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以决策为中心的软件体系结构设计方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
崔晓峰  孙艳春  梅宏 《软件学报》2010,21(6):1196-1207
提出针对体系结构层次设计的决策抽象和问题分解原则,以及基于该原则的一种以决策为中心的体系结构设计方法.该方法从决策的视角对体系结构进行建模,并通过一个从导出体系结构关键问题到对体系结构方案决策的过程完成设计,还在其中实现了候选体系结构方案的自动合成以及设计决策与理由的捕捉.这种以决策为中心的方法切合体系结构层次的特点,降低了体系结构设计的复杂性和设计决策与理由捕捉的代价.  相似文献   

在软件体系结构的相关研究中,如何保证软件体系结构的一致性成为了很重要的课题.提出了一种基于OCL的体系结构一致性验证方法,通过建模之前的对体系结构的约束进行定义,建模过程中和建模过程后对体系结构模型的一致性验证,来保证最终的模型符合用户所定义的一致性约束,提高了环境的易用性和可靠性.设计并实现了原型体系结构建模工具Artemis-GODE.  相似文献   

软件体系结构分析与评价方法评述   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
近年来,软件体系结构逐渐成为软件工程领域的研究热点以及大型软件系统开发和产品线开发中的关键技术.体系结构分析评价的目的是为了识别体系结构设计中的潜在风险,帮助开发人员进行设计决策.从软件体系结构的概念出发,分类介绍了体系结构描述的不同观点,评述了国内外有代表性的分析评价方法和工具.最后探讨了软件体系结构分析评价研究中存在的不足及其原因,作为总结,给出体系结构分析评价未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

面向方面的体系结构描述语言AC2-ADL   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体系结构描述语言(ADL)是基于体系结构的软件开发的基础,传统的ADL由于缺乏对混杂与分散在软件体系结构多个单元中的各种设计决策的描述能力,导致软件体系结构设计方案难以理解、难以演化和难以重用.通过设计面向方面的软件体系结构描述语言AC2-ADL,使用方面组件明确地描述系统的横切关注点;并引入方面连接件以及抽象出软件体系结构语境中的注入点,呈现结构之间复杂的交互,以解决不同关注点的分散和交织等问题,试图为设计和描述面向方面的软件系统的软件体系结构提供一种有效的解决方案.研究结合电子商务领域的网上拍卖系统,讨论了该语言的主要应用过程,具有一定的参考作用.  相似文献   

根据权威统计数据,软件测试中发现的70%以上的错误由需求获取或体系结构设计引起.因此,应用软件体系结构在设计阶段的正确性验证非常重要.现有的软件体系结构设计方法不支持需求满足验证,需求满足验证需要其他验证工具的支持.面向主流Web应用软件的体系结构设计及其需求满足验证,提出了一种高阶类型化软件体系结构建模和验证语言(SAML)与软件体系结构建模和验证方法(SAMM).SAML语言通过定义类型和项的语法及语义,描述软件体系结构中类型和对象的构造,通过定义类型规则及其类型检查算法来判定Γ|-t:T和Γ|-RT1T2)是否成立.SAMM给出了软件体系结构建模范式,包括构建接口类型Mcls(type interface)、组件Mcmpt(component)、容器Mcont(container)、框Mfrm(frame)和框架Mfrwk(framework)这5层建模过程,以及生成层内与层间类型之间关系对应的类型规则,同时定义了接口类型方法调用图(GSA)用以刻画软件体系结构设计要求,定义了类型序列及其正确性用以刻画需求期望的性质,并给出了相应的验证算法.设计实现了基于该方法的原型工具系统SAMVS,其中,模型编辑环境支持应用软件的设计过程,验证环境支持设计满足需求的自动化验证.通过一个实际案例,完成了一个较大规模"互联网+"应用软件系统的体系结构建模和验证.  相似文献   

软件体系结构在软件重用中有着特殊的意义。缺乏显式的描述并使用支持体系结构重用过程的信息和缺乏有效的重用方法是软件体系结构难以重用最根本的原因。在软件设计阶段,将元信息、元建模、反射和软件体系结构结合起来,构造了一种支持软件体系结构重用的反射式软件体系结构。给出了基于反射式软件体系结构的软件体系结构重用过程。给出了反射式软件体系结构的具体化过程的基本原理和具体化操作的Object-Z形式化描述,即创建元组件、创建元连接器、创建元组合件操作的形式化描述。给出了基于反射式软件体系结构的软件体系结构重用的支撑工具的设计过程。  相似文献   

