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Representing the majority of living animals, insects are the most ubiquitous biological organisms on Earth. Being able to simulate insect swarms could enhance visual realism of various graphical applications. However, the very complex nature of insect behaviors makes its simulation a challenging computational problem. To address this, we present a general biologically‐inspired framework for visual simulation of insect swarms. Our approach is inspired by the observation that insects exhibit emergent behaviors at various scales in nature. At the low level, our framework automatically selects and configures the most suitable steering algorithm for the local collision avoidance task. At the intermediate level, it processes insect trajectories into piecewise‐linear segments and constructs probability distribution functions for sampling waypoints. These waypoints are then evaluated by the Metropolis‐Hastings algorithm to preserve global structures of insect swarms at the high level. With this biologically inspired, data‐driven approach, we are able to simulate insect behaviors at different scales and we evaluate our simulation using both qualitative and quantitative metrics. Furthermore, as insect data could be difficult to acquire, our framework can be adopted as a computer‐assisted animation tool to interpret sketch‐like input as user control and generate simulations of complex insect swarming phenomena.  相似文献   

This paper presents a hybrid approach to multiple fluid simulation that can handle miscible and immiscible fluids, simultaneously. We combine distance functions and volume fractions to capture not only the discontinuous interface between immiscible fluids but also the smooth transition between miscible fluids. Our approach consists of four steps: velocity field computation, volume fraction advection, miscible fluid diffusion, and visualization. By providing a combining scheme between volume fractions and level set functions, we are able to take advantages of both representation schemes of fluids. From the system point of view, our work is the first approach to Eulerian grid‐based multiple fluid simulation including both miscible and immiscible fluids. From the technical point of view, our approach addresses the issues arising from variable density and viscosity together with material diffusion. We show that the effectiveness of our approach to handle multiple miscible and immiscible fluids through experiments.  相似文献   

Natural‐looking insect animation is very difficult to simulate. The fast movement and small scale of insects often challenge the standard motion capture techniques. As for the manual key‐framing or physics‐driven methods, significant amounts of time and efforts are necessary due to the delicate structure of the insect, which prevents practical applications. In this paper, we address this challenge by presenting a two‐level control framework to efficiently automate the modeling and authoring of insects’ locomotion. On the top level, we design a Triangle Placement Engine to automatically determine the location and orientation of insects’ foot contacts, given the user‐defined trajectory and settings, including speed, load, path and terrain etc. On the low‐level, we relate the Central Pattern Generator to the triangle profiles with the assistance of a Controller Look‐Up Table to fast simulate the physically‐based movement of insects. With our approach, animators can directly author insects’ behavior among a wide range of locomotion repertoire, including walking along a specified path or on an uneven terrain, dynamically adjusting to external perturbations and collectively transporting prey back to the nest.  相似文献   

Interactive computation of global illumination is a major challenge in current computer graphics research. Global illumination heavily affects the visual quality of generated images. It is therefore a key attribute for the perception of photo‐realistic images. Path tracing is able to simulate the physical behaviour of light using Monte Carlo techniques. However, the computational burden of this technique prohibits interactive rendering times on standard commodity hardware in high‐quality. Trying to solve the Monte Carlo integration with fewer samples results in characteristic noisy images. Global illumination filtering methods take advantage of the fact that the integral for neighbouring pixels may be very similar. Averaging samples of similar characteristics in screen‐space may approximate the correct integral, but may result in visible outliers. In this paper, we present a novel path tracing pipeline based on an edge‐aware filtering method for the indirect illumination which produces visually more pleasing results without noticeable outliers. The key idea is not to filter the noisy path traced images but to use it as a guidance to filter a second image composed from characteristic scene attributes that do not contain noise by default. We show that our approach better approximates the Monte Carlo integral compared to previous methods. Since the computation is carried out completely in screen‐space it is therefore applicable to fully dynamic scenes, arbitrary lighting and allows for high‐quality path tracing at interactive frame rates on commodity hardware.  相似文献   

