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基于WinWin模型的需求协商工具的设计与开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
WinWin理论提出项目成功必须让项目的所有涉众达到共赢.实践证明Easywinwin,ARENA,ARENA-M这些基于Win-Win理论的协商工具在获取最初需求时非常有效,然而它们在支持需求的扩展,涉众特别是用户共享知识以及随着项目的进行更新赢条件及共识有一定局限性.WikiWinWin是基于JspWiki引擎设计开发的需求协商工具.这个工具的主要优势在于加强了涉众交流和共享知识,能够很有效地支持WinWin需求协商模型.在设计方面,JspWikiWinWin有效利用JspWiki的插件机制完成了对WinWin协商模型的支持.  相似文献   

MDA的设想与实现   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
模型驱动体系结构(MDA)提出了一种利用模型进行软件开发的方法,它将模型作为软件开发过程的关键,MDA的基本思想是将模型区分为平台独立模型(platform independent model)和平台相关模型(platform specific model),通过不同抽象层次模型之间的转换完成软件开发过程。介绍了MDA的设想,包括MDA的基本概念,基于MDA的开发过程,讨论了实现MDA所涉及的几个重要问题。  相似文献   

张子良  庄毅  叶彤 《计算机科学》2021,48(12):67-74
随着软件规模日益增大,软件复杂度不断提高,飞机、轮船等大型系统的设计与开发往往是由多个不同专业领域、具有不同职能的团队相互协同完成的.针对协同建模中局部模型之间缺失信息所导致的模型不完整问题和更新操作之间发生冲突所导致的模型不一致问题,文中首先提出了一种基于元模型的协同建模模型组装与更新方法(Model Combination and Update,MCAU),该方法在元模型上定义了协同关系与更新操作,可在协同建模过程中保证模型的完整性与一致性,并通过一个实例对所提方法进行了应用与分析.其次,文中还提出了一种基于模型驱动的软件协同建模框架(Software Collaborative Modeling Framework,SCMF),该框架可有效支持多种建模语言的扩展.最后,基于Eclipse框架开发了软件协同建模原型系统CorMo-del,并通过相关实验进一步验证了MCAU方法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于MDA的TRISO-Model模型管理方法及应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
袁峰  李明树 《软件学报》2007,18(7):1612-1625
TRISO-Model(tridimensional integrated software development model)是为处理软件开发的复杂性和动态性而提出的三维集成软件开发方法学,其中,多维模型之间的语义一致性维护以及对模型应用中公共操作部分的重用,提出了基于一致语义进行模型管理的需求.给出了基于MDA(model driven architecture)进行模型管理的方法MDA-MMMethod(MDA based model management method),应用MDA的4层模型管理结构,基于MDA核心标准MOF(meta object facility)所提供的公共语义基础管理模型和元模型,MDA-MMMethod支持各种MDA模型操作标准实现在TRSIO-model应用中的重用.开发了相应的支持系统MDA-MMSystem(MDA based model management system),应用于SoftPM的项目实践中.与传统方法相比,模型应用的开发效率得到了显著提高,同时降低了开发成本.最后,给出了模型融合的应用实例介绍.  相似文献   

面向构件与方面的MDA软件开发新模型初探   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
袁梅冷 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(11):2540-2542,2619
以面向对象为基础的基于构件(CBSD)的软件开发方法、面向方面(AOSD)方法以及基于模型递进驱动(MDA)的软件设计与开发方法各具优点,分别从不同角度很好地解决了软件开发中遇到的不同问题,却各有不足.在对CBSD、AOSP以及MDA等方法的研究基础上,提出了一种新的面向构件与方面的MDA软件开发模型,该方法通过计算模型、构件与方面模型、系统实现模型这3种逐步递进的模型来进行复杂系统的软件设计与开发.给出的应用实例表明该开发模型能有效降低复杂系统的开发难度,提高开发效率以及系统的复用性.  相似文献   

刘伟群  李雄 《现代计算机》2005,28(10):69-72
在软件工程活动中,首要任务是选择一个适合于组织实际情况的软件开发模型和软件过程.本文对新型软件开发模型进行了系统的描述和总结,探讨这些模型之间的关系、各自的特点及其使用场合.  相似文献   

