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数据流分类已成为当前研究热点之一,如何解决其中的概念漂移和噪声是关键问题,为此提出了一种新的基 于分类器相似性的动态集成算法。由于数据流中相部数据具有相同概念的概率较大,因此用最新基分类器代表数据 流中即将出现的概念,同时基于此分类器求出基分类器之间的相似性作为权值进行加权多数投票,并根据相似性大小 淘汰较弱基分类器以适应概念漂移和噪声。在标准仿真数据集上进行了仿真实验,结果表明该算法相比其他集成方 法在抗噪性能和分类准确性方面均得到显著提高。  相似文献   

基于子空间集成的概念漂移数据流分类算法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
具有概念漂移的复杂结构数据流分类问题已成为数据挖掘领域研究的热点之一。提出了一种新颖的子空间分类算法,并采用层次结构将其构成集成分类器用于解决带概念漂移的数据流的分类问题。在将数据流划分为数据块后,在每个数据块上利用子空间分类算法建立若干个底层分类器,然后由这几个底层分类器组成集成分类模型的基分类器。同时,引入数理统计中的参数估计方法检测概念漂移,动态调整模型。实验结果表明:该子空间集成算法不但能够提高分类模型对复杂类别结构数据流的分类精度,而且还能够快速适应概念漂移的情况。  相似文献   

钱琳  秦亮曦 《计算机工程》2012,38(5):62-63,69
传统分类器系综数据流分类算法内存消耗高、计算开销大。针对该问题,提出一种按需系综分类算法。根据数据流的特点,按需动态调整分类器的个数和权值,从而保持较高分类精度、降低开销。通过对2种人工数据流的实验分析表明,该算法对隐含概念漂移的数据流分类效率及精度都有一定提升,内存开销有所降低。  相似文献   

徐树良  王俊红 《计算机科学》2016,43(12):173-178
数据流挖掘已经成为数据挖掘领域一个热门的研究方向,由于数据流中概念漂移现象的存在,使得传统的分类算法无法直接应用于数据流中。为了能有效地应对数据流中的概念漂移,提出了一种基于Kappa系数的数据流分类算法。该算法采用集成式分类技术,以Kappa系数度量系统的分类性能,根据Kappa系数来动态地调整分类器,当发生概念漂移时,系统能利用已有的知识很快删除不符合要求的分类器来适应新概念。实验结果表明,相对于实验中参与比较的BWE,AE和AWE算法,该算法不但具有较好的分类性能,而且在一定程度上能较为有效地降低时间开销。  相似文献   

数据流中的不平衡问题会严重影响算法的分类性能,其中概念漂移更是流数据挖掘研究领域的一个难点问题。为了提高此类问题下的分类性能,提出了一种新的基于Hellinger距离的不平衡漂移数据流Boosting分类BCA-HD算法。该算法创新性地采用实例级和分类器级的权重组合方式来动态更新分类器,以适应概念漂移的发生,在底层采用集成算法SMOTEBoost作为基分类器,该分类器内部使用重采样技术处理数据的不平衡。在16个突变型和渐变型的数据集上将所提算法与9种不同算法进行比较,实验结果表明,所提算法的G-mean和AUC的平均值和平均排名均为第1名。因此,该算法能更好地适应概念漂移和不平衡现象的同时发生,有助于提高分类性能。  相似文献   

李燕  张玉红  胡学钢 《计算机科学》2010,37(12):138-142
具有概念漂移的含噪数据流的分类问题成为数据流挖掘领域研究的热点之一。提出了一种基于C4. 5和Naive I3ayes混合模型的数据流分类算法CDSMM。它以C4.5作为基分类器,采用朴素贝叶斯分类器过滤噪音,同时引入假设检验中的u检验方法检测概念漂移,动态更新模型。实验结果表明,CDSMM算法在处理带有噪音的概念漂移数据流时具有比同类算法更好的分类正确率。  相似文献   

袁泉  郭江帆 《计算机应用》2018,38(6):1591-1595
针对数据流中概念漂移和噪声问题,提出一种新型的增量式学习的数据流集成分类算法。首先,引入噪声过滤机制过滤噪声;然后,引入假设检验方法对概念漂移进行检测,以增量式C4.5决策树为基分类器构建加权集成模型;最后,实现增量式学习实例并随之动态更新分类模型。实验结果表明,该集成分类器对概念漂移的检测精度达到95%~97%,对数据流抗噪性保持在90%以上。该算法分类精度较高,且在检测概念漂移的准确性和抗噪性方面有较好的表现。  相似文献   

