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针对一类具有全状态约束、未建模动态和动态扰动的严格反馈非线性系统,通过构造非线性滤波器,并利用Young’s不等式,提出一种新的有限时间自适应动态面控制方法.引入非线性映射处理全状态约束,将有约束系统变成无约束系统,利用径向基函数逼近未知光滑函数,利用辅助系统产生的动态信号处理未建模动态.对于变换后的系统,利用改进的动态面控制和有限时间方法设计的控制器结构简单,移去现有有限时间控制中出现的“奇异性”问题,可加快系统的收敛速度.理论分析表明,闭环系统中的所有信号在有限时间内有界,全状态不违背约束条件.数值算例的仿真结果表明,所提出的自适应动态面控制方案是有效的.  相似文献   

王焕清  陈明  刘晓平 《自动化学报》2021,47(12):2823-2830
研究了一类严格反馈不确定非线性系统的模糊自适应实际固定时间量化反馈控制问题. 基于李雅普诺夫有限时间稳定理论、自适应模糊控制理论及反演控制算法, 提出了一种非线性系统模糊自适应实际固定时间量化反馈跟踪控制方案. 所设计的控制方案能够保证闭环系统的输出跟踪误差在固定时间内收敛于原点的一个充分小邻域内, 且闭环系统内所有信号均有界. 最后, 数值示例验证了设计方案的有效性.  相似文献   

张天平  王敏 《控制与决策》2018,33(12):2113-2121
针对一类具有输入、状态未建模动态和非线性输入的耦合系统,提出一种自适应神经网络控制方案.利用径向基函数神经网络逼近未知非线性连续函数;引入动态信号和正则化信号处理状态及输入未建模动态;通过引入非线性映射,将具有时变输出约束的严格反馈系统化为不含约束的严格反馈系统.最后,通过理论分析验证闭环系统中所有信号是半全局一致最终有界的,仿真结果进一步验证了所提出控制方案的有效性.  相似文献   

针对永磁同步电机驱动的伺服系统在不确定性摩擦和未知负载的影响下难以达到高精度的控制效果,提出一种基于区间二型模糊系统的带有输出约束的有限时间自适应输出反馈控制方案.首先,构建一个基于非线性扰动观测器的区间二型模糊状态观测器,分别完成对于未知扰动和速度的估计,区间二型模糊系统完成对于非线性摩擦的逼近;然后,在此基础上,结合滤波误差补偿机制和有限时间技术,引入障碍Lyapunov函数和反步控制技术设计输出约束的自适应区间二型模糊输出反馈控制器;最后,根据Lyapunov稳定性理论提出严格的稳定性分析,保证闭环系统的所有信号均是有限时间内有界的,并通过数值仿真和实验验证了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对具有量化输入饱和及输出受限的非线性非仿射系统,提出固定时间自适应神经网络跟踪控制方法.引入中值定理解决系统具有非仿射结构的问题;基于反步法,使用Barrier Lyapunov函数约束系统输出,并利用RBF神经网络逼近未知函数;根据固定时间控制理论设计输入信号,该输入信号由滞后量化器量化,以降低控制信号的通信速率,并保证该系统在满足量化输入饱和及输出受限的条件下,系统可以在固定时间内跟踪上期望信号,且该系统收敛时间与初始状态无关.最后通过Matlab仿真软件验证所设计控制器的有效性.  相似文献   

针对一类非线性多智能体系统,构建一种基于自调节有限时间预设性能函数的动态面状态约束量化控制策略.所提出控制方法的主要特点为:1)将自调节有限时间预设性能函数与屏障Lyapunov函数相结合对多智能体系统的状态进行约束,使得构建出的约束函数能够根据系统当前跟踪误差自行调节自身参数而无需人为干预; 2)通过使用动态面控制方法,避免传统反步控制方法的“微分爆炸”现象,并设计滤波补偿函数消除因引入动态面方法而产生的滤波误差和信号振荡的问题; 3)使用RBF神经网络逼近系统中未知非线性的同时,引入量化器以减轻系统的通讯负担,且所构建量化控制方法仅需量化器具有扇形有界性质即可.稳定性分析表明,闭环系统内所有信号均为半全局一致有界的.仿真环节验证了所提出控制策略的有效性.  相似文献   

针对一类严格反馈非线性系统,提出一种基于有限时间指令滤波的自适应固定时间预设性能控制策略.首先,引用非线性映射技术及适当的误差变换,建立等效的误差模型;其次,综合利用反步法、固定时间控制和自适应控制等方法,设计一种基于有限时间指令滤波的预设性能跟踪控制器.该策略应用指令滤波器解决了反步法中对虚拟控制律反复求导问题,减轻了计算负担.此外,预设性能控制和固定时间控制保证了系统的跟踪误差能够在固定时间内收敛到预设性能函数限定的范围内,其收敛时间与系统初始条件无关,且确保系统中全部信号在有限时间均达到有界区域.理论分析与仿真验证均表明了所提出设计方法的有效性.  相似文献   

