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洪中  唐依珠 《计算机工程》2008,34(22):124-126
通过对现有流调度算法的研究,在NSTF算法基础上引入量化思想,提出一种新的多节目调度算法QNSTF。该算法以量化后的下次调度时间作为调度依据,使系统在效率和公平性之间取得较好的折中。仿真实验表明,QNSTF能减少用户平均等待时间,保持较低的用户请求撤销率与不公平性,同时向用户提供可靠的服务时间保证,提高了VoD系统的服务性能。  相似文献   

齐芳  贾维嘉  鲍丰  吴永东  王国军 《软件学报》2007,18(6):1522-1530
TLS(transport layer security)协议的基本设计目标是为两个通信实体之间提供数据的保密性和完整性.由于在传输层安全握手协议中最耗费计算资源的步骤是服务器RSA解密运算,优化的批处理的RSA方法提出可以用于加速TLS会话的初始化.首先指出了以前的批处理方法由于要求多证书实现而实用性不强.然后提出了单一证书策略的方法,从而克服了这一问题.还提出结合用户对于因特网服务质量的要求优化了批处理参数.为了选择优化的批处理的参数,不仅考虑了服务器的性能,而且还考虑了客户可容忍的等待时间.通过分析并在阐述平均排队时间、批处理服务时间和系统稳定性的基础上提出了一种新颖的优化批处理调度算法,已部署在服务器上.最后通过分析和模拟两种方法验证了所提出方案的实用性和有效性.  相似文献   

一个视频点播系统需要有大容量的存储空间和高速的输入/输出带宽,在视频点播的高峰时期,经常会出现系统资源供不应求的情况,这就需要有一种策略来决定如何管理用户请求,以及以什么样的顺序为用户提供服务,文中提出了一个新的入口控制算法:WMQL(Weighted Maximal Queue Length)调度,在选择要发送的视频段时,不仅考虑了视频的请求队列长度,还考虑了用户的请求等待时间。接着又提出了一个改进的调度方案:AWMQL(Advanced WMQL)调度,这种调度策略允许用户进行预约,而且尽量在用户的等待容忍度范围内满足用户请求,最后,进行了模拟试验,结果表明,AWMQL调度算法可以有效地增加系统的吞量,同时实现了较好的公平性。  相似文献   

郑翔  唐依珠 《福建电脑》2006,(10):90-91
提出一介视频点播(VOD)系统流调度算法。在周期补丁流调度算法的基础上,利用分组和批处理理论,有效减少补丁流的数量。并采用门限算法,在一定程度上减少了因分组带来的增大平均用户等待时间的缺陷。根据节目的流行度,动态调整组播周期的大小。通过仿真实验,结果表明,利用该算法进行视频流调度效果良好,提高了VOD的服务性能。  相似文献   

服务器通道调度技术是解决大规模流媒体点播应用系统资源瓶颈问题的有效途径。它的基本思想是通过让用户尽可能共享同一个数据流来提高系统资源的利用率。本文综述了媒体点播系统中通道调度方案的研究现状,分析了一些典型方案的设计思想和方法,指出目前通道调度方案研究中的不足,并对今后该领域需要进一步研究的问题进行展望  相似文献   

一种新的基于流合并的调度策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王浩  钟玉琢 《计算机学报》2001,24(3):225-230
分析了Patching调度策略的特点,指出Patching流满足了70%左右的用户请求而只消耗8%左右的系统资源。以此为依据,提出了PatchingFirst连续媒体播放调度策略,并基于该策略设计了MPQL和MFPQ通道分配算法。试验结果表明,与MQL算法比较,这两种算法可以明显地缩短用户等待时间、减少用户请求撤消率、降低调度的不公平性。通过试验结果分析,证明了Patching First策略增强了Patching流合并调度算法的优势,是一种非常有效的连续媒体播放通道调度策略。  相似文献   

