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相对于人脸和指纹等广泛使用的生物特征识别手段而言,步态识别是一种相对新的非接触式的身份识别方法。提出了一种基于改进的局部敏感判别分析的步态识别方法。在真实的步态数据库上的实验结果表明,提出的步态识别方法是有效可行的。  相似文献   

一种基于局部随机子空间的分类集成算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分类器集成学习是当前机器学习研究领域的热点之一。然而,经典的采用完全随机的方法,对高维数据而言,难以保证子分类器的性能。 为此,文中提出一种基于局部随机子空间的分类集成算法,该算法首先采用特征选择方法得到一个有效的特征序列,进而将特征序列划分为几个区段并依据在各区段的采样比例进行随机采样,以此来改进子分类器性能和子分类器的多样性。在5个UCI数据集和5个基因数据集上进行实验,实验结果表明,文中方法优于单个分类器的分类性能,且在多数情况下优于经典的分类集成方法。  相似文献   

姜伟  杨炳儒 《计算机工程》2011,37(8):153-154
针对无监督学习及有监督学习算法的缺点,提出一种半监督局部判别分析的线性降维算法。数据在没有足够的训练样本时,局部结构比全局结构更重要。算法在每一个局部区域利用有标签数据推导出数据的局部判别结构,无标签数据和有标签数据推导出数据的内在几何结构。在ORL和Yale人脸数据库上的实验结果表明该算法是有效的。  相似文献   


线性判别分析(LDA) 作为一种经典的特征提取方法被广泛地加以研究和运用, 然而LDA作为全局判别准则在一定程度上忽视了样本空间的局部结构和局部信息. 为此, 通过引入局部加权均值(LWM)并结合最大间距判别分析(MMC) 提出了具有一定局部学习能力的有监督的特征提取方法—–基于局部加权均值的最大间距判别分析(LBMMC). 算法结合了QR分解技术, 提高了其执行效率, 并通过在数据集上的测试结果表明了该算法的有效性.


针对线性判别分析只能提取线性特征而不能描述非线性特征的缺点,采用将核函数和 Fisher判别分析方法的可分性结合起来的核 Fisher判别分析的方法对视频中的运动目标进行自动分类,运动目标包含人、汽车和宠物三类。该方法取得了较好的分类效果,且在查全率、查准率和 F1-Measure 获得了满意的性能。  相似文献   

一种基于马氏距离的线性判别分析分类算法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对于一个特定的模式识别问题,表达和识别模式的特征具有不同的形式,它们在物理意义上是完全不同的,而且在数量级具有很大差别。该文提出了一种基于马氏距离的线性判别分析分类算法,选取判别函数为马氏距离,可以适用于具有不同类型特征值的分类问题。将该算法应用于UCI中Credit-A、Credit-G、Iris和Vehicle四个数据库的分类,并采用K次交叉验证方法进行实验。从实验结果中可知,与ENTROPY算法和C4.5(8)算法分类效果相比较,该文所提出的线性判别分析算法计算简单,识别率较高,是一种实际可行的分类算法。  相似文献   

局部保持多投影向量Fisher判别分析算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
特征选择是在损失较少信息的情况下处理高维图像数据的关键技术,是高维数据预处理的重要步骤.通过引入Fisher判别分析(Fisher Discriminant Analysis,FDA)和典型相关分析(Canonical Correlation Analysis,CCA)的思想,采用以样本的类标号形式给出的先验信息,考虑样本数据的局部性,提出了一种监督的基于Fisher判别信息的局部保持多投影向量分析方法(Locality Preserving Multi-projection Vector Fisher Discriminant Analysis,LPMVF).通过定义新准则,LPMVF具有以下优点:(1)便于计算,可有效避免奇异性;(2)借助标准核映射,可快速将LPMVF推广到非线性的特征空间;(3)与CCA算法类似,LPMVF最终得到一对投影变换,可有效嵌入样本数据,可将原始数据投影成一系列有用的特征形式,并使数据的投影在嵌入空间中更具可分离性;(4)与局部化的Fisher判别分析(Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis,简称LFDA)相比,LPMVF也能够有效保持数据样本间...  相似文献   

