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基于生成对抗网络和差分隐私提出一种文本序列数据集脱敏模型,即差分隐私文本序列生成网络(DP-SeqGAN)。DP-SeqGAN通过生成对抗网络自动提取数据集的重要特征并生成与原数据分布接近的新数据集,基于差分隐私对模型做随机加扰以提高生成数据集的隐私性,并进一步降低鉴别器过拟合。DP-SeqGAN 具有直观通用性,无须对具体数据集设计针对性脱敏规则和对模型做适应性调整。实验表明,数据集经DP-SeqGAN脱敏后其隐私性和可用性明显提升,成员推断攻击成功率明显降低。  相似文献   

基于非线性观测器设计的混沌同步控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出一种基于非线性观测器设计的混沌同步控制方法,给出了一类含有不确定参数混沌系统的观测器实现条件.该控制策略可满足混沌系统中存在一些不确定参数的要求.通过对Lorenz混沌系统的理论分析和数字仿真,证明了其有效性.  相似文献   

目前关于差分隐私数据流统计发布的研究仅考虑一维数据流,其方法无法直接用于解决二维数据流统计发布中可能存在的隐私泄露问题.针对此问题,首先提出面向固定长度二维数据流的差分隐私统计发布算法--PTDSS算法.该算法通过单次线性扫描数据流,以较低空间消耗计算出满足一定条件的二维数据流元组的统计频度,并经过敏感度分析添加适量的噪声使其满足差分隐私要求;接着在PTDSS算法的基础上,利用滑动窗口机制,设计出面向任意长度二维数据流的差分隐私连续统计发布算法--PTDSS-SW.理论分析与实验结果表明,所提算法可安全地实现二维数据流统计发布的隐私保护,同时统计发布结果的相对误差在10%~95%.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive fuzzy control approach is proposed to stabilize a class of uncertain nonlinear MIMO systems with the unmeasured states and the external disturbances. The fuzzy logic systems are used to approximate the unknown functions. Because it does not required to assume that the system states are measurable, it needs to design an observer to estimate the system unmeasured states. The considered MIMO systems are more general, i.e. they consist of N subsystems and each subsystem is in the non‐affine form. The stability of the closed‐loop system is verified by using Lyapunov analysis method. Two simulation examples are utilized to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the observer design for nonlinear discrete‐time systems by means of nonlinear observer canonical form. At first, sufficient and necessary conditions are obtained for a class of autonomous nonlinear discrete‐time systems to be immersible into higher dimensional observer canonical form. Then a method called dynamic observer error linearization is developed. By introducing a dynamic auxiliary system, the augmented system is shown to be locally equivalent to the generalized observer form, whose nonlinear terms contain auxiliary states and output of the system. A constructive algorithm is also provided to obtain the state coordinate transformation. These results are an extension of their counterparts of nonlinear continuous‐time systems to nonlinear discrete‐time systems (Syst. Control Lett. 1986; 7 :133–142; SIAM. J. Control Optim. 2003; 41 :1756–1778; Int. J. Control 2004; 77 :723–734; Automatica 2006; 42 :321–328; IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 2007; 52 :83–88; IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 2004; 49 :1746–1750; Automatica 2006; 42 :2195–2200; IEEE Trans. Automat. Control 1996; 41 :598–603; Syst. Control Lett. 1997; 31 :115–128). Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the exponential observer design problem for one‐sided Lipschitz nonlinear systems. A unified framework for designing both full‐order and reduced‐order exponential state observers is proposed. The developed design approach requires neither scaling of the one‐sided Lipschitz constant nor the additional quadratically inner‐bounded condition. It is shown that the synthesis conditions established include some known existing results as special cases and can reduce the intrinsic conservatism. For design purposes, we also formulate the observer synthesis conditions in a tractable LMI form or a Riccati‐type inequality with equality constraints. Simulation results on a numerical example are given to illustrate the advantages and effectiveness of the proposed design scheme. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

考虑带非参数不确定项的随机非线性系统自适应观测器设计问题.不同于已有结果,系统的不确定项无需满足Lipschitz连续性条件,也不必要仅仅是系统输出的函数.通过设计一个带参数自适应律的非线性观测器来重构系统状态,该观测器结构简单目易于实现.应用Lyapunov稳定性理论和随机微分理论证明该观测器是最终有界的,并且它的界可以通过选取适当的参数进行调节.最后,数值仿真结果表明了该观测器的有效性.  相似文献   

