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针对具有模糊性和不确定性的复杂系统的验证问题,提出一种基于模糊测度的模糊分支时态逻辑模型检测算法。首先,在模糊决策过程模型的基础上引入模糊分支时态逻辑的语法和语义。然后,给出模糊分支时态逻辑模型检测算法,该算法将模型检测问题转化为矩阵运算,具有计算方式简洁、复杂度较低的优点。最后,通过医疗专家系统的实例说明了该模型检测算法的有效性。  相似文献   

时态描述逻辑将描述逻辑的刻画能力引入到命题时态逻辑中,适合于在语义Web环境下对相关系统的时态性质进行刻画.为了对这些时态性质进行高效的验证,在ALC-LTL的基础上研究了时态描述逻辑的模型检测问题.一方面,使用时态描述逻辑ALC-LTL公式来表示待验证的时态规范;另一方面,在对系统建模时借助描述逻辑ALC对领域知识进行刻画.针对上述扩展后得到的模型检测问题,提出了基于自动机的ALC-LTL模型检测算法.模型检测算法由3个阶段组成:首先将时态规范的否定形式和系统模型分别构造成标记büchi自动机;接下来构造这两个自动机的乘积自动机,并将关于ALC的推理机制融入到乘积自动机的构造过程中;最后对该乘积自动机进行判空检测.与LTL模型检测相比,时态描述逻辑ALC-LTL的模型检测引入了描述逻辑的刻画和推理机制,可以在语义Web环境下对语义Web服务等复杂系统的时态性质进行刻画和验证.  相似文献   

针对现实生活中,有许多的信息都是具有时间属性并且带有模糊、不精确的特点,在时态逻辑和模糊描述逻辑基础上,利用vager集概念,对基于时态的模糊描述逻辑系统进行了初步的研究,并给出了时态模糊描述逻辑的语法和语义的相关说明.与模糊描述逻辑FALC相比,该系统的提出在一定程度上弥补了FALC作为语义Web逻辑基础在表达时序上的空白.  相似文献   

研究以RAISE规范语言(RSL)描述时态逻辑中always算子、sometimes算子和until算子的方法以及对复合时态算子的描述方法,提出在时态逻辑模型基础上用RSL对协议进行形式化描述的步骤,以AB协议为示例,给出其基于时态逻辑模型的RSL描述,从而证明该描述模型有利于协议验证和协议测试用例生成的自动实现。  相似文献   

为了增强计算树逻辑在时序上的表达能力,以广义可能性测度、决策过程和计算树逻辑为基础,研究了具有决策过程的广义可能性模糊时态计算树逻辑的模型检测。首先采用广义可能性决策过程作为系统模型;然后引入模糊时态算子,构造了模糊时态计算树逻辑并给出其在广义可能性测度下的语义,得到新的广义可能性模糊时态计算树逻辑用来描述系统属性;最后在广义可能性调度下通过模糊矩阵运算讨论了"soon、within、last、nearly"等几类模糊时态连接词的具体计算方法,给出相应的模型检测算法。经验证明,广义可能性模糊时态计算树逻辑是广义可能性计算树逻辑在模糊时序上的扩充,具有更强的表达能力。  相似文献   

该文详细介绍了统一建模语言和模型检测技术,在此基础上,该文研究了基于交互自动机和时态逻辑的UML交互模型性质检测方法,提出了模型检测所需的Marking算法。该算法通过对交互自动机全部状态的遍历,检测各状态的时态逻辑公式(CTL公式)的真值,以判断用户设计的UML交互模型是否符合计算机软件系统应满足的性质及规范。  相似文献   

针对恶意代码采用混淆技术规避安全软件检测的问题,提出一种基于模型检测的恶意行为识别方法。方法将检测恶意行为转换为模型对属性的验证过程:利用谓词时态逻辑公式描述代码的恶意行为,从程序执行过程中的系统调用轨迹提取基于谓词标记的Kripke结构,通过检测算法验证模型对公式的可满足性。实验结果表明以上方法可有效识别混淆后的恶意代码。  相似文献   

