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基于3D射影空间中点和平面间的对偶性这一重要思想,提出了两种直接、简单的可展曲面设计方法。该方法将可展曲面用具有调配函数的控制平面来表示,这种调配函数定义了一种新的带有λ、μ两个局部形状控制参数的分段多项式样条曲线,使新的可展曲面具有灵活的局部形状可调性和更强的描述能力,增加了造型的自由度。通过调节参数λ、μ可得到一族可展曲面,这族可展曲面保留了B样条曲面的特性,在λ、μ为特殊取值时所生成的可展曲面即为均匀B样条可展曲面,为曲面的设计提供了一种有效的新方法。  相似文献   

BBN曲面的形状分析与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王兴波 《软件学报》2002,13(4):859-862
研究了调节凸Bézier曲面、B-样条曲面及NURBS曲面(BBN曲面)一个控制点以后,曲面形状变化的规律.通过将BBN曲面分解成一张凸曲面与具有特殊形状曲面的叠加,建立了曲面变形前后一些几何量与变形位移量之间的数量关系,得到了凸BBN曲面失去凸性的充分条件和判据.相应的结果可应用于调节与控制BBN曲面形状的算法设计.  相似文献   

利用de Casteljau算法,得到两条边界曲线分别为m,n次的空间曲线所生成的直纹面为可展曲面的充分必要条件,给出了可展曲面所满足的约束条件的个数,提出了(2,3)次可展曲面的一个新的设计方法。数值实验说明,该方法设计简便,易于控制曲面形状。  相似文献   

目的 曲率线在微分几何中起着非常重要的作用,它在曲面分析中是一个很有用的工具。可展曲面是曲面造型中最简单也最常用的一类曲面,目前大部分工作都是研究在给定曲面上寻找或者计算曲率线,而其反问题研究工作较少,为此,提出一种插值曲率线的可展曲面构造方法,并进一步将它应用到曲面造型中。方法 利用Frenet标架表示直纹面的母线,根据曲线为曲面曲率线以及曲面可展的充要条件,得到直纹面的母线需要满足的关系式。并引入控制函数控制曲面的形状。结果 给出了以给定曲线为曲率线的直纹面可展的具体表达式,根据可展曲面分类分析了设计曲面为柱面、锥面和空间曲线切线面的充要条件,并给出了两个代表性的实例验证该方法的有效性,实例结果表明,该方法不仅适用于一般参数曲线,对分段参数曲线也是有效的。结论 利用构造性的方法给出了插值曲率线的可展曲面的具体表达形式,并通过具体实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

测定单一类型(凸或马鞍)区域和计算其边界是进行自由曲面的形状分析与控制研究的基本内容之一.目前这方面的研究局限于一些特殊曲面,如可展曲面,对自由曲面则无来境的理论和方法.本文提出了一些对复杂自由曲面进行形状分析的几何结论.通过计算高斯抛物线,划分了曲面的单类型区域.设计了算法判断单类型区域、分离单类型区域,并计算其边界,对自由曲面整体的形状有了较好的把握.最后蛤出了算法对两个例子的计算结果.  相似文献   

阐述了二阶和四阶Helmholtz 方程的一类周期边界问题的差分解法及其在 过渡曲面设计中的应用。这类方法不同于传统的PDE 方法中的二阶和四阶的偏微分方程, 比传统的二阶和四阶偏微分方程有了更多的自由项,因此,在曲面设计的时候,就有更多的 形状控制参数可进行调整,文中重点讨论了方程中的系数对曲面形状的影响,并研究了边界 切矢条件对曲面形状的影响及其在曲面形状设计中的应用。设计者只需给出边界曲线和边界 切矢,并通过对它们的控制就可构造和修改曲面形状。  相似文献   

为了重建具有复杂形状的可展曲面模型,得到反映可展曲面几何本质的表示,提出一种可展曲面的自动识别与重建方法.首先计算输入网格模型的平面逼近表示,自动识别出模型的可展区域,并且得到每一个区域的近似可展B样条曲面表示;然后通过迭代曲面扩展和曲面拟合2个步骤,得到一组覆盖模型全部区域的B样条可展曲面片;最后对曲面片裁剪和求交,得到重建的无缝隙的可展曲面网格表示.实例结果表明,该方法能够正确重建原始模型上的折痕或特征线,而且能在一定程度上恢复缺损数据的曲面特征.  相似文献   

