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张艳萃 《网友世界》2013,(14):116-116,120
隐喻是文化教学的重要构成部分,学习文化的过程与学习该文化的隐喻思维能力不可分割。英语文化教学中可通过对英汉隐喻现象的对比、挖掘差异,揭示语言与文化的关系、透视文化、加深对文化的理解和把握,有助于增长学生的文化知识、培养学生的文化意识。  相似文献   

杨蓉 《网友世界》2014,(15):329-330
英语语言学习是一个非常复杂的过程,不同的学生对英语的学习也有着不一样的态度。动机被视为影响学习者学好英语的关键因素。具有正确的学习动机的学习者在学习上能够取得不错的成绩,同时会增强学习者学好外语的自信心。本文从学习策略、自身情感、人格认知以及教师教学方法等分别分析学习者的学习动机和学习效果以及影响学生学习动机的多方因素,总结出学生学习英语的普遍动机及影响正确动机的主要因素,分析动机与学习成效的相关情况。  相似文献   

隐喻自动处理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
隐喻在人类语言中普遍存在,是自然语言理解必须面对的问题。该文首先探讨了对隐喻的认识及语言中隐喻表达的分类。把隐喻自动处理分为隐喻识别、隐喻理解和隐喻生成三个子任务,对以往的研究成果进行梳理,着重介绍近几年来隐喻自动处理研究的新成果、新特点。隐喻自动处理离不开隐喻知识库的支持,文章也介绍了国内外隐喻知识库建设的主要成果。隐喻自动处理的目的是为了提高自然语言处理的智能化水平,文章探讨了隐喻处理在自然语言处理任务中的应用。最后展望了汉语隐喻自动处理研究的前景。  相似文献   

在隐喻理解中,隐喻字面语义表示是隐喻深层语义表示的前提;确切地说,隐喻字面语义表示语言作为隐喻计算的输入语言直接影响到隐喻的最终释义,因此隐喻字面语义表示对隐喻的机器理解有着重要的影响作用。但在国内学术界,还鲜有这方面的研究。鉴于此,该文结合汉语隐喻特点,从隐喻字面语义表示的角度出发,将汉语隐喻分为无嵌套隐喻和嵌套隐喻两种。并在分析隐喻字面语义(浅层语义信息和隐喻信息)的基础上,提出了隐喻角色依存表示语言作为隐喻字面表示语言,最后给出隐喻角色依存表示语言生成算法。实验表明,该方法引入到汉语隐喻解释机制中是富有成效的。  相似文献   

语言是交际工具.英语是学习科学知识.获取世界各方面信息与国际交往的重要交际丁具.语言的运用能力反映出学习者对所学语言所代表文化的了解程度及自身文化程度高低的具体表现形式.通过对交际中错误现象的分析,可以证明语言教学中文化因素的重要性.同时,也可以证明中西方文化有生存环境、生活习俗、宗教信仰、英语词语运用等方面的差异.除此之外,文化足一种复杂的、多层次的,涉及到知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗,也包括自然环境和生存的外部条件.因此,增加学生对文化概念的广泛理解和掌握.并通过文化导入,对文化内容作必要的取舍,才能揭示英语词语的文化内涵.  相似文献   

随着素质教育的推进,英语学科的学习,不仅仅是掌握单词、语法等语言知识,更注重对语言应用能力、文化品格、思维品质等核心素养的培养,英语阅读教学,可以提升学生的阅读理解能力,拓展学生的知识面,最终形成学科核心素养。但是对于小学生来说,英语作为一门全新的语言,再加上理解能力和生活阅历有限,学习起来有一定的难度,教师可以借助思维导图法,来提升小学生的阅读理解能力。  相似文献   

英美文化背景知识的缺乏、思维方式的差异是影响中国学生英语听力理解能力提高的主要原因。本文探讨了文化背景和思维方式与听力理解的关系,指出培养学生文化背景知识和英语思维方式的重要性以及方法与途径。  相似文献   

杨晶彬 《网友世界》2014,(8):144-144
正英语语音教学往往是整个英语教学的起点,语音关是教学的第一关。对于英语学习者来说,学习英语语音往往也是学习英语的开始。在中国,英语教学是外语教学,英语学习者基本上是在人造环境下依靠人为努力才能学会英语语音。在这一基础上,我们提出以下有关英语语音教学不容忽视的几个问题,与学界共同讨论。第一,应该充分认识到英语语音学习的僵化易、纠正难的特点。语言的基本功能之一是交际,而交际的决定因素是语义,  相似文献   