工作流的属性规约语言需要具有高表达力以及基于状态和事件的推理能力。本文提出了一种时态逻辑规约语言E-CTL^*,该语言集成了状态和事件,能够精确和直觉地表示验证的属性。工作流的畅通性验证无论在时间上还是空间上代价都是非常高的,状态空间爆炸是验证的主要困难所在。利用E-CTL^*描述畅通性,可以使用存在的符号化模型检测工具验证畅通性,在一定程度上克服了状态爆炸问题。同时模型检测技术给出失效路径的优点可以引导我们纠正工作流的错误。工作流的变动需要具有正确性。从时态逻辑的角度讨论了变动正确性问题,得出了保持变动正确性的一般特征。  相似文献   

提出了一个基于描述逻辑规则的自动服务交互的模型框架,将服务抽象成基于消息的服务模型。该服务模型将在服务之间传递的面向对象的服务消息作为服务交互的主要手段,使用描述逻辑的概念对服务之间传递的消息数据进行语义分析,在服务内部数据模式与描述逻辑知识库间建立对应关系。在交互规则方面,使用基于描述逻辑和Horn子句进行描述;在描述逻辑的Tableau算法的支持下,对知识库概念和规则进行有效性、一致性和可满足性的验证,实现数据异构模式下服务间基于语义的自动交互。  相似文献   

提出了一个基于描述逻辑规则的自动服务交互的模型框架,将服务抽象成基于消息的服务模型。该服务模型将在服务之间传递的面向对象的服务消息作为服务交互的主要手段,使用描述逻辑的概念对服务之间传递的消息数据进行语义分析,在服务内部数据模式与描述逻辑知识库间建立对应关系。在交互规则方面,使用基于描述逻辑和Horn子句进行描述;在描述逻辑的Tableau算法的支持下,对知识库概念和规则进行有效性、一致性和可满足性的验证,实现数据异构模式下服务间基于语义的自动交互。  相似文献   

动态模糊逻辑程序设计语言的指称语义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文献[8]借鉴Dijkstra的监督命令程序结构,给出了动态模糊逻辑程序设计语言的基本框架结构.在此基础上,进一步扩充和完善,并根据指称语义的原理和方法,用结构归纳法给出动态模糊逻辑程序设计语言的指称语义,主要包括:动态模糊程序设计语言的语义域、语义函数及其指称语义.最后给出了一个动态模糊程序设计语言的例子以观察程序的运行过程.  相似文献   

Action systems have been shown to be applicable for modelling and constructing systems in both discrete and hybrid domains. We present a novel semantics for action systems using a sampling logic that facilitates reasoning about the truly concurrent behaviour between an action system and its environment. By reasoning over the apparent states, the sampling logic allows one to determine whether a state predicate is definitely or possibly true over an interval. We present a semantics for action systems that allows the time taken to sample inputs and evaluate expressions (and hence guards) into account. We develop a temporal logic based on the sampling logic that facilitates formalisation of safety, progress, timing and transient properties. Then, we incorporate this logic to the method of enforced properties, which facilitates stepwise refinement of action systems.  相似文献   

一个带有相似性关系的模糊逻辑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模糊集与模糊逻辑是处理模糊性与不确定性信息的重要数学工具,相似性关系是模糊集的一个基本概念。为了在模糊逻辑中集成相似性关系并考虑其模糊推理,提出了一个带有相似性关系的模糊逻辑,给出了其语法及语义描述,在模糊谓词逻辑情形下,讨论并证明了基于归结与调解方法的模糊推理的有关属性,考虑到许多定理证明器和问题解决系统均是基于否证法,证明了归结与调解方法对模糊谓词演算的反驳完备性定理。  相似文献   

In this paper we establish the relationship between the syntax and semantics of a fuzzy temporal constraint logic (FTCL) proposed by Cárdenas et al. FTCL enables us to express interrelated events by means of fuzzy temporal constraints. Moreover, it provides a resolution principle for performing inferences which take these constraints into account. FTCL is compatible with the theoretical temporal reasoning model proposed by Marín et al. – the Fuzzy Temporal Constraint Networks (FTCN). The main contributions of this paper are, on the one hand, the proofs of the FTCL-deduction and the FTCL-refutation theorems, and, on the other, the proof of the soundness of the refutation by resolution in this formal system, together with an exhaustive study of its completeness.  相似文献   

