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针对舰载机协同探测中多雷达传感器资源配置问题,提出一种多目标跟踪场景下的多传感器数据率管理与任务分配融合优化算法.在基于协方差控制的多传感器分配模型基础上,加以目标优先级和传感器效能条件约束,建立一种多传感器数据率管理与任务分配融合优化模型.将驻留时间改进因子引入序贯卡尔曼滤波算法,计算不同采样间隔下传感器组合状态估计...  相似文献   

针对通信对抗目标分配的特点,提出一种基于多Agent的分布式目标分配系统。给出问题描述和模型建立的方法,设计分布式协同拍卖机制和分布协同拍卖算法,其中,分布协同拍卖算法包括竞拍序列禁忌规则、目标威胁度更新规则等。仿真结果表明,与遗传算法相比,该算法收敛速度较快、实时性较强。  相似文献   

飞行试验中多传感器测量系统中因类型、精度以及空间位置的变化,导致在数据融合时往往不能得到最优测量精度;提出了一种新的分布式多传感器目标跟踪分组融合算法,即利用模糊理论中的决策距离(Decision Space)思想,对飞行试验目标跟踪的多传感器系统进行动态分组(Dynamic Grouping),通过定义多传感器之间的关系矩阵(Relation Matrix),依据判别门限(Threshold)判定其是否参与最终处理,据此以获得在分布式多传感器目标跟踪测量系统中目标跟踪测量的最佳融合数据精度;仿真结果证明,该算法是一种有效的分组算法.  相似文献   

大范围场景的监控需要使用多个摄像头。论文利用运动目标的颜色信息和路径特征,设计了一种非重叠多摄像头的实时监控系统。系统采用分布式多层次结构,在进行单摄像头层的处理时,根据像素点亮度变化检测和跟踪运动目标,同时获取运动目标的外形信息和路径特征;在进行多摄像头层的处理时,使用估计目标外形变化和建立路径模型方法融合多个摄像头信息,实现目标在非重叠多摄像头的跟踪。该系统不要求校准摄像头,也不要求建立完整的场景模型,即便在有亮度变化的环境中,仍能立即准确跟踪目标。实验证明提出的方法有好的跟踪效果。  相似文献   

陈伟宏  肖德贵 《计算机应用》2005,25(Z1):235-237
针对室内外环境的动态特点,描述了一个可扩展的多摄像头实时监控系统,提出了新的基于非重叠多摄像头的运动目标跟踪方法.该方法利用亮度信息在单摄像头内检测和跟踪目标,结合运动目标的亮度特征和路径特征,在多摄像头内估计运动目标外形变化,并建立运动目标路径模型,使用融合算法实现基于非重叠多摄像头的目标跟踪.与其他监控系统相比,该系统不要求摄像头校准,在有亮度变化的非重叠多摄像头场景中能立即准确跟踪目标.实验证明,提出的方法有好的跟踪效果.  相似文献   

卢秀卿  张亚英  叶晨 《计算机科学》2013,40(Z11):288-291,317
在面向道路交通监控的嵌入式智能摄像头中引入动态角色和分布控制的思想,设计实现了一种摄像头自主协同目标跟踪模式。在本模式中摄像头之间能够动态组织对异常车辆目标的协同跟踪,跟踪过程由前端摄像头自主控制完成。这种分散控制模式能够有效减缓交通监控系统中后端服务器的工作压力,并降低大量实时视频数据在路网中传输对道路信息网络带宽的要求,同时又使监控系统具有较强的灵活性和容错能力。  相似文献   

为了解决基于DDS的分布式协同仿真平台多节点、多模型条件下飞机机电系统复杂关联参数的实时监控问题,结合组态监控技术提出一种基于DDS的飞机机电系统协同仿真组态监控方法,设计了组态监控平台与分布式仿真平台的数据交互接口,实现飞机机电系统模型的实时过程监控以及监控界面的图形化显示;集成测试结果表明,该组态监控方法实现了对飞机机电系统复杂关联参数的读写、存储以及监控界面的图形化显示,提高了飞机机电系统的协同仿真验证效率,降低了分布式协同仿真监控系统的开发难度.  相似文献   