可展Bézier曲面的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过引入移位算子,利用de Casteljau算法,得到了可展Bézier直纹面是单参数平面族的包络的结论,并简洁地导出了两条边界曲线分别为n次和m次的空间Bézier曲线的直纹面为可展曲面的充分必要条件。提出了二次Bézier可展曲面的设计方法:给定可展曲面的4个角点a0、b0、a2、b2和两个自由设计参数?姿、?滋,则待求的2个控制顶点a1、b1是在前2个控制顶点a0、b0的线性插值点a*与后2个控制顶点a2、b2的线性插值点b*的连线上,并且也是a*、b*这2个线性插值点的线性插值,即这4点a*、a1、b1、b*共线。该设计方法简单,可以通过2个自由设计参数?姿、?滋方便地控制曲面的形状。实例说明设计效果良好。  相似文献   

论文以微分几何可展曲面理论为基础,提出了过曲面曲线构造其可展切曲 面的方法,得出了可展切曲面的表达形式,对可展切曲面进行了分类,通过建立两曲面间的 映射关系,实现了它们间整体与局部的映射分析,较准确地把握曲面的变形情况,并通过实 例对方法进行了验证。曲面片可展切曲面的方法可以应用于曲面设计、曲面近似展开和纹理 映射等方面。  相似文献   

将双参数四点细分曲线方法进行推广,提出了基于双参数四点细分法的曲面造型方法,并对其收敛性进行了分析。该方法通过对两个参数的适当调节能够较容易地控制极限曲面的形状,极限曲面能够达到C4连续,可以应用到对曲面的连续性要求较高的曲面造型中去。在给定初始数据的条件下,可通过对形状参数的适当选择来实现对极限曲面的形状调整和控制,试验表明该算法生成光滑曲面是有效的。  相似文献   

Developable surfaces are of considerable importance to many industrial applications, e.g., sheet metal forming processes. The objective of this paper is to provide algorithms on the approximation of developable surfaces with pieces of right circular cones. Special emphasis is devoted to practical choices of free parameters and to error estimation. Furthermore, a new algorithm for the approximation of spatial curves with a circular arc spline is presented which stands in close relation to above algorithms on developable surfaces. The proposed arc spline has contact of order 2 to the given curve in a series of curve points. The investigation includes a segmentation algorithm and error estimation.  相似文献   

Fat conic section and fat conic spline are defined. With well established properties of fat conic splines, the problem of approximating a ruled surface by a tangent smooth cone spline can then be changed as the problem of fitting a plane fat curve by a fat conic spline. Moreover, the fitting error between the ruled surface and the cone spline can be estimated explicitly via fat conic spline fitting. An efficient fitting algorithm is also proposed for fat conic spline fitting with controllable tolerances. Several examples about approximation of general developable surfaces or other types of ruled surfaces by cone spline surfaces are presented.  相似文献   

研究了从给定节点向量中选择节点进行B样条曲线插值的方法,并将此方法应用到行数据点不相同的B样条曲面插值,得到了一个通过对行节点矢量调整传递的曲面插值方法,理论分析和实验表明该方法可大量减少曲面控制点的数目.  相似文献   

