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基于VC平台的彩色图像的灰度化技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
计算机中图像颜色处理技术是根据RGB三原色理论对色彩信息量化 ,再利用像素的点运算扫描整幅图像进行一一处理。处理带调色板的图像根据其结构特点 ,改变调色板的颜色数据为灰度数据即可 ,而真彩色图像可以直接对图像数据部分进行取灰度值进行处理 ;并在VC 6.0环境下编制程序实现 ,试验结果表明充分利用调色板技术进行灰度处理 ,优点明显 ,适应性强 ,用途广泛。  相似文献   

用VC++对BMP格式图像文件编程的技巧与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以实际中用VC++对BPM格式图像文件处理时,使用几何算法(旋转,缩放等)造成图像数据区数据排列错误,导致处理后的图像发生畸变的问题进行了总结,并给出了解决的方法,因为现在的图像算法大多是基于256色灰度图的,所以我们这里仅讨论256色灰度图,对于别的颜色的位图(如24位真彩色位图),也很容易类推得到。  相似文献   

256色位图中的每个象素是由一个字节的位图调色板索引表示的。当Windows实现徽标位图的动画时,它并不改变字节中的值,而是更换调色板中保存的颜色。Windows由最后一项开始,对调色板中一系列连续的项保存的颜色执行循环操作。它将动画涉及的每个调色板  相似文献   

本文通过重置调色板和转换颜色索引,在DOS环境中将Windows位图与BorlandC++BGI函数协调起来,使得DOS软件也可直接使用位图。  相似文献   

用位图表现的数字图像,是以图像中每个像素上的相同或不相同颜色值进行组合实现的。其图像的质量依赖于图像的分辨率,每个像素的颜色根据需要在计算机中以1到32位不等的二进制数表示,常见的有1位(单色)、4位(16色)、8位(256色)、16位(增强色)、24位(真彩色)、32位(真彩色)。由此可见一幅高质量的位图图像,特别是彩色图像,文件尺寸是很大的,而且色度越深,幅面越大,文件就越大,一般都在IMB甚至10MB以上,静态图形如果用位图来表现  相似文献   

无论是真彩色图像(24bits),还是256色图像(8bist),在VGA卡上显示都要处理调色板问题,如果每幅彩色图像使用不现的调色板,同屏显示多幅图像便不能实现,而且显示一幅图像后,屏幕上原有文字的颜色往往要被改变,本文介绍了一种使用标准调色板的彩色图像显示技术,采用了这种技术后,多幅彩色图像可同屏显示,并且不影响原屏幕上的文字的颜色,处理速度快,十分方便实用。  相似文献   

C++Builder下图像数据的存取和处理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文介绍了C++Builder环境下获取图像像素数据,正确设置调色板的原理和方法,并给出了一个将二值,16色,256色和真彩色四类图像颜色反相以及将彩色图像变为灰阶图象的处理实例,同时介绍了采用二维数组结构和用内存拷贝代替赋值传递像素数据的新方法,由此可简化图像几何变换程序的编制,使之同时适用于256色和真彩色图像。  相似文献   

用VC开发图像处理系统   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文从开发一个图像处理系统的角度出发,对数字图像的基本概念、Windows下调色板、BMP文件格式等进行了深入浅出的介绍;并重点剖析了图像平滑去噪、灰度直方图的绘制、真彩色图像的灰度化、图像的闽值选取及二值化等典型图像处理技术方面的基本原理。特别是,本文在介绍理论知识的同时,给出了基于VC6.0环境开发图像处理系统的关键实现代码。  相似文献   

图像识别预处理的C++编程实现技巧   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
给出了用神经网络进行手写文字识别时对待识别图像文件预处理的处理方案,以BMP图像为例,用C++实现256色灰度图的读取、边框检出、归一化处理,最终得到了满足训练网络要求的标准位图。对于其它彩色位图(如24位真彩色拉图),可容易类推得到相应处理方案。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于色彩共生矩阵提取颜色-纹理特征的图像检索方法。在灰度共生矩阵方法的基础上,发展出色彩共生矩阵方法,解决了灰度共生矩阵方法不能有效处理真彩色图像的缺陷,并从色彩共生矩阵中提取颜色和纹理特征用于图像检索。该方法易于实现、特征库简洁高效,且具有较好的检索效果。  相似文献   

一种基于聚类的彩色图像分色算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
图像分色在纺织和印刷等行业中有着广泛而重要的应用,其目的是用尽量少的颜色采描述一幅彩色图像,使得到的分色图像与原图像尽可能的接近。提出一种基于单遍聚类和K-均值聚类相结合的自适应图像分色算法。该算法首先对原图像颜色进行统计学习,由单遍聚类产生初始调色板,然后根据该调色板对原图像的像素点进行K-均值聚类,产生分色图像。实验结果表明,与单纯K-均值聚类算法相比,该算法能在提高分色图像质量的同时进一步减少颜色数。  相似文献   