由于高维特征空间通常会导致不适定问题,针对高光谱影像的统计模式识别是非常艰巨的任务。随着波段数目的增加,高光谱影像分析则面临Hughes现象等障碍,因此促进了降维方法的发展,它能够有效处理有限训练样本下的高维数据集情形。降维算法的目标是在保持原始数据主要本征信息的同时获取高维数据样本的低维表示。为了能够有效解决高光谱影像分析中的"维数灾难"问题,从而改进后续计算复杂度,我们引入一种半监督局部保持的降维算法。  相似文献   

提出一种稀疏局部Fisher判别分析(Sparsity Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis,SLFDA)。该算法在局部Fisher判别分析降维的基础上,通过平衡参数引入稀疏保持投影,在投影降维过程中保持了数据的全局几何结构和局部近邻信息。在UCI数据集和YaleB人脸数据集上的实验表明,该算法融合局部Fisher判别分析和稀疏保持投影的优点;与现有的半监督局部Fisher判别分析降维算法相比,该算法提高了基于最短欧氏距离的分类算法的精度。  相似文献   

基于集成的非均衡数据分类主动学习算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,处理类别非均衡数据采用的主要方法之一就是预处理,将数据均衡化之后采取传统的方法加以训练.预处理的方法主要有过取样和欠取样,然而过取样和欠取样都有自己的不足,提出拆分提升主动学习算法SBAL( Split-Boost Active Learning),该算法将大类样本集根据非均衡比例分成多个子集,子集与小类样本集合并,对其采用AdaBoost算法训练子分类器,然后集成一个总分类器,并基于QBC( Query-by-committee)主动学习算法主动选取有效样本进行训练,基本避免了由于增加样本或者减少样本所带来的不足.实验表明,提出的算法对于非均衡数据具有更高的分类精度.  相似文献   

An improved manifold learning method, called enhanced semi-supervised local Fisher discriminant analysis (ESELF), for face recognition is proposed. Motivated by the fact that statistically uncorrelated and parameter-free are two desirable and promising characteristics for dimension reduction, a new difference-based optimization objective function with unlabeled samples has been designed. The proposed method preserves the manifold structure of labeled and unlabeled samples in addition to separating labeled samples in different classes from each other. The semi-supervised method has an analytic form of the globally optimal solution and it can be computed based on eigen decomposition. Experiments on synthetic data and AT&T, Yale and CMU PIE face databases are performed to test and evaluate the proposed algorithm. The experimental results and comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

针对利用局部化思想解决多模数据的判别分析问题时,根据经验对局部邻域大小进行全局统一设定无法体现局部几何结构的差异性的不足,提出一种邻域自适应半监督局部Fisher判别分析(neighborhood adaptive semi-supervised local Fisher discriminant analysis,NA-SELF)算法。该算法在半监督局部Fisher判别分析算法的基础上,结合马氏距离和余弦相似度确定初始近邻数,并根据样本空间概率密度估计调整近邻数。通过人工数据集和5组UCI标准数据集对该算法的特征降维性能进行验证,并与典型的维数约简算法和采用传统k近邻方法的判别分析算法进行比较,实验结果表明该算法具备更高的有效性。  相似文献   

复杂化工过程常被多种类型的故障损坏,正常的训练数据无法建立准确的操作模型。为了提高复杂化工过程中故障的检测和分类能力,传统无监督Fisher判别分析(Fisher Discriminant Analysis,FDA)算法无法在多模态故障数据中的应用,本文提出基于局部Fisher判别分析(Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis,LFDA)的故障诊断方法。首先计算训练数据的局部类内和类间离散度矩阵,寻找LFDA的投影方向;其次把训练数据和测试数据向投影向量上投影,提取特征向量;最后计算特征向量间的欧氏距离,运用KNN分类器进行分类。把提出的LFDA方法应用到Tennessee Eastman(TE)过程,监控结果表明,LFDA的效果好于FDA和核Fisher判别分析(Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis,KFDA),说明LFDA方法在分类及检测不同类的故障方面具有高准确性及高灵敏度的优势。  相似文献   

