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本文设计的基于GSM水位与降雨量在线监测系统,是通过现有的GSM网络,利用短消息方式,进行单片机和TC35模块开发的远程数据采集;实现了远距离采集数据与GSM无线数据传输技术相结合,完成江河、湖泊及水库等水位和该区域降雨量的远程在线监测,摆脱有线困扰,能够实现水文站的无人值守功能.  相似文献   

结合滑坡监测系统,重点论述了一种基于GSM网络远程无线数据通信的实现。无线远程数据采集和监控与传统有线方式相比具有不受地理环境、气候等因素限制,具有运行成本低、系统可靠、通信范围广以及更广泛的适应性等优势,它为远程监控、远程数据采集提供了一种可行的技术手段。本文利用GSM网络短消息和拨号数据通信两大功能,实现了对滑坡体的实时监测。该无线数据通信系统可以应用于其它远程监控等中小流量数据通信系统中。  相似文献   

基于GPRS网络的远程数据采集系统及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了GPRS技术在远程数据采集中的应用现状,针对实时数据采集传输的需要,设计和实现了基于GPRS网络的远程数据采集传输系统.该系统利用GPRS的Intemet接入功能,使用RS-232接口读取外部数据.硬件系统选用Rabbit2000微处理器和PIML-900/1800 GPRS模块,构建了实时性强、可靠性高的应用系统.该系统已经应用到油田远程数据监测系统中,运行稳定,效果良好.  相似文献   

系统利用GSM网络的短消息业务设计一种汽车远程控制防盗报警系统,并且以GSM网络作为远程信号的传输平台,详细描述了系统的软硬件设计.硬件设计主要有单片机控制系统电路、传感器的选型、GSM通讯模块接口等;软件设计包括系统软件整体流程、数据采集流程和GSM通讯流程等.  相似文献   

通过结合嵌入式系统和GPRS技术,以水文数据的远程采集及传送为设计背景,设计了一个水文数据监测系统,提出了一种在嵌入式系统下利用GPRS网络进行远程数据采集及传送的新方法,并对系统的硬件设计和软件设计进行了介绍.  相似文献   

针对集中供热网络中运行参数的远程监测问题,提出了基于GSM的热网远程监测系统主站系统的总体设计方案,介绍了主站系统硬件和软件设计并设计了具体的以PC机为平台的主站系统.利用GSM短消息方式实现热网系统远程遥测和遥控的数据传递和命令传达,会使整个系统较好地解决了低投入和高效率之间的矛盾.通过热网工程实际应用说明,这种通讯方式不受系统地理条件的限制,在数据传递过程中能够确保传输的快捷性和数据的可靠性.  相似文献   

提出一种融合Ad hoc网络、GPRS/GSM和PSTN的远程分布式环境状况实时监测系统设计方案。由IEEE 802.15.4标准组建的Ad hoc无线传感器网络负责监测环境温湿度、光照度、煤气及CO浓度等;采用GPRS/GSM模块和嵌入式Modem构造无线网关,实现Ad hoc网络与GPRS/GSM和PSTN的无缝连接,将无线传感器网络采集的数据发送到手机或远端计算机。系统具有小、远和散的特点,可实现多点分布、中央管理、多层报警和远程监测。  相似文献   

基于蓝牙技术和GSM网络的医疗监护系统设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了一种新型便携式医疗监护系统,以MSP430系列单片机作为微控制器,利用蓝牙技术和GSM网络实现远程无线监控,以替代传统的有线通信方式.并对蓝牙技术及GSM网络进行了阐述.该监护系统能够实时监测人体心电信号、呼吸、血压、脉搏和体温等生理参数,是一种适用于社区医疗和面向家庭的新型监护系统,实现了监护仪的便携性、低成本和网络化.  相似文献   

配电变压器参数的GPRS网络远程监测系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
主要介绍一种基于GSM网络的GPRS网络通信技术实现的变压器负荷监测系统,通过GPRS网络实现变压器参数的远程监测。该系统具有建网方便、无需布线和几乎不受区域限制,一次性投资少,日常运行费用低等特点。  相似文献   

基于GSM的温湿度环境参数远程无线监测系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
设计了一种基于GSM的温湿度环境参数远程无线监测系统.该系统通过温湿度传感器采集数据后在MSP430单片机内部处理,并控制GSM模块进行无线数据传输,阐述了用Delphi 7.0实现了数据分析处理的软件设计.通过对采集的数据进行曲线分析,数据采集精度控制在5%以内,稳定性好.  相似文献   

The use of the life history calendar (LHC) or the event history calendar as tools for collecting retrospective data has received increasing attention in many fields of social science and medicine. However, little research has examined the use of this method with web-based surveys. In this study, we adapted this method to an on-line setting to collect information about young adults' life histories, sexual behaviors, and substance use. We hypothesized that the LHC method would help respondents to date sensitive and non-sensitive events more precisely than when using a conventional questionnaire. We conducted an experimental design study comparing university students' responses to an on-line LHC and a conventional on-line question list. A test-retest design in which the respondents completed the survey again two weeks later was also applied to test the precision and reliability of the participants' dating of events. The results showed that whereas the numbers of sensitive and non-sensitive events were generally similar for the two on-line questionnaires, the responses obtained with the LHC were more consistent across the two administrations. Analyses of the respondents' on-line behavior while completing the LHC confirmed that respondents used the LHC's graphic interface to correct and reedit previous answers, thus decreasing data errors.  相似文献   

