC资源的实际需求、MOOC在军队院校教学改革中如何应用以及MOOC在教学改革中的现状及存在的问题,最后分析了MOOC给军队院校教学改革带来的挑战及思考,希望能为计算机基础课程更进一步的发展提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

本文依据职位信息描述→慕课的学习路径分析→高校管理类数据挖掘课程体系改革为探索思路和实践线索,依据大数据分析实现管理类数据挖掘课程体系改革的路径分析。首先对职位信息进行采样和抽取,然后对学员的慕课学习路径进行预处理和数据挖掘,得到学员成功学习线路以及大量的辍学线路。通过实验提出高校管理类数据挖掘课程体系改革模式以及符合市场需求的课程改革方向。  相似文献   

Predicting student performance is a major tool in learning analytics. This study aims to identify how different measures of massive open online course (MOOC) data can be used to identify points of improvement in MOOCs. In the context of MOOCs, student performance is often defined as course completion. However, students could have other learning objectives than MOOC completion. Therefore, we define student performance as obtaining personal learning objective(s). This study examines a subsample of students in a graduate‐level blended MOOC who shared on‐campus course completion as a learning objective. Aggregated activity frequencies, specific course item frequencies, and order of activities were analysed to predict student performance using correlations, multiple regressions, and process mining. All aggregated MOOC activity frequencies related positively to on‐campus exam grade. However, this relation is less clear when controlling for past performance. In total, 65% of the specific course items showed significant correlations with final exam grade. Students who passed the course spread their learning over more days compared with students who failed. Little difference was found in the order of activities within the MOOC between students who passed and who failed. The results are combined with course evaluations to identify points of improvement within the MOOC.  相似文献   

Massive open online courses (MOOC) is a novel educational model emerging in recent years, which is assisted by advanced techniques such as cloud computing, big data and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). Through adequate analysis assisted by big data, the quality of education is expected to be extensively improved. Unfortunately, the MOOC data are not fully utilized for educational innovation, because the existing research focuses on the data generated in the online learning but neglects other related data, such as the forum data. In this article, we propose a big-data-driven approach named TOLA for online learning evolution to discover students’ learning pattern and guide courses improvement. Specifically, topic feature is extracted from MOOC forum through Latent Dirichlet Allocation, which is incorporated with other hybrid features. Through experiments, TOLA exhibits good performance in terms of complexity, efficiency and accuracy, facilitating the improvement of the quality of online education.  相似文献   



Select and enact appropriate learning tactics that advance learning has been considered a critical set of skills to successfully complete highly flexible online courses, such as Massive open online courses (MOOCs). However, limited by analytic methods that have been used in the past, such as frequency distribution, sequence mining and process mining, we lack a deep, complete and detailed understanding of the learning tactics used by MOOC learners.


In the present study, we proposed four major dimensions to better interpret and understand learning tactics, which are frequency, continuity, sequentiality and role of learning actions within tactics. The aim of this study was to examine to what extent can a new analytic technique, the ordered network analysis (ONA), deepen the understanding of MOOC learning tactics compared to using other methods.


In particular, we performed a fine-grained analysis of learning tactics detected from more than 4 million learning events in the behavioural trace data of 8788 learners who participated in a large-scale MOOC ‘Flipped Classroom’.

Results and Conclusions

We detected eight learning tactics, and then chose one typical tactic as an example to demonstrate how the ONA technique revealed all four dimensions and provided deeper insights into this MOOC learning tactic. Most importantly, based on the comparison with different methods such as process mining, we found that the ONA method provided a unique opportunity and novel insight into the roles of different learning actions in tactics which was neglected in the past.


In summary, we conclude that ONA is a promising technique that can benefit the research on learning tactics, and ultimately benefit MOOC learners by strengthening the strategic support.  相似文献   


With the emergence of cloud technologies, on the one hand, and social networks, on the other hand, the possibilities for e-learning have been drastically enhanced in the latest years. Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) can now indeed contain a huge amount of learning resources; in parallel, large user communities are available in social networks. These nevertheless remain different systems but, by using these heterogeneous software environments together, the possibilities for interaction could be multiplied. That is why, this paper suggests to build a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) environment through a Multi-Agent System (MAS) working as a virtual abstraction layer over heterogeneous software platforms. The idea is to aggregate different traditional VLE to dispose of the learning objects they own as well as other platforms such as social networks to furnish an easy access to the MOOC of their large user communities. The MAS design has been architectured around a real-life organisational pattern – the joint venture – allowing one to deal with the complexity of heterogeneous software environments in a manner that real-life companies set up joint governance. Communication scenarios issued of a field analysis are pointed out in the paper; these are supported by the MOOC platform in the native environment as well as in Facebook. The proposal is indeed validated through the development of a prototype using Facebook as a case study for third-party platform interfacing. We finally highlight the benefits for the user experience.  相似文献   

针对我国高校创新创业教育存在的创业意识跟不上、师资队伍良莠不齐、学科体系不健全、实践与理论脱节、创新创业平台薄弱、项目成果商业化较少等问题,结合MOOC自身开放性高、灵活性好、课程资源丰富等优点,提出融合MOOC教学促进创新创业教育,提高学生实践能力,使学生变被动学习为主动学习。满足了学生创新思维发展的需要,培养了学生的创新精神、创业意识、创新创业能力,有利于培育出更多的适应新时代发展需求的创新创业人才。  相似文献   

It is important to transform knowledge-based learning to competency-based learning. This paper describes the exploration and practice of "programming and algorithm foundation" curriculum reform for competency-based learning. In order to cultivate students' ability of high-level program development, the intelligent learning system of "MOOC/SPOC + icoding online experiment and programming ability test Platform + Rain Classroom" is established. In the case of limited class hours, we make full use of online resources to build a student-centered method to internalize knowledge and ability. We guide students to complete the basic knowledge module of MOOC or SPOC, and complete the programming experiment on icoding platform. According to the feedback of learning outcome, teachers use offline classroom and rain classroom to sort out the key and difficult points, expanding the depth and breadth of the curriculum, and stimulate students' enthusiasm to participate in the curriculum.  相似文献   

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