英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言之一,也是世界上最广泛使用的语言。随着我国经济社会的快速发展和对外交流的日益频繁,选择能有效提高英语的工具的必要性日益彰显。本论文先说明学习英语的重要性,通过问卷调查和资料查询,分析了英语学习者选择手机词典学习英语的主客观原因,从而对手机词典如何应用在职业学校学生英语学习上做了可行性研究,最后得出手机词典对在校职高学生学习英语具有极大影响的结论。  相似文献   

通过分析中国人双语者和日本人母语者视觉认知日语汉字和句子时的ERP的差异,探讨了两组对日语词句认知的特点。研究结果表明,中日两组在认知日语汉字时没有明显的差异,而在认知日语句子时存在着显著性差异,证明了两组认知含有假名的日语句子的神经机制不同。中国人对句子的认知速度慢于日本人,困难程度大于日本人。认知日语歧义句时,出现在中国人右前头叶的激活,反映了中国人对歧义句的句法再分析与右半球也相关。通过实验结果得出,对于中国人来说,日语学习的难点不是日语汉字,而是对包含有假名的句子的认知理解。从脑科学的角度为中国人双语者提高日语学习效果提供科学的学习方法,为人工智能模拟人脑的语言处理提供脑科学依据。  相似文献   


To explore whether teaching English-language learners (ELLs) with an emphasis on English story problems is appropriate, we compared the performance of a group of Latino first graders when working in Spanish and in English on two equivalent sets of story problems. The students’ performance was slightly higher in English than in Spanish but lower than monolingual students from other studies. ELLs’ success in English indicated that the children's knowledge of conversational English was sufficient to comprehend story problems, leading us to conclude that teaching through story problems is a viable approach with ELLs.  相似文献   

Previous studies on Extensive Reading Programs (ERPs) have reached positive conclusions, namely, that an ERP for language learners is effective in improving their linguistic abilities related to reading and promoting their motivation and attitudes toward reading. Current mobile devices, even though suitable for reading, have not yet been applied to develop language learners' linguistic proficiency and affective abilities in any ERP. The aim of the present study was to address this gap in literature by investigating the effects of using mobile tablet PCs in an online ERP on adolescent English learners' online activities, reading ability and users' perceptions. Two intact classes taught by a same English teacher in a senior high school in Taiwan were recruited to participate in a ten-week online ERP. One class was assigned to the mobile group reading their assignments on their tablet PCs and the other, the PC group, reading theirs on desktop PCs. During the online ERP, each class dedicated one class period every week for in-class reading and the participants in both classes were encouraged to read as many as possible after the class period. The results favored the mobile group who not only outperformed the PC group in online activities and reading achievement but also showed greater appreciation of the online ERP than their PC counterparts. The study also proposed two directions for future studies on mobile-assisted reading. They included learners' studying textbooks and their reading strategies on mobile devices.  相似文献   

Open Educational Resources (OER) aim to provide equal access to education. Yet, as the language level used in OER presents a barrier to many learners, there is a need to make these resources more comprehensible. This study combined eye-tracking methodology and comprehension assessment to explore the effect of text simplification on English second language (L2) users, while also accounting for text organizational structure and individual predispositions. A total of 37 adult English L2 users took part in the study. They had to read either an authentic narrative, authentic expository OER or their linguistically simplified versions. The analysis showed that simplification led to better text comprehension, and text narrativity facilitated text recall, particularly at lower English proficiency levels. Eye-tracking measures revealed that text simplification led to an increase in processing time during the initial reading of the text and a decrease in processing time during text re-inspection. These findings have strong practical applications for online teaching with OER.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of English proficiency (low vs. high) and material presentation mode (single channel vs. dual channel) on English listening comprehension, cognitive load and learning attitude in a ubiquitous learning environment. An experimental learning activity was implemented using PDA as a learning tool to facilitate learning. A quasi-experimental design was employed with university students participating in the experiment. The results revealed that (a) high English proficiency learners had significantly better English listening comprehension and lower intrinsic and extraneous load than low English proficiency learners; (b) both high and low English proficiency learners learning with dual channel had significantly better English listening comprehension and held more positive attitude toward the ubiquitous learning environment than learners learning with single channel; (c) for learners learning with single channel, low English proficiency learners had significantly higher extraneous load than high English proficiency learners; and (d) for low English proficiency learners, learners who learned with dual channel possessed significantly lower extraneous load than learners who learned with single channel. The suggestions for educators and instructional designers were also discussed in the present study.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on implementing the ASR‐based CALL (computer‐assisted language learning based upon automatic speech recognition) system embedded with both formative and summative feedback approaches and using implicit and explicit strategies to enhance adult and young learners' English pronunciation. Two groups of learners including 18 adults and 16 seventh graders participated in the study. The results indicate that the formative feedback had a positive impact on improving the learners' speaking articulation, and the summative feedback aided the learners' self‐reflection and helped them to track their speaking progress. Furthermore, the implicit information such as model pronunciation with full sentences and audio recast benefitted the adult learners, whereas the young learners preferred the explicit learning information such as textual information of individual words for self‐correction. In addition, the results of this study also confirm that learners have different perceptions of the media modalities designed with implicit and explicit strategies in the feedback. Feedback with audio modality is more suitable for adults, whereas juxtaposed textual and audio modalities are better for young learners.  相似文献   