抗时延敏感性跨层自适应资源分配方案*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了对抗多用户OFDM系统中用户实时业务对时延的敏感性,提出一种利用Hopfield神经网络(HNN)算法的跨层自适应资源分配方案。该方案设置用户调度优先级时同时考虑物理层的信道状态信息,及媒体接入层的用户队列状态信息和等待时间等;采用HNN算法,最大化系统容量的同时降低了平均时延和丢包率。仿真结果表明,相比于传统资源分配方案,该方案可以有效保障用户的服务质量,并提高了系统的整体性能。  相似文献   

直播流媒体系统能够为网络用户提供丰富的直播电视节目,是发展最快的网络应用之一。然而,普遍存在的启动时延大、播放不流畅等问题,严重制约直播流媒体系统服务质量的改善。从资源分配与调度的角度,给出了直播流媒体系统资源的调度原则,提出一种基于服务器资源的应急调度方案,提高网络资源的利用率和节目的体验质量。试验结果表明,服务应急保障机制可以显著降低直播流媒体系统的启动时延,并减少丢包率。  相似文献   

批处理是一种简单有效的流媒体调度机制。对于同一网络延迟,有些用户可以接受,有些用户则无法接受,调度时应区别对待。本文提出了一种基于忍耐度的批调度算法,考虑用户忍耐度不同,合理延迟用户请求,等待更多的用户请求到达,以便在下一次批处理时启动一个组播流来服务更多的用户,但不至于延迟过度,发生用户食言,从而提高资源有效利用率。仿真结果表明该算法能有效降低用户食言率。  相似文献   

王琦  高铭 《计算机应用与软件》2023,(12):284-289+304
针对当前空间众包任务分配中存在用户等待时间长和工人位置隐私保护度低的问题,提出一种面向位置隐私保护的空间众包任务分配方法。利用虚拟生成算法为众包工人提供一个虚拟位置,并发送到空间众包服务器中;为了提高任务分配效率,设计一种基于ε-贪婪算法的自适应批处理机制;根据动态批量大小,采用最大分数分配策略来解决众包平台中动态任务分配问题。该方法不仅减少了工人行进距离和保护了工人的隐私信息,还最大程度地降低了任务等待时间,提升了用户体验。  相似文献   

由于视频点播(VOD)系统打破了以往传统影音服务的局限,可以给用户提供更多的主动性和交互性,因此近年来得到了广泛关注和应用。但在视频点播(VOD)系统中,当媒体服务器处于过载状态时,服务质量和性能都会下降。本文采用Markov决策过程(MDP)中的bias优化方法研究了VOD系统在最优平均性能下的过载问题,使用bias优化算法可在平均性能最优策略集中找到使服务器处于过载状态的稳态概率最小的策略。该策略能够使服务器在长期运行平均服务请求数达到最大的同时,处于过载状态的稳态概率最小。最后,通过一个仿真实例,说明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose and study a dynamic approach to schedule real-time requests in a video-on-demand (VOD) server. Providing quality of service in such servers requires uninterrupted and on-time retrieval of motion video data. VOD services and multimedia applications further require access to the storage devices to be shared among multiple concurrent streams. Most of the previous VOD scheduling approaches use limited run-time,0 information and thus cannot exploit the potential capacity of the system fully. Our approach improves throughput by making use of run-time information to relax admission control. It maintains excellent quality of service under varying playout rates by observing deadlines and by reallocating resources to guarantee continuous service. It also reduces start-up latency by beginning service as soon as it is detected that deadlines of all real-time requests will be met. We establish safe conditions for greedy admission, dynamic control of disk read sizes, fast initial service, and sporadic services. We conduct thorough simulations over a wide range of buffer capacities, load settings, and over varying playout rates to demonstrate the significant improvements in quality of service, throughput and start-up latency of our approach relative to a static approach.  相似文献   

