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在讨论现有时态XML数据模型的基础上,引入有效时间XML表示模型,进而研究含有效时间时态关系数据库到时态XML文档的映射问题.给出时态关系数据库到时态XML文档映射的一般性映射规则,重点研究时态关系数据库中一些复杂映射问题,包括类层次、联系集、弱实体集的映射转换问题.  相似文献   

XML流数据在互联网领域有着广阔的应用,海量流数据的高性能处理与查询需求的多样性给对XML流数据的查询处理技术提出了更高的要求,针对XML流数据上的XPath查询,以下推转换机(Pushdown Transducer)为基础,提出一种新的查询处理方法。该方法支持包含PC轴、AD轴同时包含多重存在谓词、值谓词和嵌套谓词的XPath查询,覆盖XPath查询的核心部分。该方法能够满足用户复杂的查询需求,同时具有较高的性能。  相似文献   

Existing encoding schemes and index structures proposed for XML query processing primarily target the containment relationship, specifically the parent–child and ancestor–descendant relationship. The presence of preceding-sibling and following-sibling location steps in the XPath specification, which is the de facto query language for XML, makes the horizontal navigation, besides the vertical navigation, among nodes of XML documents a necessity for efficient evaluation of XML queries. Our work enhances the existing range-based and prefix-based encoding schemes such that all structural relationships between XML nodes can be determined from their codes alone. Furthermore, an external-memory index structure based on the traditional B+-tree, XL+-tree(XML Location+-tree), is introduced to index element sets such that all defined location steps in the XPath language, vertical and horizontal, top-down and bottom-up, can be processed efficiently. The XL+-trees under the range or prefix encoding scheme actually share the same structure; but various search operations upon them may be slightly different as a result of the richer information provided by the prefix encoding scheme. Finally, experiments are conducted to validate the efficiency of the XL+-tree approach. We compare the query performance of XL+-tree with that of R-tree, which is capable of handling comprehensive XPath location steps and has been empirically shown to outperform other indexing approaches.  相似文献   

Dissemination of XML data on the internet could breach the privacy of data providers unless access to the disseminated XML data is carefully controlled. Recently, the methods using encryption have been proposed for such access control. However, in these methods, the performance of processing queries has not been addressed. A query processor cannot identify the contents of encrypted XML data unless the data are decrypted. This limitation incurs overhead of decrypting the parts of the XML data that would not contribute to the query result. In this paper, we propose the notion of Query-Aware Decryption for efficient processing of queries against encrypted XML data. Query-Aware Decryption allows us to decrypt only those parts that would contribute to the query result. For this purpose, we disseminate an encrypted XML index along with the encrypted XML data. This index, when decrypted, informs us where the query results are located in the encrypted XML data, thus preventing unnecessary decryption for other parts of the data. Since the size of this index is much smaller than that of the encrypted XML data, the cost of decrypting this index is negligible compared with that for unnecessary decryption of the data itself. The experimental results show that our method improves the performance of query processing by up to six times compared with those of existing methods. Finally, we formally prove that dissemination of the encrypted XML index does not compromise security.  相似文献   

XML is an ordered data model and XQuery expressions return results that have a well-defined order. However, little work on how order is supported in XML query processing has been done to date. In this paper we study the issues related to handling order in the XML context, namely challenges imposed by the XML data model, the variety of order requirements of the XQuery language, and the need to maintain order in the presence of updates to the XML data. We propose an efficient solution that addresses all these issues. Our solution is based on a key encoding for XML nodes that serves as node identity and at the same time encodes order. We design rules for encoding order of processed XML nodes based on the XML algebraic query execution model and the node key encoding. These rules do not require any actual sorting for intermediate results during execution. Our approach enables efficient order-sensitive incremental view maintenance as it makes most XML algebra operators distributive with respect to bag union. We prove the correctness of our order encoding approach. Our approach is implemented and integrated with Rainbow, an XML data management system developed at WPI. We have tested the efficiency of our approach using queries that have different order requirements. We have also measured the relative cost of different components related to our order solution in different types of queries. In general the overhead of maintaining order in our approach is very small relative to the query processing time.  相似文献   