Across stages of acquisition, second language (L2) competencies are contingent on the variation among individuals learning the language, in both informal and formal learning contexts. This study investigates a group of outliers whose extreme test scores serve as a foundation to examine them as individuals. The study addresses the outliers' characteristics as good L2 readers but poor first language (L1) readers. Combining quantitative (test results, survey, and language logs) and qualitative (focus groups and interviews) data among 21 adolescents in Norway (aged 16–17 years), the study identifies dimensions of individual language use in L1 Norwegian and L2 English. Findings revealed that they explained their English proficiency by the role of interest and their extensive use of English technology and tools outside school. In‐depth analysis identified three profiles: the Gamer, who spends up to 8 hr daily playing online games while using English mainly; the Surfer, who spends hours on the Internet, searching for authentic language situations, commonly involving English; and the Social Media User, who produces and consumes information in English through social media. Additionally, the Gamers read printed novels voluntarily outside the classroom. This study offers unique perspectives and new directions for future L2 research.  相似文献   

Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) trainings are used by global industries to mitigate risks and are often provided in a lingua franca (often English). This research investigated a strategy for overcoming language barriers associated with performance, comprehension, and training effectiveness. Non-linguistic (e.g., EU's Napo animated trainings) and English language (ENG) versions of EHS training were compared for effectiveness with native English language participants (L1), non-native English language participants (L2), and non-English language participants (L0).In the 1st study, 102 L1 & L2 U.S. employees completed one of the two trainings and were assessed on their reaction to and comprehension of the training. For this study, ENG was more effective and preferred by both language groups and this may be due to the workers' English proficiency and the number of channels of communication provided by the training medium. In the 2nd study, 78 L0 Brazilian and Chinese employees completed trainings and were assessed identically to the 1st study. For these participants, Napo training was more effective and preferred by both groups and this was likely because ENG L0 trainees had no channels for processing the information versus Napo's single channel of information. Interestingly, Brazilians in the ENG group outperformed their Chinese counterparts. Conversely, Chinese in the Napo group outperformed Brazilians in the Napo group.Though these findings are somewhat intuitive, they are extremely important for two reasons: 1) there is remarkable dearth of empirical research regarding the effects of the use of lingua franca for safety training. 2) Even though the idea of using lingua franca for training with L0 workers may seem obvious, there are a large number of international companies that use this for their EHS training. The findings from this study may provide a more effective and affordable method for some of these companies’ safety training needs.  相似文献   

The fundamental objective behind the present study is to demonstrate the visible effect of Computer-Assisted Instruction upon Iranian EFL learners' reading performance, and to see if it has any impact upon this skill in the Iranian EFLeducational settings. To this end, a sample of 50 male and female EFL learners was drawn from an English language institute in Iran. After participating in a proficiency pretest, these participants were assigned into two experimental and control groups, 25 and 25, respectively. An independent sample t-test was administered to find out if there were salient differences between the findings of the two selected groups in their reading test. The key research question was to see providing learners with computer-assisted instruction during the processes of learning and instruction for learners would have an affirmative influence upon the improvement and development of their reading skill. The results pinpointed computer-assisted instruction users' performance was meaningfully higher than that of nonusers (DF = 48, P < 05). The consequences revealed that computer-assisted language learning and computer technology application have resulted in a greater promotion of students' reading improvement. In other words, computer-assisted instruction users outperformed the nonusers. The research, therefore, highlights the conclusion that EFL learners' use of computer-assisted instruction has the potential to promote more effective reading ability.  相似文献   

The effects of metaphors on learning have been proved by many studies. Learners naturally invoke metaphors when learning new concepts because metaphors stimulate them to generate models of the domain to be learned. However, little evidence has been seen of metaphors' effect on developing learners' mental models. Since metaphors function by providing familiar concepts that help learners to construct new knowledge, metaphors' effects may be more apparent to novice learners.This study explores the effects of metaphors on both novice and expert learners' performance and their mental-model development as documented by three different measurement methods. It also examines the relationship between subjects' performance and their mental models. The results indicate that metaphors may facilitate novices' construction of integrative knowledge but not simple knowledge. In addition, metaphors may possibly have lasting effects on expert learning but the effects may not be seen immediately after learning.  相似文献   

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