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主要讨论了在浏览器/服务器结构下设计和实现Web文档管理系统时的要点,对文档基本信息与电子文档文件相分离的存储结构、多用户权限设定的实现方法进行了讨论.最终选择利用ASP.NET的强大功能来实现是基于三个方面考虑:显示多样式的Web用户界面,安全性问题,易于实现.在充分进行分析后,开发过程很顺利.最终使用结果令人满意,用户使用时感觉结构简洁清晰,友好的Web界面使操作方便,特别是设计管理页面时使用的 "所见即所能操作"的思想避免了绝大多数误操作.  相似文献   

为了更好地管理EAST的项目文档和实验文档,以促进实验的顺利运行及各部门之间的相互协作,专门研究与设计了一个适用于EAST的基于B/S结构的文档管理系统。系统采用UID作为文档的唯一标识,通过文档UID可以直接检索定位文档。Web前端运用Ajax技术与jQuery EasyUI,实现页面的局部更新。结合开源PHP框架完成了系统的设计开发,最终实现了文档分类存储、在线操作文档、文档版本控制、文档权限管理及工作流等功能。该系统已成功应用于EAST实验中,极大地提高了各部门的工作效率。  相似文献   

基于文档目录树的WWW文档协同写作机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
协同写作是CSCW的一个重要研究领域。文中针对WWW文档的协同写作提出了一种文档目录树技术,不权为WWW文档扩充了表示其全局结构的层次式目录结构,还为文档的分工协作写作提供了良好的数据组织结构。文中详细讨论了基于文档目录树结构对一个WWW文档进行协同写作时的协同机制,研究了多用户界面设计、协作方式、以及使用“目录路径锁定法”实现的并发控制等主要技术。  相似文献   

(对象)关系数据库中XML文档的存储技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
XML逐渐成为Web上数据表示和数据交换的标准,随着Web上大量的数据用XML文档表示出来,有必要对这些XML文档进行存储和查询。目前大多数商业数据库产品都支持对XML文档的存储、查询、索引等操作,本文讨论了在ORDB中存储XML文档时所涉及的存储技术,比较了三大商业数据库产品(IBM DB2,Oracle9i,Microsoft SQL Server 2000)在存储XML文档时所采用的方法。  相似文献   

本文以一个需求分析工具集为基础,讨论了该工具集中文档生成器的设计与实现,文章首先分析了按SA方法进行需求分析时所产生的数据,然后设计了一套需求分析文档格式,最后重点讨论了该文档生成器的实现技术。  相似文献   

Web文档清洗系统中HTML解析器的开发   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对于组建一个面向Web的信息系统来说 ,去除掉脚本、广告链接以及导航链接等无用数据 ,将提高信息存储和检索的效率 ;同时 ,基于语义对Web文档进行合并和分割也会有助于信息的管理 ,这些都是Web文档清洗系统的任务。在Web文档清洗中 ,无论是脱机的规则学习还是联机的文档清洗 ,都需要建立在对Web文档的结构和内容进行分析的基础之上。从HTML解析的一般概念入手 ,结合Web文档清洗系统的需求 ,描述了一个自主开发的HTML解析器的结构 ,并对其组成部分 :词典、词法分析器和语法分析器的设计作了详细的讨论  相似文献   

当前,各领域的协同工作成为研究的一个热点。提出了一个协同Web模型以支持www环境下的同步工作。在协同Web系统中,协同Web服务器将html文档要素转换成Java applets以支持多个用户在不同地点对同一个html表单进行操作。目前,所有html文档都可以经协同Web转换后进行协同操作。在协同Web体系结构的基础上重点分析协同Web服务器和协同Web客户端的功能。  相似文献   

针对现代企业文档管理的现状及需要,提出了一种基于Web的企业级文档管理系统中海量电子文档的分布式存储策略。详细描述了这一策略的物理架构、设计思路及实现。在文档管理系统中的成功应用,表明这一存储策略能够很好地满足海量电子文档的存储需求。  相似文献   

讨论了基于Web的企业办公自动化系统的文档管理、事务管理等功能以及关键技术。该系统用户操作方便,可大大提高工作效率,基本实现“无纸化办公”。  相似文献   

Web服务中的WSDL文档结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石琳 《软件》2012,33(10):142-143,149

When you're in business, it's good to have customers, but do you have customer service in mind when you're developing technology for an e-business Web site? If not, you should, because the place where your work and the customers' experience comes together is where you can make it easy-or hard for customers to do business at a site. If you can understand customer intentions at an e-business site, you can factor them into technology choices and mechanisms that support them. Is it easy for a single-minded customer to find and buy a product, or for a holistic-minded user to do a combination of browsing, learning and shopping? While the marketing people decide what goes on a site and the content developers create the look-and-feel, the front-row seat for data mining is with the technical staff who know what information is available in log files, what profiling can be dynamically processed in the background and indexed into the dynamic generation of HTML, and what performance can be expected from the servers and network to support customer service and make e-business interaction productive  相似文献   