XML path summaries are compact structures representing all the simple parent-child paths of an XML document. Such paths have also been used in many works as a basis for partitioning the document’s content in a persistent store, under the form of path indices or path tables. We revisit the notions of path summaries and path-driven storage model in the context of current-day XML databases. This context is characterized by complex queries, typically expressed in an XQuery subset, and by the presence of efficient encoding techniques such as structural node identifiers. We review a path summary’s many uses for query optimization, and given them a common basis, namely relevant paths. We discuss summary-based tree pattern minimization and present some efficient summary-based minimization heuristics. We consider relevant path computation and provide a time- and memory-efficient computation algorithm. We combine the principle of path partitioning with the presence of structural identifiers in a simple path-partitioned storage model, which allows for selective data access and efficient query plans. This model improves the efficiency of twig query processing up to two orders of magnitude over the similar tag-partitioned indexing model. We have implemented the path-partitioned storage model and path summaries in the XQueC compressed database prototype [8]. We present an experimental evaluation of a path summary’s practical feasibility and of tree pattern matching in a path-partitioned store.  相似文献   

Recently, access control on XML data has become an important research topic. Previous research on access control mechanisms for XML data has focused on increasing the efficiency of access control itself, but has not addressed the issue of integrating access control with query processing. In this paper, we propose an efficient access control mechanism tightly integrated with query processing for XML databases. We present the novel concept of the dynamic predicate (DP), which represents a dynamically constructed condition during query execution. A DP is derived from instance-level authorizations and constrains accessibility of the elements. The DP allows us to effectively integrate authorization checking into the query plan so that unauthorized elements are excluded in the process of query execution. Experimental results show that the proposed access control mechanism improves query processing time significantly over the state-of-the-art access control mechanisms. We conclude that the DP is highly effective in efficiently checking instance-level authorizations in databases with hierarchical structures.  相似文献   

高效查询的XML编码方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在XML数据查询中,结构连接操作占用了大量时间。针对这个问题,提出一种高效查询的编码方案—LSEQ编码。它将节点路径信息进行分解,避免记录路径的重复信息,减小了编码长度;同时支持节点祖先后代关系,父子关系和兄弟关系的表示。LSEQ编码通过记录非叶节点的路径,在节点查询中避免了结构连接操作,提高了查询效率。实验表明LSEQ编码提高了空间利用率,在查询速度上具有出良好的性能。  相似文献   

Recursive queries are quite important in the context of XML databases. In addition, several recent papers have investigated a relational approach to store XML data and there is growing evidence that schema-conscious approaches are a better option than schema-oblivious techniques as far as query performance is concerned. However, the issue of recursive XML queries for such approaches has not been dealt with satisfactorily. In this paper we argue that it is possible to design a schema-oblivious approach that outperforms schema-conscious approaches for certain types of recursive queries. To that end, we propose a novel schema-oblivious approach, called Sucxent++ (Schema Unconcious XML Enabled System), that outperforms existing schema-oblivious approaches such as XParent by up to 15 times and schema-conscious approaches (Shared-Inlining) by up to eight times for recursive query execution. Our approach has up to two times smaller storage requirements compared to existing schema-oblivious approaches and 10% less than schema-conscious techniques. In addition Sucxent++ performs marginally better than Shared-Inlining and is 5.7–47 times faster than XParent as far as insertion time is concerned.  相似文献   

A distributed XML document is an XML document that spans several machines. We assume that a distribution design of the document tree is given, consisting of an XML kernel-documentT[f1,…,fn] where some leaves are “docking points” for external resources providing XML subtrees (f1,…,fn, standing, e.g., for Web services or peers at remote locations). The top-down design problem consists in, given a type (a schema document that may vary from a DTD to a tree automaton) for the distributed document, “propagating” locally this type into a collection of types, that we call typing, while preserving desirable properties. We also consider the bottom-up design which consists in, given a type for each external resource, exhibiting a global type that is enforced by the local types, again with natural desirable properties. In the article, we lay out the fundamentals of a theory of distributed XML design, analyze problems concerning typing issues in this setting, and study their complexity.  相似文献   

本文研究如何有效地查询基于"单属性表示时态信息"的XML文档的时态信息操作,并选择XML功能较为强大的查询语言XQuery进行时态查询扩展.文中先计论如何解决时态数据库中特殊元素now的语义失真的问题,然后对XQuery进行双时态扩展,最后给出扩展后的查询实例.  相似文献   