基于调色板图像的信息隐藏技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章对已有的调色板图像的信息隐藏技术进行了分析,指出其存在的脆弱性问题,提出了一种空域高效鲁棒性信息隐藏算法,该算法可以抵抗“全选”、“拷贝”、“粘贴”到原始图像的操作,可以抵抗对调色板颜色的轻微修改,可以抵抗调色板图像在真彩和索引图像之间的转换,隐藏容量高达25%。出于信息隐藏安全性考虑,文章提出了一种改进算法,牺牲了隐藏容量,提高了视觉效果。  相似文献   

为解决胸环靶纸图像弹孔准确快速识别问题,提出结合弹孔边缘特征与色彩特征的胸环靶弹孔识别方法。采用形态学边缘检测算法确定胸环靶图像边缘,进行边缘图像增强处理,提高边缘图像与背景的对比度,提取弹孔区域色彩特征数据,实现胸环靶纸图像中弹孔识别。实验及计算分析结果表明:这种方法能准确从一次成像的胸环靶纸图像中进行弹孔提取,还能在一定程度上减少自然环境下光照、灰尘、振动对靶面图像造成的噪声、畸变影响。  相似文献   

Color scribbling is a unique form of illustration where artists use compact, overlapping, and monochromatic scribbles at microscopic scale to create astonishing colorful images at macroscopic scale. The creation process is skill‐demanded and time‐consuming, which typically involves drawing monochromatic scribbles layer‐by‐layer to depict true‐color subjects using a limited color palette delicately. In this work, we present a novel computational framework for automatic generation of color scribble images from arbitrary raster images. The core contribution of our work lies in a novel color dithering model tailor‐made for synthesizing a smooth color appearance using multiple layers of overlapped monochromatic strokes. Specifically, our system reconstructs the appearance of the input image by (i) generating layers of monochromatic scribbles based on a limited color palette derived from input image, and (ii) optimizing the drawing sequence among layers to minimize the visual color dissimilarity between dithered image and original image as well as the color banding artifacts. We demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our algorithm with various convincing results synthesized from a variety of input images with different stroke patterns. The experimental study further shows that our approach faithfully captures the scribble style and the color presentation at respectively microscopic and macroscopic scales, which is otherwise difficult for state‐of‐the‐art methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we proposed multi-factors correlation (MFC) to describe the image, structure element correlation (SEC), gradient value correlation (GVC) and gradient direction correlation (GDC). At first, the RGB color space image is converted to a bitmap image and a mean color component image utilizing the block truncation coding (BTC). Then, three correlations will be used to extract the image feature. The structure elements can effectively represent the bitmap which is generated by BTC, and SEC can effectively denote the bitmap?s structure and the correlation of the block in the bitmap. GVC and GDC can effectively denote the gradient relation, which is computed by a mean color component image. Formed by SEC, GVC and GDC, the image feature vectors can effectively represent the image. In the end, the results demonstrate that the method has better performance than other image retrieval methods in the experiment.  相似文献   

An adjustable algorithm for color quantization   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Color quantization is an important technique in digital image processing. Generally it involves two steps. The first step is to choose a proper color palette. The second step is to reconstruct an image by replacing original colors with the most similar palette colors. However a problem exists while choosing palette colors. That is how to choose the colors with different illumination intensities (we call them color layers) as well as the colors that present the essential details of the image. This is an important and difficult problem. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for color quantization, which considers both color layers and essential details by assigning weights for pixel numbers and color distances. Also this algorithm can tune the quantization results by choosing proper weights. The experiments show that our algorithm is effective for adjusting quantization results and it also has very good quality of quantization.  相似文献   

基于PE文件资源数据的信息隐藏方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究PE图标和位图资源存储格式及其特点,提出基于PE资源数据的信息隐藏方案。该方案利用PE文件的隐蔽性,采用有效的信息隐藏算法将秘密信息嵌入到PE资源数据中,提高信息隐藏的安全性和隐藏容量。针对PE图标和位图特点,提出一种新的调色板冗余颜色分配算法,提高基于调色板颜色冗余隐藏算法的嵌入量。  相似文献   

Color quantization is a common image processing technique where full color images are to be displayed using a limited palette of colors. The choice of a good palette is crucial as it directly determines the quality of the resulting image. Standard quantization approaches aim to minimize the mean squared error (MSE) between the original and the quantized image, which does not correspond well to how humans perceive the image differences. In this article, we introduce a color quantization algorithm that hybridizes an optimization scheme based with an image quality metric that mimics the human visual system. Rather than minimizing the MSE, its objective is to maximize the image fidelity as evaluated by S‐CIELAB, an image quality metric that has been shown to work well for various image processing tasks. In particular, we employ a variant of simulated annealing with the objective function describing the S‐CIELAB image quality of the quantized image compared with its original. Experimental results based on a set of standard images demonstrate the superiority of our approach in terms of achieved image quality.  相似文献   

如何读取24位真彩色位图信息   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行数字图像处理时首先要对所处理图像的文件格式有比较深刻的理解和认识,从而获取该图像存储文件的相关信息以达到获取像素点阵信息的主要目的.文章从如何实现获取24位真彩色位图信息的角度出发深入探讨了获取此种类型图像数据的方法及其实现,通过实际编程实现解决图像结构数据类型与编程语言基本数据类型不一致的矛盾,达到了获取24位真彩色位图信息的目的.  相似文献   

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