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基于蚁群算法的机器人路径规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对移动机器人规避障碍和寻找最优路径问题,提出了在复杂环境下移动机器人的一种路径规划方法.采用了栅格法建立了机器人工作平面的坐标系,整个系统由全局路径规划和局部避碰规划两部分组成.在全局路径规划中,用改进蚁群算法规划出初步全局优化路径;局部避碰规划是在跟踪全局优化路径的过程中,通过基于滚动窗口的环境探测和碰撞预测,对动态障碍物实施有效的局部避碰策略,从而使机器人能够安全顺利的到达目标点.仿真实验的结果表明了所述方法能在较短时间内找到最佳路径并规避障碍.  相似文献   

实现机器人动态路径规划的仿真系统   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对机器人动态路径规划问题,提出了在动态环境中移动机器人的一种路径规划方法,适用于环境中同时存在已知和未知,静止和运动障碍物的复杂情况。采用栅格法建立机器人空间模型,整个系统由全局路径规划和局部避碰规划两部分组成。在全局路径规划中,用快速搜索随机树算法规划出初步全局优化路径,局部避碰规划是在全局优化路径的同时,通过基于滚动窗口的环境探测和碰撞规则,对动态障碍物实施有效的局部避碰策略,从而使机器人安全顺利地到达目的地。仿真实验结果说明该方法具有可行性。  相似文献   

本文结合线性时序逻辑理论与模糊控制方法,设计并实现了一种满足复杂任务需求的移动机器人巡回控制系统,它既能够针对复杂时序任务进行路径规划,又能够对机器人进行模糊控制实现路径跟踪.首先,基于线性时序逻辑理论,确定能够满足复杂巡回任务需求的全局最优路径.接着,根据所获得的最优路径,采用模糊控制方法设计轨迹跟踪控制器,使其通过实时位姿反馈对机器人进行路径跟踪控制.仿真结果验证了移动机器人巡回控制系统的有效性.最后,基于E-Puck移动机器人构建了能够满足复杂任务需求的移动机器人巡回控制实验系统.基于所提出的最优巡回路径规划算法和模糊控制器设计方法,通过图像处理、数据通信、算法加载等软件模块的实现完成了满足复杂任务需求的移动机器人巡回控制.  相似文献   

针对多仓储移动机器人协同作业问题,提出了一种基于全局规划和局部调整的路径规划方法,以获得较短、无碰、避障的可行路径.在路径规划时根据当前节点到终点的距离和局部路径与起点至终点的欧氏路径的夹角设计新启发式函数,驱使机器人沿最短路行进;根据可选节点的数量提出避障规则,提高避障能力;依据路径长度对信息素进行比较更新,以精炼搜索空间、提高收敛性能,对蚁群算法加以改进寻找各自最优路径.在作业避碰时设计避碰规则有效解决仓储机器人间作业碰撞,找到最优或近优路径组合.实验结果表明了本方法的可行性、有效性.  相似文献   

基于人工协调场的多移动机器人实时协调避碰规划   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为克服传统人工势场在动态未知环境下机器人避碰规划中存在的缺陷,提出人工协调场法(ACF).将场函数与机器人的风险状态相结合,给出并讨论了人工协调场的基本设计.基于人工协调场,考虑机器人的运动约束,实现了多机器人之间以及机器人与环境间的实时协调避碰,提出了一个多移动机器人无死锁实时避碰规划算法.理论分析和仿真试验证明所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

自主导航是移动机器人的一项关键技术。该文采用强化学习结合模糊逻辑的方法实现了未知环境下自主式移动机机器人的导航控制。文中首先介绍了强化学习原理,然后设计了一种未知环境下机器人导航框架。该框架由避碰模块、寻找目标模块和行为选择模块组成。针对该框架,提出了一种基于强化学习和模糊逻辑的学习、规划算法:在对避碰和寻找目标行为进行独立学习后,利用超声波传感器得到的环境信息进行行为选择,使机器人在成功避碰的同时到达目标点。最后通过大量的仿真实验,证明了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

张凤  谈大龙 《机器人》2004,26(5):434-438
提出了一种简单、新颖的在动态未知环境下的移动机器人运动规划方法 .此方法基于相对坐标系 ,通过传感器信息实时调整机器人的行为来实现规划 .在规划过程中 ,机器人有两种行为 :向目标运动和避碰 ,且避碰行为具有优先权 .机器人两种行为的切换是基于加速度空间的 ,首先解决的是避碰问题 ,而向目标运动是作为避碰的反问题来考虑的 .仿真研究验证了此规划方法的有效性  相似文献   