The paper describes a technique to generate high‐quality light field representations from volumetric data. We show how light field galleries can be created to give unexperienced audiences access to interactive high‐quality volume renditions. The proposed light field representation is lightweight with respect to storage and bandwidth capacity and is thus ideal as exchange format for visualization results, especially for web galleries. The approach expands an existing sphere‐hemisphere parameterization for the light field with per‐pixel depth. High‐quality paraboloid maps from volumetric data are generated using GPU‐based ray‐casting or slicing approaches. Different layers, such as isosurfaces, but not restricted to, can be generated independently and composited in real time. This allows the user to interactively explore the model and to change visibility parameters at run‐time.  相似文献   

The visual simulation of natural phenomena has been widely studied. Although several methods have been proposed to simulate melting, the flows of meltwater drops on the surfaces of objects are not taken into account. In this paper, we propose a particle‐based method for the simulation of the melting and freezing of ice objects and the interactions between ice and fluids. To simulate the flow of meltwater on ice and the formation of water droplets, a simple interfacial tension is proposed, which can be easily incorporated into common particle‐based simulation methods such as Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. The computations of heat transfer, the phase transition between ice and water, the interactions between ice and fluids, and the separation of ice due to melting are further accelerated by implementing our method using CUDA. We demonstrate our simulation and rendering method for depicting melting ice at interactive frame‐rates.  相似文献   

Signed distance functions (SDF) to explicit or implicit surface representations are intensively used in various computer graphics and visualization algorithms. Among others, they are applied to optimize collision detection, are used to reconstruct data fields or surfaces, and, in particular, are an obligatory ingredient for most level set methods. Level set methods are common in scientific visualization to extract surfaces from scalar or vector fields. Usual approaches for the construction of an SDF to a surface are either based on iterative solutions of a special partial differential equation or on marching algorithms involving a polygonization of the surface. We propose a novel method for a non‐iterative approximation of an SDF and its derivatives in a vicinity of a manifold. We use a second‐order algebraic fitting scheme to ensure high accuracy of the approximation. The manifold is defined (explicitly or implicitly) as an isosurface of a given volumetric scalar field. The field may be given at a set of irregular and unstructured samples. Stability and reliability of the SDF generation is achieved by a proper scaling of weights for the Moving Least Squares approximation, accurate choice of neighbors, and appropriate handling of degenerate cases. We obtain the solution in an explicit form, such that no iterative solving is necessary, which makes our approach fast.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new algorithm to produce globally coordinated crowds in an environment with multiple paths and obstacles. Simple greedy crowd control methods easily lead to congestion at bottlenecks within scenes, as the characters do not cooperate with one another. In computer animation, this problem degrades crowd quality especially when ordered behaviour is needed, such as soldiers marching towards a castle. Similarly, in applications such as real‐time strategy games, this often causes player frustration, as the crowd will not move as efficiently as it should. Also, planning of building would usually require visualization of ordered evacuation to maximize the flow. Planning such globally coordinated crowd movement is usually labour intensive. Here, we propose a simple solution that is easy to use and efficient in computation. First, we compute the harmonic field of the environment, taking into account the starting points, goals and obstacles. Based on the field, we represent the topology of the environment using a Reeb Graph, and calculate the maximum capacity for each path in the graph. With the harmonic field and the Reeb Graph, path planning of crowd can be performed using a lightweight algorithm, such that any blocking of one another's paths is minimized. Comparing to previous methods, our system can synthesize globally coordinated crowd with smooth and efficient movement. It also enables control of the crowd with high‐level parameters such as the degree of cooperation and congestion. Finally, the method is scalable to thousands of characters with minimal impact to computation time. It is best applied in interactive crowd synthesis systems such as animation designs and real‐time strategy games.  相似文献   

Controlling a crowd using multi‐touch devices appeals to the computer games and animation industries, as such devices provide a high‐dimensional control signal that can effectively define the crowd formation and movement. However, existing works relying on pre‐defined control schemes require the users to learn a scheme that may not be intuitive. We propose a data‐driven gesture‐based crowd control system, in which the control scheme is learned from example gestures provided by different users. In particular, we build a database with pairwise samples of gestures and crowd motions. To effectively generalize the gesture style of different users, such as the use of different numbers of fingers, we propose a set of gesture features for representing a set of hand gesture trajectories. Similarly, to represent crowd motion trajectories of different numbers of characters over time, we propose a set of crowd motion features that are extracted from a Gaussian mixture model. Given a run‐time gesture, our system extracts the K nearest gestures from the database and interpolates the corresponding crowd motions in order to generate the run‐time control. Our system is accurate and efficient, making it suitable for real‐time applications such as real‐time strategy games and interactive animation controls.  相似文献   

