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针对带有控制受限的挠性卫星的姿态机动和振动控制问题, 给出了一类仅利用输出信息的变结构控制和 基于智能材料的主动振动控制技术相结合的复合控制方法. 首先给出变结构姿态控制器的设计来完成卫星姿态机动, 并给出一种切换机制以实现挠性卫星快速姿态机动; 其次, 采用分布式压电元件作为作动器, 设计了应变速率反馈补偿器以增加挠性结构的阻尼, 使其振动能够很快衰减. 最后, 将本文提出的方法应用于三轴稳定挠性卫星的姿态机动控制, 仿真结果表明: 在推力器的控制受限条件下, 完成姿态机动的同时, 有效地抑制挠性附件的振动.  相似文献   

本文研究在控制器能量受限条件下,一类挠性航天器的姿态控制问题。考虑刚笥主体上带有挠性梁的航天器,并假定系统在一平面内作旋转运动。本文针对航天控制工程中执行机构的工作模式,基于系统的地 维模型,设计了简单易行的变结构控制方案,并证明了相应的闭环系统的渐近稳定性。  相似文献   

本文研究全系数逢适应控制方法在挠性航天器大角度机动控制中的应用。针对中心刚体带挠性板的航天器,设计了包括黄金分割控制、逻辑微分控制和逻辑积分控制的全系数自适应控制方案,并进挠性结构卫星单轴气浮台全物理仿地具实验。  相似文献   

本文研究一类挠性航天器平面大角度旋转机动的控制问题,考虑构形为中心刚体带挠性梁的航天器,基于系统的非线性无穷维模型,只利用对中心刚体旋转角和角速度的测量数据,设计了一种模糊跟踪控制方案,并证明了闭环系统的渐近稳定性,数值仿真和物理实验结果显示了所设计的控制算法的有效性。  相似文献   

研究了用于航天器平移及姿态机动的自适应终端滑模控制方法.通过在广义准坐标下建立拉格朗日方程得到了刚体航天器平移及姿态耦合运动的动力学方程.能对存在模型不确定性和环境扰动下的航天器实现平移和姿态机动.该自适应过程包括对不确定性和干扰的估计、有效抑制传统滑模控制的抖振现象.利用李雅普诺夫稳定性理论证明了控制器的可达性和稳定性.通过航天器的位置以及姿态跟踪的数值仿真,验证了所设计控制器的有效性和准确性.  相似文献   

含有参数不确定性的挠性航天器姿态跟踪滑模控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对有不确定参数的挠性航天器姿态跟踪控制, 提出了一种基于滑模控制的姿态跟踪控制律. 挠性航天器动力学采用混合坐标法进行建模; 构造挠性模态观测器对挠性模态变量进行观测. 基于Lyapunov稳定性原理得到含有挠性模态观测器的滑模控制律, 并给出了全局渐近稳定性的证明. 对各个仿真结果进行比较, 显示出本文提出的滑模控制律针对航天器惯量阵不确定性具有良好的鲁棒性, 而且具有较强的扰动抑制能力.  相似文献   

挠性飞行器姿态稳定鲁棒变结构控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对三轴稳定卫星的模型参数存在不确定性,设计了一种鲁棒变结构控制器,它能确保系统在一定条件下具有全局渐近稳定性,并且系统在一定条件下能在有限的时间内到达滑动平面,具有鲁棒到达条件,同时控制律实现简单,采用积分型滑动平面,能保证系统在到达滑动平面后具有良好的性能,最后根据卫星参数给出了具体的数值算例,数值仿真结果良好,从数值仿真结果来看控制器在存在较大不确定性情况下(考虑系统转动惯量有5%的不确定性)依然保持良好性能,具有很强的鲁棒稳定性,而且,采用边界层改进控制器后,能有效地解决抖振问题,同时控制器的性能基本保持不变,说明鲁棒变结构控制器的设计是有效的。  相似文献   

白圣建  黄新生 《控制工程》2011,18(5):788-792
挠性航天器在姿态机动过程会受环境干扰力矩的作用,研究有扰情况下挠性航天器的姿态跟踪控制问题.首先,设计了干扰观测器在线估计频率已知的外部干扰信号,然后,基于干扰观测器设计了非线性反馈姿态跟踪控制器以跟踪目标姿态,并且该控制器只需要误差四元数和角速度的反馈信息.其次,采用Lyapunov方程和Barbalat引理证明了控...  相似文献   

在转动惯量存在不确定性时,采用滑动模态控制方法对挠性航天器设计了姿态镇定控制律.由于挠性模态是不可量测的,首先设计了部分状态观测器对挠性模态进行估计.进而结合滑模控制方法,提出了基于观测器的滑模姿态控制律.采用Lyapunov方法证明了在存在转动惯量不确定性时,所设计的滑模姿态控制律能使闭环航天器姿态系统稳定.最后,通过数值仿真例子验证了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