交互式VOD视频源非线性智能分段算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨灿  卢正鼎 《计算机学报》2003,26(11):1532-1537
为了实现视频点播系统的交互性功能,经典的方法是将视频源均匀分割存储,以实现其有限的交互性.从VOD系统的实际出发,该文提出了非线性智能分段方法NLSM它的核心思想是在一段时间内对一定步长范围内VCR交互性操作的到达情况进行统计求和,计算系统总体时频总面积,并按信道数目将各时间段与VCR发生频率的乘积把总面积均匀等分,从而实现视频源在时间轴上的非线性分割.针对均匀的周期性广播分段方法ESM方案进行比较仿真研究,获得了用户VCR请求的响应等待时间的理想结果和最佳的用户等待时间标准偏差、系统拒绝概率和信道吞吐量等方面的优良性能.NLSM算法对历史信息进行数据挖掘,揭示用户对视频节目内容感兴趣程度的潜在分布规律,具有良好的自适应能力和学习智能.算法性能分析和仿真实验的结果说明该方法在实际应用中是可行且高效的.  相似文献   

For Video-On-Demand (VOD) systems, it is important to provide Quality of Service (QoS) to more clients under limited resources. In this paper, the performance scalability in cluster-based VOD servers is studied with several grouping configurations of cluster nodes. To find performance bottlenecks, the monitoring functions are employed and the maximum QoS streams are measured under the various requests including VCR functions. To support more user friendly interface, an embedded set-top model is suggested for the QoS of TV clients. From our detailed experiment results, a new admission control method is proposed that is based on available system resources and the actual amount of resource consumed for QoS streams. The proposed method provides not only more scalable QoS in cluster-based VOD servers but also the enhancement of resource utilization by guaranteeing the maximum number of QoS streams.  相似文献   

In the past, much emphasis has been given to the data throughput of VOD servers. In Interactive Video-on-Demand (IVOD) applications, such as digital libraries, service availability and response times are more visible to the user than the underlying data throughput. Data throughput is a measure of how efficiently resources are utilized. Higher throughput may be achieved at the expense of deteriorated user-perceived performance metrics such as probability of admission and queuing delay prior to admission. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a number of strategies to sequence the admission of pending video requests. Under different request arrival rates and buffer capacities, we measure the probability of admission, queueing delay and data throughput of each strategy. Results of our experiments show that simple hybrid strategies can improve the number of admitted requests and reduce the queuing time, without jeopardizing the data throughput. The techniques we propose are independent of the underlying disk scheduling techniques used. So, they can be employed to improve the user-perceived performance of VOD servers, in general.  相似文献   

网络化缓存是命名数据网络实现对信息的高效获取,有效降低互联网骨干网络流量的关键技术.网络化缓存将缓存作为普适的功能添加到每个网络节点.用户需要获取信息时,缓存有该内容的任意网络节点(例如路由器)接收到用户请求后都可直接向用户返回相应内容,提升用户请求响应效率.然而,命名数据网络采用泛在缓存使得内容发布者到用户的传输路径上的各节点对内容进行重复并无差别缓存,造成数据冗余、内容缓存无差别对待问题.为此,提出一种基于内容类型的隔跳概率缓存机制.首先根据业务特征(例如时延要求、带宽占用)将内容划分为4种类型:动态类、实时类、大数据类、以及小数据类;其次构造隔跳待定缓存策略,将数据存储在非连续的传输节点上,从空间上减少冗余缓存;最后针对不同内容提供差异化缓存服务:无缓存、网络边缘概率缓存、网络次边缘概率缓存、以及网络核心概率缓存策略,从而进一步降低冗余数据,同时提高用户获取内容的效率.实验结果表明,该机制能够减少冗余缓存,降低用户请求内容时延.  相似文献   