Image‐based rendering (IBR) techniques allow users to create interactive 3D visualizations of scenes by taking a few snapshots. However, despite substantial progress in the field, the main barrier to better quality and more efficient IBR visualizations are several types of common, visually objectionable artifacts. These occur when scene geometry is approximate or viewpoints differ from the original shots, leading to parallax distortions, blurring, ghosting and popping errors that detract from the appearance of the scene. We argue that a better understanding of the causes and perceptual impact of these artifacts is the key to improving IBR methods. In this study we present a series of psychophysical experiments in which we systematically map out the perception of artifacts in IBR visualizations of façades as a function of the most common causes. We separate artifacts into different classes and measure how they impact visual appearance as a function of the number of images available, the geometry of the scene and the viewpoint. The results reveal a number of counter‐intuitive effects in the perception of artifacts. We summarize our results in terms of practical guidelines for improving existing and future IBR techniques.  相似文献   

We present a new Precomputed Radiance Transfer (PRT) algorithm based on a two dimensional representation of isotropic BRDFs. Our approach involves precomputing matrices that allow quickly mapping environment lighting, which is represented in the global coordinate system, and the surface BRDFs, which are represented in a bivariate domain, to the local hemisphere at a surface location where the reflection integral is evaluated. When the lighting and BRDFs are represented in a wavelet basis, these rotation matrices are sparse and can be efficiently stored and combined with pre‐computed visibility at run‐time. Compared to prior techniques that also precompute wavelet rotation matrices, our method allows full control over the lighting and materials due to the way the BRDF is represented. Furthermore, this bivariate parameterization preserves sharp specular peaks and grazing effects that are attenuated in conventional parameterizations. We demonstrate a prototype rendering system that achieves real‐time framerates while lighting and materials are edited.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for analyzing the quality of multi‐agent crowd simulation algorithms. Our approach is data‐driven, taking as input a set of user‐defined metrics and reference training data, either synthetic or from video footage of real crowds. Given a simulation, we formulate the crowd analysis problem as an anomaly detection problem and exploit state‐of‐the‐art outlier detection algorithms to address it. To that end, we introduce a new framework for the visual analysis of crowd simulations. Our framework allows us to capture potentially erroneous behaviors on a per‐agent basis either by automatically detecting outliers based on individual evaluation metrics or by accounting for multiple evaluation criteria in a principled fashion using Principle Component Analysis and the notion of Pareto Optimality. We discuss optimizations necessary to allow real‐time performance on large datasets and demonstrate the applicability of our framework through the analysis of simulations created by several widely‐used methods, including a simulation from a commercial game.  相似文献   

Recent advances in physically‐based simulations have made it possible to generate realistic animations. However, in the case of solid‐fluid coupling, wetting effects have rarely been noticed despite their visual importance especially in interactions between fluids and granular materials. This paper presents a simple particle‐based method to model the physical mechanism of wetness propagating through granular materials; Fluid particles are absorbed in the spaces between the granular particles and these wetted granular particles then stick together due to liquid bridges that are caused by surface tension and which will subsequently disappear when over‐wetting occurs. Our method can handle these phenomena by introducing a wetness value for each granular particle and by integrating those aspects of behavior that are dependent on wetness into the simulation framework. Using this method, a GPU‐based simulator can achieve highly dynamic animations that include wetting effects in real time.  相似文献   

There is considerable recent progress in hair simulations, driven by the high demands in computer animated movies. However, capturing the complex interactions between hair and water is still relatively in its infancy. Such interactions are best modeled as those between water and an anisotropic permeable medium as water can flow into and out of the hair volume biased in hair fiber direction. Modeling the interaction is further challenged when the hair is allowed to move. In this paper, we introduce a simulation model that reproduces interactions between water and hair as a dynamic anisotropic permeable material. We utilize an Eulerian approach for capturing the microscopic porosity of hair and handle the wetting effects using a Cartesian bounding grid. A Lagrangian approach is used to simulate every single hair strand including interactions with each other, yielding fine‐detailed dynamic hair simulation. Our model and simulation generate many interesting effects of interactions between fine‐detailed dynamic hair and water, i.e., water absorption and diffusion, cohesion of wet hair strands, water flow within the hair volume, water dripping from the wet hair strands and morphological shape transformations of wet hair.  相似文献   