传感器管理是信息融合技术中的一个重要方面。面向矿井通风安全监测,本文提出了基于传感器管理技术的危险源监测与分析方法。分析了系统中的多监测目标优先级,确定目标的威胁程度,由此确定传感器资源对危险源的分配。实例表明,采用合理的目标威胁程度评估算法能确定目标优先级,能为多传感器资源的合理分配提供决策支持。  相似文献   

为解决传统协同过滤推荐算法中存在的数据稀疏、冷启动以及推荐结果缺乏多样性等问题,提出一种融合社交网络与关键用户的协同过滤推荐算法。该算法在用户—项目评分矩阵基础上,融合用户社交网络信息得出社交信任矩阵,融合关键用户信息得出关键用户评分矩阵。利用三大评分矩阵,分配不同的权重比例,共同来预测用户对于目标项目评分。针对海量数据问题,采用Spark分布式集群实现该算法的计算并行化。实验结果表明,该算法能够有效缓解数据稀疏问题,提高处理速度和推荐准确度。  相似文献   

多传感器噪声方差未知情况下的异步航迹融合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对分布式多传感器数据融合系统,提出了一种多传感器异步航迹融合算法。现有的多传感器信息融合算法大都基于Kalman滤波器,要求噪声方差已知,并且假定各传感器同步采样,不考虑通信延迟。本文在分布式处理的模式下,基于各传感器在扩展记忆因子递推最小平方(EFRLS)估计形成本地航迹的基础上,提出了一种融合误差均方差矩阵的迹最小意义下的异步目标航迹融合算法。仿真实验结果表明,这种融合算法是有效的,算法接近集中式融合算法的精度。  相似文献   

监控系统中的多摄像机协同   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
描述了一个用于室内场合对多个目标进行跟踪的分布式监控系统.该系统由多个廉价的固定镜头的摄像机构成,具有多个摄像机处理模块和一个中央模块用于协调摄像机间的跟踪任务.由于每个运动目标有可能被多个摄像机同时跟踪,因此如何选择最合适的摄像机对某一目标跟踪,特别是在系统资源紧张时,成为一个问题.提出的新算法能根据目标与摄像机之间的距离并考虑到遮挡的情况,把目标分配给相应的摄像机,因此在遮挡出现时,系统能把遮挡的目标分配给能看见目标并距离最近的那个摄像机.实验表明该系统能协调好多个摄像机进行目标跟踪,并处理好遮挡问题.  相似文献   

刘栋栋 《微型电脑应用》2012,28(3):43-45,68,69
设计了一个基于全景视觉的多摄像机监控网络。全景相机视野广,可以实现大范围的目标检测与跟踪。云台摄像机视角具有一定的自由度,可以捕捉目标的高分辨率图像。将全景相机与云台相机相互配合,通过多传感器的数据融合,分层次的跟踪算法及多相机调度算法,实现了大范围的多个运动目标的检测与跟踪,并能捕获目标的清晰图像。实验验证了该系统的有效性和合理性。  相似文献   

A tracking object must present a proper field of view (FOV) in a multiple active camera surveillance system; its clarity can facilitate smooth processing by the surveillance system before further processing, such as face recognition. However, when pan–tilt–zoom (PTZ) cameras are used, the tracking object can be brought into the FOV by adjusting its intrinsic parameters; consequently, selection of the best-performing camera is critical. Performance is determined by the relative positions of the camera and the tracking objects, image quality, lighting and how much of the front side of the object faces the camera. In a multi-camera surveillance system, both camera hand-off and camera assignment play an important role in automated and persistent tracking, which are typical surveillance requirements. This study investigates the use of automatic methods for tracking an object across cameras in a surveillance network using PTZ cameras. An automatic, efficient continuous tracking scheme is developed. The goal is to determine the decision criteria for hand-off using Sight Quality Indication (SQI) (which includes information on the position of the object and the proportion of the front of object faces the camera), and to perform the camera handoff task in a manner that optimizes the vision effect associated with monitoring. Experimental results reveal that the proposed algorithm can be efficiently executed, and the handoff method for feasible and continuously tracking active objects under real-time surveillance.  相似文献   