模型在模型驱动架构(MDA)软件开发生命周期中驱动整个开发过程,建模在MDA中起关键作用,建模是否成功是模型转换的前提,也决定MDA软件开发的成败。通过对当前建模技术的研究分析,根据对系统抽象级别的不同,提出基于MDA的三级建模技术,即计算无关模型(CIM)建模,平台无关模型(PIM)建模,平台相关模型(PSM)建模。详细介绍三个不同抽象级别模型的建模过程,并对它们之间的模型转换加以说明,从整体上描述MDA软件开发的过程,得出一种MDA软件开发方法。  相似文献   

提出一种将涉众为中心和敏捷方法有机结合的敏捷需求建模方法。所有软件系统需求获取以涉众为中心,基于涉众扩展特征建立涉众Power/Interest分布图来确定涉众优先级,并用优先级处理不同涉众之间的需求冲突,根据涉众为中心的敏捷需求方法,提出敏捷需求实践方法,融合敏捷方法的短周期、演化、增量、迭代、重构、反馈机制,使软件系统需求建模过程更加完备、精确、高效、快捷,用双变迁Petri网DTPN为该方法建立形式化敏捷需求模型,为软件系统需求建模提出了一种新的方法。  相似文献   

模型驱动的软件开发模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文中详细论述了模型驱动的软件开发模式.阐述了以代码为中心的传统软件开发模式的缺点,并通过对模型驱动架构(MDA)体系结构的讨论.分析出模型各个层次描述语言的要求.分别讨论了MDA软件开发生命周期、MDA软件开发参与者及活动的变更和MDA开发工具的更新,并对MDA软件开发模式进行了评价.在模型驱动的软件开发模式下,软件开发生命周期是由软件系统建模行为驱动的,其开发过程围绕模型的创建和变换开展,其最终目的就是要通过架构性的分离来实现软件开发的轻便性、互操作性和可重用性.  相似文献   

支持第四代语言的并行进化式软件开发模型CESD   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前,第四代语言(4GL)巳成为应用领域的主流软件开发工具。随着实践的深入,人们逐渐意识到:目前广泛流行的澡布式软件开发棋型不适应基于佑L的应用软件开发活动。究其原因在于二者刻画间翅空间思维方式的不匹配性。软件开发活动是一个不断反复、逐步求解的过程,4GL快速高效的开发生产率有效地支持了这一过程;而澡布式模型刻画软件开发活动过于呆板苛刻,未能很好地反映反复这一本质.此外,在应用软件开发过程中,很多开发活动实际上是可以并行的,这一点在开发实践中已得到验证,澡布式模型未能提出在较高抽象级上并行的机制.因此,软件开发模型如何从概念上到本质上支持基于4GL的软件开发活动,成为了重等解决的问题之一。一、并行进化式软件开发模型cEsD 如上所述,在传统的软件开发过程中很多开发活动是并行的。这给我们一个启示,能否在较高抽象级上便软件开发活动并行起来? 事实上,参与软件开发活动的往往是一个课题组的很多人.大型软件系统的开发甚至还要划分为若干个课题组,每一个子课题组解决一个或若干个子间题,实际上是可以并行工作的.因此,我们可以把一个软件系统的开发过程划分为若干个可以并行进行的成分,这个成分我们称为开发进程(珑vel叩-ment Proces,),每一个开发进程完成一个子系统或一个模块的开发任务.  相似文献   

The process of determining user requirements for software systems is often plagued with uncertainty, ambiguity, and inconsistency. Rapid prototyping offers an iterative approach to requirements engineering that can be used to alleviate some of the problems with communication and understanding. Since the systems development process is characterized by changing requirements and assumptions, involving multiple stakeholders with often differing viewpoints, it is beneficial to capture the justifications for the decisions in the development process in a structured manner. Thisdesign rationale captured during requirements engineering can be used in conjunction with the rapid prototyping process to support various stakeholders involved in systems development. CAPS (the Computer Aided Prototyping System) has been built to help software engineers rapidly construct prototypes of proposed software systems. REMAP (Representation and MAintenance of Process knowledge) provides a conceptual model and mechanisms to represent and reason with (design) rationale knowledge. In this paper, we describe how in the context of evolving requirements, the CAPS system augmented with REMAP helps firm up software requirements through iterative negotiations via examination of executable prototypes and reasoning with design rationale knowledge.  相似文献   