董东  马丽  苏国斌 《计算机工程与设计》2005,26(8):2092-2096,2099
XML已经成为数据表示和交换的数据格式标准。随着大量XML文档的出现,应用数据库技术实现对XML数据的管理引起了越来越多研究者的兴趣。作为研究XML数据库技术的一个开始点,通过与关系数据库比较,可以深刻理解XML数据库与关系数据库的异同,进而为解决XML数据库所面临的问题,如为数据冗余控制、并发访问控制等提供必要的基础。两种数据库的比较是从数据模型、查询路径、完整性约束和规范化5个方面进行的,由于数据模型是数据库的基石,二者的数据模型从构造机制、名字的惟一性、空值、实体标识、实体问关系、文档顺序、数据结构的规则性、递归、数据自描述性等9个方面进行了详细讨论。  相似文献   

可扩展标志语言在实现信息标准化、信息的交流与共享上有其独特的技术优势,可以更容易地保留已有系统并且同新的系统集成.但由于XML是种半结构化的文档,不能直接和传统的关系型数据库进行数据交换.先介绍XML的相关概念,通过案例介绍基于客户端的利用Microsoft SQL Server 2000几种主要的XML支持,将关系数据映射到XML中,从而实现了SQL Server2000和XML之间的数据转换.  相似文献   

XML作为Web上新的数据发布语言,将成为web下一代"数据表达"和"数据交换"的统一标准.然而XML文档很少是静止的,它经常会被修改.引入"时态表达"后,时态XML文档能够记录一系列的修改痕迹以及数据的变化过程.本文提出了将双时态XML数据模型映射到双时态XML文档的四种映射方法,最后通过实验对比了这些映射方法及其适用场合.  相似文献   

XML data can be represented by a tree or graph structure and XML query processing requires the information of structural relationships among nodes. The basic structural relationships are parent-child and ancestor-descendant, and finding all occurrences of these basic structural relationships in an XML data is clearly a core operation in XML query processing. Several node labeling schemes have been suggested to support the determination of ancestor-descendant or parent-child structural relationships simply by comparing the labels of nodes. However, the previous node labeling schemes have some disadvantages, such as a large number of nodes that need to be relabeled in the case of an insertion of XML data, huge space requirements for node labels, and inefficient processing of structural joins. In this paper, we propose the nested tree structure that eliminates the disadvantages and takes advantage of the previous node labeling schemes. The nested tree structure makes it possible to use the dynamic interval-based labeling scheme, which supports XML data updates with almost no node relabeling as well as efficient structural join processing. Experimental results show that our approach is efficient in handling updates with the interval-based labeling scheme and also significantly improves the performance of the structural join processing compared with recent methods.  相似文献   

We introduce a new methodology for coupling language-induced partitions and index  -induced partitions on XML documents that is aimed for the benefit of efficient evaluation of XPath queries. In particular, we identify XPath fragments which are ideally coupled with the newly introduced P(k)P(k)-partition which has its definition grounded in the well-known A(k)A(k) structural index and its associated partition. We then utilize these couplings to investigate fundamental questions about the use of structural indexes in XPath query evaluation.  相似文献   

XML作为互联网上数据表示和交换的标准正在飞速发展,利用RDBMS来存储与检索XML文档是发展的一个趋势.文章提出了一种新的基于路径存储与检索XML文档的方法XNode,采用了前缀加序号的编码策略,并且给出了具体实现方法及实验结果.结果表明该方法的效率高,适用范围广.  相似文献   

Storing and retrieving time-related information are important, or even critical, tasks on many areas of computer science (CS) and in particular for artificial intelligence (AI). The expressive power of temporal databases/query languages has been studied from different perspectives, but the kind of temporal information they are able to store and retrieve is not always conveniently addressed. Here we assess a number of temporal query languages with respect to the modelling of time intervals, interval relationships and states, which can be thought of as the building blocks to represent and reason about a large and important class of historic information. To survey the facilities and issues which are particular to certain temporal query languages not only gives an idea about how useful they can be in particular contexts, but also gives an interesting insight in how these issues are, in many cases, ultimately inherent to the database paradigm. While in the area of AI declarative languages are usually the preferred choice, other areas of CS heavily rely on the extended relational paradigm. This paper, then, will be concerned with the representation of historic information in two well known temporal query languages: Templog in the context of temporal deductive databases, and TSQL2 in the context of temporal relational databases. We hope the results highlighted here will increase cross-fertilisation between different communities. This article can be related to recent publications drawing the attention towards the different approaches followed by the Databases and AI communities when using time-related concepts.  相似文献   

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