Camera handoff is a crucial step to obtain a continuously tracked and consistently labeled trajectory of the object of interest in multi-camera surveillance systems. Most existing camera handoff algorithms concentrate on data association, namely consistent labeling, where images of the same object are identified across different cameras. However, there exist many unsolved questions in developing an efficient camera handoff algorithm. In this paper, we first design a trackability measure to quantitatively evaluate the effectiveness of object tracking so that camera handoff can be triggered timely and the camera to which the object of interest is transferred can be selected optimally. Three components are considered: resolution, distance to the edge of the camera’s field of view (FOV), and occlusion. In addition, most existing real-time object tracking systems see a decrease in the frame rate as the number of tracked objects increases. To address this issue, our handoff algorithm employs an adaptive resource management mechanism to dynamically allocate cameras’ resources to multiple objects with different priorities so that the required minimum frame rate is maintained. Experimental results illustrate that the proposed camera handoff algorithm can achieve a substantially improved overall tracking rate by 20% in comparison with the algorithm presented by Khan and Shah.  相似文献   

We report an autonomous surveillance system with multiple pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras assisted by a fixed wide-angle camera. The wide-angle camera provides large but low resolution coverage and detects and tracks all moving objects in the scene. Based on the output of the wide-angle camera, the system generates spatiotemporal observation requests for each moving object, which are candidates for close-up views using PTZ cameras. Due to the fact that there are usually much more objects than the number of PTZ cameras, the system first assigns a subset of the requests/objects to each PTZ camera. The PTZ cameras then select the parameter settings that best satisfy the assigned competing requests to provide high resolution views of the moving objects. We propose an approximation algorithm to solve the request assignment and the camera parameter selection problems in real time. The effectiveness of the proposed system is validated in both simulation and physical experiment. In comparison with an existing work using simulation, it shows that in heavy traffic scenarios, our algorithm increases the number of observed objects by over 210%.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multi-agent system architecture to manage spatially distributed active (or pan-tilt-zoom) cameras. Traditional video surveillance algorithms are of no use for active cameras, and we have to look at different approaches. Such multi-sensor surveillance systems have to be designed to solve two related problems: data fusion and coordinated sensor-task management. Generally, architectures proposed for the coordinated operation of multiple cameras are based on the centralisation of management decisions at the fusion centre. However, the existence of intelligent sensors capable of decision making brings with it the possibility of conceiving alternative decentralised architectures. This problem is approached by means of a MAS, integrating data fusion as an integral part of the architecture for distributed coordination purposes. This paper presents the MAS architecture and system agents.  相似文献   

Estimating the positions of a set of moving objects captured from a network of cameras is still an open problem in Computer Vision. In this paper, a distributed and real-time approach for tracking multiple objects on multiple cameras is presented. A quantitative comparison with six state-of-the-art methods has been carried out on the publicly available PETS 2009 data set, demonstrating the effectiveness of the algorithm. Moreover, the proposed method has been tested also on a multi-camera soccer data set, showing its data fusion capabilities.  相似文献   

Online camera selection is introduced as a result of the improved mobility of cameras and the increased scale of surveillance systems. Most existing camera assignment algorithms achieve an optimal observation under the assumption of the unlimited camera computational capacities. However, practical surveillance systems experience resource limitation and see a degradation in the system performance as the number of objects to be processed increases. To address this issue, we propose an adaptive camera assignment algorithm considering the limited camera computational capacities. In so doing, camera resources can be dynamically allocated to multiple objects according to their priorities and the current camera computational load. Experimental results illustrate that the proposed camera assignment algorithm is capable of maintaining a constant frame rate and achieving a substantially decreased object rejection rate in comparison with the algorithm presented by Bakhtari and Benhabib.  相似文献   

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