大部分数据流分类算法解决了数据流无限长度和概念漂移这两个问题。但是,这些算法需要人工专家将全部实例都标记好作为训练集来训练分类器,这在数据流高速到达并需要快速分类的环境中是不现实的,因为标记实例需要时间和成本。此时,如果采用监督学习的方法来训练分类器,由于标记数据稀少将得到一个弱分类器。提出一种基于主动学习的数据流分类算法,该算法通过选择全部实例中的一小部分来人工标记,其中这小部分实例是分类置信度较低的样本,从而可以极大地减少需要人工标记的实例数量。实验结果表明,该算法可以在数据流存在概念漂移情况下,使用较少的标记数据对数据流训练出分类器,并且分类效果良好。  相似文献   

面向高速数据流的集成分类器算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李南  郭躬德 《计算机应用》2012,32(3):629-633
数据流挖掘要求算法在占用少量内存空间的前提下快速地处理数据并且自适应概念漂移,据此提出一种面向高速数据流的集成分类器算法。该算法将原始数据流沿着时间轴划分为若干数据块后,在各个数据块上计算所有类别的中心点和对应的子空间;此后将各个数据块上每个类别的中心点和对应的子空间集成作为分类模型,并利用统计理论的相关知识检测概念漂移,动态地调整模型。实验结果表明,该方法能够在自适应数据流概念漂移的前提下对数据流进行快速的分类,并得到较好的分类效果。  相似文献   

现有概念漂移处理算法在检测到概念漂移发生后,通常需要在新到概念上重新训练分类器,同时“遗忘”以往训练的分类器。在概念漂移发生初期,由于能够获取到的属于新到概念的样本较少,导致新建的分类器在短时间内无法得到充分训练,分类性能通常较差。进一步,现有的基于在线迁移学习的数据流分类算法仅能使用单个分类器的知识辅助新到概念进行学习,在历史概念与新到概念相似性较差时,分类模型的分类准确率不理想。针对以上问题,文中提出一种能够利用多个历史分类器知识的数据流分类算法——CMOL。CMOL算法采取分类器权重动态调节机制,根据分类器的权重对分类器池进行更新,使得分类器池能够尽可能地包含更多的概念。实验表明,相较于其他相关算法,CMOL算法能够在概念漂移发生时更快地适应新到概念,显示出更高的分类准确率。  相似文献   

一种基于双层窗口的概念漂移数据流分类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数据流中概念漂移问题的研究已成为近年来流数据挖掘领域的研究热点之一. 已有的研究工作多依据单窗口中错误率的变化来检测概念漂移,难以适应不同类型的漂移. 为此, 本文提出一种新的基于双层窗口机制的数据流分类算法(Double-windows-based classification algorithm for concept drifting data streams, DWCDS),该算法采用随机决策树模型构建集成分类器, 利用双层窗口机制周期性地检测滑动窗口中流数据分布的变化,并动态地更新模型以适应概念漂移. 分析与实验结果表明: 该算法可以快速有效地跟踪检测含噪数据流中的概念漂移,且抗噪性能与分类精度显著提高.  相似文献   

本文重点研究了数据流挖掘中存在概念漂移情形的连续属性处理算法。数据流是一种增量、在线、实时的数据模型。VFDT是数据流挖掘中数据呈稳态分布情形下最成功的算法之一;CVFDT是有效解决数据流挖掘中概念漂移问题的算法之一。基于CVFDT,本文提出了有效地解决数据流挖掘中存在概念漂移情形的连续属性处理问题的扩展哈希表算法HashCVFDT。该算法在属性值插入、查找和删除时具有哈希表的快速性,而在选取每个连续属性的最优化划分节点时解决了哈希表不能有序输出的缺点。  相似文献   

It is challenging to use traditional data mining techniques to deal with real-time data stream classifications. Existing mining classifiers need to be updated frequently to adapt to the changes in data streams. To address this issue, in this paper we propose an adaptive ensemble approach for classification and novel class detection in concept drifting data streams. The proposed approach uses traditional mining classifiers and updates the ensemble model automatically so that it represents the most recent concepts in data streams. For novel class detection we consider the idea that data points belonging to the same class should be closer to each other and should be far apart from the data points belonging to other classes. If a data point is well separated from the existing data clusters, it is identified as a novel class instance. We tested the performance of this proposed stream classification model against that of existing mining algorithms using real benchmark datasets from UCI (University of California, Irvine) machine learning repository. The experimental results prove that our approach shows great flexibility and robustness in novel class detection in concept drifting and outperforms traditional classification models in challenging real-life data stream applications.  相似文献   

