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带宽保证环境下TCP算法改进及其模型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于差分服务模型的带宽保证服务已经得到较多的应用,这类通过分组标记和丢弃算法实现的非刚性带宽保证具有实现简单、扩展性强的特点。但是,由于端系统的TCP协议对合约带宽信息的不感知,使得应用难以获得网络提供的带宽保证。在分析了双窗口TCP拥塞控制算法的基础上,提出了基于合约窗口的拥塞控制算法,并对算法进行了测试和建模分析。该算法简单、易于实现。并且在网络突发拥塞时,收敛速度快,不影响网络的稳定性。  相似文献   

提出了一种实现VPN吞吐率保证的方法,这种方法基于对流量层次速率编码,通过速率加权可以和拥塞控制服务合并在一起来实现VPN吞吐率保证。而且支持多级的服务质量划分和有效的性能保证。  相似文献   

胡晗 《计算机应用》2011,31(10):2657-2659
针对无线环境下TCP错误调用拥塞控制算法致使性能下降的情况,提出一种基于误码丢包率监测的无线TCP改进方法。利用显式拥塞通知的路由器配合区分分组丢失性质,在数据发送端采用实时误码丢包率监测,并根据监测结果调整TCP段尺寸。仿真结果表明,改进后的TCP吞吐量在误码率为1E-4时超过TCP_SACK和TCP_Reno近1倍。  相似文献   

讨论了TCP拥塞控制技术,分析网络拥塞出现的原因和在TCP层抑制拥塞的策略、方法,提出进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

文章研究了TCP传输流量模型,分析了Padhye在丢失率较高的情况下与实际情况有一定差异的原因,并在Padhye模型的基础上,考虑了TCP慢启动的影响,提出了改进的Padhye模型。理论分析和实验结果表明,在网络拥挤的情况下,改进的Padhye模型更接近TCP传输的实际情况。  相似文献   

无线应用中TCP拥塞裁决技术的分析与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐昌彪 《计算机工程》2001,27(4):98-100
概述了TCP拥塞控制的基本原理,详细分析和研究了无线应用中各TCP拥塞裁决技术,给出了各拥塞裁决技术所对应的拥塞控制机制。根据对网络拥塞的裁决,实现了有的放矢地调用TCP拥塞控制,从而提高了TCP在无线应用中的性能。该文所做的工作为进一步研究无线应用中提高TCP性能提供了良好的参考。  相似文献   

基于TCPWestwood的一种TCP增强算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭华  邓亚平 《计算机应用》2006,26(B06):221-223
TCP Westwood在慢启动和线性递增部分依然采用传统Reno的盲目递增的机制,导致发送端较为频繁的重传。在TCP Westwood和TCP Vegas的基础上提出一种TCP增强算法,可以明显减少分组重传,提高有效吞吐量,更有效地利用瓶颈带宽。并通过网络仿真工具NS2验证了其在吞吐量、丢失率等方面的增强性能。  相似文献   

唐旭  周学海  丛自龙  赵军 《计算机仿真》2009,26(11):117-121
网络吞吐率是评价网络性能的一个重要指标,吞吐率的测量对于端到端的服务质量保证、流量工程等网管业务显得尤为重要.在研究NEPM模型的基础上,提出了一种新的测量HLTM模型,并在模型的基础上给出了吞吐率测量算法.在吞吐率测量软件设计中采用二分插值法控制数据发送速率,利用多线程技术实现了吞吐率测量系统.实验结果显示随着数据包大小的增加,吞吐率也会逐渐增大并趋于平缓,结果证明了方法及软件设计的正确性.  相似文献   

潘矜矜  杨小劲 《福建电脑》2006,(8):66-66,49
本文通过对几种拥塞控制机制进行比较.对拥塞控制的研究方向作了一个初步的探讨。  相似文献   

对TCP流量自相似的原因进行了分析。用ON/OFF模型解释了TCP拥塞控制机制导致自相似现象的原因,并在NS2仿真实验的基础上比较了自相似性与丢包率、负载强度的关系。仿真结果表明丢包率大小对TCP流自相似程度有着直接影响。  相似文献   

最近的研究表明,在当前网络未启用SACK选项的TCP流中,有超过一半的数据流采用TCP NewReno的快速恢复算法.而Padhye提出的基于TCP Reno的TCP吞吐量分析模型,不能准确反映TCP NewReno数据流的吞吐量.Padhye模型在建立过程中采用猝发性丢包模型,同时忽略了快速恢复阶段和超时后的慢启动阶段,影响了预测的准确性.基于此,提出了一种基于TCP NewReno 的吞吐量分析模型.在分析过程中,采用了更符合真实网络丢包特征的丢包模型,并且充分考虑了快速恢复阶段和超时后的慢启动阶段对吞吐量的影响.仿真实验表明,该模型可以准确地预测TCP NewReno数据流的吞吐量.  相似文献   

在充分研究Padhye模型的基础上,利用Gilbert模型从另外一个角度计算了TCP吞吐量原理公式,计算结果与原有Padhye模型完全一致.同时定性分析了Padhye模型中各主要参数在丢包率较大时的误差情况,以及造成的Padhye模型在高网络负载下与实际结果的误差情况.基于这种状况,我们提出了一种分段的精确Padhye模型(Ex-Padhye模型),试验结果表明,Ex-Padhye模型在丢失指示率较高的情况下仍能够较好的与精确值相拟合,在精确度上比Padhye模型有了很大的改善。  相似文献   

