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This paper is concerned wi th the H-infinity control problem for a class of cascade switched nonlinear systems.Each switched syste m in this class is composed of a zero-input asymptotically stable nonlinear part,which is also a switched system,and a linearizable part which i s controllable.Conditions under which the H-infinity con trol problem is solvable under arbitrary switching l aw and under some designed switching law are der ived respectively.The nonlinear state feedback and s witching law are designed.We exploit the structural characteristics of the switched nonlinear systems t o construct common Lyapunov functions for arbitrary switching and to find a single Lyapunov function for designed switching law.The proposed methods do not rely on the solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi in equalities. 相似文献
A new model of dynamical systems is proposed which consists of singular systems with impulsive effects, i.e., switched and impulsive singular systems (SISS). By using the switched Lyapunov functions method, a sufficient condition for the solvability of the H-infinity control problem for SISSs is given which generalizes the H-infinity control theory for singular systems to switched singular systems with impulsive effects. Then the sufficient condition of solvablity of the H-infinity control problem is presented in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, the effectiveness of the developed aooroach for switched and imoulsive singular svstems is illustrated by a numerical example. 相似文献
The problem of observer-based robust H-infinity control is addressed for a class of linear discrete-time switched systems with time-varying norm-bounded uncertainties by using switched Lyapunov function method. None ofthe individual subsystems is assumed to be robustly H-infinity solvable. A novel switched Lypunov function matrix with diagonal-block form is devised to overcome the difficulties in designing switching laws. For robust H-infinity stability analysis, two linear-matrix-inequality-based sufficient conditions are derived by only using the smallest region function strategy if some parameters are preselected. Then, the robust H-infinity control synthesis is studied using a switching state feedback and an observer-based switching dynamical output feedback. All the switching laws are simultaneously constructively designed. Finally, a simulation example is given to illustrate the validity of the results. 相似文献
The stabilization of a class of switched nonlinear systems is investigated in the paper. The systems con- cerned are of (generalized) switched Byrnes-Isidori canonical form, which has all switched models in (generalized) Byrnes- Isidori canonical form. First, a stability result of switched systems is obtained. Then it is used to solve the stabilization prob- lem of the switched nonlinear control systems. In addition, necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for a switched affine nonlinear system to be feedback equivalent to (generalized) switched Byrnes-Isidori canonical systems are presented. Finally, as an application the stability of switched lorenz systems is investigated. 相似文献
The stabilization of a class of switched nonlinear systems is investigated in the paper. The systems concerned are of (generalized) switched Byrnes-Isidori canonical form, which has all switched models in (generalized) Byrnes- Isidori canonical form. First, a stability result of switched systems is obtained. Then it is used to solve the stabilization problem of the switched nonlinear control systems. In addition, necessary and sufficient conditions are obtained for a switched affine nonlinear system to be feedback equivalent to (generalized) switched Byrnes-Isidori canonical systems are presented. Finally, as an application the stability of switched lorenz systems is investigated. 相似文献
Control of switched systems with actuator saturation 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
1 Introduction Switched systems are composed of a set of subsystems and a switching rule designating which subsystem to be actuated at each moment. Switched systems are commonly found in various engineering practice, such as in auto- motive engine control systems, chemical process control, robotic manufacture, multiple-model systems and so on. In the past decade, many literatures have been devoted to the study of switched systems. Stability is an important issue in the analysis and synthesis o… 相似文献
Nael H. El-Farra Prashant Mhaskar Panagiotis D. Christofides 《Systems & Control Letters》2005,54(12):1046-1182
This work presents a hybrid nonlinear control methodology for a broad class of switched nonlinear systems with input constraints. The key feature of the proposed methodology is the integrated synthesis, via multiple Lyapunov functions, of “lower-level” bounded nonlinear feedback controllers together with “upper-level” switching laws that orchestrate the transitions between the constituent modes and their respective controllers. Both the state and output feedback control problems are addressed. Under the assumption of availability of full state measurements, a family of bounded nonlinear state feedback controllers are initially designed to enforce asymptotic stability for the individual closed-loop modes and provide an explicit characterization of the corresponding stability region for each mode. A set of switching laws are then designed to track the evolution of the state and orchestrate switching between the stability regions of the constituent modes in a way that guarantees asymptotic stability of the overall switched closed-loop system. When complete state measurements are unavailable, a family of output feedback controllers are synthesized, using a combination of bounded state feedback controllers, high-gain observers and appropriate saturation filters to enforce asymptotic stability for the individual closed-loop modes and provide an explicit characterization of the corresponding output feedback stability regions in terms of the input constraints and the observer gain. A different set of switching rules, based on the evolution of the state estimates generated by the observers, is designed to orchestrate stabilizing transitions between the output feedback stability regions of the constituent modes. The differences between the state and output feedback switching strategies, and their implications for the switching logic, are discussed and a chemical process example is used to demonstrate the proposed approach. 相似文献
Hideaki Ishii Author Vitae 《Automatica》2009,45(3):776-782
In this paper, we consider Lyapunov stability of switched linear systems whose switching signal is constrained to a subset of indices. We propose a switching rule that chooses the most stable subsystem among those belonging to the subset. This rule is based on an ordering of the subsystems using a common Lyapunov function. We develop randomized algorithms for finding the ordering as well as for finding a subset of systems for which a common Lyapunov function exists. It is shown that the class of randomized algorithms known as the Las Vegas type is useful in the design procedure. A third-order example illustrating the efficacy of the approach is presented. 相似文献
Backstepping design for global stabilization of switched nonlinear systems in lower triangular form under arbitrary switchings 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Ruicheng Ma Author Vitae 《Automatica》2010,46(11):1819-1823
