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基于传统光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)方法的边界力法、虚粒子法或耦合力法处理固体入水时,流 体与固体交互界面的粒子密度不连续、压力不稳定、固体边界处会发生部分流体粒子穿透或分离等现象,而流 体表面因为受到力的作用,表面破碎后,液面较粗糙。针对上述问题,结合边界力和虚粒子的优点,对耦合力 法进行改进,处理运动固体边界,阻止流体粒子穿透固体边界;改进交互界面的压力计算方法,提高计算精度, 稳定交互界面压力场;对流体表面的粒子位置进行校正,提升流体表面自由流动液面边界的模拟效果。通过经 典的二维固体入水实验,对该方法进行了验证,实验结果表明,本文方法在流体粒子与固体粒子交互后,交互 界面压力稳定,界面分离清晰无穿透,表面流体粒子分布均匀,流场的运动真实自然。  相似文献   

提出一种替代周期边界条件的对入口、出口边界的处理方法,这种方法使用跟随虚粒子处理入口、出口边界。跟随虚粒子设置于入口、出口的外侧,这些虚粒子的速度、位置根据对应的内部粒子的速度、位置进行更新。该方法建立在对层流特性的分析的基础上,适用于具有层流入口或出口的低雷诺数流场中。利用该入、出口边界处理新方法,分别对Poiseuille流和渐扩管平面流进行数值摸拟,数值结果与理论解吻合良好。  相似文献   

经典的测地线活动轮廓模型分割含有弱边界的目标时,难以得到真实边界。为解决这一问题,文中将结合局部二元拟合(LBF)方法和测地线活动轮廓模型的优点,提出一种基于LBF方法的测地线活动轮廓模型。首先,将LBF方法的能量泛函进行归一化处理,取代测地线活动轮廓模型的边缘停止函数。其次,构建梯度下降流,促使轮廓曲线运动到目标边界上。最后,对5组含有弱边界的图像进行仿真实验。实验结果表明,文中模型能准确分割含有弱边界的目标,具有抗噪性,同时对初始曲线的位置不敏感,优于其它常见改进的测地线活动轮廓模型。  相似文献   

针对现有的光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)流固交互方法中存在的稳定性以及流体细节表现不佳的问题,提出一种改进的体积映射流固交互方法.首先采用无散度SPH方法对流体进行建模,保证流体的不可压缩性;然后引入体积映射方法处理固体边界,以隐式函数的形式表示边界而无需使用粒子,解决粒子采样的固体表面不平滑的问题;再引入移动最小二乘法对固体边界上的压强进行插值,避免压强镜像带来的误差,提升体积映射方法中压强和压强梯度计算的精确性,提高系统的稳定性;最后引入粒子重采样方法进行流体表面细化,充分表现流体表面区域的不同粒子特征,增强流固交互后的流体细节,提高真实感.在斯坦福大学公开的基本三维模型上的实验结果表明,所提方法能够真实、稳定地表现不可压缩流体与固体的交互现象,处理多个静态或动态固体的复杂场景,并且能够有效地刻画流体细节.  相似文献   

针对目标跟踪领域中复杂背景下的目标提取、目标与目标以及目标与背景之间的相互遮挡、阴影的处理、目标跟踪的实时性及鲁棒性等问题,提出一种双边界限定下的运动目标跟踪算法。利用金字塔光流法对目标关键点进行长时间无模型跟踪,并将其与检测到的前景关键点进行不重复地融合。根据融合得到的关键点,评估尺度因子及旋转因子,并利用全部前景关键点对目标中心点进行概率性表决。再利用双边界限定方法使边界上关键点对目标进行可靠描述,提升系统的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

解0—1背包问题的混合编码贪婪DE算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种混合编码差异演化算法来求解0—1背包问题。通过增加边界约束处理算子和编码映射函数,构建混合编码差异演化算法,求解离散优化问题,并利用贪婪变换方法对演化过程中的不可行解进行修复。仿真实验结果表明了该算法求解0-1背包问题的有效性与适用性。  相似文献   

薛斐  杜庆伟 《计算机应用》2003,23(12):48-51
首先用数学语言描述CDR的边界对齐原则,对若干开源Java ORB系统的TypeCode编码问题进行了论述。重点提出并证明了CDR编码的字节流在复制过程中表现的两个数学特征,利用此特征提出复制CDR编码字节流的高效改进方法。对改进前后以及不使用边界对齐时的性能进行测试,说明改进方案取得了较好效果。  相似文献   

为求解平面裂纹问题的应力强度因子,提出基于Muskhelishvili基本解和样条虚边界元法的样条虚边界元交替法.该方法将平面内带裂纹有限域问题分解成带裂纹无限域问题与不带裂纹有限域问题的叠加.带裂纹无限域问题利用Muskhelishvili基本解法直接得出,不带裂纹有限域问题采用样条虚边界元法求解.利用该方法对复合型中心裂纹方板和I型偏心裂纹矩形板进行分析.数值结果表明该方法精度高且适用性强.  相似文献   