Towards More Complete Models of TCP Latency and Throughput   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recently, several researchers have developed equations for modeling TCP behaviors, such as the expected throughput or latency, based on Markov chains derived from TCP with additional simplifying assumptions. In this paper, we suggest new directions for Markov chain analyses of TCP. Our first contribution is to closely examine not just the expectation but the entire cumulative distribution function of transfer times under various models. Particularly for short or medium transfers, the distribution is likely to be more useful than the expectation in terms of measuring end-user satisfaction. We find that the shapes of TCP cumulative distribution functions are remarkably robust to small changes in the model. Our results suggest that simplifying Markov analyses can be extended to yield approximations for the entire distribution as well as for the expectation.Our second contribution is to consider correction procedures to enhance these models. A correction procedure is a rule of thumb that allows equations from one model to be used in other situations. As an example, several analyses use a Drop-Tail loss model. We determine correction procedures for the deviation between this model and other natural loss models based on simulations. The existence of a simple correction procedure in this instance suggests that the high-level behavior of TCP is robust against changes in the loss model.  相似文献   

The transport control protocol (TCP) has been widely used in wired and wireless Intemet applications such as FTP, email and HTTP. Numerous congestion avoidance algorithms have been proposed to improve the performance of TCP in various scenarios, especially for high speed and wireless networks. Although different algorithms may achieve different performance improvements under different network conditions, designing a congestion algorithm that can perform well across a wide spectrum of network conditions remains a great challenge. Delay-based TCP has a potential to overcome above challenges. However, the unfairness problem of delay-based TCP with TCP Reno blocks widely the deployment of delay-based TCP over wide area networks. In this paper, we proposed a novel delay-based congestion control algorithm, named FAST-FIT, which could perform gracefully in both ultra high speed networks and wide area networks, as well as keep graceful faimess with widely deployed TCP Reno hosts. FAST-FIT uses queuing delay as a primary input for controlling TCP congestion window. Packet loss is used as a secondary signal to adaptively adjust parameters of primary control process. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the performance of the algorithm is significantly improved as compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms, while maintaining good faimess.  相似文献   

王柯元  姜鑫  贾林鹏  段田田  孙毅 《软件学报》2023,34(9):4294-4309
并行化是区块链扩容方案中最有效的一类方案,现有的并行化方案可根据网络架构分为星型架构与平行架构两类,但是当前的研究工作中,缺少对于星型分片架构方案的性能边界及性能瓶颈影响因素的分析.因此,针对不同的星型分片架构方案抽象出了一种通用的区块链星型分片架构,并对该通用架构中的交易过程进行了量化建模,得到了区块链通量与分片数量的关系,建立了星型分片架构的通量模型.根据建立的星型分片架构通量模型,可以发现星型架构的通量性能存在上限,存在一个最优的分片数量使得系统的通量达到最高,且通量的最大值与主链功能复杂度存在明确的函数关系.基于所提的通量模型,相关的区块链系统可以结合自身方案的设计,平衡分片数量与主链功能复杂度,使得系统通量达到理论上限,因此对于星型并行化方案设计具有重要指导意义.  相似文献   

The transport control protocol (TCP) has been widely used in wired and wireless Internet applications such as FTP, email and http. Numerous congestion avoidance algorithms have been proposed to improve the performance of TCP in various scenarios, especially for high speed and wireless networks. Although different algorithms may achieve different performance improvements under different network conditions, designing a congestion algorithm that can perform well across a wide spectrum of network conditions remains a great challenge. Delay-based TCP has a potential to overcome above challenges. However, the unfairness problem of delay-based TCP with TCP Reno blocks widely the deployment of delay-based TCP over wide area networks. In this paper, we proposed a novel delay-based congestion control algorithm, named FAST-FIT, which could perform gracefully in both ultra high speed networks and wide area networks, as well as keep graceful fairness with widely deployed TCP Reno hosts. FAST-FIT uses queuing delay as a primary input for controlling TCP congestion window. Packet loss is used as a secondary signal to adaptively adjust parameters of primary control process. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the performance of the algorithm is significantly improved as compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms, while maintaining good fairness.  相似文献   

介绍了传输控制协议(TCP)的拥塞控制技术。分析了三种典型TCP控制算法,在ns仿真环境下对这三种TCP控制算法进行了仿真,并分析总结了三种算法的优缺点。  相似文献   

基于比例因子的TCP慢启动策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
现有TCP慢启动机制中拥塞窗口的指数增长,会导致在慢启动后期一个窗口中出现多个包丢失的现象。提出了一种基于比例的慢启动改进算法一CS Slow_Start。谊算法实现了从慢启动到拥塞避免的平滑过渡,减少了在一个窗口中出现多个包丢失的现象。试验表明,新算法能明显减少丢包数和数据突发量,提高了网络的稳定性。  相似文献   

基于双重AIMD的TCP拥塞控制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
简要地介绍了AIMD(a,b)算法,提出了一种基于双重AIMD的TCP拥塞控制机制(简称D_AIMD).D-AIMD仍基于AIMD(a,b)算法,但在一个连接的通信过程中a,b并不惟一.其基本思想是将较大a,b下的拥塞控制机制用于系统稳态,将较小a,b下的拥塞控制机制用于系统稳态.理论分析和仿真验证表明,D_AIMD具有如下特点:①实现简单,系统额外开销小;②系统哲态时,应用能快速地使用网络中的有用资源,网络拥塞程度加重时,又能快速减轻网络拥塞;③系统稳态时,数据发送速率波动性小,提高了资源利用率;④可以与TCP之间实现网络资源的公平竞争.  相似文献   

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