在故障诊断应用中, 状态方程中的未知参数和输出方程中的未知参数分别表征执行机构故障和传感器故障, 所以研究状态方程和输出方程同时含有未知参数的自适应观测器有着实际的应用意义. 本文基于高增益观测器和自适应估计理论, 针对状态方程和输出方程同时含有未知参数的一类一致可观的非线性系统, 用构造性方法设计了一种联合估计状态和未知参数的自适应观测器. 该自适应观测器的参数估计采用时变增益矩阵, 结构形式及参数设置简单. 给出了使该自适应观测器满足全局指数收敛性的持续激励条件, 并在理论上简洁地证明了该自适应观测器的全局指数收敛性. 数值仿真结果表明该自适应观测器具有良好的快速收敛性、跟踪性等期望性能.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of the full-order observer design for a class of fractional-order Lipschitz nonlinear systems. By introducing a continuous frequency distributed equivalent model and using an indirect Lyapunov approach, the sufficient condition for asymptotic stability of the full-order observer error dynamic system is presented. The stability condition is obtained in terms of LMI, which is less conservative than the existing one. A numerical example demonstrates the validity of this approach.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors provide a solution to the noise sensitivity of high-gain observers. The resulting nonlinear observer possesses simultaneously (1) extended Kalman filter’s good noise filtering properties, and (2) the reactivity of the high-gain extended Kalman filter with respect to large perturbations.The authors introduce innovation as the quantity that drives the gain adaptation. They prove a general convergence result, propose guidelines to practical implementation and show simulation results for an example.  相似文献   

The count of one column for high-dimensional datasets, i.e., the number of records containing this column, has been widely used in numerous applications such as analyzing popular spots based on check-in location information and mining valuable items from shopping records. However, this poses a privacy threat when directly publishing this information. Differential privacy (DP), as a notable paradigm for strong privacy guarantees, is thereby adopted to publish all column counts. Prior studies have verified that truncating records or grouping columns can effectively improve the accuracy of published results. To leverage the advantages of the two techniques, we combine these studies to further boost the accuracy of published results. However, the traditional penalty function, which measures the error imported by a given pair of parameters including truncating length and group size, is so sensitive that the derived parameters deviate from the optimal parameters significantly. To output preferable parameters, we first design a smart penalty function that is less sensitive than the traditional function. Moreover, a two-phase selection method is proposed to compute these parameters efficiently, together with the improvement in accuracy. Extensive experiments on a broad spectrum of real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of our proposals.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the adaptive observer design for nonlinear discrete‐time MIMO systems with unknown time‐delay and nonlinear dynamics. The delayed states involved in the system are arguments of a nonlinear function and only the estimated delay is utilized. By constructing an appropriate Lyapunov–Krasovskii function, the delay estimation error is considered in the observer parameter design. The proposed method is then extended to the system with a nonlinear output measurement equation and the delayed dynamics. With the help of a high‐order neural network (HONN), the requirement for a precise system model, the linear‐in‐the‐parameters (LIP) assumption of the delayed states, the Lipschitz or norm‐boundedness assumption of unknown nonlinearities are removed. A novel converse Lyapunov technical lemma is also developed and used to prove the uniform ultimate boundedness of the proposed observer. The effectiveness of the proposed results is verified by simulations. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

孙蓉  刘胜  张玉芳 《控制理论与应用》2013,30(11):1462-1466
大多故障诊断算法集中在线性系统方面, 在非线性方面只考虑故障对状态起线性影响的那些系统. 本文根据系统的非线性本质特性, 提出了基于模型的一类非线性系统故障诊断观测器设计方法. 应用系统的(B;K; á)实现精确分解后的系统模型, 对它们的状态故障起非线性的影响. 采用干扰解耦技术,获得的残差对未知扰动有很好的鲁棒性. 在Lyapunov意义下, 验证了算法的稳定性. 仿真验证表明, 所提算法具有快速收敛性, 对一类非线性系统诊断效果较好.  相似文献   