张晓丹  乔晓东  梁冰 《计算机工程与设计》2011,32(10):3364-3367,3373
针对网页自动分类中存在的类边界模糊、语料不均匀等引起的分类不确定性问题,提出了贝叶斯网络自动分类融合模型和融合算法,该模型和算法基于网页上多种信息进行融合,并采用不同的与处理方法分别对多种信息进行处理,将处理后的信息输入到贝叶斯网络融合中心进行融合推理,得到最终的分类结果。同时,为了降低贝叶斯网络推理时间复杂度,提出了改进的贝叶斯网络图推理算法。实验结果表明,改进后的融合模型和融合算法能有效解决网页自动分类中的不确定性问题,并能提高网页自动分类的准确率和查全率。  相似文献   

研究并得到多源多汇网络的极限范围与运行边界.首先,定义临界流,现有研究的最大流和堵塞流是临界流的一部分;其次,得到多源多汇网络的所有临界流,并绘制成临界流曲线,完整刻画网络传输流量能力的极限范围,最大流流量位于曲线最高点、最小流流量位于曲线最低点;再次,利用临界流确定网络流的运行边界,边界内部和边界上均为可行流,边界外均为不可行流,同时提出多源多汇网络临界流、临界流曲线和运行边界的数学定义及求解方法;最后,给出临界流曲线和运行边界在规划和运行领域中的用途,多源多汇网络模型更接近于实际网络,其临界流曲线和运行边界的发现能帮助人们更深入了解实际网络运行的极限范围.  相似文献   

A numerical solution technique based on the Chebyshev pseudospectral method is presented for solving boundary value and generalized complex eigenvalue problems which are valid over connected domains coupled through interfacial boundary conditions. As an example, the eigenvalue problem that describes the linear stability of two superposed inelastic Carreau–Yasuda fluids in plane Poiseuille flow is considered. Collocation points are formed by following two different approaches and it is shown that the accuracy of the results are highly dependent on the choice of collocation points. Therefore, in the success of pseudospectral method, a proper selection of collocation points for boundary value and eigenvalue problems is very crucial.  相似文献   

Consideration is given to the buoyancy effects on the fully developed gaseous slip flow in a vertical rectangular microduct. Two different cases of the thermal boundary conditions are considered, namely uniform temperature at two facing duct walls with different temperatures and adiabatic other walls (case A) and uniform heat flux at two walls and uniform temperature at other walls (case B). The rarefaction effects are treated using the first-order slip boundary conditions. By means of finite Fourier transform method, analytical solutions are obtained for the velocity and temperature distributions as well as the Poiseuille number. Furthermore, the threshold value of the mixed convection parameter to start the flow reversal is evaluated. The results show that the Poiseuille number of case A is an increasing function of the mixed convection parameter and a decreasing function of the channel aspect ratio, whereas its functionality on the Knudsen number is not monotonic. For case B, the Poiseuille number is decreased by increasing each of the mixed convection parameter, the Knudsen number, and the channel aspect ratio.  相似文献   

This paper significantly extends previous studies to the transition regime by employing the second-order slip boundary conditions. A simple analytical model with second-order slip boundary conditions for a normalized Poiseuille number is proposed. The model can be applied to either rarefied gas flows or apparent liquid slip flows. The developed simple models can be used to predict the Poiseuille number, mass flow rate, tangential momentum accommodation coefficient, pressure distribution of gaseous flow in noncircular microchannels and nanochannels by the research community for the practical engineering design of microchannels and nanochannels. The developed second-order models are preferable since the difficulty and “investment” is negligible compared with the cost of alternative methods such as molecular simulations or solutions of Boltzmann equation. Navier–Stokes equations with second-order slip models can be used to predict quantities of engineering interest such as the Poiseuille number, tangential momentum accommodation coefficient, mass flow rate, pressure distribution, and pressure drop beyond its typically acknowledged limit of application. The appropriate or effective second-order slip coefficients include the contribution of the Knudsen layers in order to capture the complete solution of the Boltzmann equation for the Poiseuille number, mass flow rate, and pressure distribution. It could be reasonable that various researchers proposed different second-order slip coefficients because the values are naturally different in different Knudsen number regimes. It is analytically shown that the Knudsen’s minimum can be predicted with the second-order model and the Knudsen value of the occurrence of Knudsen’s minimum depends on inlet and outlet pressure ratio. The compressibility and rarefaction effects on mass flow rate and the curvature of the pressure distribution by employing first-order and second-order slip flow models are analyzed and compared. The condition of linear pressure distribution is given.  相似文献   

Poiseuille number of rarefied gas flow in channels with designed roughness is studied and a multiplicative decomposition of Poiseuille number on the effects of rarefaction and roughness is proposed. The numerical methodology is based on the mesoscopic lattice Boltzmann method. In order to eliminate the effect of compressibility, the incompressible lattice Boltzmann model is used and the periodic boundary is imposed on the inlet and outlet of the channel. The combined bounced condition is applied to simulate the velocity slip on the wall boundary. Numerical results reveal the two opposite effects that velocity gradient and friction factor near the wall increase as roughness effect increases; meanwhile, the increments of the rarefaction effect and velocity slip lead to a corresponding decrement of friction factor. An empirical relation of Poiseuille number which contains the two opposite effects and has a better physical meaning is proposed in the form of multiplicative decomposition, and then is validated by available experimental and numerical results.  相似文献   