This paper is concerned with the global stabilization problem for switched nonlinear systems in lower triangular form under arbitrary switchings. Two classes of state feedback controllers and a common Lyapunov function (CLF) are simultaneously constructed by backstepping. The first class uses the common state feedback controller which is independent of switching signals; the other class utilizes individual state feedback controllers for the subsystems. As an extension of the designed method, the global stabilization problem under arbitrary switchings for switched nonlinear systems in nested lower triangular form is also studied. An example is given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. 相似文献
This paper is concerned with the convergence rate of the solutions of nonlinear switched systems.We first consider a switched system which is asymptotically stable for a class of switching signals but not for all switching signals. We show that solutions corresponding to that class of switching signals converge arbitrarily slowly to the origin.Then we consider analytic switched systems for which a common weak quadratic Lyapunov function exists. Under two different sets of assumptions we provide explicit exponential convergence rates for switching signals with a fixed dwell-time. 相似文献
The problem of global stabilization for a class of switched nonlinear feedforward systems under arbitrary switchings is investigated in this paper. Based on the integrator forwarding technique and the common Lyapunov function method, we design bounded state feedback controllers of individual subsystems to guarantee asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system. A common coordinate transformation of all subsystems is exploited to avoid individual coordinate transformations for subsystems that are required when applying the forwarding recursive design scheme. An example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method. 相似文献
In this paper we present a converse Lyapunov theorem for uniform asymptotic stability of switched nonlinear systems. Its proof is a simple consequence of some results on converse Lyapunov theorems for systems with bounded disturbances obtained by Lin et al. (SIAM J. Control Optim. 34 (1996) 124–160), once an association of the switched system with a nonlinear system with disturbances is established. 相似文献
L. Susana Ramya A. Leelamani P. Dhanalakshmi N. Sakthivel 《International journal of systems science》2018,49(11):2373-2384
In this paper, the output tracking control problem for a class of switched nonlinear systems with multiple time-varying delays is studied based on equivalent-input-disturbance (EID) approach. More precisely, with the use of suitable Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional together with average dwell-time technique, an output feedback tracking controller is designed which makes that the states of resulting system can asymptotically track the desired trajectory. Further, the EID estimator is implemented to reject both matched and unmatched disturbances effectively without requiring any prior knowledge of the disturbances. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness and potential of the developed EID-based output tracking control design technique. The results reveal the fact that the tracking controller based on EID provides a better tracking performance than the feedback controller based on sliding mode technique. 相似文献
针对一类不确定离散切换模糊时滞系统,研究了在控制器增益存在摄动情况下的稳定性问题.利用切换技术和多Lyapunov函数方法,并以矩阵不等式形式给出了非脆弱状态反馈控制器存在的充分条件和切换律设计.最后通过数值仿真算例验证了设计方法的有效性和可行性. 相似文献
This paper investigates the problem of global adaptive finite-time stabilisation for a class of switched nonlinearly parameterised systems. Without requiring that each subsystem is globally adaptively finite-time stabilisable, a switched adaptive finite-time control scheme is developed by exploiting the multiple Lyapunov functions method and adding a power integrator technique. By using the parameter separation technique, the unknown parameters are separated from nonlinear functions. On the basis of finite-time Lyapunov stability theory, it is proved that the proposed controller can guarantee that the state of the resulting closed-loop system converges to the origin in finite time. Finally, an example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. 相似文献
Yaowei Sun 《International journal of systems science》2013,44(16):3320-3331
This paper addresses the issue of robust stabilisation for a class of state-constrained high-order switched nonlinear systems whose subsystems are allowed to be all unstabilizable. A novel robust control scheme is established based on effective coupling of the technique of adding a power integrator and the method of multiple barrier Lyapunov functions. Explicitly, a sufficient condition for robustly stabilising the resulting closed-loop system in a domain is presented, which meanwhile can also guarantee that the violation of the constraints does not happen. Moreover, in the switching law design, we do not require the connection of barrier Lyapunov functions for two adjacent subsystems, and even a certain amount of jump is also allowed. Finally, the effectiveness of the provided control strategy is demonstrated via a simulation example. 相似文献
Stabilizing controllers design for switched nonlinear systems in strict-feedback form 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Jenq-Lang Wu 《Automatica》2009,45(4):1092-1096
This paper considers the stabilization problem for a class of switched nonlinear systems under arbitrary switching. Based on the backstepping method and the control Lyapunov function approach, it is shown that, under a simultaneous domination assumption, a switched nonlinear system in strict-feedback form can be globally uniformly asymptotically stabilized by a continuous state feedback controller. A universal formula for constructing stabilizing feedback laws is presented. One example is included for verifying the obtained results. 相似文献
This paper focuses on the robust H-infinity reliable control for a class of nonlinear neutral delay systems with uncertainties and actuator failures. We design a state feedback controller in terms of linear matrix inequality(LMI) such that the plant satisfies robust H-infinity performance for all adnfissible uncertainties, and actuator failures among a prespecified subset of actuators. An example is also given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. 相似文献
This article studies the exponential stabilization problem for discrete-time switched linear systems based on a control-Lyapunov function approach. It is proved that a switched linear system is exponentially stabilizable if and only if there exists a piecewise quadratic control-Lyapunov function. Such a converse control-Lyapunov function theorem justifies many of the earlier synthesis methods that have adopted piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions for convenience or heuristic reasons. In addition, it is also proved that if a switched linear system is exponentially stabilizable, then it must be stabilizable by a stationary suboptimal policy of a related switched linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) problem. Motivated by some recent results of the switched LQR problem, an efficient algorithm is proposed, which is guaranteed to yield a control-Lyapunov function and a stabilizing policy whenever the system is exponentially stabilizable. 相似文献