ContextA software product line is a family of software systems that share some common features but also have significant variabilities. A feature model is a variability modeling artifact, which represents differences among software products with respect to the variability relationships among their features. Having a feature model along with a reference model developed in the domain engineering lifecycle, a concrete product of the family is derived by binding the variation points in the feature model (called configuration process) and by instantiating the reference model.ObjectiveIn this work we address the feature model configuration problem and propose a framework to automatically select suitable features that satisfy both the functional and non-functional preferences and constraints of stakeholders. Additionally, interdependencies between various non-functional properties are taken into account in the framework.MethodThe proposed framework combines Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) to compute the non-functional properties weights based on stakeholders’ preferences and interdependencies between non-functional properties. Afterwards, Hierarchical Task Network (HTN) planning is applied to find the optimal feature model configuration.ResultOur approach improves state-of-art of feature model configuration by considering positive or negative impacts of the features on non-functional properties, the stakeholders’ preferences, and non-functional interdependencies. The approach presented in this paper extends earlier work presented in [1] from several distinct perspectives including mechanisms handling interdependencies between non-functional properties, proposing a novel tooling architecture, and offering visualization and interaction techniques for representing functional and non-functional aspects of feature models.Conclusionour experiments show the scalability of our configuration approach when considering both functional and non-functional requirements of stakeholders.  相似文献   

Requirements engineering (RE) is among the most valuable and critical processes in software development. The quality of this process significantly affects the success of a software project. An important step in RE is requirements elicitation, which involves collecting project-related requirements from different sources. Repositories of reusable requirements are typically important sources of an increasing number of reusable software requirements. However, the process of searching such repositories to collect valuable project-related requirements is time-consuming and difficult to perform accurately. Recommender systems have been widely recognized as an effective solution to such problem. Accordingly, this study proposes an effective hybrid content-based collaborative filtering recommendation approach. The proposed approach will support project stakeholders in mitigating the risk of missing requirements during requirements elicitation by identifying related requirements from software requirement repositories. The experimental results on the RALIC dataset demonstrate that the proposed approach considerably outperforms baseline collaborative filtering-based recommendation methods in terms of prediction accuracy and coverage in addition to mitigating the data sparsity and cold-start item problems.  相似文献   

需求的不确定性和易变性一直是影响软件生命周期,困扰软件开发效率和开发质量的重要因素。通过对动力系统和软件复杂性理论的研究,提出了一种混沌演化模型,该模型可以对软件需求的演化过程进行指导,同时也可以评价需求过程的质量。研究表明,只要需求演化过程的变化图和模型的轨迹图一致,那么需求的演化过程就可以看成是正常的。通过对具体实例的分析,进一步说明了该模型在评价需求演化过程上是有效可行的。  相似文献   

Engineering secure software systems requires a thorough understanding of the social setting within which the system-to-be will eventually operate. To obtain such an understanding, one needs to identify the players involved in the system's operation, and to recognize their personal preferences, agendas and powers in relation to other players. The analysis also needs to identify assets that need to be protected, as well as vulnerabilities leads to system failures when attacked. Equally important, the analyst needs to take rational steps to predict most likely attackers, knowing their possible motivations, and capabilities enabled by latest technologies and available resources. Only an integrated social analysis of both sides (attackers/protectors) can reveal the full space of tradeoffs among which the analyst must choose. Unfortunately, current system development practices treat design decisions on security in an ad-hoc way, often as an afterthought. This paper introduces a methodological framework based on i*, for dealing with security and privacy requirements, namely, Secure-i*. The framework supports a set of analysis techniques. In particular, attacker analysis helps identify potential system abusers and their malicious intents. Dependency vulnerability analysis helps detect vulnerabilities in terms of organizational relationships among stakeholders. Countermeasure analysis supports the dynamic decision-making process of defensive system players in addressing vulnerabilities and threats. Finally, access control analysis bridges the gap between security requirement models and security implementation models. The framework is illustrated with an example involving security and privacy concerns in the design of electronic health information systems.In addition, we discuss model evaluation techniques, including qualitative goal model analysis and property verification techniques based on model checking.  相似文献   

