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Andréka and Maddux [Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 35 (4) 1994] classified the small relation algebras—those with at most 8 elements, or in other terms, at most 3 atomic relations. They showed that there are eighteen isomorphism types of small relation algebras, all representable. For each simple, small relation algebra they computed the spectrum of the algebra, namely the set of cardinalities of square representations of that relation algebra.In this paper we analyze the computational complexity of the problem of deciding the satisfiability of a finite set of constraints built on any small relation algebra. We give a complete classification of the complexities of the general constraint satisfaction problem for small relation algebras. For three of the small relation algebras the constraint satisfaction problem is NP-complete, for the other fifteen small relation algebras the constraint satisfaction problem has cubic (or lower) complexity.We also classify the complexity of the constraint satisfaction problem over fixed finite representations of any relation algebra. If the representation has size two or less then the complexity is cubic (or lower), but if the representation is square, finite and bigger than two then the complexity is NP-complete.  相似文献   

In this note, we show that every constraint satisfaction problem that has relational width 2 has also relational width 1. This is achieved by means of an obstruction-like characterization of relational width which we believe to be of independent interest.  相似文献   

We systematically investigate the computational complexity of constraint satisfaction problems for constraint languages over an infinite domain. In particular, we study a generalization of the well-established notion of maximal constraint languages   from finite to infinite domains. If the constraint language can be defined with an ωω-categorical structure, then maximal constraint languages are in one-to-one correspondence to minimal oligomorphic clones. Based on this correspondence, we derive general tractability and hardness criteria for the corresponding constraint satisfaction problems.  相似文献   

Conservative constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) constitute an important particular case of the general CSP, in which the allowed values of each variable can be restricted in an arbitrary way. Problems of this type are well studied for graph homomorphisms. A dichotomy theorem characterizing conservative CSPs solvable in polynomial time and proving that the remaining ones are NP-complete was proved by Bulatov (2003) in [4]. Its proof, however, is quite long and technical. A shorter proof of this result based on the absorbing subuniverses technique was suggested by Barto (2011) in [1]. In this paper we give a short elementary proof of the dichotomy theorem for conservative CSPs.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider constraint satisfaction problems where the set of constraint relations is fixed. Feder and Vardi (1998) identified three families of constraint satisfaction problems containing all known polynomially solvable problems. We introduce a new class of problems called para-primal problems, incomparable with the families identified by Feder and Vardi (1998) and we prove that any constraint problem in this class is decidable in polynomial time. As an application of this result we prove a complete classification for the complexity of constraint satisfaction problems under the assumption that the basis contains all the permutation relations. In the proofs, we make an intensive use of algebraic results from clone theory about the structure of para-primal and homogeneous algebras. AMS subject classification 08A70  相似文献   

The constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) is a convenient framework for modelling search problems; the CSP involves deciding, given a set of constraints on variables, whether or not there is an assignment to the variables satisfying all of the constraints. This paper is concerned with the more general framework of quantified constraint satisfaction, in which variables can be quantified both universally and existentially. We study the relatively quantified constraint satisfaction problem (RQCSP), in which the values for each individual variable can be arbitrarily restricted. We give a complete complexity classification of the cases of the RQCSP where the types of constraints that may appear are specified by a constraint language.  相似文献   

We study the computational complexity of the qualitative algebra which is a temporal constraint formalism that combines the point algebra, the point-interval algebra and Allen's interval algebra. We identify all tractable fragments and show that every other fragment is NP-complete.  相似文献   

Backjump-based backtracking for constraint satisfaction problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of backtracking algorithms for solving finite-domain constraint satisfaction problems can be improved substantially by look-back and look-ahead methods. Look-back techniques extract information by analyzing failing search paths that are terminated by dead-ends. Look-ahead techniques use constraint propagation algorithms to avoid such dead-ends altogether. This paper describes a number of look-back variants including backjumping and constraint recording which recognize and avoid some unnecessary explorations of the search space. The last portion of the paper gives an overview of look-ahead methods such as forward checking and dynamic variable ordering, and discusses their combination with backjumping.  相似文献   

Building on a result of Larose and Tesson for constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs), we uncover a dichotomy for the quantified constraint satisfaction problem QCSP(B), where B is a finite structure that is a core. Specifically, such problems are either in ALogtime or are L-hard. This involves demonstrating that if CSP(B) is first-order expressible, and B is a core, then QCSP(B) is in ALogtime.We show that the class of B such that CSP(B) is first-order expressible (indeed trivial) is a microcosm for all QCSPs. Specifically, for any B there exists a C — generally not a core — such that CSP(C) is trivial, yet QCSP(B) and QCSP(C) are equivalent under logspace reductions.  相似文献   

We consider a random constraint satisfaction problem named model RB, which exhibits a sharp satisfiability phase-transition phenomenon when the control parameters pass through the critical values denoted by rcr and pcr. Using finite-size scaling analysis, we bound the width of the transition region for finite problem size n, which might be the first rigorous study on the threshold behaviors of NP-complete problems.  相似文献   

The core issue of analogical reasoning is the transfer of relational knowledge from a source case to a target problem. Visual analogical reasoning pertains to problems containing only visual knowledge. Holyoak and Thagard proposed that the retrieval and mapping tasks of analogy in general can be productively viewed as constraint satisfaction problems, and provided connectionist implementations of their proposal. In this paper, we reexamine the retrieval and mapping tasks of analogy in the context of diagrammatic cases, representing the spatial structure of source and target diagrams as semantic networks in which the nodes represent spatial elements and the links represent spatial relations. We use a method of constraint satisfaction with backtracking for the retrieval and mapping tasks, with subgraph isomorphism over a particular domain language as the similarity measure. Results in the domain of 2D line drawings suggest that at least for this domain the above method is quite promising.  相似文献   

We study the connection between the order of phase transitions in combinatorial problems and the complexity of decision algorithms for such problems. We rigorously show that, for a class of random constraint satisfaction problems, a limited connection between the two phenomena indeed exists. Specifically, we extend the definition of the spine order parameter of Bollobás et al. [10] to random constraint satisfaction problems, rigorously showing that for such problems a discontinuity of the spine is associated with a 2Ω(n) resolution complexity (and thus a 2Ω(n) complexity of DPLL algorithms) on random instances. The two phenomena have a common underlying cause: the emergence of “large” (linear size) minimally unsatisfiable subformulas of a random formula at the satisfiability phase transition.We present several further results that add weight to the intuition that random constraint satisfaction problems with a sharp threshold and a continuous spine are “qualitatively similar to random 2-SAT”. Finally, we argue that it is the spine rather than the backbone parameter whose continuity has implications for the decision complexity of combinatorial problems, and we provide experimental evidence that the two parameters can behave in a different manner.AMS subject classification 68Q25, 82B27  相似文献   

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