Conventional thought from the Semantic Web community equates the use of ontologies with the representation of the meaning of content. Here, we skew this viewpoint by describing our ontology, Web Authoring for Accessibility (WAfA), which investigates the way ontologies can describe the semantic structure of documents. By understanding the way heterogeneous XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Mark-up Language) documents are structured we can better transform documents, currently inaccessible to visually impaired users. WAfA performs two tasks: (1) it allows us to flexibly model an XHTML document within the context of navigation and orientation through the Web resource; (2) it enables non-expert users to quickly annotate a Web document by providing a ‘lingua franca’ between author and Web Accessibility Domain Experts. Here we describe our ontology, its use, novelty, and importance.  相似文献   

Don't you just hate it when you get pop-ups for no reason whilst accessing Web pages and your Internet browser seems to have a mind of its own – throwing new screens open left and right. All of the links on the Web page are suddenly re-programmed to go to some pointless shopping site no matter what you do.  相似文献   

一种自动抽取Web信息方法的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对目前Web信息抽取技术实现复杂、维护困难以及抽取速度慢的问题,本文根据Web页面的特点,提出一种新的Web抽取策略.此策略在处理Web页面时降低了处理Web页面的结构的复杂性,提高了Web信息抽取的速度.并根据策略建立了该Web信息自动抽取方法的模型,此模型首先分析页面的结构,根据结构快速生成抽取规则,构建规则库;并对页面抽取的内容进行分析,构建资源库.基于此模型的方法能自主学习,实现自动抽取.这在很大程度上减少了人工参与,并能获得比较好的抽取结果.  相似文献   

This paper describes our research into a query-by-semantics approach to searching the World Wide Web. This research extends existing work, which had focused on a query-by-structure approach for the Web. We present a system that allows users to request documents containing not only specific content information, but also to specify that documents be of a certain type. The system captures and utilizes structure information as well as content during a distributed query of the Web. The system also allows the user the option of creating their own document types by providing the system with example documents. In addition, although the system still gives users the option of dynamically querying the web, the incorporation of a document database has improved the response time involved in the search process. Based on extensive testing and validation presented herein, it is clear that a system that incorporates structure and document semantic information into the query process can significantly improve search results over the standard keyword search.  相似文献   

The semantic Web in one day   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To gain momentum, technologies for building private semantic Webs or parts of the World Wide semantic Web must become a commodity and easy to integrate. To determine just how far semantic Web technologies have come, we wanted to create a snapshot of what you could do by applying and assembling existing semantic Web technologies - in one day.  相似文献   

本文研究了在Internet范围内快速查找所需功能的Web Service的问题.利用现有互联网搜索引擎技术,提出一种不需要集中注册的Web Service查找方法,并给出了原型实现.本方法将一个操作抽象成一个虚拟文档,利用WSDL文档的结构分设多个字段建立索引、进行查找,并利用WordNet来识别语义相近的单词.本方法在提高查全率和查准率的同时很好地保持了部署的灵活性和运行时的高效率.  相似文献   

We can learn much from what we name our technology. The author's latest theory goes something like this: never give new technology a cute name. That's it. Despite volumes of evidence proving we should make computers more user friendly, he still believes there's a zone you don't cross into, and that is cuteness. So if you happen to invent a new technology, be it hardware or software, then name it something generic like Word or Illustrator, or ominous like CORBA or SGML. The author focuses on Netscape's use of the ultimate in cute monikers: cookies. In deciding on that name, Netscape naively gave momentum to one of the worst public relations nightmares ever. No other Web technology has had to endure such a lasting negative-spin cycle as cookies have-dating back to Netscape 1.1. And the author believes the name was the heart of it. Netscape invented cookies to deal with one of the most limiting aspects of the Web: HTTP's inability to maintain a consistent, pervasive state. Cookies extend state by passing a small amount of data to a browser so that when the browser returns to the site that issued the data, the server can say: “hey, I remember you and a few things about you”. The article presents an example of a typical cookie as it would appear to a browser in an HTTP page header and goes on to describe the elements used in this example  相似文献   

The Internet is now the world's most popular network and it is full of potential vulnerabilities. In this series of articles, we explore the vulnerabilities of the Internet and what you can do to mitigate them. This is the concluding part of a two-part subsection which considers a large number of ways to attack a system connected to the World Wide Web.  相似文献   

If you have any interest in meteorology, you can learn a lot by trawling the World Wide Web. As with other subjects, it presents a wealth of in-depth data; a modem is the key to the previously inaccessible ivory tower of knowledge. You can get weather data and images that you can't get from TV or newspapers, and you can do it when you want rather than waiting for a newscast or newspaper edition. You can also find other travel-related information, like traffic flow and marine conditions online. In short, if someone has information to share, it is likely to be on the Web, and if someone wants information, they can probably find it on the Web. It just takes a little searching  相似文献   

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