在实际工业系统中普遍存在输入死区、全状态约束等不可忽视的问题,其对系统的性能造成较大的影响,甚至可能会导致系统不稳定.为了克服上述问题,针对一类不确定非线性系统,提出一种快速收敛的自适应神经网络事件触发控制方法.首先,将障碍Lyapunov函数引入到反步控制框架中,采用径向基函数神经网络逼近未知非线性函数,同时设计自适应事件触发机制对输入死区进行动态补偿,通过减少控制信号的更新频率来减轻系统的通信负担,并保证系统所有状态不违反预定义的约束区间.在此基础上,引入快速有限时间稳定理论,在有限时间内能够保证闭环系统所有信号的有界性以及跟踪误差快速收敛到有界的紧集内.最后,通过两个仿真算例验证所提出控制方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对具有严格反馈形式的随机非线性系统, 首次引入神经网络控制技术, 设计了适当形式的随机控制 Lyapunov函数, 并运用反推(Backstepping)技术和非线性观测器设计技术, 构造出一类自适应神经网络输出反馈控制器. 在一定条件下, 证明了闭环系统平衡点依概率稳定. 仿真算例验证了所给控制方案的有效性.  相似文献   

在有向通讯拓扑图下,针对一类具有输出约束和执行器偏差增益故障的非严格反馈随机多智能体系统,提出一种自适应神经网络容错控制设计方案.采用神经网络逼近未知非线性函数,构造障碍李雅普诺夫函数处理系统的输出约束问题,以反步法和动态面技术为框架,结合Nussbaum函数设计自适应神经网络容错控制方法.基于李雅普诺夫稳定性理论,证明所有跟随者输出与领导者输出达到一致,闭环系统的所有信号依概率半全局一致最终有界且系统输出限制在给定紧集内.论文最后通过仿真实验验证所给出控制方案的有效性.  相似文献   

The finite-time command filter tracking control for a class of nonstrictly feedback nonlinear systems with unmodeled dynamics and full-state constraints is investigated in this paper. The hyperbolic tangent function is used as a nonlinear mapping technique to solve the obstacle of the full-state constraints. A new adaptive finite time control method is proposed through command filtering reverse engineering, and the shortcomings of the dynamic surface control (DSC) method are overcome by the error compensation mechanism. Dynamic signal is designed to handle dynamical uncertain terms. Normalization signal is designed to handle input unmodeled dynamics. Unknown nonlinear functions are approximated by radial basis function neural networks. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, it is proved that all signals in the closed-loop system are semi-globally consistent and finally bounded and the output tracking error converges in finite time. Two numerical examples are utilized to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive neural finite-time control method via barrier Lyapunov function, command filtered backstepping, and output feedback is proposed to solve the tracking problem of uncertain high-order nonlinear systems with full-state constraints and input saturation. By utilizing the neural network (NN) to approximate unknown nonlinear functions, the finite-time command filters are used to filtering the virtual control signals and get the intermediate control signals in a finite time in the backstepping process. Because there are errors between the output of finite-time command filters and the virtual control signals, the error compensation signals are added to eliminate the influence of filtering errors. Based on the proposed control scheme, the states of the system can be constrained in the predetermined region, all signals in the system are bounded in finite time, and the tracking error can converge to the desired region in finite time. At last, a simulation example is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed control method.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an adaptive event trigger-based sample-and-hold tracking control scheme for a class of strict-feedback nonlinear stochastic systems with full-state constraints. By introducing a tan-type stochastic Barrier Lyapunov function (SBLF) combined with radial basis function neural networks (RBFNNs), which is used to approximate the nonlinear functions in backstepping procedures, an adaptive event-triggered controller is designed. It is shown with stochastic stability theory that all the states cannot violate their constraints, and Zeno behavior is excluded almost surely. Meanwhile, all the signals of the closed-loop systems are bounded almost surely and the tracking error converges to an arbitrary small compact set in the fourth-moment sense. A simulation example is given to show the effectiveness of the control scheme.  相似文献   