Compositional verification aims at managing the complexity of theverification process by exploiting compositionality of the systemarchitecture. In this paper we explore the use of a temporal epistemiclogic to formalize the process of verification of compositionalmulti-agent systems. The specification of a system, its properties andtheir proofs are of a compositional nature, and are formalized within acompositional temporal logic: Temporal Multi-Epistemic Logic. It isshown that compositional proofs are valid under certain conditions.Moreover, the possibility of incorporating default persistence ofinformation in a system, is explored. A completion operation on aspecific type of temporal theories, temporal completion, is introducedto be able to use classical proof techniques in verification withrespect to non-classical semantics covering default persistence.  相似文献   

In ‘multi-adjoint logic programming’, MALP in brief, each fuzzy logic program is associated with its own ‘multi-adjoint lattice’ for modelling truth degrees beyond the simpler case of true and false, where a large set of fuzzy connectives can be defined. On this wide repertoire, it is crucial to connect each implication symbol with a proper conjunction thus conforming constructs of the form (←i, &i) called ‘adjoint pairs’, whose use directly affects both declarative and operational semantics of the MALP framework. In this work, we firstly show how the strong dependence of adjoint pairs can be largely weakened for an interesting ‘sub-class’ of MALP programs. Then, we reason in a similar way till conceiving a ‘super-class’ of fuzzy logic programs beyond MALP, which definitively drops out the need for using adjoint pairs, since the new semantics behaviour relies on much more relaxed lattices than multi-adjoint ones.  相似文献   

非单调推理是众多人工智能应用系统都可能面对的问题,多Agent系统也不例外。在前期关于Agent BDI逻辑、多Agent合作逻辑、多Agent合作问题求解过程建模等研究工作的基础上,借鉴Baral等人开发非单调线性时态逻辑N-LTL的技术,利用强弱例外对多Agent合作逻辑的开创性工作交互时态逻辑(ATL)进行拓展,建立非单调交互时态逻辑NATL,给出其语法和语义。是对ATL进行非单调拓展的首次有益尝试。可以考虑以之为理论工具对多Agent思维状态及其动态修正机制进行妥善刻画。  相似文献   

基于随机时序逻辑(SQTL),通过扩展模糊时间来表达系统的模糊时间关系,并实现一种表达能力更强的时序逻辑——模糊随机时序逻辑(FSQTL)。FSQTL能够建模实时系统中的确定时间、概率时间、随机时间和模糊时间,并利用可能性实现对性能需求的分析。  相似文献   

In this work, we define an extended fuzzy temporal constraint logic (EFTCL) based on possibilistic logic. EFTCL allows us to handle fuzzy temporal constraints between temporal variables and, therefore, enables us to express interrelated events through fuzzy temporal constraints. EFTCL is compatible with a theoretical temporal reasoning model: the fuzzy temporal constraint networks (FTCN). The syntax, the semantics and the deduction and refutation theorems for EFTCL are similar to those defined for the sound and noncomplete fuzzy temporal constraint logic (FTCL). In this paper, a resolution principle for performing inferences which take these constraints into account is proposed for EFTCL. Moreover, we prove the soundness and the completeness of the refutation by resolution in EFTCL.  相似文献   

Coalition logic (CL) enables us to model the strategic abilities and specify what a group of agents can achieve whatever the other agents do. However, some rational mental attitudes of the agents are beyond the scope of CL such as the prestigious beliefs, desires and intentions (BDI) which is an interesting and useful epistemic notion and has spawned substantial amount of studies in multi-agent systems. In this paper, we introduce a first-order coalition BDI (FCBDI) logic for multi-agent systems, which provides a semantic glue that allows the formal embedding and interaction of BDI, coalition and temporal operators in a first-order language. We further introduce a semantic model based on the interpreted system model and present an axiomatic system that is proved sound and complete with respect to the semantics. Finally, it is shown that the computational complexity of its model checking in finite structures is PSPACE-complete.  相似文献   

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