采用软件体系结构技术,可以使软件开发具有较高的实用价值,开发的软件系统具有可重用性、共享性和可维护性,并可以提高软件生命周期.论文对综合人事信息系统软件体系结构发现、演化、复用进行了研究,分析了综合人事信息系统体系结构发展中的四种体系结构,揭示了综合人事信息系统软件体系结构从管道型到异构型的演化历程,研究成果对管理信息系统软件体系结构设计有重要参考价值.  相似文献   

基于软件体系结构的构件组装工具ABC-Tool   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
软件朝着越来越复杂和庞大的趋势发展,因此对更有效的软件开发技术的需求十分迫切,近年来,软件体系结构、构件技术和软件复用技术等开始在软件开发中发挥重要作用,成为软件工程领域研究的热点,在基于构件复用的开发方法中,构件组装技术是关键,而且一直以来也是难点所在,ABC(architecture-based component composition)是一种基于软件体系结构、面向构件的软件开发方法,介绍了为ABC方法提供有效支持的工具ABC-Tool,ABC-Tool以软件体系结构为设计蓝图,以构件为基本开发单元,在不修改构件源代码的前提下,通过可视化的图形建模方式,从体系结构的高层设计逐层映射到底层实现,将可运行或可部署的构件组装为最终的可正确运行的系统。  相似文献   

针对软件开发早期阶段软件资源重用进展缓慢,反射机制在代码重用方面取得成功但还没有用于软件体系结构及其组成元素的重用等问题,提出一种支持软件体系结构设计时重用的反射机制,概述基于反射机制的软件体系结构重用方法。给出基于反射机制的软件体系结构重用的支撑工具ArchBean Studio的设计和实施过程。利用该方法,设计人员通过重用软件体系结构及其组成元素能高效地完成软件设计任务。  相似文献   

软件体系结构开发过程和软件体系结构产品是软件体系结构时空的外在表现,软件体系结构的开发过程直接影响着软件体系结构的质量;在基于SSM的SA开发过程循环图的指导下,文中系统分析了体系结构相关的设计、测试、评估等活动之间的联系,并设计出一种新的体系结构开发过程模型——多三角体系结构开发过程模型,充分体现出尽早测评、全面测评、全过程测评、独立的迭代测评的特点,从而以合理的过程指导优质体系结构的设计。  相似文献   

Software architecture documentation helps people in understanding the software architecture of a system. In practice, software architectures are often documented after the fact, i.e. they are maintained or created after most of the design decisions have been made and implemented. To keep the architecture documentation up-to-date an architect needs to recover and describe these decisions.This paper presents ADDRA, an approach an architect can use for recovering architectural design decisions after the fact. ADDRA uses architectural deltas to provide the architect with clues about these design decisions. This allows the architect to systematically recover and document relevant architectural design decisions. The recovered architectural design decisions improve the documentation of the architecture, which increases traceability, communication, and general understanding of a system.  相似文献   

基于时序逻辑的面向方面体系结构描述语言   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用传统体系结构描述语言描述的软件体系结构(SA)方案始终存在着一些横切行为和特征,它们混杂和散列在不同的SA设计单元中,使得SA难以理解、难以演化和难以重用。针对这一问题,基于时序逻辑语言XYZ/E,在统一的时序逻辑框架下设计出一种面向方面体系结构描述语言AC2-ADL。系统地阐述了AC2-ADL的概念框架并用XYZ/E进行语义解释,最后结合案例介绍了如何用AC2-ADL对SA进行描述。  相似文献   

Software architecture specifications are used for many different purposes, such as documenting architectural decisions, predicting architectural qualities before the system is implemented, and guiding the design and coding process. In these contexts, assessing the architectural model as early as possible becomes a relevant challenge. Various analysis techniques have been proposed for testing, model checking, and evaluating performance based on architectural models. Among them, model checking is an exhaustive and automatic verification technique, used to verify whether an architectural specification conforms to expected properties. While model checking is being extensively applied to software architectures, little work has been done to comprehensively enumerate and classify these different techniques.The goal of this paper is to investigate the state-of-the-art in model checking software architectures. For this purpose, we first define the main activities in a model checking software architecture process. Then, we define a classification and comparison framework and compare model checking software architecture techniques according to it.  相似文献   