一种动态环境下移动机器人的路径规划方法   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
朴松昊  洪炳熔 《机器人》2003,25(1):18-21
本文提出了在动态环境中,移动机器人的一种路径规划方法,适用于环境中存 在已知和未知、静止和运动障碍物的复杂情况.采用链接图法建立了机器人工作空间模型, 整个系统由全局路径规划器和局部路径规划器两部分组成.在全局路径规划器中,应用遗传 算法规划出初步全局优化路径.在局部路径规划器中,设计了三种基本行为:跟踪全局路径 的行为、避碰的行为和目标制导的行为,采用基于行为的方法进一步优化路径.其中,避碰 的行为是通过强化学习得到的.仿真和实验结果表明所提方法简便可行,能够满足移动 机器人导航的高实时性要求.  相似文献   

研究了一种新颖的动态复杂不确定环境下的机器人多目标路径规划蚂蚁算法。该方法首先根据蚂蚁觅食行为对多个目标点的组合进行优化,规划出一条最优的全局导航路径。在此基础上,机器人按照规划好的目标点访问顺序根据多蚂蚁协作局部路径算法完成局部路径的搜索。机器人每前进一步都实时地进行动态障碍物运动轨迹预测以及碰撞预测,并重新进行避碰局部路径规划。仿真结果表明,即使在障碍物非常复杂的地理环境,用该算法也能使机器人沿一条全局优化的路径安全避碰的遍历各个目标点,效果十分令人满意。  相似文献   

为提高自治水下机器人在垂直面跨越坡型、台阶型障碍的能力,提出了一种基于模糊控制的垂直面避碰规划方法.该方法以避碰声纳的输出作为输入,垂直面的深度调节量作为输出,直接建立了从障碍感知到避碰行为的映射.半物理仿真实验表明,该方法有效提高了某型自治水下机器人垂直面操纵性能,具有反应迅速、稳定性好、便于工程实现的优点.  相似文献   

In an autonomous multi-mobile robot environment, path planning and collision avoidance are important functions used to perform a given task collaboratively and cooperatively. This study considers these important and challenging problems. The proposed approach is based on a potential field method and fuzzy logic system. First, a global path planner selects the paths of the robots that minimize the potential value from each robot to its own target using a potential field. Then, a local path planner modifies the path and orientation from the global planner to avoid collisions with static and dynamic obstacles using a fuzzy logic system. In this paper, each robot independently selects its destination and considers other robots as dynamic obstacles, and there is no need to predict the motion of obstacles. This process continues until the corresponding target of each robot is found. To test this method, an autonomous multi-mobile robot simulator (AMMRS) is developed, and both simulation-based and experimental results are given. The results show that the path planning and collision avoidance strategies are effective and useful for multi-mobile robot systems.  相似文献   

为了实现在多移动机器人和多窄通道的复杂动态环境中机器人的节能运动规划,提出异构多目标差分-动态窗口法(heterogeneous multi-objective differential evolution-dynamic window algorithm,HMODE-DWA).首先,建立行驶时间、执行器作用力和平滑度的3目标优化模型,设计具有碰撞约束的异构多目标差分进化算法来获得3个目标函数的最优解,进而在已知的静态环境中获得帕累托前沿,利用平均隶属度函数获得起点与终点间最优的全局路径;其次,定义基于环境缓冲区域的模糊动态窗口法使机器人完成动态复杂环境中避障,利用所提出的HMODE-DWA算法动态避障的同时实现节能规划.仿真和实验结果表明,所提出的混合路径规划控制策略能够有效降低移动机器人动态避障过程中的能耗.  相似文献   

Two articulated robots working in a shared workspace can be programmed by planning the tip trajectory of each robot independently. To account for collision avoidance between links, a real-time velocity alteration strategy based on fast and accurate collision detection is proposed in this paper to determine the step of next motion of slave (low priority) robot for collision-free trajectory planning of two robots with priorities. The effectiveness of the method depends largely on a newly developed method of accurate estimate of distance between links. By using the enclosing and enclosed ellipsoids representations of polyhedral models of links of robots, the minimum distance estimate and collision detection between the links can be performed more efficiently and accurately. The proposed strategy is implemented in an environment where the geometric paths of robots are pre-planned and the preprogrammed velocities are piecewise constant but adjustable. Under the control of the proposed strategy, the master robot always moves at a constant speed. The slave robot moves at the selected velocity, selected by a tradeoff between collision trend index and velocity reduction in one collision checking time, to keep moving as far as possible and as fast as possible while avoid possible collisions along the path. The collision trend index is a fusion of distance and relative velocity between links of two robots to reflect the possibility of collision at present and in the future. Graphic simulations of two PUMA560 robot arms working in common workspace but with independent goals are conducted. Simulations demonstrate the collision avoidance capability of the proposed approach as compared to the approach based on bounding volumes. It shows that advantage of our approach is less number of speed alterations required to react to potential collisions.  相似文献   