Developable surfaces have been extensively studied in computer graphics because they are involved in a large body of applications. This type of surfaces has also been used in computer vision and document processing in the context of three‐dimensional (3D) reconstruction for book digitization and augmented reality. Indeed, the shape of a smoothly deformed piece of paper can be very well modeled by a developable surface. Most of the existing developable surface parameterizations do not handle boundaries or are driven by overly large parameter sets. These two characteristics become issues in the context of developable surface reconstruction from real observations. Our main contribution is a generative model of bounded developable surfaces that solves these two issues. Our model is governed by intuitive parameters whose number depends on the actual deformation and including the “flat shape boundary”. A vast majority of the existing image‐based paper 3D reconstruction methods either require a tightly controlled environment or restricts the set of possible deformations. We propose an algorithm for reconstructing our model's parameters from a general smooth 3D surface interpolating a sparse cloud of 3D points. The latter is assumed to be reconstructed from images of a static piece of paper or any other developable surface. Our 3D reconstruction method is well adapted to the use of keypoint matches over multiple images. In this context, the initial 3D point cloud is reconstructed by structure‐from‐motion for which mature and reliable algorithms now exist and the thin‐plate spline is used as a general smooth surface model. After initialization, our model's parameters are refined with model‐based bundle adjustment. We experimentally validated our model and 3D reconstruction algorithm for shape capture and augmented reality on seven real datasets. The first six datasets consist of multiple images or videos and a sparse set of 3D points obtained by structure‐from‐motion. The last dataset is a dense 3D point cloud acquired by structured light. Our implementation has been made publicly available on the authors' web home pages. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

带形状参数样条曲线的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何通过调整形状参数修改曲线形状是计算机辅助几何设计中一个有意义的研究课题.为了有效地利用形状参数来调整曲线的形状,增强修改曲线的灵活性,研究了5种带形状参数B样条曲线的表示方法及性质,这些曲线模型都可以通过改变形状参数的取值,调整曲线接近控制多边形的程度,从而得到不同位置的连续曲线,分析了每种造型方法的形状参数对曲线形状的影响,给出了形状参数的适用范围,比较了5种造型方法的特点,通过大量的公式推导和实验,提出了利用形状参数不同取值来表示一些自由曲线的新方法,并用实例进行了说明,实验证明,C-B样条曲线、带形状参数的均匀B样条曲线、带形状参数双曲多项式的均匀B样条曲线、带形状参数三角多项式的均匀B样条曲线都可利用形状参数的特定取值表示一些工业领域常用的自由曲线,这比起用控制顶点表示同样的自由曲线更为简单.  相似文献   

In the present work, a new spline based topology optimization using trimmed spline surfaces and the isogeometric analysis is proposed. In the proposed approach, the trimmed surface analysis which can treat topologically complex spline surfaces using trimming information provided by CAD systems is employed for structural response analysis and sensitivity calculation in the topology optimization. The outer and inner boundaries of design models are represented by a spline surface and trimming curves. Design variables used in this approach are the coordinates of control points of a spline surface and those of trimming curves. New sensitivity formulations for the control points in the trimmed surface analysis are proposed and their efficiency and accuracy are verified. The creation of new inner fronts during optimization is allowed for the topological flexibility. An inner front merging algorithm is also presented. The proposed spline based topology optimization is used to solve some benchmarking problems. Design space dependency which is one of serious shortcomings in conventional topology optimization approaches is naturally eliminated by the proposed spline based optimization. Design dependent load problems which are difficult to treat with conventional grid based topology optimization methods are easily dealt with by the proposed one. It is also shown that post-processing effort for converting to CAD model is eliminated by using the same spline information in numerical analysis and design optimization.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new dynamic developable surface model is proposed. The proposed model represents developable surfaces using triangle meshes. A novel algorithm is proposed to introduce the Hamilton principle into these meshes such that the resulting developable model is dynamic, i.e., it can offer a time-dependent continuous path to deform the model. Applications with examples are presented; these show that the proposed technique can model buckled developable surfaces well, and can offer physically-realistic animations of deformed developable surfaces.  相似文献   

两种带形状参数的曲线   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文构造了两种带参数的三角样条基,基于这两组基定义了两种三角样条曲线。与二次B样条曲线类似,这两种曲线的每一段都由相继的三个控制顶点生成。这两种曲线具有许多与二次B样条曲线类似的性质,但它们的连续性都比二次B样条曲线更好。对于等距节点,在一般情况下,这两种曲线都整体C3连续,在特殊条件下,它们都可达C5连续。两种曲线中的形状参数均有明确的几何意义,参数越大,曲线越靠近控制多边形。另外,当形状参数满足一定条件时,这两种曲线都具有比二次B样条曲线更好的对控制多边形的逼近性。运用张量积方法,将这两种曲线推广后所得到的曲面也具有较好的连续性。  相似文献   

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