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针对室内环境单目视觉的室内场景三维重建速度慢的问题,采用华硕Xtion单目视觉传感器获取的室内场景彩色图像和深度图像进行快速三维重建。在图像特征提取上使用ORB特征检测算法,并对比了几种经典特征检测算法在图像匹配中的效率,在图像匹配融合中采用Ransac算法和ICP算法进行点云融合。实现了一种室内简单、小规模的静态环境快速三维重建方法,通过实验验证了该方法有较好的精确性、鲁棒性、实时性和灵活性。  相似文献   

基于Graph Cuts多特征选择的双目图像分割方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双目图像分割对后续立体目标合成与三维重建等应用至关重要.由于双目图像中包含场景深度信息,因此直接将单目图像分割方法应用于双目图像尚不能得到理想的分割结果.目前,大多数双目图像分割方法将双目图像的深度特征作为颜色特征的额外通道来使用,仅对颜色特征与深度特征做简单整合,未能充分利用图像的深度特征.文中基于多分类Graph Cuts框架,提出了一种交互式双目图像分割方法.该方法将颜色、深度和纹理等特征融合到一个图模型中,以更充分地利用不同特征信息.同时,在Graph Cuts框架中引入了特征空间邻域系统,增强了图像前景区域与背景区域内部像素点之间的关系,提高了分割目标的完整性.实验结果表明,所提方法有效提升了双目图像分割结果的精确度.  相似文献   

在室内单目视觉导航任务中, 场景的深度信息十分重要. 但单目深度估计是一个不适定问题, 精度较低. 目前, 2D激光雷达在室内导航任务中应用广泛, 且价格低廉. 因此, 本文提出一种融合2D激光雷达的室内单目深度估计算法来提高深度估计精度. 本文在编解码结构上增加了2D激光雷达的特征提取, 通过跳跃连接增加单目深度估计结果的细节信息, 并提出一种运用通道注意力机制融合2D激光雷达特征和RGB图像特征的方法. 本文在公开数据集NYUDv2上对算法进行验证, 并针对本文算法的应用场景, 制作了带有2D激光雷达数据的深度数据集. 实验表明, 本文提出的算法在公开数据集和自制数据集中均优于现有的单目深度估计.  相似文献   

在立体视觉中,视差间接反映物体的深度信息,视差计算是深度计算的基础。常见的视差计算方法研究都是面向双目立体视觉,而双焦单目立体视觉的视差分布不同于双目视差,具有沿极线辐射的特点。针对双焦单目立体视觉的特点,提出了一种单目立体视差的计算方法。对于计算到的初步视差图,把视差点分类为匹配计算点和误匹配点。通过均值偏移向量(Mean Shift)算法,实现了对误匹配点依赖于匹配点和图像分割的视差估计,最终得到致密准确的视差图。实验证明,这种方法可以通过双焦立体图像对高效地获得场景的视差图。  相似文献   

采用上下文金字塔特征的场景分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了能有效地表述场景图像的语义特性,提出一种基于图像块上下文信息的场景图像分类框架.首先用规则网格将图像分块,并提取每个块的SIFT特征;然后用K均值算法对训练图像的块特征聚类,形成块类型的码本;再根据此码本对图像块进行量化,得到图像的视觉词汇表示,形成视觉词汇图,并在其上建立2类视觉词汇模型:相邻共现的不同视觉词汇对模型和连续共现的相同视觉词汇群模型;最后应用空间金字塔匹配建立视觉词汇的上下文金字塔特征,并采用SVM分类器进行分类.实验结果证明,在常用的场景图像库上,文中方法比已有的典型方法具有更好的场景分类性能.  相似文献   

韩峰 《计算机系统应用》2015,24(11):252-256
针对三维空间中目标物体定位的问题,提出了一种结构简单、操作方便、性价比较高的单摄像机实现双目立体视觉定位的方法.在对目标物体的识别和定位中,利用各方面性能和指标都比较好的SURF算法对所获取的图像进行特征点的提取和匹配.实验结果表明,文中使用的基于SURF算法的单目转双目视觉定位的方法,不论是在定位的精度,还是在时间速度方面都表现出了很好的可行性与实用性,具有一定的现实利用价值.  相似文献   

