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朱健  卢秉亮  王盛明  甄雷 《微处理机》2008,29(1):100-103
Internet的电子邮件服务系统采用SMTP、POP、IMAP等应用协议。文章以SMTP协议为研究对象,在Visual C 6.0编程环境下应用SMTP协议,通过套接字发送SMTP命令,接收并处理邮件服务器的反馈信息,从而在客户端实现对电子邮件的发送。文章详细讨论了SMTP协议的命令、应答、会话流程、邮件格式化的实现以及在发送SMTP和接收SMTP之间的会话及应答过程。软件采用面向对象,消息驱动及多线程等新技术实现系统中的功能。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种功能扩展的电子邮件服务集成应用技术,对电子邮件服务进行功能扩展;当邮件接收方在线时,邮件就不通过服务器而直接传递;当接收方不在线时,邮件发往邮件服务器保存,接收方上线时再从服务器上获取邮件,本文用Delphi5.0实现了用于局域网中消息/邮件的发送接收系统。  相似文献   

一、如何创建多个邮件帐号 可以将Outlook Express设置成从多个帐号接收邮件。这一用途对于有多个电子邮件帐号的用户,特别是现在有许多提供商都提供免费的电子邮件业务的情况下特别有用。比如你申请了188.net的免费电子邮件帐户,在线配置好POP3邮箱地址后,在本地机上选择【工具】菜单中的【帐号】选项,选中【邮件】标签,按  相似文献   

杜蕴杰 《电脑》1994,(12):20-22
3+网络系统用户终端的电子邮件方式具有接收和发送两种操作方式,接收方式只要在进入电子邮件的邮箱服务状态后,按一次接收功能键F8即能完成邮件的接收功能,但接收到的邮件必须利用归档功能键F5进行逐个归档,操作起来比较繁琐;发送操作前必须进行主件(邮件头)起草过程之后,再按完成功能键F10和发送邮件功能键F6后方能进行邮件的发送操作.由于我们每天都要进行发送电子邮件操作,在每次发送前都进行相同的起草工作(邮件的文件扩展名相同),这种繁琐的重复工作量即浪费时间又影响发送操作效率.本人经实践提供两种在3COM网络电子邮件服务方式下,实现自动完成发送操作功能的有效方法,现将这两种方法的实现具体过程介绍如下.  相似文献   

本文介绍了利用OutlookExpress对多个免费邮箱的电子邮件进行接收和发送的方法,解决了利用IE窗口从显示的邮箱网页中收发邮件时出现的浪费时间和费用的问题。并介绍了多用户使用OutlookExpress时,对不同邮件进行自动分捡及多用户之间互不干扰的方法。  相似文献   

介绍了MIME邮件的标准和规范,研究了邮件的组成、结构,以及在Internet环境下MIME邮件的发送/接收原理.采用适应性较强的Base64编码方式,并利用相应的加密/解密算法,实现了一个邮件的自动发送/接收系统.该系统可用于无人值守场合,以及办公自动化领域.  相似文献   

本文介绍了利用Outlook Express对多个免费邮箱的电子邮件进行接收和发送的方法,解决了利用IE窗口从显示的邮箱网页中收发邮件时出现的浪费时间和费用的问题。并介绍了多用户使用Oudook Express时,对不同邮件进行自动分捡及多用户之间五不干扰的方法。  相似文献   

对于使用POP3和SMTP邮件服务器收发电子邮件的用户,可以在Win 95下用“超级终端”直接登录到邮件服务器,以对话方式发送和阅读自己的电子邮件。事实上电子邮件客户端程序本身就基于Telnet方式,可自动与邮件服务器对话,进行邮件发送和阅读邮件。 1.发送电子邮件 SMPT邮件发送服务器对应的端口一般为110,可以用Telnet 110命令注册到SMPT服务器,为用户使用的邮件服务器主机名。注册成功后,用以下命令编辑和发送邮件:  相似文献   

本文所讲述的是一种在PDM中使用的基于局域网(Local-AreaNetwork,简称LAN)的企业级邮件管理系统,该邮件管理系统是基于客户机/服务器体系结构(Client/ServerArchitecture,简称C/S)开发的,而客户/服务器之间的通信是基于TCP/IP协议进行的。在此基础上,还探讨了该邮件管理系统的工作条件和支持邮件发送的两个重要协议——SMTP协议和POP协议,其中SMTP协议负责邮件的发送,POP协议负责邮件的接收。最后讲述的是邮件数据接收和发送的关键-邮件服务器的设置。  相似文献   

千帆 《电脑》1999,(3):44-45
由于提供免费电子信箱服务的站点越来越多,不少上网的朋友都有了几个POP3邮件帐号.像大多数邮件程序一样,OE也支持多个帐号,并能为各个帐号提供独立的信箱.善于使用多帐号,可给电子邮件的管理带来极大的方便.现在来看看,在OE中,如何实现这些功能.  相似文献   

PPPoE技术使得已有的以太网能方便地实现宽带接入和计费功能,但Windows操作系统内置的PPPoE及ISP只支持用户单帐号登录,用户即使登录多个宽带帐号,再开启系统的宽带共享功能,也只能共享一个帐号的带宽。为解决这一问题,使用户能够在多帐号的状态下实现高速数据传输,在PPPoE的基础上,设计并实现了一个可以汇聚多个帐号带宽的NAT系统。实验结果表明,运行该系统时,用户登录帐号越多,链路带宽越大,实现了汇聚多帐号带宽的功能,为用户和ISP实现高速接入提供了另外一种途径。  相似文献   