为了更好地解决工业系统中上住机数据采集过程中出现的一些问题,本文通过对一个机台监测系统数据采集过程的分析,提出了一种基于串口通讯的数据处理方法,增强了数据采集的容错性和可靠性。该方法已在系统中得到了应用。  相似文献   

生物发酵过程菌体浓度在线检测系统的设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用发酵液在无线电频率范围内的电容率是测量频率与菌体浓度的函数,提出了一种实时在线检测发酵过程菌体浓度的新方法,设计了检测传感器和自动检测系统,并且实验验证了该检测方法及检测系统的可行性。  相似文献   

In order to find better strategies for tobacco control, it is often critical to know the transitional probabilities among various stages of tobacco use. Traditionally, such probabilities are estimated by analyzing data from longitudinal surveys that are often time-consuming and expensive to conduct. Since cross-sectional surveys are much easier to conduct, it will be much more practical and useful to estimate transitional probabilities from cross-sectional survey data if possible. However, no previous research has attempted to do this. In this paper, we propose a method to estimate transitional probabilities from cross-sectional survey data. The method is novel and is based on a discrete event system framework. In particular, we introduce state probabilities and transitional probabilities to conventional discrete event system models. We derive various equations that can be used to estimate the transitional probabilities. We test the method using cross-sectional data of the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The estimated transitional probabilities can be used in predicting the future smoking behavior for decision-making, planning and evaluation of various tobacco control programs. The method also allows a sensitivity analysis that can be used to find the most effective way of tobacco control. Since there are much more cross-sectional survey data in existence than longitudinal ones, the impact of this new method is expected to be significant.  相似文献   

一种机器视觉异纤高速清除系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
棉花中的异性纤维比重小,但危害大,针对目前棉花异纤检测中存在效率低、稳定性差等问题,提出了一种改进的Canny检测算子和一种基于区域生长的三基色阈值检测算法,开发了一种基于机器视觉的棉花异纤高速清除系统。系统采用FPGA加DSP构建高速图像采集处理卡进行异纤检测运算,使用双层照明结构和PLC在线监控模式,实验证明了算法在异纤检测中的有效性和先进性,提高了异纤检测速度和检测精度,具有更高的运行稳定性。  相似文献   

安瓿瓶在线检测系统采用新一代ARM Cortex—M3处理器作为图像处理核心,CPLD和两片SRAM形成乒乓缓存结构,为高速图像采集提供数据缓冲,通过USB将数据上传到上位机,并给出了最终处理结果。经过试验检测,表明该系统性能稳定,易于维护,价格低廉,性价比较高,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

为了解决旋转叶片鸟撞时动态应变测量困难的问题,提出一种基于在线检测和高速暂存的测量方法。通过实时在线检测,将鸟撞发生时全过程的应变量采集并高速存储在非易失性存储器中。重点设计多通道动态应变测量系统,包括检测存储单元和地面辅助装置,满足精度、速率要求,实现在线检测、高速存储和无线数据传输等功能。试验表明,系统具有较高的测量精度,能实时检测到鸟撞发生,最快以6通道200 kHz的速率采集和存储,并利用无线数据传输,满足旋转叶片鸟撞动态应变测量要求。  相似文献   

董希林 《自动化仪表》2005,26(11):33-34
提出了机械内磨削加工中在线检测的方案,给出了相应的测量电路并进行了分析;讨论了检测系统非线性校正的方法;实验结果证明检测装置具有实际应用性。  相似文献   

一种IC芯片管脚焊接缺陷频域检测算法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对PCB中IC芯片的管脚焊接的在线检测问题,提出一种IC芯片管脚图像的定位、分割和焊接缺陷的频域检测算法及其实现技术。理论分析和实验结果表明,这种算法对PCB中IC芯片的管脚焊接缺陷检测的识别正确率高,误检率小,具有很好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Timeliness is a critical issue in preventing the spread of emerging/notifiable infectious diseases, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) or avian influenza (bird flu). Current computerized surveillance systems in many countries have demonstrated their usefulness in detecting specified communicable-diseases. However, the off-line, daily or weekly data reporting mode induces a time lag in data collection, transmission, processing, and responses. This paper proposes an on-line real-time mechanism, named EDICTS, for emerging/notifiable infectious diseases control, tracking and surveillance. It is based on the on-line health IC card system and works at the registration process of primary care practices and emergency departments. Hence, should a disease defined by CDC (Center for disease control) be detected at the registration station, EDICTS responds in real time. Note that EDICTS is a mechanism; it is CDC that determines the policy and activates it. A prototype is designed and implemented on a simulated environment of the Taiwan's national health insurance IC card system. The proposed policy and rules are defined according to the CDC regulations. Timely, sensitive and cost-effective, EDICTS complements the existing successive level of CDC reporting system as a fast-response control channel.  相似文献   

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