莫宏伟  田朋 《控制与决策》2021,36(12):2881-2890
视觉场景理解包括检测和识别物体、推理被检测物体之间的视觉关系以及使用语句描述图像区域.为了实现对场景图像更全面、更准确的理解,将物体检测、视觉关系检测和图像描述视为场景理解中3种不同语义层次的视觉任务,提出一种基于多层语义特征的图像理解模型,并将这3种不同语义层进行相互连接以共同解决场景理解任务.该模型通过一个信息传递图将物体、关系短语和图像描述的语义特征同时进行迭代和更新,更新后的语义特征被用于分类物体和视觉关系、生成场景图和描述,并引入融合注意力机制以提升描述的准确性.在视觉基因组和COCO数据集上的实验结果表明,所提出的方法在场景图生成和图像描述任务上拥有比现有方法更好的性能.  相似文献   

提出一种基于注意力的图像分割算法,在视觉场景选择机制基础上结合目标色彩特征的任务驱动机制,形成了自下而上和自上而下的注意力集成分割机理。该算法在图像的多尺度空间中,把视觉场景的亮度、颜色和方向特征与任务目标色彩特征同时进行提取,生成场景和目标相结合的显著图,然后在基于视觉注意力图像空间中对“场景-目标” 显著图进行归一化的跨尺度融合,最后通过双线性插值和显著图连通区域二值化分割出图像目标注意力焦点。应用该算法对自然场景与室内场景图像进行实验,结果表明该方法在各种环境中尤其是干扰物体较显著的情形下都能成功地分割提取出目标物体。  相似文献   

通过实验,对几种常用的图像处理方法在单目计算机视觉下进行目标的跟踪与识别,并进行对比,总结出各方法在不同场景中的处理效果,并提出了相应的使用建议。  相似文献   

视觉目标检测旨在定位和识别图像中存在的物体,属于计算机视觉领域的经典任务之一,也是许多计算机视觉任务的前提与基础,在自动驾驶、视频监控等领域具有重要的应用价值,受到研究人员的广泛关注。随着深度学习技术的飞速发展,目标检测取得了巨大的进展。首先,本文总结了深度目标检测在训练和测试过程中的基本流程。训练阶段包括数据预处理、检测网络、标签分配与损失函数计算等过程,测试阶段使用经过训练的检测器生成检测结果并对检测结果进行后处理。然后,回顾基于单目相机的视觉目标检测方法,主要包括基于锚点框的方法、无锚点框的方法和端到端预测的方法等。同时,总结了目标检测中一些常见的子模块设计方法。在基于单目相机的视觉目标检测方法之后,介绍了基于双目相机的视觉目标检测方法。在此基础上,分别对比了单目目标检测和双目目标检测的国内外研究进展情况,并展望了视觉目标检测技术发展趋势。通过总结和分析,希望能够为相关研究人员进行视觉目标检测相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Identifying a discriminative feature can effectively improve the classification performance of aerial scene classification. Deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) have been widely used in aerial scene classification for its learning discriminative feature ability. The DCNN feature can be more discriminative by optimizing the training loss function and using transfer learning methods. To enhance the discriminative power of a DCNN feature, the improved loss functions of pretraining models are combined with a softmax loss function and a centre loss function. To further improve performance, in this article, we propose hybrid DCNN features for aerial scene classification. First, we use DCNN models with joint loss functions and transfer learning from pretrained deep DCNN models. Second, the dense DCNN features are extracted, and the discriminative hybrid features are created using linear connection. Finally, an ensemble extreme learning machine (EELM) classifier is adopted for classification due to its general superiority and low computational cost. Experimental results based on the three public benchmark data sets demonstrate that the hybrid features obtained using the proposed approach and classified by the EELM classifier can result in remarkable performance.  相似文献   

Intelligent autonomous mobile robots must be able to sense and recognize 3D indoor space where they live or work. However, robots are frequently situated in cluttered environments with various objects hard to be robustly perceived. Although the monocular and binocular vision sensors have been widely used for mobile robots, they suffer from image intensity variations, insufficient feature information and correspondence problems. In this paper, we propose a new 3D sensing system, in which the laser-structured-lighting method is basically utilized because of the robustness on the nature of the navigation environment and the easy extraction of feature information of interest. The proposed active trinocular vision system is composed of the flexible multi-stripe laser projector and two cameras arranged with a triangular shape. By modeling the laser projector as a virtual camera and using the trinocular epipolar constraints, the matching pairs of line features observed into two real camera images are established, and 3D information from one-shot image can be extracted on the patterned scene. For robust feature matching, here we propose a new correspondence matching technique based on line grouping and probabilistic voting. Finally, a series of experimental tests is performed to show the simplicity, efficiency, and accuracy of this proposed sensor system for 3D environment sensing and recognition.  相似文献   