研究一类非线性系统的全状态反馈控制问题、观测器设计问题及输出反馈控制设计问题.首先设计出非线性全状态反馈控制器,获得了系统指数镇定的充分条件.然后提出了非线性观测器,并证明了该观测器是指数稳定观测器.进一步,在控制器和观测器问题的充分条件满足的假设下,证明了提出的带估计状态的反馈控制能达到指数镇定.最后,仿真实例验证了所得结果的有效性.  相似文献   

In many physical systems, the system's full state cannot be measured. An observer is designed to reconstruct the state from measurements. Disturbances often contribute to the dynamics of the system, and the designed observer must account for them. In this paper, a modified sliding-mode observer (SMO), a robust observer, is proposed that combines the efficiency of a nonlinear observer with the robustness of an SMO. The estimation error is proven to converge to zero under natural assumptions. This improved observer is compared with an extended Kalman filter and an unscented Kalman filter, as well as a standard SMO for three different versions of heat equation: a linear, a quasi-linear, and a nonlinear heat equation. The comparisons are done with and without an external disturbance. The simulations show improved performance of the modified SMO over other observers.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of designing unknown input observers, an extended nonlinear observer canonical form is introduced. Observers can easily be constructed for those systems which can be transformed into this canonical form. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of such transformation are derived and furthermore an algorithm for calculating this transformation in given.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the fault estimation observer design problem in the finite‐frequency domain for a class of Lipschitz nonlinear multiagent systems subject to system components or actuator fault. First, the relative output estimation error is defined based on the directed communication topology of multiagent systems, and an observer error system is obtained by connecting adaptive fault estimation observer and the state equation of the original system. Then, sufficient conditions for the existence of the fault estimation observer are obtained by using a generalized Kalman‐Yakubovich‐Popov lemma and properties of the matrix trace, which guarantee that the observer error system satisfies robustness performance in the finite‐frequency domain. Meanwhile, the pole assignment method is used to configure the poles of the observer error system in a certain area. Finally, the simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A “deterministic learning” (DL) theory was recently proposed for identification of nonlinear system dynamics under full‐state measurements. In this paper, for a class of nonlinear systems undergoing periodic or recurrent motions with only output measurements, firstly, it is shown that locally‐accurate identification of nonlinear system dynamics can still be achieved. Specifically, by using a high gain observer and a dynamical radial basis function network (RBFN), when state estimation is achieved by the high gain observer, along the estimated state trajectory, a partial persistence of excitation (PE) condition is satisfied, and locally‐accurate identification of system dynamics is achieved in a local region along the estimated state trajectory. Secondly, by embedding the learned knowledge of system dynamics into a RBFN‐based nonlinear observer, it is shown that correct state estimation can be achieved according to the internal matching of the underlying system dynamics, rather than by using high gain domination. The significance of this paper is that it reveals that the difficult problems in nonlinear observer design can be successfully resolved by incorporating the deterministic learning mechanisms. Simulation studies are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

利用输出差分及滑模方法研究一类非线性系统的自适应时延状态观测器设计问题. 首先将系统输出的微分及高阶微分用输出和其延迟测量值的差商来表示, 然后在此基础上构造了一种时延状态观测器, 估计误差的影响可由滑模项来消除. 在系统满足线性参数化的条件下给出了一种自适应时延状态观测器设计. 最后给出仿真研究说明设计方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper presents two novel observer concepts. First, it develops a globally exponentially stable nonlinear observer for noise-free dissipative nonlinear systems. Second, for a dissipative nonlinear system with measurement noise, the paper develops an observer to guarantee a desired performance, namely an upper limit on the ratio of the square of the weighted L2 norm of the error to the square of the weighted L2 norm of the measurement noise. The necessary and sufficient conditions for both observers are reformulated as algebraic Riccati equations (AREs) so that standard solvers can be utilised. In addition, the paper presents necessary and sufficient conditions to be satisfied by the nonlinear system in order to ensure that the ARE (and hence the observer design problem) has a solution. The use of the methodology developed in this paper is demonstrated through illustrative examples. In literature, there is no previous observer for dissipative system that provides both necessary and sufficient conditions. Results for noisy system either rely on linearising the system about state trajectory (requiring initial estimates to be close to the actual states) or are for specialised systems that cannot be extended to dissipative systems.  相似文献   

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