The Price of Selfish Routing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We study the problem of routing traffic through a congested network. We focus on the simplest caseof a network consisting of m parallel links. We assume a collection of n network users; each user employs a mixed strategy, which is a probability distribution over links, to control the shipping of its own assigned traffic. Given a capacity for each link specifying the rate at which the link processes traffic, the objective is to route traffic so that the maximum (over all links) latency is minimized. We consider both uniform and arbitrary link capacities. How much decrease in global performace is necessary due to the absence of some central authority to regulate network traffic and implement an optimal assignment of traffic to links? We investigate this fundamental question in the context of Nash equilibria for such a system, where each network user selfishly routes its traffic only on those links available to it that minimize its expected latency cost, given the network congestion caused by the other users. We use the Coordination Ratio, originally defined by Koutsoupias and Papadimitriou, as a measure of the cost of lack of coordination among the users; roughly speaking, the Coordination Ratio is the ratio of the expectation of the maximum (over all links) latency in the worst possible Nash equilibrium, over the least possible maximum latency had global regulation been available. Our chief instrument is a set of combinatorial Minimum Expected Latency Cost Equations, one per user, that characterize the Nash equilibria of this system. These are linear equations in the minimum expected latency costs, involving the user traffics, the link capacities, and the routing pattern determined by the mixed strategies. In turn, we solve these equations in the case of fully mixed strategies, where each user assigns its traffic with a strictly positive probability to every link, to derive the firstexistence and uniqueness results for fully mixed Nash equilibria in this setting. Through a thorough analysisand characterization of fully mixed Nash equilibria, we obtain tight upper bounds of no worse than O(ln n/ln ln n) on the Coordination Ratio for (i) the case of uniform capacities and arbitrary traffics and (ii) the case of arbitrary capacities and identical traffics.  相似文献   

In a video-on-demand (VOD) environment, batching requests for the same video to share a common video stream can lead to significant improvement in throughput. Using the wait tolerance characteristic that is commonly observed in viewers behavior, we introduce a new paradigm for scheduling in VOD systems. We propose and analyze two classes of scheduling schemes: the Max_Batch and Min_Idle schemes that provide two alternative ways for using a given stream capacity for effective batching. In making a video selection, the proposed schemes take into consideration the next stream completion time, as well as the viewer wait tolerance. We compared the proposed schemes with the two previously studied schemes: (1) first-come-first-served (FCFS) that schedules the video with the longest waiting request and (2) the maximum queue length (MQL) scheme that selects the video with the maximum number of waiting requests. We show through simulations that the proposed schemes substantially outperform FCFS and MQL in reducing the viewer turn-away probability, while maintaining a small average response time. In terms of system resources, we show that, by exploiting the viewers wait tolerance, the proposed schemes can significantly reduce the server capacity required for achieving a given level of throughput and turn-away probability as compared to the FCFS and MQL. Furthermore, our study shows that an aggressive use of the viewer wait tolerance for batching may not yield the best strategy, and that other factors, such as the resulting response time, fairness, and loss of viewers, should be taken into account.  相似文献   

A large-scale, distributed video-on-demand (VOD) system allows geographically dispersed residential and business users to access video services, such as movies and other multimedia programs or documents on demand from video servers on a high-speed network. In this paper, we first demonstrate through analysis and simulation the need for a hierarchical architecture for the VOD distribution network.We then assume a hierarchical architecture, which fits the existing tree topology used in today's cable TV (CATV) hybrid fiber/coaxial (HFC) distribution networks. We develop a model for the video program placement, configuration, and performance evaluation of such systems. Our approach takes into account the user behavior, the fact that the user requests are transmitted over a shared channel before reaching the video server containing the requested program, the fact that the input/output (I/O) capacity of the video servers is the costlier resource, and finally the communication cost. In addition, our model employs batching of user requests at the video servers. We study the effect of batching on the performance of the video servers and on the quality of service (QoS) delivered to the user, and we contribute dynamic batching policies which improve server utilization, user QoS, and lower the servers' cost. The evaluation is based on an extensive analytical and simulation study.  相似文献   

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