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袁春  陈意云 《计算机学报》2000,23(8):877-881
针对一个基于共享变量的带有进程创建的命令式语言,用变迁系统描述了它的结构操作语义,并用扩展的状态变迁迹模型定义了它的指称语义,在该模型下,状态变迁被区分为两种不同形式,分别表示发生在原进程和被创建进程中的状态变迁,这样便可以定义适当的语义复合运算,在对命令的指称进行复合时根据变迁类型的不同对变迁迹进行串行或交错连接,恰当地反映了进程的并发运行受创建命令在程序中的相对位置的限制,最后证明了这两个语义  相似文献   

Stochastic Petri nets (SPNs) with general firing time distributions are considered. Generally timed transitions can have general execution policies: the preemption policy may be preemptive repeat different (prd) or preemptive resume (prs) and the firing time distribution can be marking-dependent. A stationary analysis method covering all possible combinations is presented by means of supplementary variables. The method is implemented in a prototype tool SPNica which is based on Mathematica. The use of the general execution policies is illustrated by a WWW server model.  相似文献   

UML活动图描述工作流模型的执行语义   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
UML是软件工程中广泛应用的建模语言,但其主要问题是缺少严格的形式化语义,因而描述的模型容易产生歧义.根据UML活动图的语法和工作流系统的特点,为UML活动图定义了一种执行语义.基于时间转变系统模型,将工作流系统的执行描述为时间转变和数据转变两个交替进行的过程.时间转变描述时间的前进,数据转变修改工作流案例的状态,这种语义比层次状态图具有更强的描述并行的能力,比Petri网和进程代数更适合描述工作流模型.  相似文献   

We consider discrete-state plants represented by controlled Petri nets (CtlPNs), where a subset of transitions can be prevented from firing by a supervisor. A transition in a CtlPN can fire at a marking if there are sufficient tokens in its input places and it is permitted to fire by the supervisor. A CtlPN is live if it is possible to fire any transition from every marking that is reachable under supervision. In this paper we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a supervisory policy that enforces liveness in CtlPNs. We show this condition cannot be tested for an arbitrary CtlPN. However, for bounded CtlPNs or CtlPNs, where each transition is individually controllable, we show the existence of a supervisory policy which enforces that liveness is decidable. We also show the existence of a supervisory policy that enforces liveness is necessary and sufficient for the existence of a minimally restrictive supervisory policy  相似文献   

提出一种弱引发规则三态加时变迁Petri网(简称WTTPN),它比现有三态加时变迁Petri网更适于建模分析冲突结构;平行于无时间约束Petri网,给出了并发意义下WTTPN的形式化描述与分析框架,据此可对其进行定性分析;证明了WTTPN与其基网系统关于活性、有界(安全)性和可逆性等价。  相似文献   

Security is an important requirement in scenarios such as mobile computing that allow users to make meaningful ad hoc collaborations. Traditional security solutions are not feasible for these scenarios due to the varying nature of the collaborations. We propose an extensible framework that takes the semantics of the collaboration into account and uses semantics driven policies for enforcing security. Our policies are rooted in semantic web languages which make them amenable to interoperability and high level reasoning. We describe our policy based network that exploits packet content semantics to secure enterprise networks and the BGP routing process.  相似文献   

混合语义时间Petri 网模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
潘理  丁志军  郭观七 《软件学报》2011,22(6):1199-1209
提出了时间Petri网的混合语义模型,通过在变迁及其非冲突变迁集的最小上界处设置强制实施点,排除冲突变迁对变迁可实施性的影响,达到既能扩大模型调度范围又可保证任务调度时限性的目的,以解决现有语义模型在调度分析上的缺陷.进一步证明了混合语义模型的图灵等价性及标识可达性问题的不可判定性,然后界定了3种语义模型的时间语言接受能力.最后提出了状态类分析方法,用于模型的可调度性分析和时间计算,并以一个柔性制造系统为例,比较和验证了3种语义模型的调度分析能力.  相似文献   

This paper gives a general coalgebraic account of temporal logics whose semantics involves a notion of computation path. Examples of such logics include the logic CTL* for transition systems and the logic PCTL for probabilistic transition systems. Our path-based temporal logics are interpreted over coalgebras of endofunctors obtained as the composition of a computation type (e.g. non-deterministic or stochastic) with a general transition type. The semantics of such logics relies on the existence of execution maps similar to the trace maps introduced by Jacobs and co-authors as part of the coalgebraic theory of finite traces (Hasuo et al., 2007 [1]). We consider finite execution maps derived from the theory of finite traces, and a new notion of maximal execution map that accounts for maximal, possibly infinite executions. The latter is needed to recover the logics CTL* and PCTL as specific path-based logics.  相似文献   