The fault‐tolerant control and vibration suppression for flexible spacecraft without angular velocity measurement are investigated. External disturbances, actuator faults, unknown angular velocity, and flexible vibration are addressed simultaneously. Firstly, a model‐free adaptive supertwisting state observer and an angular velocity calculation algorithm in one step are developed by using attitude information only, which can estimate the angular velocity in finite time. Then, on the basis of angular velocity estimation, a novel continuous multivariable integral sliding mode (CMISM) is proposed for the first time, which is a combination of continuous nominal controller and a modified multivariable twisting controller to reject disturbances and faults. The CMISM can stabilize attitudes in finite time and attenuate chattering effectively. Furthermore, the input shaping technique is developed to achieve effective vibration suppression of the flexible appendages. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed method is illustrated by numerical simulations.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for high-speed performance and low energy consumption has necessitated the design of lightweight mechanical systems. The active vibration suppression of a flexible manipulator is important in many engineering applications, such as robot manipulators and high-speed flexible mechanisms, because the flexibility of lightweight manipulators induces a vibration problem. Frequently, the optimal parameters determined for a certain control algorithm might not cover a wide range of operating conditions. Hence, we have proposed and developed a lookup table control method for a flexible manipulator that can tune itself to optimal parameters on the basis of the initial maximum responses of the controlled system and a genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm is used to search for optimal parameters with regard to positive position feedback and thereby minimizes the objective functions determined from the initial maximum responses. Our lookup table, which has the optimal parameters of the positive position feedback as a function of the initial maximum responses, can be used in a real-time control algorithm. Recommended by Editorial Board member Hyoukryeol Choi under the direction of Editor Jae-Bok Song. This work was supported by the Korea Research Foundation under grant KRF 2006-005-J03302 and the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation under grant KOSEF R0A-2007-000-20012-0. Van Phuoc Phan received the BS (2006) from the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, HCM University of Technology, Vietnam. Currently, he is a Master student at the Department of Advanced Technology Fusion, Konkuk University in Seoul, Korea. His interests are structural dynamics of small systems, smart structure and material, and finite element analysis. Nam Seo Goo graduated from the Department of Aeronautics Engineering of Seoul National University with honors in 1990, and got master and Ph.D. degrees in Department of Aerospace Engineering at the same university in 1992 and 1996, respectively. His Ph.D. degree was on the structural dynamics of aerospace systems. As soon as he got a Ph.D. degree, he entered the agency for defense development as a Senior Researcher. After four years’ service, he joined Department of Aerospace Engineering in Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea in 2002, currently serving an Associate Professor of Department of Advanced Technology Fusion. His current research interests are structural dynamics of small systems, smart structure and material, and MEMS applications. Hoon Cheol Park received his BS (1985) and MS(1987) degrees from Seoul National University in Seoul, Korea and Ph.D.(1994) degree from the University of Maryland at College Park, MD, USA. He joined the Department of Aerospace Engineering, Konkuk University in Seoul, Korea in 1995, and he is currently a Professor in the Department of Advanced Technology Fusion. His professional experience includes Kia Motors (1986–1988) and Korea Aerospace Research Institute (1994–1995). His specialty is the finite element analysis and recent research topic is mainly biomimetics.  相似文献   

Active vibration suppression of flexible manipulators is important in many engineering applications, such as robot manipulators and high‐speed flexible mechanisms. The demand for a short settling time and low energy consumption of vibration suppression requires consideration of optimal control. Under a wide range of operating conditions, however, the fixed optimal parameters determined for a control algorithm might not produce the best performance. Therefore, to enhance performance, this paper suggests a lookup table control method for a flexible manipulator. This method can tune itself to the optimal parameters on the basis of initial maximum responses to the controlled system. In this study, a multi‐objective genetic algorithm is used to search for optimal parameters with regard to positive position feedback to the control algorithm. In turn, with the optimal parameters, the multi‐objective functions of the settling time and energy consumption during the vibration control of a flexible manipulator can be minimized. The simulation and experimental results both indicate that the energy consumption can be reduced significantly if the settling time is slightly increased. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

当机械臂的质量很轻,尤其是空间应用场合,机器人系统将受到高度柔性限制并且不可避免地产生机械振动.本文为了证实提出的控制不期望残余振动的方法,设计并建立了柔性机器人实验平台.控制方案采用交流伺服电机通过谐波齿轮减速器驱动柔性机械臂,利用粘贴在柔性臂上的压电陶瓷片(PZT)作为传感器来检测柔性臂的振动.对由于环境激励,尤其是在电机转动(机动)时由于电机力矩产生的振动,采用了几种主动振动控制器包括模态PD控制,软变结构控制(VSC)和增益选择变结构方法,进行柔性臂的振动主动控制实验研究.通过实验比较研究,结果表明采用的控制方法可以快速抑制柔性结构的振动,采用的控制方法是有效的.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the inertia‐free attitude control problem for flexible spacecraft in the presence of inertia uncertainties, external disturbances, actuator faults, measurement errors, and input magnitude and rate constraints (MRCs). By analyzing the influence of external disturbances, faulty signals, and actual inertial matrix, a lumped disturbance is reconstructed to facilitate the controller design. Then, a new intermediate observer is developed to estimate the attitude and modal information and the lumped disturbance. The Lyapunov stability analysis shows that the developed controller can achieve the objectives of the attitude stabilization and vibration suppression with input MRCs. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed control method.  相似文献   

带有干扰的挠性卫星非线性姿态输出反馈控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对挠性卫星在飞行过程中存在参数不确定性、干扰(常值扰动和正弦扰动)及挠性附件的振动控制问题,提出了一类基于输出反馈控制系统的鲁棒设计方法,该设计仅利用姿态四元数输出信息,而无需角速度、挠性变形位移及其速率测量信息;同时,在控制中又引入积分环节用于减小常值干扰引起的稳态误差,并且控制器参数的选者并不依赖于系统参数,基于Lyapunov理论证明了所设计的控制器保证了姿态的稳定和模态振动的衰减;最后,将该方法应用于挠性卫星的姿态机动控制,仿真结果表明该控制器不仅对参数不确定性具有很好的鲁棒性,而且能够有效消除常值干扰和正弦干扰的影响,在完成姿态机动控制的同时,能够抑制挠性附件的结构振动,具有良好的过渡过程品质.  相似文献   

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