The development of alliance-based software requires the collaboration of many stakeholders. These different stakeholders across multiple organizations form a complex social network. The goal of this paper is to develop a novel modeling framework, which will help task managers devise optimal workforce assignments considering both short-term and long-term aspects of the software development process. The proposed framework is composed of an assignment module and a prediction module. For a given task, the assignment module first selects a candidate workforce mix. Based on the candidate workforce mix, the prediction module then predicts the short-term performance (productivity) as well as the long-term performance (workforce training and robustness of the organization) of the organization. Then, the assignment module selects another candidate mix, and this iteration continues until an optimal workforce mix is found. The prediction module and the assignment module are based on an agent-based simulation method and a multi-objective optimization model, respectively. The proposed modeling framework is illustrated with a software enhancement request process in Kuali, an alliance-based open source software development project involving 12 organizations. The constructed framework is executed with varying parameters to demonstrate its use and benefit in the software enhancement process.  相似文献   

苏若  吴际  刘超  杨海燕 《计算机科学》2018,45(10):183-188
需求来源于不同利益相关方对现实系统的认识和期望。需求获取在整个软件产品的研发过程中至关重要,往往决定着软件产品的质量甚至成败。然而,由于各种复杂因素的影响,获取到的需求中往往存在不完整、不准确甚至冲突等缺陷。需求表达上的二义性、需求描述的不完整和不一致等是最常见的需求缺陷。文中提出一种基于多视角需求获取的卡牌模型和需求缺陷检测规则。在需求获取过程中,特别是在其初期,其能够发现来自各方需求信息中常见的不完整和不一致需求缺陷。最后,通过3组项目案例验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

软件需求开发方法研究是当前复杂软件系统开发中最重要的问题之一。本文首先基于软件开发生命周期模型,对软件需求开发工作进行了介绍。进而总结了软件需求所必须包含的内容,分析了软件需求的特性。基于迭代改进的开发方法,本文将需求开发工作分解为需求捕获、需求分析、需求编写和需求确认四部分活动,并对每部分工作的详细活动和目的进行了分析和总结。软件开发工程实践证明,科学的软件需求开发方法是提高软件开发效率,提高软件开发质量的重要手段。  相似文献   

We have been applying the stakeholder win–win approach to software engineering education. The key stakeholders we are trying to simultaneously satisfy are the students; the industry recipients of our graduates; the software engineering community as parties interested in improved practices; and ourselves as instructors and teaching assistants. In order to satisfy the objectives or win conditions of these stakeholders, we have formed a strategic alliance with the USC Libraries to have software engineering student teams work with Library clients to define, develop, and transition USC digital library applications into operational use. This adds another set of key stakeholders: the Library clients of our class projects. This paper summarizes our experience in developing, conducting, and iterating the course. It concludes by evaluating the degree to which we have been able to meet the stakeholder-determined course objectives.  相似文献   

A Software Product Line is a set of software systems of a domain, which share some common features but also have significant variability. A feature model is a variability modeling artifact which represents differences among software products with respect to variability relationships among their features. Having a feature model along with a reference model developed in the domain engineering lifecycle, a concrete product of the family is derived by selecting features in the feature model (referred to as the configuration process) and by instantiating the reference model. However, feature model configuration can be a cumbersome task because: 1) feature models may consist of a large number of features, which are hard to comprehend and maintain; and 2) many factors including technical limitations, implementation costs, stakeholders’ requirements and expectations must be considered in the configuration process. Recognizing these issues, a significant amount of research efforts has been dedicated to different aspects of feature model configuration such as automating the configuration process. Several approaches have been proposed to alleviate the feature model configuration challenges through applying visualization and interaction techniques. However, there have been limited empirical insights available into the impact of visualization and interaction techniques on the feature model configuration process. In this paper, we present a set of visualization and interaction interventions for representing and configuring feature models, which are then empirically validated to measure the impact of the proposed interventions. An empirical study was conducted by following the principles of control experiments in software engineering and by applying the well-known software quality standard ISO 9126 to operationalize the variables investigated in the experiment. The results of the empirical study revealed that the employed visualization and interaction interventions significantly improved completion time of comprehension and changing of the feature model configuration. Additionally, according to results, the proposed interventions are easy-to-use and easy-to-learn for the participants.  相似文献   

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