ContextGiven the increased interest in using visualization techniques (VTs) to help communicate and understand software architecture (SA) of large scale complex systems, several VTs and tools have been reported to represent architectural elements (such as architecture design, architectural patterns, and architectural design decisions). However, there is no attempt to systematically review and classify the VTs and associated tools reported for SA, and how they have been assessed and applied.ObjectiveThis work aimed at systematically reviewing the literature on software architecture visualization to develop a classification of VTs in SA, analyze the level of reported evidence and the use of different VTs for representing SA in different application domains, and identify the gaps for future research in the area.MethodWe used systematic literature review (SLR) method of the evidence-based software engineering (EBSE) for reviewing the literature on VTs for SA. We used both manual and automatic search strategies for searching the relevant papers published between 1 February 1999 and 1 July 2011.ResultsWe selected 53 papers from the initially retrieved 23,056 articles for data extraction, analysis, and synthesis based on pre-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results from the data analysis enabled us to classify the identified VTs into four types based on the usage popularity: graph-based, notation-based, matrix-based, and metaphor-based VTs. The VTs in SA are mostly used for architecture recovery and architectural evolution activities. We have also identified ten purposes of using VTs in SA. Our results also revealed that VTs in SA have been applied to a wide range of application domains, among which “graphics software” and “distributed system” have received the most attention.ConclusionSA visualization has gained significant importance in understanding and evolving software-intensive systems. However, only a few VTs have been employed in industrial practice. This review has enabled us to identify the following areas for further research and improvement: (i) it is necessary to perform more research on applying visualization techniques in architectural analysis, architectural synthesis, architectural implementation, and architecture reuse activities; (ii) it is essential to pay more attention to use more objective evaluation methods (e.g., controlled experiment) for providing more convincing evidence to support the promised benefits of using VTs in SA; (iii) it is important to conduct industrial surveys for investigating how software architecture practitioners actually employ VTs in architecting process and what are the issues that hinder and prevent them from adopting VTs in SA.  相似文献   

张纯  张敬周 《计算机工程》2010,36(13):62-64
目前的架构设计决策隐含于最终架构制品中,导致了涉众交流困难、演化代价高、难以复用等问题。针对上述问题,通过分析架构设计决策的属性及决策制定过程,提出一种描述设计决策与其他外部元素之间关系的元模型,在此基础上设计一个结合编码化和人际化的管理策略的架构设计决策管理工具,实现对设计决策的显式编档、管理和复用。  相似文献   

ContextThe software architecture of a system is the result of a set of architectural decisions. The topic of architectural decisions in software engineering has received significant attention in recent years. However, no systematic overview exists on the state of research on architectural decisions.ObjectiveThe goal of this study is to provide a systematic overview of the state of research on architectural decisions. Such an overview helps researchers reflect on previous research and plan future research. Furthermore, such an overview helps practitioners understand the state of research, and how research results can help practitioners in their architectural decision-making.MethodWe conducted a systematic mapping study, covering studies published between January 2002 and January 2012. We defined six research questions. We queried six reference databases and obtained an initial result set of 28,895 papers. We followed a search and filtering process that resulted in 144 relevant papers.ResultsAfter classifying the 144 relevant papers for each research question, we found that current research focuses on documenting architectural decisions. We found that only several studies describe architectural decisions from the industry. We identified potential future research topics: domain-specific architectural decisions (such as mobile), achieving specific quality attributes (such as reliability or scalability), uncertainty in decision-making, and group architectural decisions. Regarding empirical evaluations of the papers, around half of the papers use systematic empirical evaluation approaches (such as surveys, or case studies). Still, few papers on architectural decisions use experiments.ConclusionOur study confirms the increasing interest in the topic of architectural decisions. This study helps the community reflect on the past ten years of research on architectural decisions. Researchers are offered a number of promising future research directions, while practitioners learn what existing papers offer.  相似文献   

软件体系结构质量评价概述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
周欣  黄璜 《计算机科学》2003,30(1):49-52
1.引言随着软件规模和复杂度的不断增大,对软件质量、成本、进度的要求越来越严格。软件质量是指软件对预期的一系列质量属性组合的满足程度。目前,人们已经普遍认识到软件质量控制在软件特别是大型软件开发过程中对开发效率、成本有重要的影响,甚至关系到开发最终是否成功。高质量的软件在维护和测试阶段的开销较低,复用的潜力大。因此,预测和控制软件质量的成熟技术成为迫切的需要。  相似文献   

软件体系结构的发展与研究   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
该文介绍了软件体系结构的概念、目前的研究方向、几种软件体系结构风格和它们各自的优缺点,分析了用软件体系结构指导软件开发的优点,最后介绍了软件体系结构的理论在一个实际应用系统的设计开发中的运用。  相似文献   

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