Consistent 2D and 3D thermal boundary conditions for thermal lattice Boltzmann simulations are proposed. The boundary unknown energy distribution functions are made functions of known energy distribution functions and correctors, where the correctors at the boundary nodes are obtained directly from the definition of internal energy density. This boundary condition can be easily implemented on the wall and corner boundary using the same formulation. The discrete macroscopic energy equation is also derived for a steady and fully developed channel flow to assess the effect of the boundary condition on the solutions, where the resulting second order accurate central difference equation predicts continuous energy distribution across the boundary, provided the boundary unknown energy distribution functions satisfy the macroscopic energy level. Four different local known energy distribution functions are experimented with to assess both this observation and the applicability of the present formulation, and are scrutinized by calculating the 2D thermal Poiseuille flow, thermal Couette flow, thermal Couette flow with wall injection, natural convection in a square cavity, and 3D thermal Poiseuille flow in a square duct. Numerical simulations indicate that the present formulation is second order accurate and the difference of adopting different local known energy distribution functions is, as expected, negligible, which are consistent with the results from the derived discrete macroscopic energy equation.  相似文献   

Rivero  Michel  Cuevas  Sergio 《Microsystem Technologies》2019,25(10):3879-3889

In this article, we study the frictional losses in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) microflows by analyzing the Poiseuille number defined through the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor. We consider two-dimensional fully developed flow models characteristic of MHD micropumps including the Hartmann braking effect and the existence of slippage. Unlike the purely hydrodynamic case, in MHD flows the Poiseuille number depends not only on the aspect ratio but also on the physical properties of the fluid and the externally applied magnetic field. Three different combinations of boundary conditions (slip and no-slip) are investigated. Calculations show that the Poiseuille number is considerably reduced as the dimensionless slip length is increased, while it increases as Hartmann number does. The obtained results are consistent with previous models and are helpful for the design of magnetohydrodynamic microflow devices.


In a seminal paper [20], Ginzburg and Adler (1994) analyzed the bounce-back boundary conditions for the lattice Boltzmann scheme and showed that it could be made exact to second order for the Poiseuille flow if some expressions depending upon the parameters of the method were satisfied, thus defining so-called “magic parameters”. Using the Taylor expansion method that one of us developed, we analyze a series of simple situations (1D and 2D) for diffusion and for linear fluid problems using bounce-back and “anti bounce-back” numerical boundary conditions. The result is that “magic parameters” depend upon the detailed choice of the moments and of their equilibrium values. They may also depend upon the way the flow is driven.  相似文献   

This is a theoretical study dealing with longitudinal gaseous slip flow forced convection between a periodic bunch of microcylinders arranged in regular array. The selected geometry has applications in microscale pin fin heat sinks used for cooling of microchips. The flow is considered to be hydrodynamically and thermally fully developed. The two axially constant heat flux boundary conditions of H1 and H2 are considered in the analysis. The velocity and temperature discontinuities at the boundary are incorporated into the solutions using the first order slip boundary conditions. The method considered is mainly analytical in which the governing equations and three of the boundary conditions are exactly satisfied. The remaining symmetry condition on the right-hand boundary of the typical element is applied to the solution through the point matching technique. The results show that both the Poiseuille number and the Nusselt number are decreasing functions of the degree of rarefaction characterized by the Knudsen number. While an increase in the blockage ratio leads to a higher Poiseuille number, the functionality of the Nusselt number on this parameter is not monotonic. At small and moderate values of the blockage ratio, the Nusselt number is higher for a higher blockage ratio, whereas the opposite may be right for higher values of this parameter. It is also observed that the angular variations of the parameters are reduced at smaller blockage ratios. Accordingly, the H1 and H2 Nusselt numbers are the same for small and moderate blockage ratios.  相似文献   

In this paper, the multi-step differential transform method (MDTM), one of the most effective method, is implemented to compute an approximate solution of the system of nonlinear differential equations governing the problem. It has been attempted to show the reliability and performance of the MDTM in comparison with the numerical method (fourth-order Runge–Kutta) and other analytical methods such as HPM, HAM and DTM in solving this problem. The first differential equation is the plane Couette flow equation which serves as a useful model for many interesting problems in engineering. The second one is the Fully-developed plane Poiseuille flow equation and finally the third one is the plane Couette–Poiseuille flow.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new spectral successive integration matrix. This matrix is used to construct a Chebyshev expansion method for the solution of boundary value problems. The method employs the pseudospectral approximation of the highest-order derivative to generate an approximation to the lower-order derivatives. Application to the linear stability problem for plane Poiseuille flow is presented. The present numerical results are in satisfactory agreement with the exact solutions.  相似文献   

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