A timed semantics of Orc   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Orc is a kernel language for structured concurrent programming. Orc provides three powerful combinators that define the structure of a concurrent computation. These combinators support sequential and concurrent execution, and concurrent execution with blocking and termination.Orc is particularly well-suited for task orchestration, a form of concurrent programming with applications in workflow, business process management, and web service orchestration. Orc provides constructs to orchestrate the concurrent invocation of services while managing time-outs, priorities, and failures of services or communication.Our previous work on the semantics of Orc focused on its asynchronous behavior. The inclusion of time or the effect of delay on a computation had not been modeled. In this paper, we define an operational semantics of Orc that allows reasoning about delays, which are introduced explicitly by time-based constructs or implicitly by network delays. We develop a number of identities among Orc expressions and define an equality relation that is a congruence. We also present a denotational semantics in which the meaning of an Orc program is a set of traces, and show that the two semantics are equivalent.  相似文献   

This paper describes the Data-Driven Multithreading (DDM) model and how it may be implemented using off-the-shelf microprocessors. Data-Driven Multithreading is a nonblocking multithreading execution model that tolerates internode latency by scheduling threads for execution based on data availability. Scheduling based on data availability can be used to exploit cache management policies that reduce significantly cache misses. Such policies include firing a thread for execution only if its data is already placed in the cache. We call this cache management policy the CacheFlow policy. The core of the DDM implementation presented is a memory mapped hardware module that is attached directly to the processor's bus. This module is responsible for thread scheduling and is known as the Thread Synchronization Unit (TSU). The evaluation of DDM was performed using simulation of the Data-Driven Network of Workstations ({rm{D}}^2{rm{NOW}}). {rm{D}}^2{rm{NOW}} is a DDM implementation built out of regular workstations augmented with the TSU. The simulation was performed for nine scientific applications, seven of which belong to the SPLASH-2 suite. The results show that DDM can tolerate well both the communication and synchronization latency. Overall, for 16 and 32-node {rm{D}}^2{rm{NOW}} machines the speedup observed was 14.4 and 26.0, respectively.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于一阶逻辑的安全策略管理框架.首先,研究安全策略的语法和语义,给出将安全策略转换成扩展型逻辑程序的算法,进而构造出安全策略基本查询算法;其次,给出将安全策略复杂查询转换成基本查询的算法,进而构造出安全策略验证算法.在良基语义下,上述算法是可终止的、可靠的和完备的,且计算复杂度都是多项式级的.该框架可以在统一的良基语义下实现安全策略表达、语义查询和验证,保证安全策略验证的有效性.此外,该框架不仅兼容现有主流的安全策略语言,还能够管理具有非单调和递归等高级特性的安全策略.  相似文献   

Timing and causality in process algebra   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 There has been considerable controversy in concurrency theory between the ‘interleaving’ and ‘true concurrency’ schools. The former school advocates associating a transition system with a process which captures concurrent execution via the interleaving of occurrences; the latter adopts more complex semantic structures to avoid reducing concurrency to interleaving. In this paper we show that the two approaches are not irreconcilable. We define a timed process algebra where occurrences are associated with intervals of time, and give it a transition system semantics. This semantics has many of the advantages of the interleaving approach; the algebra admits an expansion theorem, and bisimulation semantics can be used as usual. Our transition systems, however, incorporate timing information, and this enables us to express concurrency: merely adding timing appropriately generalises transition systems to asynchronous transition systems, showing that time gives a link between true concurrency and interleaving. Moreover, we can provide a complete axiomatisation of bisimulation for our algebra; a result that is often problematic in a timed setting. Another advantage of incorporating timing information into the calculus is that it allows a particularly simple definition of action refinement; this we present. The paper concludes with a comparison of the equivalence we present with those in the literature, and an example system specification in our formalism. Received December 20, 1993/February 23, 1995  相似文献   

Task demonstration is an effective technique for developing robot motion control policies. As tasks become more complex, however, demonstration can become more difficult. In this work, we introduce an algorithm that uses corrective human feedback to build a policy able to perform a novel task, by combining simpler policies learned from demonstration. While some demonstration-based learning approaches do adapt policies with execution experience, few provide corrections within low-level motion control domains or to enable the linking of multiple of demonstrated policies. Here we introduce Feedback for Policy Scaffolding (FPS) as an algorithm that first evaluates and corrects the execution of motion primitive policies learned from demonstration. The algorithm next corrects and enables the execution of a more complex task constructed from these primitives. Key advantages of building a policy from demonstrated primitives is the potential for primitive policy reuse within multiple complex policies and the faster development of these policies, in addition to the development of complex policies for which full demonstration is difficult. Policy reuse under our algorithm is assisted by human teacher feedback, which also contributes to the improvement of policy performance. Within a simulated robot motion control domain we validate that, using FPS, a policy for a novel task is successfully built from motion primitives learned from demonstration. We show feedback to both aid and enable policy development, improving policy performance in success, speed and efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the notions of global-fairness (G-fairness) and bounded-fairness (B-fairness) for arbitrary Petri nets (PNs). G-fairness in a PN guarantees every transition occurs infinitely often in every valid firing sequence of infinite length. B-fairness guarantees a bound on the number of times a transition in the PN can fire without some transition firing at least once. These properties are guaranteed without recourse to assumptions on firing time distributions or contention resolution policies. We present a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of supervisory policies that enforce G-fairness and B-fairness along with various observations on the closure properties of policies that enforce these notions of fairness in controlled PNs with a (possibly) non-empty set of uncontrollable transitions. We also derive a necessary and sufficient condition that guarantees a minimally restrictive supervisor that enforces these notions of fairness for bounded PNs. These results are illustrated via examples.  相似文献   