An adaptive neural tracking control is investigated for a class of nonstrict-feedback stochastic nonlinear time-delay systems with full-state constraints and saturation input. First, the continuous differentiable saturation model is employed to ensure the input constraint, and a barrier Lyapunov function is designed to achieve the full-state constraint. Second, the appropriate Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional and the property of hyperbolic tangent functions are used to deal with the unknown time-delay terms, and neural networks are employed to approximate the unknown nonlinearities. Finally, based on Lyapunov stability theory, an adaptive controller is proposed to guarantee that all the signals in the closed-loop system are 4-Moment (or 2-Moment) semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded and the tracking error converges to a small neighbourhood of the origin. Two examples are shown to further demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

This paper investigates finite-time adaptive neural tracking control for a class of nonlinear time-delay systems subject to the actuator delay and full-state constraints. The difficulty is to consider full-state time delays and full-state constraints in finite-time control design. First, finite-time control method is used to achieve fast transient performances, and new Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals are appropriately constructed to compensate time delays, in which a predictor-like term is utilized to transform input delayed systems into delay-free systems. Second, neural networks are utilized to deal with the unknown functions, the Gaussian error function is used to express the continuously differentiable asymmetric saturation nonlinearity, and barrier Lyapunov functions are employed to guarantee that full-state signals are restricted within certain fixed bounds. At last, based on finite-time stability theory and Lyapunov stability theory, the finite-time tracking control question involved in full-state constraints is solved, and the designed control scheme reduces learning parameters. It is shown that the presented neural controller ensures that all closed-loop signals are bounded and the tracking error converges to a small neighbourhood of the origin in a finite time. The simulation studies are provided to further illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

具有指定性能和全状态约束的多智能体系统事件触发控制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨彬  周琪  曹亮  鲁仁全 《自动化学报》2019,45(8):1527-1535
针对一类非严格反馈的非线性多智能体系统一致性跟踪问题,在考虑全状态约束和指定性能的基础上提出了一种事件触发自适应控制算法.首先,通过设计性能函数,使跟踪误差在规定时间内收敛于指定范围.然后,在反步法中引入Barrier Lyapunov函数使所有状态满足约束条件,结合动态面技术解决传统反步法产生的"计算爆炸"问题,并利用径向基函数神经网络(Radial basis function neural networks,RBF NNs)处理系统中的未知非线性函数.最后基于Lyapunov稳定性理论证明系统中所有信号都是半全局一致最终有界的,跟踪误差收敛于原点的有界邻域内且满足指定性能.仿真结果验证了该控制算法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对导引控制一体化设计中状态受限及非线性最优问题,提出了一种结合反演控制与自适应动态规划(ADP)技术,考虑全状态受限的新型导引控制一体化设计方法.首先,将状态受限的严格反馈系统通过坐标变换转化为非状态受限系统.然后,采用前馈反演控制与反馈最优控制相结合的设计思路,利用ADP技术在线求解非线性HJB方程得到最优解.最后通过李亚普诺夫理论证明了系统的闭环稳定性与所有信号的一致有界性.与传统方法的对比仿真验证了该设计方法的可行性与优越性.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on an adaptive practical preassigned finite‐time control problem for a class of unknown pure‐feedback nonlinear systems with full state constraints. Two new concepts, called preassigned finite‐time function and practical preassigned finite‐time stability, are defined. In order to achieve the main result, the pure‐feedback system is first transformed into an affine strict‐feedback nonlinear system based on the mean value theorem. Then, an adaptive preassigned finite‐time controller is obtained based on a modified barrier Lyapunov function and backstepping technique. Finally, simulation examples are exhibited to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper studies the adaptive state feedback control for a class of switched time‐varying stochastic high‐order nonlinear systems under arbitrary switchings. Based on the common Lyapunov function and using the inductive method, virtual controllers are designed step by step and the form of the input signal of the system is constructed at the last. The unknown parameters are addressed by the tuning function method. In particular, both the designed state feedback controller and the adaptive law are independent of switching signals. Based on the designed controller, the boundness of the state variables can be guaranteed in probability. Furthermore, without considering the Wiener process or with the known parameter in the assumption, adaptive finite‐time stabilization and finite‐time stabilization in probability can be obtained, respectively. Finally, numerical simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the problem of adaptive finite‐time neural backstepping control for multi‐input and multi‐output nonlinear systems with time‐varying full‐state constraints and uncertainties. A tan‐type nonlinear mapping function is first proposed to convert the strict‐feedback system into a new pure‐feedback one without constraints. Neural networks are utilized to cope with unknown functions. To improve learning performance, a composite adaptive law is designed using tracking error and approximate error. A finite‐time convergent differentiator is adopted to avoid the problem of “explosion of complexity.” By theoretical analysis, all the signals of system are proved to be bounded, the outputs can track the desired signals in a finite time, and full‐state constraints are not transgressed. Finally, comparative simulations are offered to confirm the validity of the proposed control scheme.  相似文献   

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