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本文定义了一个新的context逻辑——QLC(quantificationallogicofcontext),它能反映context的更多的逻辑性质.文中还讨论了含等词的QLC以及当领域公理相关不同context序列时的推理,并引入了McCarthy的限制理论.  相似文献   

郑锡忠  钱磊 《软件学报》1994,5(3):55-64
本文讨论某些递归函数类的分层问题.首先给出的是原始的Gorzegorczyk分层的一种较为简单的等价定义.然后,作为对Ackermann函数的一种推广,定义了一个递归函数序列{An∈ω.并以此作为分层函数列定义了一种新的递归分层{Zn∈ω(即Z—分层),这种分层涉及了比原始递归函数类更大的一个违归函数类.实际上,原始递归函数类仅是Z—分层的第一层Z.而且这种分层的任意的第n+1层都含  相似文献   

本文论述了分布式环境中数据安全性设计。宗旨在给出一种能够体现当前数据库设计方法的多阶段安全性设计方法学。研究了聚合分布式环境,且考察了多层逻辑上安全系统结构。对每一层,都定义并描述了安全性逻辑模式的内容。最后,还给出了逻辑层之间的映照规则。  相似文献   

本文提出了一个从关系数据库到面向对象语义数据库的两段模式转换方法。该方法是以语义确认为基础的.包含在局部关系模式中的语义可分为2类:一类是关系内语义,它是包含在一个局部关系模式内的语义;另一类是关系间语义,它是包含在局部关系模式之间的语义.第1阶段主要是将关系内语义捕捉到全局集成模式中来;而第2阶段则将关系间语义通过模式重构操作添加到全局集成模式中来.本文定义了一套用于建立转换机制的映射规则和转换操作.设计并实现了用于产生G关系的算法和一系列转换公式.  相似文献   

庄胜  年莉 《软件世界》1997,(4):42-43
ODBC是WOSA(WindowshoSystemArchitecture,Windows开放系统结构)的主要部分。它建立了一组数据库操作的规范和应用程序接口,使应用程序能直接操纵数据库中的数据而无需关,C数据库属于何种数据库管理系统。本文给出WindowS95环境下用VisualC++2.0进行ODBC技术编程的具体方法和应用。ODBC技术的编程方法VisualC++2.0的基本类库MFC3.0(MicrosortFoundationClass)定义了一个数据库类。在利用ODBC编程时,要经常用到数据库中的CDataha类(数据库类),CR6xirtlxlew类(可视记录类)和CRerxirt10et(记录集类)。…  相似文献   

数据库管理系统的一个重要应用,就是把数据库中的数据信息组成各种表格的形式打印。下面给出利用内存文件编制自动生成八类多层表格的通用程序。程序1是建立多层报表格式字符串并存入.MEM文件的过程。利用程序1可以很方便地做各种各样的表头,并使报表打印程序的编程方式大大简化。程序2结合具体的数据库调用.MEM文件打印输出的简单示范,两个程序逐一执行的结果可输出完整的四层表头的工资汇总表。程序1、2是在COMPAQ486/66机上,在UCDOS3.0及FoxBASE+2.10下调试通过。表格自动生成软件取名TYBG4C.PRG,在“.”状态键…  相似文献   

基于组件的计算机辅助工艺规划与管理系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了一个基于组件的计算机辅助工艺规划与管理系统(CAPPM),包括:工艺规划、技术文档、产品结构和数控程序管理子系统.系统采用基于Web的Windows DNA结构,建立了一组包括外观类、业务逻辑类和数据库访问类的业务逻辑组件.当外部环境变化时,用户可根据实际需求,定制满足生产要求的CAPPM系统,提高了系统的重用和重构能力.系统采用可扩展标记语言XML通讯,增强了Web环境下系统信息交互的性能.目前,CAPPM系统正在沈阳第一机床厂应用.  相似文献   

本文介绍的工作是与我所网络组承担的国家“七.五”重点项目密切相关的一个重要部分。本文给出了对 OSI 第4类传送层协议及其实现的分析、测试以及我们对国际标准化组织(ISO)定义的第4类传送层协议状态表的扩充。  相似文献   

基于.Net的三层Client/Server结构及其应用   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
三层Client/Server结构是数据库应用开发的新趋势。对三层Client/Server的体系结构、主要特点进行了分析,提出了三层结构设计的框架,介绍了在.NET平台下数据库应用的实现,并结合一个实例——门诊挂号子系统,探讨了基于组件的逻辑上三层结构的数据库应用的实现过程。说明了三层结构具有较好的灵活性、易维护和可重用性。  相似文献   

数据库逻辑是我们为数据库理论提出的一种描述数据库关系模型、层次模型和网状模型的统一结构。它对这些摸型的作用与一阶谓词演算对于关系模型的作用相似。本文是一组论文的第一篇,它确立了数据库逻辑的基本定义,说明了如何利用数据库逻辑来设计一种适用于多模式数据库的广义演算数据处置语言,并讨论了数据库逻辑的几个主要性质。其余几篇论文则根据本文提出的思想,解决有关数据库的其它若干问题,如外部到概念的映射结构,程序自动转换,广义查询语言,以及集中式数据库的设计和维护等问题。  相似文献   

This paper provides an introduction to many-sorted logics and motivates their use for representation and reasoning. Perhaps the most important reason to be interested in many-sorted logic is that computational efficiency can be achieved because the search space can be smaller and the length of a derivation shorter than in unsorted logic. There are many possible many-sorted logics of varying degrees of expressiveness, and the dimensions in which many-sorted logics differ are outlined and logics at various points in this space described. The relationship of many-sorted logic to unsorted logic is discussed and the reason why many-sorted logics derivations may be shorter is demonstrated. The paper concludes with a discussion of some many-sorted logic programming languages and some implementation issues.  相似文献   