为提高室内移动机器人障碍物检测能力,提出了一套基于单目视觉的检测方案。该方案首先对拍摄的图像进行色度、饱和度、亮度(HSI)颜色空间转换;然后,针对室内图像中目标和背景的分割,提出了小目标阈值选取法,提高了特定环境下图像分割的准确性;最后,用目标场景匹配法和目标投影匹配法相结合,计算分割后目标像素的变化和投影的变化,从而判别出目标是具有高度的障碍物还是地面图形。实验结果表明该方案的有效性和可行性,可为室内小型移动机器人提供良好的导航信息。  相似文献   

Prior research in scene classification has focused on mapping a set of classic low-level vision features to semantically meaningful categories using a classifier engine. In this paper, we propose improving the established paradigm by using a simplified low-level feature set to predict multiple semantic scene attributes that are integrated probabilistically to obtain a final indoor/outdoor scene classification. An initial indoor/outdoor prediction is obtained by classifying computationally efficient, low-dimensional color and wavelet texture features using support vector machines. Similar low-level features can also be used to explicitly predict the presence of semantic features including grass and sky. The semantic scene attributes are then integrated using a Bayesian network designed for improved indoor/outdoor scene classification.  相似文献   

A new method for recognizing 3D textured surfaces is proposed. Textures are modeled with multiple histograms of micro-textons, instead of more macroscopic textons used in earlier studies. The micro-textons are extracted with the recently proposed multiresolution local binary pattern operator. Our approach has many advantages compared to the earlier approaches and provides the leading performance in the classification of Columbia-Utrecht database textures imaged under different viewpoints and illumination directions. It also provides very promising results in the classification of outdoor scene images. An approach for learning appearance models for view-based texture recognition using self-organization of feature distributions is also proposed. The method performs well in experiments. It can be used for quickly selecting model histograms and rejecting outliers, thus providing an efficient tool for vision system training even when the feature data has a large variability.  相似文献   

With the development of computer vision technologies, 3D reconstruction has become a hotspot. At present, 3D reconstruction relies heavily on expensive equipment and has poor real-time performance. In this paper, we aim at solving the problem of 3D reconstruction of an indoor scene with large vertical span. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for 3D reconstruction of indoor scenes with only a Kinect. Firstly, this method uses a Kinect sensor to get color images and depth images of an indoor scene. Secondly, the combination of scale-invariant feature transform and random sample consensus algorithm is used to determine the transformation matrix of adjacent frames, which can be seen as the initial value of iterative closest point (ICP). Thirdly, we establish the relative coordinate relation between pair-wise frames which are the initial point cloud data by using ICP. Finally, we achieve the 3D visual reconstruction model of indoor scene by the top-down image registration of point cloud data. This approach not only mitigates the sensor perspective restriction and achieves the indoor scene reconstruction of large vertical span, but also develops the fast algorithm of indoor scene reconstruction with large amount of cloud data. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm has better accuracy, better reconstruction effect, and less running time for point cloud registration. In addition, the proposed method has great potential applied to 3D simultaneous location and mapping.  相似文献   

针对微型空中机器人在室内环境下无法借助外部定位系统实现自主悬停的问题,提出一种基于单目视觉的自主悬停控制方法.采用一种四成分特征点描述符和一个多级筛选器进行特征点跟踪.根据单目视觉运动学估计机器人水平位置;根据低雷诺数下的空气阻力估计机器人飞行速度;结合位置和速度信息对机器人进行悬停控制.实验结果验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel solution to the problem of depth estimation using a monocular camera undergoing known motion. Such problems arise in machine vision where the position of an object moving in three-dimensional space has to be identified by tracking motion of its projected feature on the two-dimensional image plane. The camera is assumed to be uncalibrated, and an adaptive observer yielding asymptotic estimates of focal length and feature depth is developed that precludes prior knowledge of scene geometry and is simpler than alternative designs. Experimental results using real camera imagery are obtained with the current scheme as well as the extended Kalman filter, and performance of the proposed observer is shown to be better than the extended Kalman filter-based framework.  相似文献   

基于广义预测控制的移动机器人视觉导航   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
研究了室内环境下移动机器人的视觉导航问题。由单目传感器获取场景图像,利用颜色信息提取路径,采用最小二乘法拟合路径参数,简化图像处理过程,提高了算法的实时性。通过消除相对参考路径的距离偏差和角度偏差来修正机器人的位姿状态,实现机器人对路径的跟踪。为消除机器视觉识别和传输的耗时,达到实时控制,采用改进的多变量广义预测控制方法预测下一时刻控制信号的变化量来修正系统滞后。仿真和实验结果证明了控制算法的可靠性。  相似文献   

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