A new technique for managing and disseminating Web-based email prefetches messages and generates dynamic pages, displaying them at the network edge. Compared to other popular Web-based email servers, the prefetching and caching emails (PACE) prototype shows an improved performance with respect to user-perceived latency. Additionally, PACE'S centralized neural-network-based personalized spam filter will filter spam and viruses at the server's origin, thus saving bandwidth. Another major concern for users is the email accounts being clogged with spam. Spam filters can be classified as server-side or client-side. Server-side filters are integrated with email servers and filter out spam at the server end.  相似文献   

Email correspondents play an important role in many people’s social networks. Finding email correspondents in social networks accurately, though may seem to be straightforward at a first glance, is challenging. Most of the existing online social networking sites recommend possible matches by comparing the information of email accounts and social network profiles, such as display names and email addresses. However, as shown empirically in this paper, such methods may not be effective in practice. To the best of our knowledge, this problem has not been carefully and thoroughly addressed in research. In this paper, we systematically investigate the problem and develop a practical data mining approach. We find that using only the profiles or the graph structures is far from effective. Our method utilizes the similarity between email accounts and social network user profiles, and at the same time explores the similarity between the email communication network and the social network under investigation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method using two real data sets on emails and Facebook.  相似文献   

Users of social media sites can use more than one account. These identities have pseudo anonymous properties, and as such some users abuse multiple accounts to perform undesirable actions, such as posting false or misleading remarks comments that praise or defame the work of others. The detection of multiple user accounts that are controlled by an individual or organization is important. Herein, we define the problem as sockpuppet gang (SPG) detection. First, we analyze user sentiment orientation to topics based on emotional phrases extracted from their posted comments. Then we evaluate the similarity between sentiment orientations of user account pairs, and build a similar-orientation network (SON) where each vertex represents a user account on a social media site. In an SON, an edge exists only if the two user accounts have similar sentiment orientations to most topics. The boundary between detected SPGs may be indistinct, thus by analyzing account posting behavior features we propose a multiple random walk method to iteratively remeasure the weight of each edge. Finally, we adopt multiple community detection algorithms to detect SPGs in the network. User accounts in the same SPG are considered to be controlled by the same individual or organization. In our experiments on real world datasets, our method shows better performance than other contemporary methods.  相似文献   

首先介绍了ICETEK-DM642-PCI板的结构特点以及电子邮件实现的基本原理和相关协议,然后详细阐述了基于TITMS320642芯片的嵌入式电子邮件客户端的软件设计与实现,最后通过实验证明通过使用多线程的模块结构,该系统能够实现基于DM642评估板的电子邮件客户端开发,用户可以根据需要接收和发送电子邮件,并能在显示终端上显示结果.而且该系统代码量仅有2.4M,因此无论是从性能还是在代码效率上都能较好的满足日常电子邮件的收发需求.  相似文献   

面向用户的综合网络计费系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该计费系统的设计目标是为了计算并收取园区网络中用户的各种网络费用。它支持对IP流量、拨号流量、E-MAIL流量的统一计费,根据流量的不同类型采取不同的计费价格,并支持对用户收取其他各种费用,如服务费、保修费、月租费等。对于既有IP地址,又有拨号帐号、EMAIL帐号的用户,系统可以对用户的各种费用统一计算、统一管理。用户的交费既可以采取“先使用后交费’的方式,也可以采取“先交费后使用”方式。  相似文献   

Many kinds of information are hidden in email data, such as the information being exchanged, the time of exchange, and the user IDs participating in the exchange. Analyzing the email data can reveal valuable information about the social networks of a single user or multiple users, the topics being discussed, and so on. In this paper, we describe a novel approach for temporally analyzing the communication patterns embedded in email data based on time series segmentation. The approach computes egocentric communication patterns of a single user, as well as sociocentric communication patterns involving multiple users. Time series segmentation is used to uncover patterns that may span multiple time points and to study how these patterns change over time. To find egocentric patterns, the email communication of a user is represented as an item-set time series. An optimal segmentation of the item-set time series is constructed, from which patterns are extracted. To find sociocentric patterns, the email data is represented as an item-setgroup time series. Patterns involving multiple users are then extracted from an optimal segmentation of the item-setgroup time series. The proposed approach is applied to the Enron email data set, which produced very promising results.  相似文献   


The rise of regulatory oversight and privacy concerns, the exponential growth in the amount of email, the lack of email discipline by employees, and the ubiquity of email as a primary communications mechanism have created new risks for companies and businesses of every size. It is not only the disgruntled worker you should be worried about—it is likely your star performers who are unknowingly placing your company at risk while just trying to do their jobs. They are emailing data to their personal accounts and/or to customers or partners, all in the clear and often without anyone knowing until it is too late to stop the security or ethical breach.  相似文献   

为了从大量的电子邮件中检测垃圾邮件,提出了一个基于Hadoop平台的电子邮件分类方法。不同于传统的基于内容的垃圾邮件检测,通过在Map Reduce框架上统计分析邮件收发记录,提取邮件账号的行为特征。然后使用Map Reduce框架并行的实现随机森林分类器,并基于带有行为特征的样本训练分类器和分类邮件。实验结果表明,基于Hadoop平台的电子邮件分类方法大大提高了大规模电子邮件的分类效率。  相似文献   

根据时间客户账户分为流动期和冻结期,在流动期内客户可进行账户查询、修改口令、取现、转账、冻结账户、退出管理全功能操作。在冻结期客户只能进行除取现和转账之外的半功能操作。如果账户处于流动期,客户可通过银行提供的客户账户管理终端设备随时将自己的账户转入冻结状态。如果客户希望自己的账户在t时处于活动状态,客户必须在t-T时之前通过银行客户服务终端将自己的账户解冻。  相似文献   

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