Summary The notion of abstractions in programming is characterized by the distinction between specification and implementation. As far as the specification structures are concerned, hierarchical program development with abstraction mechanisms is naturally regarded as a process of theory extensions in a many-sorted logic. To support such program development, a language called t is proposed with which one can structuredly build up theories and write their program implementation. There, the implementation is regarded as another level of theory extension, and the relation between the specification and the implementation of an abstraction is characterized in terms of a homomorphism between the two theories. On this formalism, a mechanizable proof method is introduced for validation of implementations of both data and procedural abstraction. Finally, a new data type concept is introduced to generalize the so-called type-parametrization mechanism. A justification of this concept within the first order logic is provided as well as its applications to program structuring and verification.  相似文献   

Term rewriting is an appealing technique for performing program analysis and program transformation. Tree (term) traversal is frequently used but is not supported by standard term rewriting. In this paper, many-sorted first-order term rewriting is extended with automatic tree traversal by adding two primitive tree traversal strategies and complementing them with three types of traversals. These so-called traversal functions can be either top-down or bottom-up. They can be sort preserving, mapping to a single sort, or a combination of these two. Traversal functions have a simple design, their application is type-safe in a first-order many-sorted setting and can be implemented efficiently. We describe the operational semantics of traversal functions and discuss applications.  相似文献   

本文提出了一个描述并行处理环境下程序动态特性的多类命题动态逻辑和多类结构,并使用MPDL描述一个实际问题。本文使用了新算子G^ij来描述并行程序间的关系,最后,本文简单地讨论了MPDL的一致性和完备性。  相似文献   

This paper studies several applications of the notion of a presentation of a functor by operations and equations. We show that the technically straightforward generalisation of this notion from the one-sorted to the many-sorted case has several interesting consequences. First, it can be applied to give equational logic for the binding algebras modelling abstract syntax. Second, it provides a categorical approach to algebraic semantics of first-order logic. Third, this notion links the uniform treatment of logics for coalgebras of an arbitrary type T with concrete syntax and proof systems. Analysing the many-sorted case is essential for modular completeness proofs of coalgebraic logics.  相似文献   

Summary A specification method for abstract data types based on many-sorted second order logic is presented. In our approach the specification is composed of two parts: the first part specifies a set of objects and a set of fundamental operations; the other part specifies an arbitrary number of augmenting operations. The fundamental operations are called constructors. On the basis of constructors the axioms can be put into schematic forms and the resulting theory is categorical.  相似文献   

Logic-based models have been already proposed for information retrieval purpose. However, there is a need for new formalisms providing more generic frameworks. For this purpose, an information retrieval axiomatic theory is proposed in this paper, independently of any model. Our proposal which mainly relies on many-sorted logic allows to consider various sets in the domain of discourse that provides us a rich framework to model the different items such as documents, index terms, queries. The theory relies on a sound set of axioms driving the retrieval process as proof of theorems. As such the genericity consists of a main motivation; it will be proved that three classical information retrieval models, namely the Boolean model; the fuzzy-set-based extension of the Boolean model; and the vector space model, satisfy the proposed theory, establishing then its consistency. Beyond the genericity, the proposed approach may face concrete problems. Indeed, it is well known that the use of the classical settings of formal concept analysis theory for information retrieval does not allow disjunctions and negations in queries. For this purpose, this paper gives a characterization of these queries forms using appropriates theorems of the theory. Useful algebraic properties (i.e., isomorphisms) are then established for this end.  相似文献   

Search space explosion is a critical problem in robot task planning. This problem limits current robot task planners to solve only simple block world problems and task planning in a real robot working environment to be impractical. This problem is mainly due to the lack of utilization of domain information in task planning. In this paper, we describe a fast task planner for indoor robot applications that effectively uses domain information to speed up the planning process. In this planner, domain information is explicitly represented in an object-oriented data model (OODM) that uses many-sorted logic (MSL) representation. The OODM is convenient for the management of complex data and many-sorted logic is effective for pruning in the rule search process. An inference engine is designed to take advantage of the salient features of these two techniques for fast task planning. A simulation example and complexity analysis are given to demonstrate the advantage of the proposed task planner.  相似文献   

普适计算隐私保护策略研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
普适计算环境中,用户的隐私保护意志可以通过让用户自己制定隐私信息的访问控制策略(隐私策略)而得到实现,研究隐私策略的统一表示及其执行机制可以有效地解决隐私策略的多样性问题.文中使用多类逻辑和描述逻辑,建立了隐私策略模型和隐私策略公理,提出了隐私规则知识库的概念,给出了隐私策略的逻辑推理方法.在此之上,从应用的角度,定义了隐私策略本体,提出了隐私规则的执行流程.通过规则引擎,验证了隐私规则的有效性和可用性.  相似文献   

2LS is a decidable many-sorted set-theoretic language involving one sort for elements and one sort for sets of elements. In this paper we extend 2LS with constructs for expressing monotonicity, additivity, and multiplicativity properties of set-to-set functions. We call the resulting language 2LSmf. We prove that 2LSmf is decidable by reducing the problem of determining the satisfiability of its sentences to the problem of determining the satisfiability of sentences of 2LS. Furthermore, we prove that the language 2LSmf is stably infinite with respect to the sort of elements. Therefore, by using a many-sorted version of the Nelson–Oppen combination method, 2LSmf can be combined with other languages modeling the sort of elements.  相似文献   

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