基于扩展CPN的OWL-S过程语义建模及分析方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OWL-S过程语义的建模与分析是语义Web服务相关领域需要重点研究的问题。分析了目前OWL-S过程语义研究中存在的问题,提出了一种扩展的着色Petri网PM_ net(过程模型网,Process Model net)来对OWL-S的过程语义进行转化与分析。结合OWL-S过程模型元素的特点,PM_ nct对基本着色Pctri网的变迁和触发规则进行了扩展,使OWL-S的原子过程、组合过程和数据流等核心元素能够等价映射到PM net。同时说明了如何基于PM_ net对OWL-S的过程语义一致性进行分析,为OWL-S本体演化、语义Web服务组合和验证提供了合理的理论基础。  相似文献   

A proof procedure and answer extraction in a high-level Petri net model of logic programs is discussed. The logic programs are restricted to the Horn clause subset of first-order predicate logic and finite problems. The logic program is modeled by a high-level Petri net and the execution of the logic program or the answer extraction process in predicate calculus corresponds to a firing sequence which fires the goal transition in the net. For the class of the programs described above, the goal transition is potentially firable if an only if there exists a nonnegative T-invariant which includes the goal transition in its support. This is the main result proved. Three examples are given to illustrate in detail the above results  相似文献   

The process of synthesizing a supervisory policy that enforces liveness in a Petri net (PN), where each transition can be prevented from firing by an external agent, can be computationally burdensome in general. We consider PNs that have a directed cut place or a cut-transition. A place (transition) in a connected PN is said to be a cut place (cut-transition) if its removal will result in two disconnected component PNs. A cut place is said to be a directed cut-place, if in the original PN, all arcs into this cut place emanate from transitions in only one of the two disconnected component PNs. The authors show there is a supervisory policy that enforces liveness in the original PN if and only if similar policies exist for two PNs derived from the disconnected components obtained after the removal of the directed cut-place (cut-transition). The utility of this observation in alleviating the computational burden of policy synthesis is illustrated via example  相似文献   

We present a framework for performance prediction of distributed and mobile systems. We rely on process calculi and their structural operational semantics. The dynamic behaviour is described through transition systems whose transitions are labelled by encodings of their proofs that we then map into stochastic processes. We enhance related works by allowing general continuous distributions resorting to a notion of enabling between transitions. We also discuss how the number of resources available affects the overall model. Finally, we introduce a notion of bisimulation that takes stochastic information into account and prove it to be a congruence. When only exponential distributions are of interest our equivalence induces a lumpable partition on the underlying Markov process.  相似文献   

The stochastic mechanism of synchronous firing in a population of neurons is studied from the point of view of information geometry. Higher-order interactions of neurons, which cannot be reduced to pairwise correlations, are proved to exist in synchronous firing. In a neuron pool where each neuron fires stochastically, the probability distribution q(r) of the activity r, which is the fraction of firing neurons in the pool, is studied. When q(r) has a widespread distribution, in particular, when q(r) has two peaks, the neurons fire synchronously at one time and are quiescent at other times. The mechanism of generating such a probability distribution is interesting because the activity r is concentrated on its mean value when each neuron fires independently, because of the law of large numbers. Even when pairwise interactions, or third-order interactions, exist, the concentration is not resolved. This shows that higher-order interactions are necessary to generate widespread activity distributions. We analyze a simple model in which neurons receive common overlapping inputs and prove that such a model can have a widespread distribution of activity, generating higher-order stochastic interactions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a plan execution architecture which supports different task semantics. This way, each goal that is identified during the deliberation cycle of an agent can be satisfied through tasks defined in different semantics. The capability of supporting different task semantics provides two main advantages. The first advantage is the reuse of legacy artifacts within agent plans. The second advantage is simplifying the adaptation of an agent architecture to different standards of a business organization. In order to integrate various task semantics within a plan execution architecture, we have used a smoothly revised version of a previously articulated workflow model into which different task semantics would be reduced before execution. We have integrated hierarchical task network and OWL-S semantics into our plan execution architecture to test the strength of it in terms of support for executing different task semantics in an agent architecture. We think that such a plan execution architecture will contribute to the industrialization of agent architectures.  相似文献   

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