We present an interactive method that allows animated characters to navigate through cluttered environments. Our characters are equipped with a variety of motion skills to clear obstacles, narrow passages, and highly constrained environment features. Our control method incorporates a behavior model into well‐known, standard path planning algorithms. Our behavior model, called deformable motion, consists of a graph of motion capture fragments. The key idea of our approach is to add flexibility on motion fragments such that we can situate them into a cluttered environment via constraint‐based formulation. We demonstrate our deformable motion for realtime interactive navigation and global path planning in highly constrained virtual environments.  相似文献   

Generating plausible deformations of a character skin within the standard production pipeline is a challenge. This paper presents a volume preservation method dedicated to skinned characters. As usual, the character is defined by a skin mesh at some rest pose and an animation skeleton. At each animation step, skin deformations are first computed using standard SSD. Our method corrects the result using a set of local deformations which model the fold‐over‐free, constant volume behavior of soft tissues. This is done geometrically, without the need of any physically‐based simulation. To make the method easily applicable, we also provide automatic ways to extract the local regions where volume is to be preserved and to compute adequate skinning weights, both based on the character's morphology.  相似文献   

This paper introduces an accurate real‐time soft shadow algorithm that uses sample based visibility. Initially, we present a GPU‐based alias‐free hard shadow map algorithm that typically requires only a single render pass from the light, in contrast to using depth peeling and one pass per layer. For closed objects, we also suppress the need for a bias. The method is extended to soft shadow sampling for an arbitrarily shaped area‐/volumetric light source using 128‐1024 light samples per screen pixel. The alias‐free shadow map guarantees that the visibility is accurately sampled per screen‐space pixel, even for arbitrarily shaped (e.g. non‐planar) surfaces or solid objects. Another contribution is a smooth coherent shading model to avoid common light leakage near shadow borders due to normal interpolation.  相似文献   

This paper presents an improvement to the stochastic progressive photon mapping (SPPM), a method for robustly simulating complex global illumination with distributed ray tracing effects. Normally, similar to photon mapping and other particle tracing algorithms, SPPM would become inefficient when the photons are poorly distributed. An inordinate amount of photons are required to reduce the error caused by noise and bias to acceptable levels. In order to optimize the distribution of photons, we propose an extension of SPPM with a Metropolis‐Hastings algorithm, effectively exploiting local coherence among the light paths that contribute to the rendered image. A well‐designed scalar contribution function is introduced as our Metropolis sampling strategy, targeting at specific parts of image areas with large error to improve the efficiency of the radiance estimator. Experimental results demonstrate that the new Metropolis sampling based approach maintains the robustness of the standard SPPM method, while significantly improving the rendering efficiency for a wide range of scenes with complex lighting.  相似文献   

Crowds by Example   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present an example-based crowd simulation technique. Most crowd simulation techniques assume that the behavior exhibited by each person in the crowd can be defined by a restricted set of rules. This assumption limits the behavioral complexity of the simulated agents. By learning from real-world examples, our autonomous agents display complex natural behaviors that are often missing in crowd simulations. Examples are created from tracked video segments of real pedestrian crowds. During a simulation, autonomous agents search for examples that closely match the situation that they are facing. Trajectories taken by real people in similar situations, are copied to the simulated agents, resulting in seemingly natural behaviors.  相似文献   

We present a real‐time rendering algorithm for inhomogeneous, single scattering media, where all‐frequency shading effects such as glows, light shafts, and volumetric shadows can all be captured. The algorithm first computes source radiance at a small number of sample points in the medium, then interpolates these values at other points in the volume using a gradient‐based scheme that is efficiently applied by sample splatting. The sample points are dynamically determined based on a recursive sample splitting procedure that adapts the number and locations of sample points for accurate and efficient reproduction of shading variations in the medium. The entire pipeline can be easily implemented on the GPU to achieve real‐time performance for dynamic lighting and scenes. Rendering results of our method are shown to be comparable to those from ray tracing.  相似文献   

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