A new manifold learning method, called improved semi-supervised local fisher discriminant analysis (iSELF), for gene expression data classification is proposed. Motivated by the fact that semi-supervised and parameter-free are two desirable and promising characteristics for dimension reduction, a new difference-based optimization objective function with unlabeled samples has been designed. The proposed method preserves the global structure of unlabeled samples in addition to separating labeled samples in different classes from each other. The semi-supervised method has an analytic form of the globally optimal solution and it can be computed based on Eigen decompositions. Experiments on synthetic data and SRBCT, DLBCL and brain tumor gene expression datasets are performed to test and evaluate the proposed method. The experimental results and comparisons demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFDA) extracts a nonlinear feature from a sample by calculating as many kernel functions as the training samples. Thus, its computational efficiency is inversely proportional to the size of the training sample set. In this paper we propose a more approach to efficient nonlinear feature extraction, FKFDA (fast KFDA). This FKFDA consists of two parts. First, we select a portion of training samples based on two criteria produced by approximating the kernel principal component analysis (AKPCA) in the kernel feature space. Then, referring to the selected training samples as nodes, we formulate FKFDA to improve the efficiency of nonlinear feature extraction. In FKFDA, the discriminant vectors are expressed as linear combinations of nodes in the kernel feature space, and the extraction of a feature from a sample only requires calculating as many kernel functions as the nodes. Therefore, the proposed FKFDA has a much faster feature extraction procedure compared with the naive kernel-based methods. Experimental results on face recognition and benchmark datasets classification suggest that the proposed FKFDA can generate well classified features.  相似文献   

提出一种非线性分类3-法——基于非线性映射的Fisher判别分析(NM-FDA).首先提取基向量;然后采用Nystrom方法,以基向量为训练样本.将形式未知的非线性映射近似表达为已知形式的非线性映射,这种近似的非线性映射将变量由非线性的输入空间转换到线性的特征子空澡;最后对映射数据进行线性Fisher判别分析.实验采用7组标准数据集,结果显示NM-FDA具有较强的分类能力.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an improved manifold learning method, called uncorrelated local Fisher discriminant analysis (ULFDA), for ear recognition. Motivated by the fact that the features extracted by local Fisher discriminant analysis are statistically correlated, which may result in poor performance for recognition. The aim of ULFDA is to seek a feature submanifold such that the within-manifold scatter is minimized and between-manifold scatter is maximized simultaneously in the embedding space by using a new difference-based optimization objective function. Moreover, we impose an appropriate constraint to make the extracted features statistically uncorrelated. As a result, the proposed algorithm not only derives the optimal and lossless discriminative information, but also guarantees that all extracted features are statistically uncorrelated. Experiments on synthetic data and Spain, USTB-2 and CEID ear databases are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) in chemical process systems is an important tool for effective process monitoring to ensure the safety of a process. Multi-scale classification offers various advantages for monitoring chemical processes generally driven by events in different time and frequency domains. However, there are issues when dealing with highly interrelated, complex, and noisy databases with large dimensionality. Therefore, a new method for the FDD framework is proposed based on wavelet analysis, kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFDA), and support vector machine (SVM) classifiers. The main objective of this work was to combine the advantages of these tools to enhance the performance of the diagnosis on a chemical process system. Initially, a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) was applied to extract the dynamics of the process at different scales. The wavelet coefficients obtained during the analysis were reconstructed using the inverse discrete wavelet transform (IDWT) method, which were then fed into the KFDA to produce discriminant vectors. Finally, the discriminant vectors were used as inputs for the SVM classification task. The SVM classifiers were utilized to classify the feature sets extracted by the proposed method. The performance of the proposed multi-scale KFDA-SVM method for fault classification and diagnosis was analysed and compared using a simulated Tennessee Eastman process as a benchmark. The results showed the improvements of the proposed multiscale KFDA-SVM framework with an average 96.79% of classification accuracy over the multi-scale KFDA-GMM (84.94%), and the established independent component analysis-SVM method (95.78%) of the faults in the Tennessee Eastman process.  相似文献   

Fisher 判别分析是统计模式识别中经典的有监督维数约简方法, 可以在最大化类间散度的同时最小化类内散度, 但存在分析过程中仅使用有标记数据而忽略无标记数据的问题. 鉴于此, 提出基于概率类和不相关判别的半监督局部Fisher (SLFisher) 方法, 以实现半监督学习的高维映射到低维的类间数据对尽可能地分离, 且类内邻近数据尽可能地紧凑. 采用2 组标准数据集进行实验, 结果表明了SLFisher 方法能够有效提高识别率.  相似文献   

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