为构建更加有效的隐含概念漂移数据流分类器,依据不同数据特征对分类关键程度不同的理论,提出基于特征漂移的数据流集成分类方法(ECFD)。首先,给出了特征漂移的概念及其与概念漂移的关系;然后,利用互信息理论提出一种适合数据流的无监督特征选择技术(UFF),从而析取关键特征子集以检测特征漂移;最后,选用具有概念漂移处理能力的基础分类算法,在关键特征子集上建立异构集成分类器,该方法展示了一种隐含概念漂移高维数据流分类的新思路。大量实验结果显示,尤其在高维数据流中,该方法在精度、运行速度及可扩展性方面都有较好的表现。  相似文献   

Recent research shows that rule based models perform well while classifying large data sets such as data streams with concept drifts. A genetic algorithm is a strong rule based classification algorithm which is used only for mining static small data sets. If the genetic algorithm can be made scalable and adaptable by reducing its I/O intensity, it will become an efficient and effective tool for mining large data sets like data streams. In this paper a scalable and adaptable online genetic algorithm is proposed to mine classification rules for the data streams with concept drifts. Since the data streams are generated continuously in a rapid rate, the proposed method does not use a fixed static data set for fitness calculation. Instead, it extracts a small snapshot of the training example from the current part of data stream whenever data is required for the fitness calculation. The proposed method also builds rules for all the classes separately in a parallel independent iterative manner. This makes the proposed method scalable to the data streams and also adaptable to the concept drifts that occur in the data stream in a fast and more natural way without storing the whole stream or a part of the stream in a compressed form as done by the other rule based algorithms. The results of the proposed method are comparable with the other standard methods which are used for mining the data streams.  相似文献   

对数据流分类分析的常用方法是集成学习。为了得到更好的分类效果,给出一种基于堆叠集成的数据流分类分析方法。该方法通过构造一个分类器对基分类器进行集成。实验结果表明,与基于投票或加权投票的集成方法相比,基于堆叠集成方法对概念漂移的快速适应能力以及预测准确率得到了提高。  相似文献   

Concept drift constitutes a challenging problem for the machine learning and data mining community that frequently appears in real world stream classification problems. It is usually defined as the unforeseeable concept change of the target variable in a prediction task. In this paper, we focus on the problem of recurring contexts, a special sub-type of concept drift, that has not yet met the proper attention from the research community. In the case of recurring contexts, concepts may re-appear in future and thus older classification models might be beneficial for future classifications. We propose a general framework for classifying data streams by exploiting stream clustering in order to dynamically build and update an ensemble of incremental classifiers. To achieve this, a transformation function that maps batches of examples into a new conceptual representation model is proposed. The clustering algorithm is then applied in order to group batches of examples into concepts and identify recurring contexts. The ensemble is produced by creating and maintaining an incremental classifier for every concept discovered in the data stream. An experimental study is performed using (a) two new real-world concept drifting datasets from the email domain, (b) an instantiation of the proposed framework and (c) five methods for dealing with drifting concepts. Results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed representation and the suitability of the concept-specific classifiers for problems with recurring contexts.  相似文献   

提出了一种称为ICEA(incremental classification ensemble algorithm)的数据流挖掘算法.它利用集成分类器综合技术,实现了数据流中概念漂移的增量式检测和挖掘.实验结果表明,ICEA在处理数据流的快速概念漂移上表现出很高的精确度和较好的时间效率.  相似文献   

Traditional approaches for text data stream classification usually require the manual labeling of a number of documents, which is an expensive and time consuming process. In this paper, to overcome this limitation, we propose to classify text streams by keywords without labeled documents so as to reduce the burden of labeling manually. We build our base text classifiers with the help of keywords and unlabeled documents to classify text streams, and utilize classifier ensemble algorithms to cope with concept drifting in text data streams. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can build good classifiers by keywords without manual labeling, and when the ensemble based algorithm is used, the concept drift in the streams can be well detected and adapted, which performs better than the single window algorithm.  相似文献   

Mining data streams has become an important and challenging task for a wide range of applications. In these scenarios, data tend to arrive in multiple, rapid and time-varying streams, thus constraining data mining algorithms to look at data only once. Maintaining an accurate model, e.g. a classifier, while the stream goes by requires a smart way of keeping track of the data already passed away. Such a synthetic structure has to serve two purposes: distilling the most of information out of past data and allowing a fast reaction to concept drifting, i.e. to the change of the data trend that necessarily affects the model. The paper outlines novel data structures and algorithms to tackle the above problem, when the model mined out of the data is a classifier. The introduced model and the overall ensemble architecture are presented in details, even considering how the approach can be extended for treating numerical attributes. A large part of the paper discusses the experiments and the comparisons with several existing systems. The comparisons show that the performance of our system in general, and in particular with respect to the reaction to concept drifting, is at the top level.  相似文献   

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