A Fast Approach for Robot Motion Planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes a new approach to robot motion planning that combines the end-point motion planning with joint trajectory planning for collision avoidance of the links. Local and global methods are proposed for end-point motion planning. The joint trajectory planning is achieved through a pseudoinverse kinematic formulation of the problem. This approach enables collision avoidance of the links by a fast null-space vector computation. The power of the proposed planner derives from: its speed; the good properties of the potential function for end-point motion planning; and from the simultaneous avoidance of the links collision, kinematic singularities, and local minima of the potential function. The planner is not defined over computationally expensive configuration space and can be applied for real-time applications. The planner shows to be faster than many previous planners and can be applied to robots with many degrees of freedom. The effectiveness of the proposed local and global planning methods as well as the general robot motion planning approach have been experimented using the computer-simulated robots. Some of the simulation results are included in this paper.  相似文献   

基于双层模糊逻辑的多机器人路径规划与避碰   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对无通信情况下的多机器人系统在未知动态环境下的路径规划问题,设计了基于双层模糊逻辑的多机器人路径规划与动态避碰系统。方向模糊控制器充分考虑了障碍物的距离信息和目标的角度信息,转化为机器人与障碍物的碰撞可能性,从而输出转向角度实现机器人的动态避障;速度模糊控制器将障碍物的距离信息作为输入,将速度因子作为输出,提高了多机器人路径规划与动态避碰系统的效率和鲁棒性。在Pioneer3-DX机器人实体上验证了该系统的可行性。  相似文献   

Robots that work in a proper formation show several advantages compared to a single complex robot, such as a reduced cost, robustness, efficiency and improved performance. Existing researches focused on the method of keeping the formation shape during the motion, but usually neglect collision constraints or assume a simplified model of obstacles. This paper investigates the path planning of forming a target robot formation in a clutter environment containing unknown obstacles. The contribution lies in proposing an efficient path planner for the multiple mobile robots to achieve their goals through the clutter environment and developing a dynamic priority strategy for cooperation of robots in forming the target formation. A multirobot system is set up to verify the proposed method of robot path planning. Simulations and experiments results demonstrate that the proposed method can successfully address the collision avoidance problem as well as the formation forming problem.  相似文献   

基于几何法的移动机器人路径规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旨在解决动态环境中移动机器人与障碍物发生碰撞可能性的判断和避开障碍的路径规划。提出了采用几何计算的方法判断机器人和障碍物之间发生碰撞的条件,规划出机器人沿着收敛曲线运动到安全圆周,在安全圆周上作动态圆周运动,最后沿着圆弧退出圆周到达预定的避障路径。将基本的避开障碍的理论和几何算法有机地结合起来,获得了光滑的路径,提高了机器人避开障碍的效率。  相似文献   

本文研究了障碍环境下多关节机器人自主实时避碰运动理论、技术与方法. 研制的新型红外传感皮肤, 可以为多关节机器人提供所需要的周围环境信息. 针对非结构化环境下的多关节机器人实时避障问题, 提出了一种未知环境下的机器人模糊路径实时规划新方法. 实验结果表明: 基于研制的红外传感皮肤和模糊运动规划算法, 多关节机器人可以在未知或时变环境下自主工作.  相似文献   

In this paper, a practically viable approach for conflict free, coordinated motion planning of multiple robots is proposed. The presented approach is a two phase decoupled method that can provide the desired coordination among the participating robots in offline mode. In the first phase, the collision free path with respect to stationary obstacles for each robot is obtained by employing an A* algorithm. In the second phase, the coordination among multiple robots is achieved by resolving conflicts based on a path modification approach. The paths of conflicting robots are modified based on their position in a dynamically computed path modification sequence (PMS). To assess the effectiveness of the developed methodology, the coordination among robots is also achieved by different strategies such as fixed priority sequence allotment for motion of each robot, reduction in the velocities of joints of the robot, and introduction of delay in starting of each robot. The performance is assessed in terms of the length of path traversed by each robot, time taken by the robot to realize the task and computational time. The effectiveness of the proposed approach for multi-robot motion planning is demonstrated with two case studies that considered the tasks with three and four robots. The results obtained from realistic simulation of multi-robot environment demonstrate that the proposed approach assures rapid, concurrent and conflict free coordinated path planning for multiple robots.  相似文献   

面向全方位双足步行跟随的路径规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张继文  刘莉  陈恳 《自动化学报》2016,42(2):189-201
双足步行机器人的足迹规划方法难以满足快速步行条件下的计算效率要求, 并存在步幅变化时运动失稳的风险, 2D环境下点机器人栅格规划则难于生成针对双足步行的高效路径.本文提出针对各向异性特征全方位步行机器人的一种路径规划策略, 将状态网格图方法拓展到全方位移动机器人领域, 基于三项基本假设及基元类型划分给出了系统的运动基元枚举及选择方法, 借助实时修正的增量式AD*搜索算法实现仿人机器人在动态环境下的快速路径规划, 通过合理选择启发函数及状态转移代价, 生成了平滑高效的路径, 为后续足迹生成的动力学优化提供了基础.计算机仿真证实了方法对各类环境的适应性, Robocup避障竞速挑战赛的成功表现证明了方法对于机器人样机部署的可行性及其提高步行效率的潜力.  相似文献   

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